MTL - The Fallen Merman-Chapter 4

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Bai Chunian only has a small apartment of 100 square meters in the city. He usually does not stay at home when he is on duty. The small house looks very empty. Only a few half-eaten snacks and cigarette butts are piled on the coffee table in the living room. ashtray.

He took a bottle of water from the refrigerator, sat in front of the coffee table, unscrewed and drank half of the bottle, took a few sips of the lunch he ordered last night, and turned on the TV to watch the news. The mermaid was casually thrown on the floor by him.

"You tore off the cloth strips wrapped around your body. The cloth strips absorbed water and made the floor covered with water." Bai Chunian said while eating.

The mermaid listened attentively in confusion, guessed what Bai Chunian meant, and pointed to the bandage on his body: "Cuck"

"Don't say it if you can't speak, do you think you're cute like this?"

In fact, the mermaid couldn't fully understand Bai Chunian's language, but could only understand some simple words that were often heard, and guessed the meaning of alpha by relying on body movements and expressions.

So in the eyes of the mermaid, what Bai Chunian said was: "<-you<-x- very cute."

So the mermaid nodded and raised the tip of her slender tail to give Bai Chunian a heart.

Bai Chunian wiped his face helplessly.

The mermaid's actions on land can be said to be very clumsy. She twisted her body to lie on the side of the coffee table, glanced at the things on the table, and suddenly took a fancy to the half bottle of water that Bai Chunian had in her hand. He opened the bottle cap, suddenly shoved the front end of the mineral water bottle into his mouth fiercely, bit off half of the bottle with a click and ate it, then sipped gracefully two mouthfuls to quench his thirst, and ate the remaining half of the bottle. .

Bai Chunian didn't care about him anymore.

After finishing the last bite, Bai Chunian bent down and grabbed the mermaid's tail, dragged the omega into the bathroom, turned on the shower and poured cold water on the mermaid's face, and rudely rubbed the stains on his face.

The mermaid was quiet and tried his best to keep still, but when Bai Chunian pulled out a pair of scissors from the drawer, squatted on the ground, grabbed the mermaid's slender wrist, and wanted to help him cut the bandages all over his body, the mermaid moved erratically. struggle.

Alpha's strength is always stronger, Bai Chunian clenched his wrist tightly: "Don't move, disgusting, cut it and wrap it again."

The bandage on the mermaid is more used for moisturizing on land. The moist bandage wraps the upper body to prevent the skin from being dry and dehydrated and sunburned.

The mermaid stared blankly at the scissors in Bai Chunian's hand, looked at the sharp blade in horror, and wanted to withdraw his hand. The two were of the same level. Even if Bai Chunian was an alpha, he would not have too absolute power to suppress the mermaid. The mermaid not only broke free When the two saw it, the mermaid's hand accidentally swept Bai Chunian's face.

It looks like it slapped the alpha.


The "a" mermaid didn't use much effort, and didn't even realize that he had done anything wrong, so he was stunned when he heard the other party shouting his name.

Bai Chunian's face darkened, he picked out a bundle of bandages from the medicine box and threw it to the manfish.

"I don't care, you can do it yourself."

Bai Chunian was not used to taking a bath, so there was no bathtub in the bathroom. He filled the washing machine with water and let the fish soak in it to avoid dying from lack of water on land. He closed the bathroom door and went out to watch TV.

The news channel was broadcasting the explosion of the ruins of the suburban playground. The medical staff covered the corpses in the ruins and carried them out one by one. The police and firefighters cordoned off the surrounding area to maintain order.

Bai Chunian has been a special mission commander in the alliance for three years. It is easy for him to avoid or destroy all monitoring equipment when designing an escape route. No one can find any clues.

The screen of the mobile phone next to him flashed twice, and the note "Boss" was called by President Yan Yi. Bai Chunian thought about it for a while, took a deep breath and answered the phone.

Yan Yi's voice on the phone was a little serious: "Where are you?"

Bai Chunian replied in a low voice, "Home."

"You brought home a special experimental subject and unplugged his suppressor without authorization"

"Yes, so what?" Bai Chunian said impatiently, "I've worn that thing before, and it hurts terribly."

"You can see how dangerous he is. Take him back to the Alliance Laboratory for inspection immediately. The destructive power of the special experimental body is uncontrollable."

