MTL - The Fallen Merman-~ Once Upon a Spellcaster: The Golden Apple

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On the day of escaping from the research institute buried by the blazing flames, it was I who brought out Knicks, because he was a little stubborn, and he had to spend a lot of time to save his life and make a detour back to the specimen room to bring out Adrian and my original body. There must be a great meaning to something, although I don't understand it.

The human body is too fragile, Nix kept coughing from the smoke, I smashed the porcelain on my chest, let him bury his face in it, breathe the clean air in my empty chest, I carried him away, But he made my body not tall enough, not strong enough, I always drag his feet on the ground, but I don't dare to twist the sacred clockwork recklessly, I am afraid that when the huge force hits this ceramic body I can't bear it, and I'm afraid I can't bear the sad eyes of the Knicks.

Fortunately, he was dragged back in the end. When I climbed out with him on my back, the outside had turned into a pile of rubble. It seemed that the eldest brother of the divine envoy had gone crazy outside and started killing. But he is too good at acting, that's why humans recognize him as the same kind. Today, he couldn't hide it, so he showed his tricks. It's a pity that I can't watch this lively anymore, and I'm in a hurry to take the Knicks home.

After returning to Snow White, I cleaned up the mess for Miss Peacock and the others. Knicks has been very weak, lying in bed, lethargic, only awake for a short time every day for a week, but he will ask me every day when he wakes up. What am I doing in the meantime.

What can I do, I wait for him to wake up with the slippers on the floor.

It wasn't until I was asked by him for three consecutive days that I started to think what I should do, so when he woke up on the fourth day, I honestly said that I played with my ceramic tongue for a while while he was sleeping, After listening, he scolded me, scolded me for a long time, and then asked me why, I don't know, didn't he want me to do something.

It seems that Knicks hasn't lied down any more since then, and his spirit has recovered a lot. It seems that the kiss I gave the princess has played a role. (The story of Snow White was told to me by him. When I retold it to the children in the castle, I added a little bit of oil and vinegar, and made up some scenes where the princess killed the queen, dismembered and cooked it and finally ate it, so the children Never pestering the Knicks to tell this story, it's my own.)

Knicks took out Adrian's body and asked me if I wanted to change back to my original body, but my body is more beautiful and stronger now, even if this castle collapses into ruins I will not fall, I am Eris, will forever watch over the snow of Mount Lawrence.

He didn't say much, just pushed Adrian's body into the incinerator, then squatted down and waited. He doesn't smoke, and waiting means thinking in a different place for him. I really want to know what he is thinking. I used to have a brain, but later I found out that it makes no difference.

The Knicks asked me, do you remember being a kid?

He was actually interested in my past, so I knelt down and told him about it.

My childhood was actually quite happy. The priest in the church adopted me. Every day I listened to the people coming and going in the church confessing their sins, and I liked hearing about their bad luck.

The priest loves me so much, he often praises my body, my face, he calls me a girly nickname Alice, he sniffs my fingers and feet, touches my body under the statue, how much he loves me Ah, but I cut off his yinjing with a nun's silver scissors that I stole from outside. There is no reason in this world. He loves me and I will love him.

I also regret that I hurt the only person in the world who loves me. He no longer loves me and handed me over to the doctor who came to town to treat the nuns voluntarily.

After I left church, I swore that I would never hurt anyone who loved me again, and that I would be loyal to him with all my heart, no matter how bad-tempered or disgusting that person was.

After arriving at the institute, the researchers examined me and guided the differentiation. The pain was a little painful, but they told me that doing this would make me popular, and I was very willing.

The first ability I differentiated was "bad luck", the researchers were not in a good mood after seeing the results, and I was the same, really unlucky!

I think at least there is still a chance to reverse the fate, maybe the second capability is a powerful nuclear bomb or a money printing machine that sprays money?

However, after the long guidance and differentiation training, the second differentiation ability I appeared was "horror movie", this ability can pull people into his most fearful situation, but what's the fun of it, when they were frightened, I I was also frightened, I don't like to use this ability very much, it will affect my sleep quality.

I have given up hope for my differentiation ability. Later, I completed the third-order differentiation, and the third differentiation ability appeared "like the abyss", hey, it's boring.

The training to guide the differentiation is very simple. It is to replace my limbs with ceramic limbs one by one, and thread them together with sutures. The replacement is completed in fifty-three times. My whole body, except for the glands, has become a ceramic product. Then I'm no longer Adrian, the researchers gave me a new name, Eris, the Greek goddess of discord and strife, who started the Trojan War with a golden apple.

After the brain was removed, I used the battle chip to think. In fact, there was not much difference. Anyway, I didn’t think often. Except that my emotions seemed to be a little more irritable, everything else was as usual.

The researchers didn't lie to me, I really became popular, A3-level full mimic experiment, I was their top work, I waited for them to cheer for me, but they only looked at me with more fearful and cautious eyes I, I was so bored, I killed a lot of researchers when the suppressor failed, but I kept my oath and never changed.

Later, I was packaged up for sale. The researchers tied a large bowknot of soil powder around my neck, pasted some barcodes on my body, stuffed a stack of product manuals into the box that I was carrying, then closed the box and nailed it. Sealing nails, I was bumped in the dark all day before being violently unloaded by the courier company.

I saw an alpha through the gap, a solid German with long blond hair like my cursed thread. He was wearing a leather apron with nothing but a plain blue shirt, and he was wearing gloves, busy counting between the goods, talking to the workers in German and Italian, which I couldn't understand.

