MTL - The First Order-Chapter 1215 This is what I owe Qingqing

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The fact that Luo Lan broke into the barrier and killed Qinghuan on the spot did not spread so widely.

An official in the barrier not only issued a confidentiality order, but also controlled all insiders in Qinghuan's mansion, and asked everyone to sign the confidentiality regulations.

This official actually knew the situation of the Qing family. Now that he sees Luo Lan kill Qinghua without saying anything, he knows that the real cleansing is here.

Therefore, Luo Lan must have other people to kill.

If the person Luo Lan wanted to kill ran away after hearing some wind and grass from the side of the barrier, the officials who were present at the barrier would be unlucky.

However, this official actually regarded this matter as an opportunity. In fact, Luo Lan may not really need any confidentiality measures, but if someone tells Luo Lan of his efforts in the future, even if there is no smooth progress, I am afraid that he can be stable. .

In the next three days, Luo Lan took the Qing's special battalion to run three consecutive barriers, killing hundreds of people.

At this time, the news of Luo Lan's wanton liquidation of the rival factions within the Qing family was finally overwhelmed.

Some people think that this kind of annihilation will definitely cause a counterattack by opposing factions?

People are afraid that the world is not chaotic, as long as this matter has nothing to do with themselves, then it does not matter if it goes to the sky, so many people are looking forward to the good show.

However, the development of the matter disappointed them, and no one counterattacked, because all those who could counterattack had been killed by Luo Lan by thunder.

At this time, many talents finally realized that the reason why the opposing factions were able to live before was because Luo Lan allowed them to live.

The list of these people who need to be cleaned seems to have been carved into Luo Lan's heart. During these three days, everyone rushed to kill and killed. This Luo Fatian had even thought about the route early.

Which barriers to go first, and which barriers to go to, and how to arrange the tracking of intelligence personnel are all in the plan.

After three days, Luo Lan not only did not feel tired, but also seemed more energetic.

Suddenly, Zhou Qi felt that such a person was naturally suitable for killing and setting fire.

If you want him to live peacefully, he will lose his energy.

The last stop, barrier 89.

Luo Lan stood in a **** mansion and directed the special battalion soldiers to search every corner.

The master in this house was still lying on Luo Lan's feet, panting and remaining panting. The other party clutched Luo Lan's trousers tightly with his **** palm. He wanted to say nothing, but couldn't say anything.

Luo Lan looked cold, and this person privately connected other members of the Qing family who opposed Qingzhen and tried to control the Qing forces near the 89th barrier.

There is no emotion to talk about.

The other person gasped violently, watching the death, but he refused to swallow his last breath.

At this time, the special battalion soldier said: "Sir, the moss in the courtyard has signs of trampling. What should be hidden in the well."

As soon as the words came out, the severely wounded man at his feet suddenly looked upset, but before he could do anything, Luo Lan made a last shot on his head.

"Sir, there is a child hidden in the well," the commander of the special camp said to Luo Lan.

Luo Lan walked to the wellhead and looked down. He was seeing a 8-year-old kid pulling the well rope and hanging in the deep well water.

The child's eyes were clear but horrified. The other party heard all the gunshots and screams here. His arms shook overwhelmed by the long pull of the well rope.

"Sir, let me do it," said the commander of the special battalion. It is better for these children to kill their children as subordinates.

Luo Lan patted Battalion Commander's shoulder: "No need, retreat."

After killing the last person on the list, Luo Lan left the 89th barrier as if she was worried, leaving only the corpses and blood stains in the barrier.

In the past year, Luo Lan has seldom killed people, mainly because most of the time it was his turn.

Therefore, many people almost think that Luo Lan is going to cultivate herself.

It's like all hooligans want to dress up as gentlemen after they have power.

But now everyone understands that Luo Lan is still that Luo Lan, and has never changed.

On the way back to barrier 111, the armored vehicle and the convoy under the mountain guard looked exceptionally spectacular.

The khaki armored car was driving on the road, like a roaring beast.

On the off-road vehicle, Luo Lan was sitting in the back row looking out of the window and was a little fascinated. He suddenly said to Zhou Qi around him: "The southwest has changed. I remember when I went to the 88th barrier to take hostages. There is no decent way."

"One thing, one thing, Qingzhen really has a hand in governing this huge southwest," Zhou Qi said. "If I change someone else, I am afraid that the power will not be rationalized in such a short time."

"How can I become the master of the Qing family," Luo Lan laughed.

