MTL - The First Order-Chapter 1235 Right and wrong

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The black fox stood at the door of the meeting room looking down at the dust on his body. He had just returned from carrying the fertilizer, his whole body was dirty.

When a certain combat staff found him and said that Officer P5092 asked him to go to the conference room, he actually knew what he was going to face again.

The cruelest war.

However, the black fox was not worried at all, but suddenly a little excited.

He studied in the Tinder Military Academy for 4 years and served in the Third Division for so many years. What he learned and saw was all for the war.

P5092 found him a while ago and said that from now on, everyone may have switched to a logistics unit, and there is still a moment of regret in the black fox.

However, it is the duty of a soldier to obey orders. He will do what the chief says.

But if he had a chance to pick up the weapon again, the black fox was actually happy inside.

Moreover, he believed that other soldiers of the original Tinder unit would be as happy as him, because everyone had been waiting for this moment.

The Black Fox knew that he might be wrong in thinking this way. After all, war is war, and there is a price to pay.

However, this is what they are best at, and it is also the cause for which they are willing to give everything.

P5092 sat in the conference room and looked at the black fox calmly: "Don't be happy so early, when you know what kind of enemy you are facing, you will start to suffer."

"No," Black Fox smiled: "I've been mentally prepared for a long time. I did it ten years ago."

"Go to tidy up your appearance, and then take someone to the armory to pick up your equipment," P5092 said.

"Okay," the black fox was like a recruit when he first entered the military academy. He turned around and ran away, full of vitality.

P5092 continued in the quiet conference room: "This time the third field division will no longer build new defensive positions. In the face of such a huge enemy, the plain positions cannot stop them, so they must be delayed by guerrilla methods. pace."

In fact, the Third Field Division really couldn't stop the enemy. All they could do was delay some time to ensure that the Northwestern residents retreated to the rear as much as possible.

Therefore, they don't need to beat anyone, just buy time.

"What support do I need to provide," Ren Xiaosu asked: "I will fight with the Sixth Field Division, so I can buy more time."

"No," P5092 shook his head and said: "You have to understand that you are always alive now, and let everyone know that you are alive is the greatest significance. You and Commander Zhang are the spiritual pillars of the Northwest, so you are one Neither can fall. If one of you has an accident, how much will it affect the morale of the entire Northwest Army? Do you know?"

Ren Xiaosu certainly knew this truth.

P5092 continued: "This has nothing to do with greed of life and fear of death, as well as me, the dead commander will be worthless. This world never needs unnecessary blood, you and I need to live calmly to the end, It’s not that we want to live, but that this war requires us to live."

Ren Xiaosu took a deep breath and said, "Then what support do you need?"

"You need vehicles, as well as diesel and gasoline supplies," P5092 said: "Only in this way can we support the mobility of guerrilla warfare. You mentioned that the marshal, the opponent can directly control Wang's mechanized troops."

The situation facing the Northwest is somewhat different from the Qing clan.

There is no road between the Qing family and the Wang family, so there is no possibility for the mechanized troops to pass through the southwest forest.

But the northwest is different. The Wang family has long been stationed on the border. There are roads and Wang’s forward base near the border. Even if the opponent’s supply line is not enough to support the advancement of large-scale mechanized troops, a small number of armored vehicles and tanks will definitely reach the northwest .

Therefore, if you want to fight guerrillas with such troops, you have to keep up with your mobility.

But at this time, Wang Yuexi hesitated and said: "The problem is that diesel, gasoline, and vehicles are all things that residents need urgently when they retreat. The entire barrier must be fully operational so that it can be as soon as possible. Transport the residents away."

The meeting room quieted down. The resources were limited. Ren Xiaosu must decide who to allocate.

For Wang Yuexi to evacuate the residents, the P5092 is bound to be unable to guarantee high mobility.

You cannot have both fish and bear paws.

Ren Xiaosu frowned. He stood up and said to Wang Yuexi: "You should arrange the retreat first. You don't need to hide the barriers from the residents. You can't hide this kind of thing. Zhang Xiaoman, you take a brigade into the barrier to maintain order. If anyone incites civilians to cause chaos, they will all be arrested. As for how to evacuate, I will think of a way."

At this time, P5092 suddenly said: "Wang Yun, you select 10 soldiers from the army who used to be in Fort 178 and let us come to see me. Remember, I want those who have family members in Fort 178 but are not the only children. Soldiers. You give me all the true vision that the young commander gave you, and I want all those who have not opened the key door."

Ren Xiaosu was taken aback for a moment, he immediately guessed what P5092 wanted these 10 soldiers for.

P5092 thought for a while and added: "It is best to be voluntary."

In the Sixth Field Division, more than a thousand people came to Barrier 144 with Zhang Xiaoman, so these 10 soldiers are not difficult to find.

In the afternoon, P5092 collected all the True Sight Eyes that Ren Xiaosu once sent, including every True Sight Eye above the red level, totaling 10.

