MTL - The First Order-Chapter 1190 Never seen the world

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There was darkness in the wide sewer, and the deep hole seemed to absorb all the light.

It's no wonder that Mei Ge would be afraid. Even Qian Weining, a man with a lot of battles, would have to do psychological construction in advance and take a deep breath for a long time.

Chen Jingshu calmed down, because she knew where the sewer was going.

Ren Xiaosu realized that the entire bounty hunter organization is already in the underground world of Ghent city, and they have a decisive position. They are very familiar with it.

He looked at the sewer outlet and asked curiously: "Wait a minute, this is a sewer built by modern craftsmanship. Although it is very worn, the problem is that there is no such craft in the wizarding country."

On the wall of the sewer opening, the concrete has been corroded very badly, and even the steel bars inside are exposed.

This is also the first time Ren Xiaosu saw the reinforced concrete structure in the wizarding country, just as he saw the ruins of human civilization in Jingshan.

Therefore, the entire city of Ghent is based on a pre-catastrophic human city, which makes Ren Xiaosu somewhat unexpected.

Moreover, he was even more surprised that this sewer could still be preserved for so long.

In theory, the service life of reinforced concrete is very high, there is no upper limit.

But in fact, as long as these buildings are exposed to the air, they will naturally be affected by oxidation, weathering, rain and snow. If the steel bars in the concrete decay, they will be damaged faster.

Therefore, the construction process of this sewer before the catastrophe must be very high, otherwise it will not last for more than 200 years.

Chen Jingshu looked to Ren Xiaosu: "Is this kind of construction technology in China?"

"Basically, it's all inside the barriers," Ren Xiaosu nodded: "At least it's more practical than the masonry."

Chen Jingshu said: "In fact, when the disaster came, most people in the wizarding country lived in this underground city. Everyone turned the original bomb shelter into a new home and lingered in it."

The people around me listened quietly, and even Qian Weining heard these things for the first time. These are the past events that the wizarding organization doesn't want to mention too much.

Chen Jingshu continued: "Later, after the catastrophe passed, the wizards took everyone back to the ground to rebuild their homes on the ground, and they got along very well at the beginning. But when Russell died, the wizard organization began to intensify the exploitation of ordinary people, so after the catastrophe Of human groups have diverged."

When everyone was underground, everyone was united in order to fight against the brutal catastrophic period. At that time, although there were injustices, Russell and the new wizards beside him were still at least passable.

Because Russell himself is extremely charismatic, everyone is willing to take him as a leader and trust him to deal fairly.

At that time, Russell even established a temporary post-disaster committee and a temporary underground court. Even if the shaman violated the law and bullied ordinary people, he would be sanctioned.

What's more, if the sorcerer breaks the law, he will be confiscated directly.

Wizards without real eyes are the same as ordinary people.

At that time, the old wizards and nobles also wanted to fight against Russell, but they couldn't beat Russell before the cataclysm, not to mention after the catastrophe.

These old nobles couldn't even support themselves, so they couldn't raise so many sons. After the blood had disappeared from the witchcraft, the soil could only be hung by Russell.

Therefore, when you return to the surface, the reason why you want to kill Russell is that you know that as long as Russell is still there, there will never be a day when the old noble wizard will turn over.

At that time, Russell had already begun to plan the matter of the wizarding school. If he was allowed to break the class barrier between the wizard and the ordinary people, the blood system of the noble wizard would naturally be disintegrated.

In order not to surrender their own exclusive witchcraft and to ensure the continuation of the blood, the nobles rebelled against Russell's servant Voss and poisoned Russell.

As soon as Russell died, the new wizarding forces naturally dissipated, and most of the survivors died in the siege of the old nobility.

When the system of exploitation was re-established, some people could not bear being squeezed, and they had great disagreements with the old noble wizards.

In order not to be killed, they returned to the underground world and continued to survive in the dark world.

The people organized by the Templar also followed everyone back to the underground.

Chen Jingshu looked at Ren Xiaosu and said: "The days of hiding underground are difficult. At first, the old wizards of the wizards came down to suppress them many times. Everyone must avoid their pursuit. Fortunately, the underground world is large enough, and they are not very good. Looking for our traces. Later, we found that it is actually okay to live underground, and the materials are gradually enriched. The surface and the underground have become two completely independent operating systems."

"Then why is it suddenly coming out now, I think you should have a big move?" Ren Xiaosu curiously said: "What makes you take risks, even if you lose your life."

"Because the underground construction facilities are close to decay," Chen Jingshu said: "According to estimates, this underground will last for another 20 years at most, and I am afraid it will collapse. We have no means to build and strengthen, so we can only return to the surface."

"Oh, so before you return to the surface, you have to solve the old nobles of the wizard, otherwise you will die when you come to the surface," Ren Xiaosu nodded. "But you are too late, the surface wizard has become a climate."

