MTL - The Fallen Merman-Chapter 9

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A morning passed quickly, and the sunlight simulated by the weather system was no different from the real world.

Bai Chunian has read Lu Yan and Bi Lanxing's task books, and the rest of the places are not in one place. Lu Yan's second task is located in the hospital. According to the map, it takes 15 minutes to drive from the library to the hospital. The distance is very long. close.

But there is one thing worth noting. Bai Chunian has been distracted to pay attention to the killing broadcast above the sky. There is a team called the ghost hunter who frequently kills the enemy. Roughly counted, they have broadcasted about twenty-nine ghost hunts. As for the killing information of the regiment, the most broadcasted name was He So-called of the Sougui Group. This person called He So-called was broadcasted at least nineteen times, and the names of the other three members were also broadcast several times.

It was only two hours before the exam started, and the ghost hunters had already won nearly 30 people. The city map was huge, and it was impossible to put seven or eight teams in the same place when assigning candidates. I understand that the ghost hunters are driving around looking for people to kill. Their tactic is probably to take advantage of the initial crowd, get full head points, and then go to the task after killing almost everyone.

On the surface, this tactic is indeed very efficient, but in fact it is very easy to die halfway. Atwl is a survival test. If the team accidentally hits a hard nail in the middle, and the entire army is wiped out before 48 hours, then even if you take more The head score can only be regarded as unqualified.

As we all know, in the atwl exam, the behavior of helping the exam has been repeatedly banned, and even an industrial chain has been formed. There are many retired mercenaries and unemployed criminals who have just been released from prison. The ghost search group must be extremely confident in their own strength.

Bai Chunian sat lazy under the load-bearing beam, absent-mindedly fiddled with the collected amplifier, and hummed softly: "This one has met a fairy. It seems that it is not as simple as asking for help."

Rimbaud was attached to the steel beam of the library with the strong electromagnetic force of the fish tail, the fish tail was coiled between the steel, and he slightly raised his chin to listen to the killing broadcast. Although he is unfamiliar with human language, he is very sensitive to frequently receiving repeated information. The Ghost Hunter has obviously aroused Rimbaud's interest.

"Come down." Bai Chunian patted the position beside him.

Lan Bo walked and crawled down the steel beam and sat beside Bai Chunian.

Seeing that he was holding the python revolver, Bai Chunian kept disassembling and reloading bullets, and teased, "I want to fight."

Lan Bo shook his head gently, stretched out his arms and surrounded Bai Chunian in the corner of the wall, in a protective posture.

Bai Chunian was stunned for a moment. He forgot that with Lanbo's understanding of human technology, it was impossible to understand the physical touch holographic VR. He must have regarded the present as a real battlefield.

"Protect me." Bai Chunian raised the corners of his lips, his thumb and forefinger pinched Lan Bo's left and right cheeks, pressed out two sockets, and smiled coldly, "Then you were so cruel to me back then, just to make peace with you. I grabbed a place to get out of prison, and you forgot I didn't forget."

"Just because of your little ability, you even had a one-on-one fight with me. I originally planned to let you go, let you go out, and be free. You don't need to be so anxious, and you don't have to be so cruel to me."

Lan Bo listened calmly at first, but later became more and more eager to understand Bai Chunian's meaning, because he understood Bai Chunian's eyes, and he looked helpless and sad, a bit fierce.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of omega, Bai Chunian pinched Lanbo's face again: "What if you escaped, you still haven't been caught by me, tell me, do you like me or not?"

Lan Bo pursed his lips and looked around helplessly. Lu Yan, who was planning the route on the side, finally couldn't stand it any longer, and pulled Bai Chunian's hand from Lan Bo's face: "He can't even talk, why are you bullying him? "

Bai Chunian shrugged indifferently: "Please give the adults a little time to teach their wives, little rabbit."

"That's you." Lu Yan glanced at Bai Chunian, and with a bang, he pulled up the electromagnetically adsorbed Lanbo on the ground and carried him away, dragging his long tail all the way.

After resting in place for ten minutes, he set off. Bai Chunian drove, first went to the gas station to fill up the fuel tank, and then went to the hospital. Lu Yan's second task was to find a hallucinogenic drug in the hospital, and the hospital was also a fixed ammunition. If the time of entering the hospital is not suitable, a war of attrition is inevitable.

Bai Chunian bought a pack of cigarettes and drove at full speed on the highway with the cigarette **** in his mouth, but unfortunately he didn't steal the sports car, otherwise he would be able to get over the addiction of a road killer.

Lu Yan: "Why are you driving so fast?"

Bai Chunian: "Hey, I've been too busy recently, I haven't been racing for a long time, so now I look at Wuling Hongguang downstairs with a clear face."

As they were speaking, a bright green Lamborghini passed them by, with a thumping noise, and it swept toward the end of the road.

