MTL - The First Order-Chapter 1238 Defeating Qingshi

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Large-scale wars are the time to test every good commander.

In the long war, all commanders need to constantly face their mistakes, mistakes made by themselves, mistakes made by subordinates, and countless mistakes converge.

That's why the army pays special attention to execution.

But even elites such as Qing clan have to face the same problem.

But artificial intelligence does not seem to make mistakes. In the first long night, the artificial intelligence-controlled army did not make any aggressive actions, and the precise command and individual execution ability were brought to the extreme.

This kind of war is something Qing Yi has never encountered before.

He couldn't install spies to get the other party's intelligence, but the other party had a powerful air superiority ability. Originally, Qing's Mountain Dipping Metal Storm had a supporting active defense system, but now the defense system is also abolished.

He can't find the other party's mistakes because artificial intelligence rarely makes mistakes. After the battle of the night, Qingyi even felt that if he finds that the other party is making a mistake, he must never catch the mistake, because that is what the artificial intelligence expects him to do.

If you can't find a trick from these two aspects, all Qingyi can do is fight attrition with real swords and guns.

However, each of the opponent's mortars has a limit range, and even the soldier's range is within the limit range.

The Qingshi has a large-caliber artillery, with a 152mm caliber and a range of 30 kilometers, which is enough to cover the range of the opponent's mortar.

There is a saying that within the range of the cannon, there is truth everywhere.

However, artificial intelligence-controlled troops are hidden in the dark, and it is difficult to lock the opponent with a 152mm howitzer.

In desperation, Qingyi could only order the use of artillery to cover the entire area and conduct a round of firepower destruction at no cost within 5 to 7 kilometers.

Although the cost is huge, this is nothing that can be done. The opponent's mortar is even outside the range of their heavy machine guns, and they are always letting the opponent hit.

But artillery ploughing is only theoretical, it refers to matrix fire coverage, in which there are bound to be gaps that artillery cannot cover.

On the zero side, just observing the adjustment of the firing range here in the air, the accurate trajectory has been calculated.

In just a few tens of seconds, all the artificial intelligence soldiers within a range of 5 to 7 kilometers hid in those "crevices" that could not be covered.

One artillery piece fell more than ten meters away from these artificial intelligence soldiers, and from time to time, splashing shrapnel knocked down the soldiers, and the mud on the ground was lifted up, and these soldiers turned into a gray-headed face.

However, when the artillery coverage was over, only 20% of the soldiers controlled by artificial intelligence died. Although other soldiers were injured, they could still fight.

Moreover, when there is a vacancy in the establishment of this unit, someone in the rear crowd will immediately fill it up. There is no need to handover or run-in. This soldier can immediately become the most qualified screw on this war machine.

After the firepower was covered, the position of the Qing's 152mm howitzer was already exposed to the view of the air. Fortunately, the Qing's troops were not stupid. The artillery was protected by layers behind the defense line, no matter how accurate the opponent's mortars were. , It is impossible to affect these artillery.

Artillery with a longer range cannot be transported by artificial intelligence.

The Southwest Forest, as a natural barrier, actually restricted Zero's performance, but it also abolished Qing's military system. Compared to their peak combat effectiveness, both sides seemed to be fighting with one arm tied.

The war continued, Qingyi sent people to submit the frontline combat report to Qingzhen.

At this moment, Luo Lan was looking through the documents he had just sent. He sat next to Qing Zhen and said in confusion: "It's strange, it clearly has the strength to push the Sanshan defense line, why should it fight like this? Normally, It is the commander who loves the people like a child to choose this kind of combat method. It doesn't fit this character no matter how you look at it."

Qingzhen said: "I guess it now has a high degree of dependence on these human-based servers, so I don't want too many casualties on its'servers', which will affect its ability to operate. On the other hand, I am afraid it wants to defeat Qing on the battlefield head-on, using its commanding ability instead of crowd tactics."

Qing Zhen and Luo Lan knew how many people there were in the southwest forest. That terrifying crowd only needed a wave to slap over, and the Three Mountains Defense Line might be gone, but Zero did not do so.

Luo Lan was even more puzzled: "Does it make sense to defeat Qing directly?"

"Maybe it's the AI's aggressiveness, or it may be Wang Shengzhi's last wish? Who knows, it doesn't matter," Qing Zhen said, shaking his head.

"How long do you think the Sanshan Defense Line can last?" Luo Lan asked.

"Three days," Qingzhen replied, "Last night was just a test, the real war has just begun. I guess that artificial intelligence has found the weakness of the Three Mountains Defense Line."

Zhou Qi was listening, and suddenly interrupted: "Wait, how can I listen to what you two mean, never thought we could win from the beginning?"

"Yes," Qingzhen nodded: "It is not shameful to admit that you are weak. The other party came with the entire Central Plains. Qing should lose, so the result is not so difficult to accept."

"You are Qingzheng," Zhou Qi exaggeratedly said: "You are Qingzheng, and even think you will lose, then we are not finished? Are human beings finished?"

Qing Zhen said: "The victory of this battle is not here."

"Where?" Zhou Qi asked.

It's just that Qingzhen didn't answer Zhou Qi's question this time. Since he has hidden the secret for so long, how could he say it now.

Only when all opportunities come, the answer can be revealed.

Zhou Qi curled his lips and said: "Then what should I do now, sit here and wait for death? Hey, although your money is in place, I will not do things like death. When the artificial intelligence crowd really crosses the Three-Mountain Defense Line, I Just get into the water and run, I don’t believe it is so powerful in the water."

"No," Qingzhen shook his head: "We want to go together."

"How to go? Where to go?" Zhou Qi asked.

"Go to the northwest," Qing Zhen said suddenly.

At this time, not only Zhou Qi, but Luo Lan was also stunned: "Retreat directly to the northwest, the entire Qing clan will give up? But our Qing clan can't win, even if hiding to the northwest is of any use, you should I also know that the forces facing the northwest are no less than ours."

Zhou Qi frowned: "Why, do you plan to rely on Ren Xiaosu and the group of extraordinary people?"

Qing Zhen shook his head: "In the past, human civilization did not have extraordinary people. Hasn't it been passed down to today? It's just that we need to unite and create opportunities."

"How nice it would be to retreat directly at the beginning, what are you waiting for, why do you want to build the Three-Mountain Defense Line? Why do you want to let the Qing soldiers reach the crowd," Zhou Qi asked.

Qingzhen said: "Because we have to make artificial intelligence feel that it has defeated Qingshi."

For this one purpose, the Qing clan might have more than 100,000 soldiers die one after another.

Read The Duke's Passion