"Always look for the first line of vitality," Chen Jingshu sighed: "We all know this is difficult, but we don't fight for how to know where the vitality is."

"Now you have found it," Ren Xiaosu said with a smile.

Chen Jingshu said calmly: "You mean to say, you are alive in this line, right."

"I will answer quickly, there is progress," Ren Xiaosu said: "Without external force, you will not be able to beat these wizards even if you develop for another two hundred years. You can't do such a big thing by relying on the shameless witch children. , You can only rely on external forces."

Chen Anan stubbornly said: "We are also very powerful."

"Unfortunately, you don't have a lot of experience in struggle. It is unrealistic to always hope that the transformation of the wizard and nobles is unrealistic. How can these vested interests really help you?" Ren Xiaosu said: "So, you need to let those exploited proletariat Class comrades stand up... forget about it, let's talk about something else."

Chen Jingshu listened stunnedly: "Then why do you say that you are this kind of vitality, I don't think you have any experience in struggle, and you are not familiar with life here, who are you going to unite? And again, I Knowing that you won’t stay in the wizarding country too long, you don’t have the time and energy to do these things.”

Ren Xiaosu said with a smile: "What Russell did at the beginning, what I will do now."

The so-called Russell's approach is, of course, to hang up the old nobles for a meal, and then maintain a high degree of consensus with everyone.

However, Ren Xiaosu is more fierce than Russell. Although he is not good at fighting, he is good at killing people.

Russell did not kill because he was a member of the wizarding community, but Ren Xiaosu was not. From the beginning, he had no compassion for the wizards, and there was only blood and deep hatred between each other.

Qian Weining and others listened to the conversation between the two, and then became more and more silent.

Just yesterday Qian Weining thought that Ren Xiaosu just wanted to kill the wizard, but now he realized that the other party was actually going to challenge the entire wizarding kingdom.

The two things look a bit similar, but the results are very different and the difficulty is very different.

Ren Xiaosu turned back and smiled at Qian Weining and others: "Don't be afraid, even if you fail, you can follow me to Middle-earth. This is the way I left you."

"The master doesn't have to worry about it, as long as the master doesn't abandon us, we will naturally swear to follow," Qian Weining hastily expressed his loyalty.

At this time, Chen Jingshu went to cut a branch, and then asked An An to fetch a tarpaulin and wrap it on the branch to ignite.

Ren Xiaosu froze for a moment: "What is this for?"

"Ignition torch," Chen Jingshu said: "Be sure to follow me after entering the cave. If you go wrong with the torch, you will either enter some dead zone and be poisoned, or you will suddenly explode and kill yourself."

"Death area? Blow up?" Ren Xiaosu said startled. "Is there any organ in this sewer, who set it up?"

Chen Jingshu said: "It may be set by the people who built this underground city. The explosion always came suddenly, and I don't know why."

Ren Xiaosu couldn't help crying: "What kind of organization is this? It's clear that your torch ignited the methane gas accumulated underground, and then triggered an explosion."

This huge underground city must have considered the problem of ventilation at the beginning of the design, but after so long the ventilation facilities were destroyed, some internal areas collapsed, and it will certainly cause the problem of biogas accumulation. It is strange that this torch is close to not explode.

So this stuff is not an organization that someone deliberately set up...

Ren Xiaosu said: "Okay, don't light it up."

He took out more than ten glare flashlights from the palace and distributed them. Then he took out a tritium lamp as a lighting device. It was said that the tritium lamp was robbed from Qingshi earlier.

Chen Jingshu and Qian Weining and others looked at the flashlight with frustration: "What is this?"

"Press the switch," Ren Xiaosu demonstrated to them, and saw a beam of light shining into the sewer, which actually illuminated a distance of tens of meters, and the entire sewer was as bright as day.

Chen Jingshu was immediately shocked: "What is this?!"

At this moment, Ren Xiaosu suddenly had the illusion that a high-level civilization crushed a low-level civilization...

He explained patiently: "This is the technology. Equipment that uses electricity as an energy source to provide lighting effects. If a flashlight only turns on the lowest effect, it should have dozens of hours of lighting time."

Qian Weining looked at the flashlight in his hand, as if he had picked up the baby: "Master, you are such a precious thing, you gave it to us to use?"

Ren Xiaosu couldn’t help crying: “This is a precious item. In Middle-earth, this is the standard for combat troops! You really don’t know much about Middle-earth, and you don’t know much about technology under the control of the wizarding organization.”

"Is Middle Earth so magical?" Qian Weining said with emotion, he had an urge to go to Middle Earth at this moment.

Ren Xiaosu said with a smile: "A glare flashlight can surprise you. How amazing are you to see things like cameras, tap water, TV sets, etc. Rest assured, even if you need to stay in the northwest branch of Daxing in the future, You can also go shopping in Middle-earth often."

