MTL - The Fallen Merman-Chapter 218

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Since the Huaerhua Pharmaceutical Factory suffered devastating damage, Hongli City has been in a semi-blocked state, and Han Xingqian showed the IOA work permit to the police officer at the expressway exit before being allowed to pass.

Bai Chunian sat in the passenger seat with his elbows on the edge of the open car window, letting the cold wind ruffle his hair.

"I haven't been out for a long time, I'm suffocated."

"The windows are closed, and I have the air conditioner on."

"I'll take a breath of fresh air and then talk about it." Bai Chunian took a few breaths, "Your car smells of fried melon seeds, it makes me hungry."

Han Xingqian coughed lightly.

Bai Chunian glanced at him curiously: "Sunflower pheromone?"

Han Xingqian hummed.

"Oh..." Bai Chunian leaned back on the back of the chair and licked his teeth, knowing everything he knew.

They first went to Jin Xi's home according to the address given by the technical department. Before being transformed into an immortal undead, he was called by this name.

The address given by the technical department is in a relatively expensive area of ​​Hongli City, and the greening of the community is also exquisite. Jin Xi's family conditions are not bad. Her mother is the chief physician of the city hospital, and her father is the vice president.

But they fluttered empty, no one at home.

Han Xingqian looked down at his watch: "I must be at work at this time."

Bai Chunian turned around and rang the doorbell of the neighbor on the opposite side. The security in Hongli City was really worrying recently, and he didn't open the door until the work witness's house was lit up.

The one who opened the door was a nanny who was wearing a hood and holding a mop. He looked suspiciously at the two strange alphas who were a head and a half taller than him through the crack of the door.

Bai Chunian asked about the situation of Jin Xi's family.

The nanny glanced at them and chatted with them: "His child has been lost for a year, and he called the police the night he lost it. The police said that the case would not be filed until the time was up. They left and there was nowhere to go. They only said they would go back and wait for the result. At first, the two couples searched all over the street and came back in the middle of the night. No result, I went back to work, but I often cried in the middle of the night and my body was broken."

"You know that kid?"

"I've met a few times, a very polite and honest child, and it's a pity to study."

"Do their families often have conflicts?" Han Xingqian added.

The nanny thought for a while: "Contradiction? That can't be the case. That child is honest, and he speaks with little mosquitoes. Even his parents are good. There are always patients' family members who bring gifts to thank them, but they never accept them. But people lose them. That night there was indeed a quarrel and things were smashed."

Bai Chunian touched his chin: "Auntie, do you know why they quarreled?"

"It seems that the child stole the tattoo, and the adults scolded him."

"Hey, okay, thank you auntie, you're busy."

Bai Chunian ran upstairs and downstairs to ask again, and he got similar words.

"Come on, let's go to the hospital." Bai Chunian put Han Xingqian's neck on his back and glanced at his watch, "Let's make a phone call first? Your doctors seem to be very busy when they go to work."

Sure enough, the nurse at the front desk of the hospital said that both doctors were in operation.

"Then go to school first."

Han Xingqian started the car and drove in the direction of the school according to the positioning given by the technical department.

The car was parked at the entrance of the No. 1 Middle School in Hongli City, and the two showed their IOA work cards to the security guard, explaining their intention, and entered the campus.

It is now three o'clock in the afternoon, and the students are all free to move around on the playground. The school entrance and the teaching building are empty, and only a few cleaning workers are wiping the handrails of the stairs.

When going upstairs, Bai Chunian caught a glimpse of the school's commendation list posted on the wall. All of them were top scholars in the disciplines over the years. Alongside their graduation photos, they wrote a message to encourage and cheer for their juniors.

Bai Chunian glanced at the entire message wall, and suddenly found Jin Xi's name next to a photo of a student named Chen Nan.

The graduate left a message: "Thanks to Jin Xi's help, I can get today's results, and I will pass on this kindness in the future."

"Jin Xi was only a sophomore in high school when he disappeared. How well did he study? Can he help graduates with their homework?" Bai Chunian made the calculations in his mind, and always felt that there was a problem.

Han Xingqian pointed to another graduate's message: "He is also thanking Jin Xi."

They went upstairs and found the sophomore office.

The head teacher of Class 2 and 1 of the high school was preparing for lessons with a thermos cup in the office. Two plainclothes alpha operators walked in with their work cards. The attitude was a little scary. The head teacher hurriedly put down the water cup and stood up, staring at them blankly.

As soon as they heard that they were here to inquire about Jin Xi's situation, the head teacher showed a clear expression, obviously answering a lot about Jin Xi.

