MTL - The First Order-Chapter 1187 Vertical pupil

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The world suddenly fell silent.

In the early morning, the bonfire that was just extinguished by Qian Weining was still emitting white smoke. Some of the soldiers under Qian Weining nibbled with the baked dry cake, and then chewed, slowly staying in a dull state.

The eyes of true vision are in Ren Xiaosu's hands, and they look like Ferrero produced by Middle-earth Candy Company. To be honest, no matter whether it is Mei Ge or Qian Weining, I have never seen it. Such a shocking scene.

What is the real eye? It was Mego ’s father who used something that he had not pursued in his life. It was the dream of ninety percent of the wizarding country, regardless of age or sex.

A true vision eye represents a wizard, and Ren Xiaosu's true vision eye is enough to buy over most of the wizarding country, including Qian Weining.

Looking at the entire wizarding country, few people can really refuse the temptation of the real eye.

"Adult ..." Qian Weining stopped talking. He wanted to ask where this real eye came from, whether it was true or false.

But he combined with what happened before in Winston City, and he already got the answer in his heart, so there is no need to ask for an exit.

Qian Weining has reason to believe that the 61 true eyes lost by the Winston family should now be in the hands of Ren Xiaosu.

Ruthless, this is real ruthlessness.

Qian Weining began to sweat in his palm. He knew what these true sights meant to him and what he meant to the brothers behind him.

Although he also realized at this moment, how crazy the Berkeley family and the Winston family would do in order to get back these real eyes.

However, those worries and worries can not withstand the immediate temptation.

After leaving Winston City, Qian Weining also changed into civilian clothes. Because of the hot weather, he had already unbuttoned several buttons on his shirt, so everyone could clearly see him swallowing saliva As a result, the protruding throat swings up and down.

"Master, do you mean to reward them to us?" Qian Weining said hardly.

"Yes," Ren Xiaosu smiled and regained his true vision into the palace: "From today, Master Mego will teach you how to meditate at night when you camp, and the simple wizard language. You can practice with the eyes of the true vision. However, before you can actually cast the spell, I will keep the eyes of the true vision. "

Qian Weining was shocked when he heard this: "As long as we can release witchcraft, will you give us the eyes of true vision?"

"Of course," Ren Xiaosu said with a smile: "I don't need to lie to you, let's go to Ghent City as soon as possible. I still have something to do."

Qian Weining got hot in his heart: "Okay, let's go!"

Until this moment, talents such as Qian Weining were truly willing to sell their lives.

Although he had sworn allegiance before, he still hoped to use this to protect himself, but now it is different. They already have a new goal: to become a wizard!

On the way, Chen Jingshu came to Ren Xiaosu and whispered: "Are you ... really planning to give those real eyes to them?"

"Of course," Ren Xiaosu calmly replied: "Anyway, we can get a lot in the future."

When she heard this, Chen Jingshu's breathing stopped for a moment. She knew that Ren Xiaosu could still get a lot in the future, what does it mean ...

A true eye can make a wizard, and every time Ren Xiaosu gets a real eye, it means that the wizard organization will lose a wizard ...

Before changing, Chen Jingshu would think that Ren Xiaosu must be crazy, but now she can only be silent, because Ren Xiaosu has proved what she said with facts.

Ren Xiaosu glanced at Chen Jingshu and said, "If you want to get some work, you will naturally have to be kind and energetic, and they learn sorcery on the road, so they have no energy to think about.

"But you don't have a meditation picture," Chen Jingshu said: "This means they can't master high-level witchcraft."

"It's okay, Norman and the Tudor family have it," Ren Xiaosu replied with a smile.

When camping again that night, the ingredients were quite rich.

Ren Xiaosu directly asked Mega to use the summoning technique to get four sheep out, one fatter than the other.

Xiaomei thought secretly, and Ren Xiaosu used his summoning technique as his life skill.

Chen Jingshu and An An were surprised to see this scene: "Is this a long-lost summoning technique?"

"Yes," Xiaomei admitted with a bit of a toothache.

Chen Jingshu and others held back for a while and said, "It's quite practical ..."

Xiaomei: "..."

At this time, Ren Xiaosu suddenly discovered that the two sheepmen, Li Gongcheng and Liu Ting, were circling around the fourth sheep summoned. He was a little puzzled: "What do you know?"

Li Gongcheng and Liu Ting immediately changed their faces: "What do you know and don't know, how can you be the same as scolding people!"

They were afraid that Ren Xiaosu would mention his unbearable past and hurriedly hid to the side to whisper.

And Ren Xiaosu looked at the reactions of the two sheepmen and said that he would not have guessed it? !

He looked at the fourth sheep, and suddenly found the words 178 on the sheep's **** being ironed with a soldering iron ...