There were originally more than twenty, but most of you have opened the key door recently. If you want to open it, you must let the previous owner of the Eye of True Seeing die.

A true sight corresponds to a soldier, such as the red stone in Zhang Xiaoman's hand that has not yet opened the key door, all of which can be the key to this evacuation plan.

Home is a very important thing in Fort 178. Although the key door is uncontrollable, if you leave home for too long, then this door has a high probability of opening to their respective homes.

This is how Ren Xiaosu selects soldiers.

The width of the red key door can pass one person at a time, and the golden key can pass two.

Of course, civilians cannot pass in an orderly and fast manner like soldiers. Maybe a person can pass in two or three seconds. This time is also not accurate and needs to be counted again.

But once a soldier opens the end of the key door at Fort 178, the entire civilian retreat plan can alleviate a lot of burdens. At least children, women, and elderly people who are not suitable for long distances can leave through the key door.

There are a total of four barriers that need to be retreated, and Ren Xiaosu must try a shortcut.

But these soldiers who opened the key door are not immune. They must wait for everyone to pass, and turn the Eye of True Sight ten times counterclockwise to close the key door.

In this way, all those who pass through this door will not fall back to the other end of the door after the door is destroyed.

These soldiers, judging from the countdown to the retreat, there is a high probability that these soldiers will not be able to leave the 144 barrier.

That's why Ren Xiaosu confessed that a soldier who does these things cannot be an only child.

To be honest, Ren Xiaosu was very reluctant to make such a choice, because this matter was unfair to any soldier.

P5092 looked at Ren Xiaosu and asked, "Marshal, do you feel unbearable?"

Ren Xiaosu glanced at P5092: "Yes."

P5092 said: "This is something that every one of us must experience. Do you remember the little story of that train? There are 10 people on one track, and hundreds of thousands on the other track. Originally, this train was about to hit hundreds of thousands of people. Yes, and the switch is in your hands. How would you choose?"

Ren Xiaosu shook his head: "No, the metaphor is wrong. These 10 people did not miss anything. They didn't stand at another intersection. However, because they are soldiers, we have to sacrifice them and let them stand on their own initiative. On the other side of the road, use your own life for the lives of others?"

P5092 said: "Yes, because he is a soldier, every one of us is prepared to sacrifice for hundreds of thousands of civilians."

Ren Xiaosu shook his head again: "I have other ways."

P5092 said: "It's okay to marshal, if you can't bear it, let me tell them."

"For me," Ren Xiaosu said firmly.

When the 10 soldiers came to Ren Xiaosu, Ren Xiaosu looked at the faces of each soldier. Everyone was looking at him expectantly. They all knew that the young marshal had very important things for them to do.

"What is your name and how old are you?" Ren Xiaosu asked softly.

"Zhao Wankun, 40 years old!"

"Jiang Feifei, 31 years old!"

"Zhang Hao, 31 years old!"

"Liu Daixu, 25 years old!"

"Fortunately more complicated, 23 years old!"

"Cheng Fangwei, 24 years old!"

"Xu Penglong, 21 years old!"

"Wang Fojun, 21 years old!"

"Dai Jinkai, 26 years old!"

"Tang Boying, 28 years old!"

Among the 10 Northwest Army soldiers, the oldest is 40 years old and the youngest is 21 years old.

Ren Xiaosu was silently thinking about how to speak, but Zhao Wankun smiled and said, "Marshal, it's okay. We are mentally prepared. We came voluntarily."

In fact, they knew what was going on. They knew when P5092 asked if they were the only child.

Jiang Feifei said with a smile: "Marshal, the P5 chief has already told us what's going on. We are willing to stay here and wait for everyone to pass the key door and close it. In fact, compared to those who need to fight the enemy. For my comrades in arms, we are happy enough, and they are the most dangerous."

Ren Xiaosu was silent for a while, and then said: "I will accompany you on the front line to the last minute, and then use the steam train to take you away."

This is Ren Xiaosu's method. Perhaps P5092, as an excellent commander, has become accustomed to sacrifice and accustomed to the death of one life after another for his ideals, but he still finds it difficult to get used to it.

Therefore, he will wait with these soldiers until the last minute.

"Let's get started," Ren Xiaosu said: "Just take the stone that was given to you, drip the blood, and then turn it clockwise ten times on the wall behind me, and the key door will open. Candidates for barrier number 144, Zhao Wankun, Jiang Feifei, Zhang Hao."

Residents of a total of 4 barriers had to be evacuated, so 10 soldiers were evenly distributed to each barrier, with two or three people per barrier.

As for whether they can open the key door to Fort 178, no one knows.

"Marshal," a person hesitated: "What if the door we opened is not in Fort 178?"