"Jin Xi is usually inactive and very honest. He doesn't like to answer questions in get out of class, and he doesn't like to go out to play after class, but the classmates don't hate him and treat him well. Our class is very positive and there is no campus violence. ." The head teacher said confidently.

"Does he have any negative expressions? Like violent tendencies?"

"How come? Although he is very introverted, he is still willing to help others. He not only volunteered at the school hospital, but also made a nest for the stray cats in the school. The principal personally praised him at the last year's opening meeting."

Han Xingqian asked, "What exactly is he responsible for in the school hospital?"

"In general, when a large-scale sports event is held in the school, occasionally a student is injured. He helps to carry and take care of the injured classmate. He likes to do these things very much, and he is very happy every time."

"I saw a few graduates on the message wall outside, all thanking Jin Xi in the message, what's going on?"

"Oh, those two students are both his parents' patients. One has acute leukemia and the other has kidney failure. Jin Xi's parents are highly respected, and everyone who knows them respects them."

Han Xingqian raised his eyebrows slightly: "It's not a disease that can be cured in a short time."

"Did anything unusual happen at the school before he disappeared."

The head teacher's face suddenly looked a little unsightly, and he coughed.

Bai Chunian is best at observing words and expressions, grabbing the words and pressing them deeply.

"The IOA Search Section has the same powers as the Union Police Department, and if you fabricate or cover up the facts, we have the power to arrest you and lock down the school."

The head teacher hesitated for a moment, and said in a very low voice, "A year ago, a student fell to his death on the rooftop while fighting with his classmates. The parents of the two students are very well-connected. I heard that they only handled the withdrawal, and I don't know the others. clear."

"What was Jin Xi doing at that time?"

The head teacher thought about it for a long time, and took a look at last year's roll call: "Oh, he took a leave of absence and came back to class two days later. I gave him a very low grade in class performance. I feel that he is in a bad mood, and I don't know what happened. By the way, many top medical universities sent him invitation letters, some offered admission with reduced marks, some accepted direct referrals, and promised full scholarships, but this kid was very awkward, and none of them agreed. I asked Why, he just said he doesn't like this profession, I understand that, and my child doesn't want to be a teacher either."

Bai Chunian turned around and explained to Han Xingqian, "Notify the police station to send someone to investigate this matter."

Han Xingqian nodded and sent a message to the technical department.

They walked around the school and found a few students to ask questions. The descriptions of the students were more embellished and could not be used as a reference. Moreover, the students who were injured in the sports meeting have already graduated, and they cannot be contacted for the time being. They can only be handed over to the technical department for investigation.

Back in the car, Bai Chunian was always puzzled. Everyone's evaluation of Jin Xi was "honest and gentle", but where is the immortal soul honest? The slightest resemblance, or even the exact opposite.

"I've submitted the application, and the police station should send someone to investigate soon." Han Xingqian put the car in reverse, "Go to the hospital first to see what Jin Xi's parents say."

"Come on, I know the efficiency of the Alliance Police Station best." Bai Chunian raised the button Mai on his collar and said loudly, "Inform the procuratorial team to send someone directly into the police station, and those grandsons can't get out. One step at a time, I see who with such a background can block the mouths of the police station and find them all."

Bai Chunian was a little excited, closed the wheat, took a few breaths, took out a sedative from the medicine cabinet, bit the rubber tube and tied his arm, and injected it into the vein himself. Mood swings can also get worse and he has to be careful at all times.

"Are you OK."

"It's okay, I know." Bai Chunian breathed slowly, "If a student dies, it can be done. Isn't this against them?"

"Don't be angry." Han Xingqian looked ahead and slowly pointed the direction, "You have only lived among us for four years, so you are not used to it. Human beings are interconnected by a dense network of relationships, and it is normal to hide filth. but."

"I remember what the nanny said before." Han Xingqian thought thoughtfully, "It's not uncommon for family members of patients to bring gifts to visit their homes. Some family members have better access to the doctor's contact information and address. There are generally two purposes, one is that after the patient is cured, the family members come to thank him, and the other is that the patient is in critical condition and the family members come to beg."

Bai Chunian injected the sedative into his body, then untied the rubber tube, and threw the thing back into the medicine box. With the other hand, he flipped through Jin Xi's data file:

Jin Xi, tardigrade gland type, the differentiation level before disappearance is J1, the differentiation potential is A3, and the J1 differentiation ability is the angel on the cloud. This kind of glandular type that is mutated after the union of the parents is extremely rare, as rare as Han Xingqian's Pegasus glands. The water bear is extremely vigorous, and even has self-healing ability beyond the experimental body.