"He's very good." Bai Chunian absently tugged at the cigarette **** in the ashtray. After a long time, he pursed his lips and assured, "I'm watching him, he won't go out and destroy things."

"Xiao Bai, do you want me to download the search file?"


Just when Bai Chunian was trying to argue with President Yan, another phone call came in. Bai Chunian glanced at the screen and immediately called Yan Yi, "Boss, my Uncle Jin has something to do with me, so I'll hang up first. I guess it's something urgent, I'll call you back later."

Before Yan Yi could say the second half of his sentence, Bai Chunian hung up the phone first, and before he could relax, Lu Shangjin's call came in again.

"Uncle Jin, I have something to do." Bai Chunian was confused by this mess, and rubbed his temples to answer.

Lu Shangjin didn't say anything specific on the phone, but asked Bai Chunian to go to his company to find him.

Bai Chunian picked up his jacket wearily, took off the gun belt and went out the door with the car key.

Lu Shangjin is the current boss of Feiying Group. He is a light-weight figure in the International Chamber of Commerce. He is also the alpha husband of President Yan Yi. To Bai Chunian, he is both a boss and an elder. He is usually taken care of by Uncle Jin. The sports cars are all given by Uncle Jin.

Lu Shangjin was waiting for him in his lounge. The alpha figure in his forties was still well-maintained. He wore a suit jacket and browsed documents leisurely with coffee in front of the mahogany table.

"Just sit down, there is no one in the company today." Lu Shangjin asked his assistant to bring a fresh cut of fruit to Bai Chunian, "Has Yanyi assigned you any tasks in the past two days?"

Bai Chunian ate the cored cherries with a silver stick, and answered vaguely, "There are a lot of chores in the alliance."

"Okay, I'll tell Yanyan back and let him give you a vacation." Lu Shangjin smiled, "I have something to do, help uncle."

Bai Chunian raised his eyebrows: "Just say it."

Lu Shangjin pushed over an exam registration form: "My son is about to take the atwl exam, and he says he won't listen. Most of the candidates in this exam are alphas. I'm worried that his little o will be injured. Even if he is not injured, his self-esteem will suffer. It's a blow, and the father also feels distressed."

The atwl exam is the advanced team combat level exam. Group admission, free use of all firearms and tools in the exam room, and survival for 48 hours counts as a pass. Completing random tasks on the basis of passing will add points. At the same time, candidates are allowed to fight with each other.

Bai Chunian choked for a moment: "You mean to let me take the student exam. What should I do if I beat up a bunch of little kids and cry."

This kind of test is actually not fair. Rich and powerful families always have a way to take advantage of the loopholes. Please invite a few powerful thugs to take their children in. Three guarantees and one will definitely allow their children to get good grades. There are even special fees on the market. An industrial chain of Qian team is just expensive, and families with ordinary backgrounds cannot afford it.

Lu Shangjin didn't take it seriously: "Aren't you still in your twenties? Besides, who told you to beat them to tears, I'll let you take care of my son, you act, don't be too strong, be stupid, don't hurt my son Self-esteem."

Bai Chunian thought for a while: "Okay, but I also want to ask you something."

Lu Shangjin hummed while flipping through the documents.

"I have a friend who made a little mistake and is hiding in my house now. I'm afraid the boss will get angry and take him back." Bai Chunian's face did not blushed and his heart skipped a beat, "My friend is also quite strong, you If my son's team lacks a few people, I can take him in to hide. After 48 hours, the boss may lose his temper, and he can hide for a while."

"What friend"

Bai Chunian weighed and answered, "He has no legs, so walking is not very convenient."

Lu Shangjin thought thoughtfully: "Oh, the disabled, so pitiful. Okay, no problem, I'll talk to Yanyi. It's ridiculous to hold on to the child even if you're disabled."

Bai Chunian breathed a sigh of relief, and after a while, he went home to see how the fish was doing.

When he opened the door, he smelled the fragrance of laundry detergent, Bai Chunian was stunned, and stepped on the standing water on the ground.

Following the stagnant water to the bathroom door, Bai Chunian snorted in his heart.

Pushing open the bathroom door, a large piece of laundry detergent bubbles flew out, smearing Bai Chunian's face. On the ground was an empty bottle of blue moon shell laundry detergent, and the walls were covered with foam and water. Sit in circles with a start-up washing machine.

"Ancestor" Bai Chunian madly pinched his own people.

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