The Wizarding Kingdom is a thousand kilometers away from the 178 stronghold. It is not so out of reach in front of modern transportation. If you drive on a steam train at full speed, you will arrive in ten hours.

At this time, Chen Jingshu looked at the tritium lamp in Ren Xiaosu's hand: "What is this in your hand?"

"This thing is called a tritium lamp," Ren Xiaosu said: "It uses radioactive materials as lighting energy, and can continue to illuminate for 20 years or even longer without damage."

"Wow! 20 years?!" All the people around exclaimed.

In a flash, Ren Xiaosu felt like facing a group of curious babies.

He glanced at the group of curious babies silently, and then took out a military telescope and handed it to Qian Weining: "Come, try, this thing will make you look far.

"Wow! So clear!" Qian Weining exclaimed: "What is this so amazing?!"

Chen Jingshu took the telescope and found that she could even see the details hundreds of meters away through this weird tool!

"Is this the technology of Middle-earth," Chen Jingshu murmured.

Everyone passed the telescope to play, and then one by one exclaimed from the heart.

"I like the way you have never seen the world," Ren Xiaosu said with a smile.

This made Chen Jingshu and others a little uncomfortable, but they did not know how to refute...

Ren Xiaosu glanced at them, and then took out a pistol with a silencer and fired at the sparrow flying over the sky.

I saw that the sparrow was beaten with feathers and fell straight to the ground.

"Wow, so powerful?" The people around marveled again.

Ren Xiaosu asked Qian Weining to pick up the sparrow: "Look at the sparrow's wound."

Qian Weining checked it, and suddenly found that the sparrow's body had been penetrated, and its flesh and blood were blurred.

He was shocked: "Master, is this the Middle-earth weapon?"

Qian Weining is 31 years old this year, so he had not participated in the war 17 years ago, but he still heard of Middle-earth weapons.

But at that time, he heard others describe the firearms, and he was always suspicious. Until this moment, he didn't understand how ruthless this thing was.

"This is on the edge of Ghent city, so you can't let you see the power of other weapons. The pistol is just the least powerful one," Ren Xiaosu explained: "Its characteristic is that the accuracy is much higher than the bow and arrow, and the power is also It’s much higher than bows and arrows, and it’s so fast that it’s almost impossible to avoid.”

Chen Jingshu said: "This thing is much more powerful than Xiujian."

For example, people like Chen Jingshu and Qian Weining can instantly understand the gap between firearms and bows and arrows, while Mei Ge and Li Chengliu and Liu Ting can only stay at "very good!" "Wow!" "Lying trough!" At this stage, they know that this thing is powerful, but they do not know how powerful it is...

Ren Xiaosu put his handgun into Qian Weining's hands: "In the past few days, I have the opportunity to take you to practice the marksmanship. When you are familiar with it, you will be equipped with one for each of you, and then each one will be equipped with 100 bullets."

Qian Weining was immediately moved: "Master, can this thing also be given to us, you are so generous!"

"Cough, you all have sworn allegiance, I certainly can't hide it," Ren Xiaosu said.

Chen Jingshu hesitated: "Can you sell me one? I can pay for it. Is one hundred gold coins enough?"

To tell the truth, at this moment, Ren Xiaosu really wanted to make an arms deal with the wizarding country. A mediocre pistol could be exchanged for a hundred gold coins here? Isn't this a big profit?

However, Ren Xiaosu did not accept the transaction in the end. Instead, he sent Chen Jingshu directly. He put the pistol in the other party's hand and said: "I can give it away for free, but before I teach you to shoot, you should not use it. It is easy to have an accident. Also Yes, it must be remembered that this stuff is extremely dangerous, and the muzzle can never be aimed at oneself."

The reason why Ren Xiaosu suddenly thought of distributing guns to these people suddenly felt that he might have taken some detours before.

What he thought before was to set up the first wizarding knight group. This powerful spell battery group is just like a bomber. It is strong when you think about it, and it does not cost money or waste arms.

But then Ren Xiaosu was thinking, anyway, pistols and automatic rifles are not worth a few dollars, bullets are not worth a few dollars, then why don't they equip these people into modern troops before they become wizards?

The automatic rifle is added to the machine gun. Isn’t the cavalry hit by hanging up? Is it okay if more than one hundred people hang down thousands of cavalry if it finds favorable terrain?

Moreover, Qian Weining on the road to the north also showed a unique skill: the secret location method!

This stuff sounds mysterious, in fact, it is to raise the thumb as a dense reference object to measure the enemy distance.

That is to say, Qian Weining is simply a natural artillery blank... With a little training, you can run around with a long-range mortar. Although it is a physical attack, it is not much different from witchcraft. No, and this is much worse than the little wizards...