I sat up and waited for him to come. At this time, I thanked the earth pink bow that the researcher gave me. I straightened the bow and showed my most gentleman side. I prepared ten greetings and waited for him decently. Come.

I waited so long and he was just busy counting the guns and grenades, it was hilarious, I'm so much better than them.

Are you not here yet?

Oh comeon please, please come to me next.

He didn't come after all, and some arrogant men pushed me into the warehouse full of gunpowder. I was almost driven crazy by the foul-smelling darkness.

Darkness makes me cranky.

Across the cage, I manipulate the people who walk around and look at me, the one who taunts me makes him drink water and choke on the intake pipe, the one who hits me with the **** of a gun makes him smoke and light the sheets, and the one who kicks my cage makes him shoot When he exploded, I made obscene gestures to me and let him walk on the ground with stray bullets. The bad luck was enough to kill people, and I didn't even need to move a finger.

The blond alpha is finally here, I'm looking at his silhouette in the dark, I'm so disappointed, I'll kill him and give him my bow.

He fumbled around me for a while and found an outlet, and then a lamp came on, disrupting my plans.

He hunched over, his hair falling to his cheeks, and asked me in English, "Can you be quieter this way?"

His eyes were like a pair of shining tsavorite gems, and his voice was like the collision of gems, as if the whole person was expensive and hung with a tag that I couldn't afford.

He put his hand in the cage and put it to my lips, he probably didn't know I could break his bones, he was arrogant.

Of course I knew he didn't love me, but he touched my face.

I rubbed it against his palm, it was warm, nearly ninety-eight degrees Fahrenheit, a temperature I almost forgot.

Later he carved the doll next to me, we shared a little light on the table, he was a generous man, his name was Nix, others would call him a puppeteer.

The body in the incinerator was almost exhausted, and Nix had heard enough of my rambling, stood up to put out the fire, and pulled out the ashes collected in the drawer below.

"Should I throw it away?" I asked him.

Nix did not agree, he took away the ashes drawer, the artist's thinking was really unusual.

I went out for a walk while he was working, yes, I was just jealous, I hated Knicks to take the bodies of other dolls and carve them, and I had to help him beside him, handle those dolls gently End in end out, dare not break any piece.

There was a lot of chaos in the castle, and some experimental subjects who ate free food combined with each other, and gave birth to a litter of free food snacks.

Sister Peacock has recently become obsessed with listening to Chinese opera. She hums and jumps to a section from time to time. The emperor crocodile will only cheer her up. She says anything about singing, but it's actually so unpleasant that her throat is like being pecked by a chicken.

Xiaoxiao Jianba actually went to be a teacher at the Nursery Academy, and taught a group of Xiaojiba, who followed behind his buttocks and babbled, not knowing which language they were speaking.

The dragonfly girl is diligent. Because of her wings, it is convenient to fly around. She often goes to the town at the foot of the mountain to buy some unnecessary things.

I was in charge of the gates and sat on the hands of the great clock of the castle, lest IOA or PBB come to the door.

Nix warned us that for the next twenty years, we will not be allowed to appear in the sight of human beings, and take a 20-year break before making plans. In fact, I could tell that his fighting spirit was disintegrating, and he was a man who preferred to sit by the fire and make dolls rather than go out and fight with the armed forces.

At the end of the night, I went back to the Knicks' workshop. He fired a new doll. The total size of the doll was only the size of the palm of the hand, and the joints of the limbs were very delicate. He wore the goggles to operate carefully, and the look of his concentration made me angry.

"Eris, don't break my parts."

He seemed to hear my voice and warned me in advance.

"Hey, oh." I raised my spirits and responded to him, "I'll make a dress for this little baby later? After that, print your red-backed spider logo on his back waist? Give him a kiss on completion. Lucky for you, this **** thing."

Hey, I seem to be dizzy, Knicks seems to smile, and since the deterioration of the pupils, I can see things a little blurry.

I didn't want to stay with him for such a stupid night, I slept on his lap first.

When awakened by the birdsong in the morning, Nix was still painting the doll's cheeks with color powder.

Okay, let me see what this doll looks like, with a cupid slap in the face, a racist white skin with a high nose bridge, acerbic thin lips, an annoying tongue sticking out, and a pair of mold parasites. Pale green eyes, it just reminds me of...myself.

This is a miniature version of Adrian's ball joint doll wearing the same overalls as mine.

Knicks took off the goggles, rubbed his eyes, and handed me the doll: "You can play with it."

"I..." I didn't have time to wash my hands, so I had to rub my palms on my pants before taking it.

It's so pretty.

Knicks went to the sink to wash his hands on his own, mumbling how cold the water is.

I sneaked up on him from behind, took a bite on his neck, and injected a little pheromone. This was revealed to me by my eldest brother when he was showing it off to me, which his wife often does to him.

I suddenly had a strong desire to mark him, but I regretted it when my teeth pressed against his skin. My mark was a doll of death and sunny, and whoever got it was unlucky.

But I thought about it again, I'm already unlucky enough to be on the stall, is there still room for decline?

I bit him, and Knicks covered the back of his neck in pain, slapped me and said, "Don't mess up."

Instead of injecting pheromones into it, I took the pen he used to color the doll and drew a golden apple on the back of his neck.

A gift from Eris.

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