Ren Xiaosu was shocked on the spot, and Xiaomei even summoned the sheep of 178 fortress? !

This is a loss of collective assets!

However, this matter proved another thing for Ren Xiaosu: the thing summoned by summoning is indeed a creature in this world, and there is no different world.

Anyway, Ren Xiaosu does not believe that there are also sheep with 178 numbers on their buttocks!

What did you encounter when you opened the door to the starry sky? The other party must exist in a corner of the world.

Is it a mutated creature? Ren Xiaosu is not quite sure yet.

Before dark, Qian Weining and others swiftly set fire to cook meals, set up tents, and then lined up one by one in a square matrix, sitting neatly in front of Mego.

Xiaomei looked at the more than one hundred men in front of him, and the more than one hundred pairs of eyes stared at him shining brightly, making him feel numb for a while.

He looked to Ren Xiaosu for help: "I haven't taught so many people ..."

"Afraid of anything," Ren Xiaosu urged: "You are the one who will do big things in the future, how can this small scene be uncontrollable?"

Chen Jingshu said aside: "Should I teach them?"

"No," Ren Xiaosu denied: "Xiaomei must be taught."

Ren Xiaosu also has his own idea. In the future, he wants to promote Xiaomei as the head of the Northwest Branch of Daxing. How can he train his team to fake others?

After finishing the wizarding kingdom, Qian Weining and others are Xiaomei's students, and this relationship will always be useful.

In case Chen Jingshu deliberately attracted Qian Weining and others in the process of teaching, and caused these people to fall to the side of the church, it is likely that Xiaomei was elevated.

Who knows what the internal thinking looks like after two hundred years of organization in this church? What if there is a longing for power?

At this time, Qian Weining took the lead in sitting on the ground, and didn't think it was dirty.

The soldiers from this group of burning knights all had their backs straight. Ren Xiaosu sent 60 real-sighted eyes straight down, and even issued a book and a pen to these soldiers.

Ren Xiaosu urged: "Make class notes, you can still ride to review it during the day! Li Gongcheng and Liu Ting, you are the class representatives from today, remember to check everyone's class notes!

Li Gongcheng, Liu Ting, and Xiao Mei were all ignorant, completely looking like they were catching ducks on the shelves.

Ren Xiaosu didn't care what they thought, after explaining these things, he went to study the witchcraft alone in a place where no one was.

After confirming that there were no people around, Ren Xiaosu took out his black real vision and said softly, "Daxing Northwest!"

The bright starry gate appeared slowly, surrounded by sparks, witchcraft opened another world for Ren Xiaosu again!

Originally Ren Xiaosu was also worried about the roar of fierce beasts after this star gate, but this time, the opposite side was quiet.

Ren Xiaosu looked through the half-meter-diameter star gate to the opposite side, but it seemed to be because of the wrong angle, and he saw nothing.

Ren Xiaosu did n’t even dare to take a breath for a while, after all, this summon has no spirit of contract. In case he was suddenly given a sudden, he might not be able to carry it ...

"Hello, anyone?" Ren Xiaosu tentatively asked in a low voice.

I don't know if the other party didn't hear, or the other party didn't understand. Anyway, there was no movement across the starry sky door.

The gate of the starry sky, which is only half a meter in diameter, is still so small that Ren Xiaosu couldn't see exactly what was on the opposite side.

And the ground behind the door is also a burnt burnt black, and the dark red rugged mountain rocks.

In the field of vision, even a decent plant cannot be seen.

If you can see the plants, Ren Xiaosu, a master wilderness skill, can also roughly judge the position of the other party.

In fact, nature speaks. There are tropical plants in the tropics, temperate plants in the temperate zone, and even the altitude of the mountains and the sufficient water also determine the distribution of plants.

But now Ren Xiaosu hasn't seen anything and can't get effective information at all.

"Do you want to expand the door to the starry sky?" Ren Xiaosu hesitated and said to himself.

If you want to expand the door of the starry sky, you have to spend the skill stone.

A proficient stone is a thank-you coin. At first, it was not easy to make money with this thank-you coin. Nowadays, Ren Xiaosu feels very distressed.

So he still hopes to choose a powerful witchcraft carefully, rather than wasting resources on baffling witchcraft.

Ren Xiaosu carefully calculated that he has seen the most powerful land beasts now, probably the six-meter long brown bear brought by the Expeditionary Legion, and the wolf king beside Yan Liuyuan.

However, even if he can tame these two beasts, it is not too much for Ren Xiaosu's strength improvement.

The Wolf King is quite cruel, but it is powerful because it has a large ethnic group behind it, so if Ren Xiaosu just summons a beast like the Wolf King alone, it doesn't really make much sense.