Even Ren Xiaosu doesn't dare to say that he can ignore the artillery fire, at most it is to avoid the trajectory, he really has to die if a shell hits him.

What even Xiaosu is afraid of, let alone the wizards.

Therefore, before the establishment of the Wizard Knights, it is better to establish the first modern army in the wizarding country. Anyway, he has arms...

"Go, let's go first," Ren Xiaosu said.

Chen Jingshu held a glare flashlight to lead the way. Everyone stepped on the sewage and made a clattering sound. The sound echoed in the pipeline, which sounded particularly abrupt.

Ren Xiaosu looked at the wall of the sewer, and he saw some weird graffiti, both in Chinese and in wizard's language. Those words were colorful, like a special spiritual symbol.

He can't understand the wizard language, but he can understand Chinese.

The words "freedom" and "rebellion" were written on the wall, and they were accompanied by plausible and strange patterns.

Ren Xiaosu asked: "Who wrote this?"

"Of course underground residents," Chen Jingshu said: "The catharsis is just casual, everyone heard that they liked to graffiti on the wall before the disaster."

"I heard that the Norman family killed all the people in the ground in order to find Donald?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"Almost," Chen Jingshu said calmly: "It's probably a half kill, but they have been unfamiliar with the underground situation after more than a hundred years, so our newly found hiding place has not been discovered by them. It was also that incident that made us determined to go to the surface and stop being slaughtered."

Ren Xiaosu illuminated the walls on both sides with tritium lights, and suddenly felt that the graffiti still had a strange and chaotic beauty.

Moving forward, the scene in front of me was suddenly brighter, and a wider underground world appeared in front of everyone: the huge spillway that could drive the tank, the scattered steps, and the steel above the head.

The decaying accumulation on the steel is very thick, Ren Xiaosu suspects that those things will smash into the end with a little touch.

Chen Jingshu followed his gaze and explained: "Those things above my head are probably the channels before the catastrophe. No one has touched them for a long time."

Ren Xiaosu was amazed. It was like an abandoned underground factory, full of tough mystery.

There are also colorful graffiti everywhere, which become more like portraits, such as angels with withered wings, such as the back of someone, such as crows and tigers.

There are no clear rules for the patterns here, as if someone thinks of drawing on it.

Chen Jingshu said: "In fact, these patterns hide the mystery, which contains some directions. As long as a few underground people can understand, these people are the leaders of the underground."

"So you can understand, you are also one of the leaders?" Ren Xiaosu asked curiously.

"I'm not, but Chen An'an and Chen Cheng's father is," Chen Jingshu explained.

Ren Xiaosu was thinking at this time. If the underground people really want to resist the spirit, is their own weapon enough to arm a rebel army?

Chen Jingshu they have never seen modern weapons, so they feel that there must be enough wizards to overthrow the wizards. After all, ordinary people cannot fight against the wizards.

But Ren Xiaosu felt that this matter did not seem so complicated...

Modern thermal weapons are enough to kill God, not to mention a group of false gods?

Ren Xiaosu touched the paint on the wall: "This is not ordinary paint, but a mineral grind, right? Only then can they maintain such a bright color underground."

Ordinary pigments cannot be preserved for a long time, especially when exposed to dirty air. Unlike mineral pigments, the decay period of minerals is much longer than ordinary pigments.

Hearing Ren Xiaosu’s problem, Chen Jingshu immediately changed her face, and chose to avoid the problem.

Ren Xiaosu continued: "So you have to dig more space on the basis of the original underground world to find these colorful minerals, otherwise this kind of thing will not appear in the sewers. The reason why the Norman family failed to encircle It’s because they didn’t know that you dug other spaces, such as the second, third, and fourth floors underground.”

Chen Jingshu frowned: "I'm underestimating you a little bit."

"Don't be so surprised," Ren Xiaosu said with a smile: "When my companions come here, they will refresh your knowledge."

Immediately afterwards, when they traveled a few hundred meters further, a voice suddenly came in front of them: "Who? Report your identity!"

"On Monday, the **** fell," Chen Jingshu replied with a secret code.

Qian Weining, behind Ren Xiaosu, went a few steps forward and stood in front of the new owner, carefully guarding. He swept the flashlight beam, and a young man with tattoos all over his face appeared.

Chen Jingshu explained to Ren Xiaosu: "The people with tattoos on their faces are people who can no longer integrate into the surface city. They are the guardians of the entire underground world."

Ren Xiaosu suddenly felt that the underground world of Ghent City was more like the product of the wasteland era than any place he had seen before.


6400-word chapter. In addition, the vacation will begin tomorrow, and the vacation will be on the 7th.

Push a friend's book, entitled: "Tang Sun and Moon" Author: Qingzhou six engaged.

This is a very good new work in history. The author is also a big coffee I know. The writing strength is very strong. If you are interested, you can take a look~

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