Zhou Qi glanced at Luo Lan: "He is the good guy, the bad guy is you. After three days of killing, we are considered to have blood in our hands. I said that we must cut the grass and remove the roots. As a result, you killed the old one. After ten years, when they grow up, can't they find us to take revenge every day?"

"What are you afraid of?" Luo Lan said with a smile: "It's really fun to bring me revenge. I am quite happy."

Zhou Qi whispered, "You are looking at it, I don't understand. Although Qingzhen is your younger brother, is it necessary for you to carry all the pots for him? Are you the shadow of Qing's? Do you know? None of Kyung's shadow ends well."

"That's my brother," Luo Lan said seriously.

"Everyone will change!" Zhou Qi said: "When he enjoys power for decades, one day you commit anger, he needs to make a choice between power and you, what do you think he will choose? The power thing is magical, it can make people give up everything."

Luo Lan looked out the window and said, "You know I was sick when I was six, and I almost died, right, I remember I told you."

"Well," Zhou Qi responded: "Why do you say this?"

"In order to save me, my grandfather sold his piano," Luo Lan said. "You don't know how much my grandfather likes to play the piano. That thing is his life. I will listen to it when I am sensible. He said his dream is to be a pianist."

Zhou Qi pouted: "So, did you ruin your father's dream?!"

"No, he hasn't dreamed for a long time," Luo Lan said. "At that time, Qinghua's mother was suffering from cancer. The old man had already emptied her savings and her family had treated her, but the result was still not saved. Only the family left. The next piano, the old man originally planned to sell the piano and send Qingying and I into the Qings private school, because after entering the private school, there is hope that the old men on Gingko Hill will value it later."

The children of the Qing family have private schools. Although they do not need tuition, the room and board, clothing, and activities are extremely expensive.

The private school was not only a teacher, but also took the students to travel. There were veterans of the Kyos escorted on the way.

When Qinghuang and Luo Lan were still young, everyone in the Qing family wanted to send their children in, because entering the private school could be noticed by the old men on Gingko Hill in advance.

What's more, the teachers in this private school are the best teachers in the Gyeongsang consortium, and the teaching is completely different from the outside.

Military, political, economic, sociological, philosophical, and even private schools are all fully educated, practicing firearms from an early age.

The children coming out of such private schools are indeed stronger than those coming out of ordinary schools.

There is a saying inside the Qing family that the children who attend the private school are the future of the Qing family, and the children who do not attend the private school are wild children.

Therefore, the old man in Luo Lan's family had already planned it. It doesn't matter what his own pianist's dream is. If it's gone, it's gone, but the two children must be sent to the private school.

The house leak happened to be rainy, and the family had just spent money on Qingzhen's mother's treatment. As a result, Luo Lan fell ill again.

No way, life is more important than anything. The old man had to sell the piano first to save people.

There is no hope of going to the private school, and the old man has broken down because he often sells blood.

Luo Lan smiled at Zhou Qi: "You also know what kind of relatives are in the Qing family. Earlier they divided up the factory in the hands of the old man. When the old man asked them to borrow money, they refused to see each other."

Luo Lan continued: "Actually, it is the other party's freedom to borrow or not borrow money, but Qingzhen's second uncle would not even be able to see the door closed when the old man was looking for it. The dish came. Qingzhen was there at the time, and the other housekeeper said: Hurry up and eat, and you won’t be able to eat such a good thing when you go home."

"Qing Yun's father?" Zhou Qi recalled: "I have the impression that I didn't know how to die suddenly in the lover's house earlier. Later, Qing Yun was also killed by the person arranged by Qing Zhen. I was present at that time, so Are you revenge?"

Luo Lan smiled: "The second uncle Qingzhen died purely from overdraft. It has nothing to do with us. As for Qingyun, it was him who came to die. The object of our revenge at first was not someone but the whole. Qingshi. Of course, after growing up, everyone’s mentality gradually became more peaceful. I understand that the world is this kind of pee. I must always learn to get used to it. Qingzhen was soft-hearted in the early years, if the old man forced him to that part, He will not make up his mind to do it."

"You are a little off the topic, back to the piano," Zhou Qi said.

Luo Lan recalled: "The old man was seriously ill later. When he knew he was going to die, he called me to the bedside and said to me: The original piano is the future of our two brothers. Then Qingying and I can all go to the private school. In the future, I might be able to enter the Qing family for a full-time job, but I was born with the disease. The old man said that this piano should be half of me and Qingzhen. , But I took all the bargain, and Qingzhen’s future was also taken into account, so the old man said that I must protect my younger brother. This is what I owe to Qingzhen. This is my life."

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