Rather than squander proficiency stones on this summoning technique, it is better to go directly to the meteorite star fall technique.

But ... whenever Ren Xiaosu thought of opening the Star Gate last time, the surging but eager roar revealed, he couldn't help but want to gamble.

"Ten thousand points first!" Ren Xiaosu said cruelly. He now has 92,000 thank-you coins. The only thing he can use is 90,000. The remaining 2,000 have to be reserved for Xiaoqiang's black gun.

He carefully exchanged the skilled stone and said to the palace: "Give me the skill of Daxing Northwest!"

The palace uttered in his mind: "Confirm the use of 10,000 skilled stones for Daxing Northwest skills?"

"Confirm!" Ren Xiaosu replied.

At the next moment, a pile of skilled stones piled up in front of the palace vending machine, dissipating one by one, as if all the white lime **** were crushed by people at once, and then disappeared into the air.

Ren Xiaosu felt his own changes, and his brain seemed to have some wonderful feelings at once. The summoning technique, which was not skilled at the moment, now seems to be carved into his bones.

At this time, the brass typewriter in the palace suddenly knocked, and after the copper keys fell, the words appeared on the pale yellow parchment: Daxing Northwest (proficiency 10119)

Ren Xiaosu was stunned for a moment. He used only two summoning techniques from beginning to end. Why is his proficiency not 10002?

Wait, did this count the Daxing Northwest that I said when I was fooling?

It seems that apart from this guess, there is no other reason to explain it?

Ren Xiaosu couldn't help crying and laughing. I already knew that he used to chatter about Daxing Northwest every day. Maybe he could save more thanks.

However, according to Xiaomei, in fact, qualitative change cannot occur after hundreds of exercises, which is reflected in the starry sky door, maybe it is increased by a few centimeters? Therefore, there is no obvious difference in the size of the starry sky between Ren Xiaosu and Mei Ge.

Ren Xiaosu was curious about one thing: if Da Huyou mastered the magic of "Daxing Northwest", how big would the starry sky open?

You should know that Da Guyou has been talking about Daxing Northwest, but he has been talking about it for most of his life.

Thinking of this, Ren Xiaosu decided to leave Da Huyou with a better eye.

Of course, he is not quite sure whether it is only him or everyone else. Ren Xiaosu always feels that everything about supernatural power seems special to him.

At the moment, the starry sky gate has suddenly expanded from a half-meter diameter to a three-meter diameter.

Ren Xiaosu stared blankly at the gate of the gorgeous starry sky, and there was a behemoth lying on the dark land.

However, even if the starry sky gate has been expanded to a diameter of three meters, Ren Xiaosu can't get a glimpse of the other person's head. With a three-meter diameter, he can only see half of the other person's head!

The lizard-like creature has dark red rugged skin, and even the firelight blooms continuously between the breath.

It turned out that the dark red he had just seen was not a rocky mountain at all, but the skin of this amazing creature!

Ren Xiaosu vowed that he had never seen such a horrible thing in his life. If this thing has a head of about six meters, how big is the body?

He lightly touched the star gate, but found that his palm could not penetrate the past, but was blocked by an invisible force.

It seems that the door to the starry sky is one-way, he can only come across, but he can't get through himself.

Just when Ren Xiaosu was thinking, the eyes of the horrible creature suddenly opened, and there was an abyss-like vertical pupil in his yellow-amber eyes!

The eyes were fixed on Ren Xiaosu, but there was no roar, no next move.

Ren Xiaosu suddenly took four or five steps back, and at the same time closed the starry sky door.

"Isn't this really a creature from another world?" Ren Xiaosu said to himself with a lingering fear. He thought that even if it was radiation pollution during the catastrophe, he wouldn't have produced such a horrible thing?

Moreover, the problem of his own summoning technique is also great. Xiaomei summoned creatures of the same size as the Star Gate. How come to him, a creature several times larger than the Star Gate?

Thinking about it, I don't know why Ren Xiaosu suddenly felt that the creature was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen each other.

This feeling is too strange.


In the night sky, a huge Haidong Qing was quickly approaching the camp where Qian Weining and others were located, its sharp eyes fixed on the humans beside the campfire below.

A hundred kilometers away, tens of thousands of troops of the Tudor Knights encamped in a camp. A brazier was erected every ten steps in the sea-like camp. The patrol soldiers shuttled back and forth.

In the camp, a camp tent sewed on top of a canvas is a temporary dormitory for soldiers. There will also be a strange smell of smell when living in, because sheep camp is smeared in many places.

At the very center of the camp, five or six huge tents appeared abrupt, and the patrol soldiers looked in awe each time they passed.