"I can almost guess what's going on." Bai Chunian held his cheeks and looked at the rapidly retreating street trees outside the window, "It's just that the school uniform is black and white, so I didn't think much about it."

"The immortal undead is the same as the soul he summoned. It has only three colors of black, white and gray." Bai Chunian called up the image taken at that time and checked it carefully. "The only color is the praying angel in the mirror under his feet."

They arrived near the hospital and waited for the end of Jin Xi's parents' surgery. They waited until seven o'clock in the evening, when the Inspectorate of the Procuratorial Team first sent a reply:

"We arrested the police officer involved. According to the account, in the incident of the fall of the students of Hongli No. 1 Middle School, the student who caused the accident had already transferred to another school, while the student who should have died has been cured and is studying at the No. 13 Middle School in Jiutan City. The truck that took Jin Xi away was owned by the employees of the parents of the student who caused the accident, so the police gave up the investigation.

After verification, although they took Jin Xi away, they quickly returned it in good condition and gave Jin Xi a million thanks. Jin Xi disappeared after this time. The body hunter took it away, and it has nothing to do with the parents of the two students. "

After Bai Chunian looked at it, he was already sure that his conjecture was correct.

Called again to inquire, and the front desk transferred it to Ms. Sun, Jin Xi's mother.

Ms. Sun had just completed an operation. When she heard that the IOA search section operator had taken over the case of her child's disappearance, she was so excited that she choked up and ran downstairs to cooperate with the investigation. The ground rushed down, and when he saw Bai Chunian, he grabbed Bai Chunian's shoulders, holding him tightly with his big broad hands, tears welling in his old eyes.

Bai Chunian took his hand off his arm indifferently, led them into an unoccupied place, turned around and said solemnly: "Don't get excited, we have already determined Jin Xi's position. But you should I know, once the case is taken over by the IOA, it means that the impact of this incident has become unmanageable. I don’t care what the confessions you give to the police station are. I hope that you can tell me without concealment. Tell the truth."

Ms. Sun opened her mouth and stopped talking, her face turned pale a little: "We love him very much, I regret it very much, if we communicate with him more instead of quarreling..."

Bai Chunian interrupted her cry: "Ma'am, please take control. This kidnapping and disappearance case has been accepted, and the Union Police Station will give you the final result. Now I don't care about your mood. Jin Xi's behavior is right now. Serious and bad influence on the city, my task is to find a way to control him, so I want to know the reason for his madness, you know?"

After she listened, she slumped against Mr. Jin's side, her lips were trembling all the time, and Mr. Jin thumped his chest, choked out his throat and explained it all.

Jin Xi's J1 differentiation ability is an angel on the cloud, a healing ability. When his injury level is the same as the target around him, he will stimulate resonance treatment and lead the injured to heal together. Jin Xi will not die or get sick. Any injury will heal on its own. From childhood to adulthood, it has become his duty and duty to heal the wounds of those around him.

Chen Nan, a senior in the same school as him, suffered from kidney failure. After finding the source of the kidney, he underwent emergency surgery. Jin Xi's father performed the operation himself. The operation has been going well, but later there was a rejection reaction. The student was critically ill, and the parents cried in the hospital, kneeling in front of Mr. Jin and begging.

The doctors are benevolent, and Mr. Jin was on the eve of the most important assessment, so he went home and discussed with his son whether he could save the child's life. Jin Xi agreed to take out a kidney and accompany Chen Nan to grow a new one. For him, it was just a matter of lying in the hospital bed for a few days. It was no big deal. in crisis.

Chen Nan recovered, and different patients came to ask Mr. Jin. Jin Xi agreed one by one with endless requests, and Mr. Jin was inevitably promoted along the way.

Mr. Jin always felt that his son was his pride and would inherit his mantle in the future, so he couldn't accept that his son went to a tattoo parlor to have a string of skulls and crossbones on his neck, got ear studs, and went home and said loudly to him, he He doesn't want to be a doctor, he's had enough, he wants to be a bad guy and do whatever he wants.

So there was a big fight. Jin Xi wrapped his white cloth scarf, grabbed his schoolbag and rushed out the door. The family never saw each other again.

"I'll be fair, you really deserve it..." Bai Chunian blurted out, and was dragged back into the car by Han Xingqian covering his mouth, and warned in a low voice, "Pay attention to the image of the IOA operator."

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