Bai Chunian brushed off the ash from the window: "I chased, they are just two of them."

Lu Yan leaned over halfway to the driver's seat: "Can you catch up?"

"Yes, Daniel's fuel consumption is 27 liters per 100 kilometers in economic mode, and there is no gas station where they come from, so sooner or later they will stop refueling."

Sure enough, the eye-piercing green stopped from the villa area in the distance, and two alphas in uniforms jumped out of the car and went upstairs with guns.

Bai Chunian deliberately lowered the speed, drove slowly close to the villa area, parked the car in the shadow of the greenery, and tapped the steering wheel with his fingertips to wait for the opportunity.

"They went to the second floor and went to the balcony. Little rabbits, you two will go over and clear them directly."

Lu Yan and Bi Lanxing nodded, took out the gun from the belt and loaded it, ready to get out of the car.

For the sake of concealment, they parked on the back of the balcony and could not see the movement of the balcony from the parking direction. They could only guess the enemy's position based on experience and sound.

At this time, the sky broadcast suddenly came to kill the broadcast:

What is the so-called ghost group killing Gou and Meng Rui respectively

Gui Wuxuan kills Gou and fights Yuan Kong respectively

"Wait a minute." Bai Chunian stopped Lu Yan and Bi Lanxing who were about to get out of the car and attacked, released the handbrake, turned around, and quickly drove away from the villa area on a narrow road.

"Hey, why did we leave?" Lu Yan was reluctant to get the two heads, lying on the glass of the car and looking back frequently.

Bai Chunian drove with one hand and put the other hand on the passenger seat: "I think the two Lamborghinis were destroyed."

"But no gunshots were heard."

"The two kills jumped out together, and they were both ghost hunters. They may have killed these two people with their bare hands or cold weapons. They were ambushed in the villa area and fished with other teams. When we entered, we were overshadowed by these beasts. "

Lu Yan shuddered: "Isn't your marksmanship quite suitable, you are afraid of them?"

Bai Chunian laughed: "I'm afraid you're gone."

"Bah." Lu Yan held his breath.

"It's alright, the team called Gou respectively has not announced that the team is destroyed. The remaining two should be not far away. Search from the vicinity to see if you can find the rest and kill them."

Bai Chunian drove around the neighborhood, and when he passed the kindergarten, he heard the movement of tables and chairs.

"Tsk, whose little cutie is here." Bai Chunian turned the car and drove directly into the main building of the kindergarten. The four of them went upstairs from two directions, blocking the retreat of the people inside.

A dark shadow flashed across the dance hall, which was captured sensitively by Bai Chunian. Bai Chunian exchanged the m25 on his back for Lan Bo, and put Lan Bo's python revolver on the stepped seat of the dance hall, and told him through the communicator. Lu Yan: "The one from the dance hall helped you stand up, come over and knock it out, and then go to double-team the other one."

"Received." Lu Yan grabbed the sand eagle and looked through the window to find it. The diffuser that kicked over the dance hall fell from the sky, and the gun was aimed at a member of Gou's separate team.

Two gunshots came from the silent dance hall.

Broadcasting kill information:

Just hit Lu Yan, kill Gou, and fight Ali

At the same time, Lu Yan fell to the ground with his collarbone being shot, clutching the bullet hole that was gushing out in pain, and the blood bar on his chest plummeted to the bottom.

Bai Chunian's heart sank, just now he perfectly held the man, although that man had a gun in his hand, but with Bai Chunian's marksmanship, this man could not have the chance to shoot and injure Lu Yan.

There are snipers farther away.

Bai Chunian followed the bullet hole that broke the floor-to-ceiling window to search for the distance, and a small reflection made him lock the position of the sniper.

Bai Chunian narrowed his eyes and looked at it, the man's appearance was somewhat familiar. It seems to be the greyhound omega that I met before entering the venue, called Xiao Tun.

"Tsk, this stinky sniper." Bai Chunian helped Lu Yan to stop the bleeding, and injected the recovery injection into the blood volume bar to replenish it as soon as possible.

Rimbaud placed the m25 on a high point, his eyes became cold, his sapphire blue pupils passed through the scope, and an indifferent and handsome face of an omega appeared in his field of vision. Xiao Xun was also aiming at him at the same time.

"Ranbo, be right with him." Bai Chunian believed in Lanbo's marksmanship, and all the special operations experimental subjects were firearms experts, and there was no weapon that he was not good at.

Almost at the same instant, two gunshots exploded at two points far and near.

The short tenth of a few seconds was as long as a century. Rimbaud groaned suddenly, was shot in the collarbone, and was knocked two meters away by the huge impact of the sniper bullet. minus, leaving only a hint of red.

The sky was silent, and there was no killing broadcast.

Bai Chunian was stunned.

Rimbaud, he has never met that greyhound omega.

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Read The Duke's Passion