Ren Xiaosu said: “Don’t put too much pressure on it. This is something that you cannot be sure of. It may be driven by your side, or it may be driven in a place you have never been to. Even I am betting, so even if you fail. , No one will blame you. Don't worry, I will find others to try again later, you are only the first batch."

The first Zhao Wankun, when he dripped blood and rotated ten times, ripples on the wall rippled.

He stepped into the key door step by step, and the next second he returned to Barrier No. 144 disappointedly, and then said with difficulty: "Marshal, behind this door is a snowy mountain, the temperature may be more than ten degrees below zero..."

Ren Xiaosu helped him pat the snow foam off his shoulders: "It's okay, you can go back and rest."

Zhao Wankun bowed his head and walked outside the house. Ren Xiaosu felt that his expression was a little wrong, so he quietly followed behind him.

The moment Zhao Wankun had just left the house, the veteran suddenly pulled out his gun from his waist and wanted to shoot himself.

Fortunately, Ren Xiaosu found out in time and kicked Zhao Wankun's gun.

"What are you doing?" Ren Xiaosu asked coldly.

"Marshal, Officer P5092 told us that this key door can only be opened once. If the opened host is still alive, no one can open it a second time," Zhao Wankun whispered: "So you can Don't lie to us, we know what to do."

Ren Xiaosu's chest suddenly seemed to be blocked by something, a little dull.

He said a few minutes ago that he would find someone to try the key door again, but he wanted to comfort these people.

That said, I was worried about these people doing stupid things.

As a result, P5092 thought of things ahead of him, implying that these soldiers would commit suicide if they failed to open the door at Fort 178.

In doing so, P5092 is to use human lives to keep trial and error, until the 10 key doors corresponding to the eyes of true sight are all opened in Fort 178!

In this way, every barrier with two or three key doors, the evacuation plan will improve a lot of efficiency.

It may take only 10 days for the residents of the entire barrier to retreat to Fort 178.

Ren Xiaosu dragged Zhao Wankun to find P5092. He said coldly: "Did you suggest that they committed suicide?"

P5092 glanced at Zhao Wankun, then calmly said: "Yes."

"Just because this is the most correct choice?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"Yes," P5092 nodded and said, "The key door is too unstable, and it's a little commander. The civilians can't pass one person in a few seconds. They are not well-trained soldiers of the Sixth Field Division. When there is crowdedness, there will also be crowding on the opposite side of the door. The first batch of people who pass is children, the elderly, and women. You overestimate the speed of their passing, especially the elderly."

P5092 continued: "A key door that can be passed by two people can pass 100,000 to 150,000 people in three days. If there is only one key door that can be passed by one person, it will be even less. There are 1.1 million people at Bulwark 144, and a key door is too late to retreat. These civilians fall into the hands of artificial intelligence. How much threat will it pose to the rear front? How many soldiers will die by then?"

Ren Xiaosu listened silently. In fact, he knew very well that what P5092 did was the best solution at the moment.

Regardless of human nature, emotions, morality, trial and error with human lives, and then open 10 key doors, this is indeed the most efficient plan.

P5092 calmly said: "Young Marshal, I just don't want your conscience to condemn you. You just assume that you don't know this matter. I will bear it all by myself... Anyway, I am cold-blooded."

Ren Xiaosu glanced at P5092 coldly and said, "The problem is that you are not as cold-blooded as you say. You think I am loyal or not mature enough, but the Northwest Army never needs this kind of sacrifice. If you really want to die, then die together."

After that, Ren Xiaosu confessed that Wang Yun sent someone to look after the soldiers who failed to open the key door, and then returned to the room where the key door was opened.

Wang Yun on the side said to P5092: "The young marshal also knows that you are for the good of the Northwest. He understands it, but this is not his style of doing things."

P5092 said calmly: "I understand that this is the reason why the leader became a leader, and I can only be a commander."

In the end, barrier 144 tried three times and only opened a key door that only one person can pass.

The other soldiers got in the car and drove to other barriers with their respective true eyes.

In the evening, Ren Xiaosu found P5092 again and said seriously: "I know what kind of person you are. If you are really cold-blooded, you don’t need one when guarding the Great Wall of Tinder and when soldiers sacrifice. People are sitting alone in the tent until dawn. So next time if you make this kind of decision, remember to tell me in advance that the northwest is everyone’s northwest and you don’t need to carry anything by yourself."

P5092 looked at Ren Xiaosu silently, and he said a long time later: "But war always requires sacrifice, and they are also prepared."

Ren Xiaosu said: "You are right, but there are not only right and wrong in this world, but also our own choices."

The sirens sounded at barriers No. 143, 144, 145, and 146 at the same time that day, and the announcers of each barrier announced the decision to withdraw on the radio.

The official did not conceal the situation of the battle, and frankly admitted that everyone must retreat to favorable terrain before victory is possible.

For a time, the four barriers were in an uproar.

The Northwest Army had planned to maintain order, but the imaginary chaos did not occur.

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