Because there is a real wizard in each tent.

At this time, there were several wizards standing solemnly in the large camp of the Tudor Knights. More than ten fat candles in the tent burned and produced a strange scent. It seems that the candles were mixed with precious spices.

The wizards wore exquisite black wizard robes, and each person's sleeve was embroidered with a white Haidongqing, which looked lifelike.

There is a transparent ice mirror in front of them, and the picture in the mirror is Ren Xiaosu's camp.

The mirror is formed by the condensation of ice, and the huge mirror is still blowing out the cold air, which looks particularly mysterious and strange.

The perspective of the mirror is above the sky, silently overlooking everything on the ground.

A middle-aged wizard looked at Qian Weining and others in the mirror and suddenly wondered: "What are they doing?"

All the wizards stared intently at the mirror, only to see Qian Weining and others sitting on the ground in a precarious manner, and what was written in the hand ...

"Book, pen, what the little wizard is talking about endlessly," a wizard said strangely: "It seems to be studying what secrets."

"I think they seem to be listening," a wizard frowned.

"Haha, what class to listen to in this wilderness field battlefield?" Another wizard said with a smile: "Who would be free to lecture and listen in this place?"

"Then what are they doing ..."

The scene that Hai Dongqing passed back stupefied the wizards. No one knew what Qian Weining was doing.

The big wizard headed coldly: "Do n’t worry about what they are doing. According to the previous information, they should be the team who just left Winston City. The person who sent the information said they were going to the Norman family. I do n’t think they ’re going the right way. It ’s about to hit our forward knight. ”

"Yeah, how could they appear here," the others wondered.

This Haidongqing was flying in the sky, originally for the purpose of investigating the forward forces, and as a result, he found such a small group of moths blocking the way of the forward forces.

"Lower," the great wizard ordered: "Look what they are doing, and also confirm that Mego is in this team. Mego is the person ordered by the family owner to kill, originally thought they went to Norman Over there, we would n’t meet them, but we did n’t expect them to be delivered to the knife edge. ”

"Good lord, I will control Haidongqing to fly lower," a wizard next to him respectfully said.

However, at this time, a sudden change occurred, and a roar below Hai Dongqing was like a thunder in the night. The long and narrow sniper bullets reached the moment, and Haidong Qing in the sky was blasted into pieces of ice.

Ren Xiaosu looked at the falling ice sneer, which is probably what the Tudor family means. Ask him to say that the Tudor family really likes Haidongqing. If other birds pass through the sky, he really is not at all. Shot.

It's just that, according to Hai Dongqing's flying speed, he can shoot exactly one shot with his current marksmanship.

On the other side of the Tudor camp, Hai Dongqing was smashed with the witchcraft structure, and the mirror in the big tent was also shattered.

For a time, the wizard who had the spell only felt a headache, and something seemed to be tumbling violently in his mind.

"What's the matter?" The wizard headed solemnly said: "What broke your witchcraft?"

"I don't know, there is no aura at all, and I haven't seen who actually shot it. No one in the camp even looked at me," the wizard gasped, covering his head.

"Sure enough, as the homeowner said, this Mego had a strange way," the wizard said, waving his hand. "Help him go down to rest. In addition, Hall, you lead the team to join the forward troops in case the opponent has a back hand."

"Good lord," after a respectful reply from a middle-aged wizard, he turned around and ordered several people to walk out of the big tent together. There were already relatives and servants outside preparing the war horses for them. Hall also specially brought two good The wizard of wind bondage, in order to accelerate the speed of convergence.

Ren Xiaosu had just returned to the camp at this moment. The sound of sniper rifle had just alarmed Xiaomei Xiaoqian. Everyone looked at Ren Xiaosu and asked, "What happened?"

"We seem to have hit the marching route of the Tudor Knights," Ren Xiaosu said casually.

Upon hearing this, Xiaomei Xiaoqian panicked: "What? Tudor Knights? Then let's run quickly?"

"Run something," Ren Xiaosu raised his eyebrows. "Isn't this the real eye that sent to the door."

Xiaomei spit out: "Are you seeing the sorcerer's subconscious replacement now become the real eye?"

"Otherwise?" Ren Xiaosu laughed happily: "Qian Weining has 192 people on our side. We only have 64 real eyes in our hands, and there is a big gap."

Qian Weining was stunned for a long time after hearing this, and he suddenly felt that the first wizarding knighthood in the wizarding country might appear.


6000 words chapter, three in one.

Thank you for your concern for the past two days, I have gone down.

Thank you for the stars that shine forever, call me Senior Bai, and call me Baozi Wang to become the new league of this book, the bosses are magnificent!

Thanks to chhleo classmates for big rewards, boss atmosphere!

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