MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 237 lolo trainer

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  Chapter 237 Lolo Trainer

  The little sea lion ate up a 20-pound green spot, then fell back satisfied and lay on the deck.

  For it, this fishing boat is its real home, and the small island is just its hunting place.

   But it is cool, but the other two sea lions are not full!

  Because Chu Mingcheng fed them fish, they became more courageous and climbed onto the boat together.

  And directly approached the foam box where the fish was placed. The smell of the fish after death was somewhat strong, and they didn't need to smell it carefully to know that there was their favorite food in it.

  Chu Mingcheng immediately chased them away with a scooping net. It was his wish to feed the fish, but it was too much for these two sea lions to try to **** his fish.

   Fortunately, these two sea lions are relatively timid. Once they were chased away by him, they were too afraid to come closer.

  Chu Mingcheng stepped forward and kicked the little sea lion, pointed outside and said, "Hurry up and take your little friends to catch the prey. If you dare to eat my fish, see if I beat you."

  The little sea lion was kicked and immediately sat up. When he saw that it was Chu Mingcheng kicking him, he lay back down with a slap.

  Jiang Luoluo covered her mouth and snickered: "How could it understand what you mean?"

  Chu Mingcheng felt helpless and troubled. If the little sea lion could understand what he meant, it would be convenient to train it to help him hunt or find fish in the future.

   It can be cultivated by long-term contact and tacit understanding.

  Like a pet dog, after being with its owner for a long time, it will naturally understand some things, but this requires long-term training and cultivation.

  Chu Mingcheng originally planned this way, but now there are two more sea lions, and his relationship with him is not as close as that of the little sea lions.

  If they're only here temporarily, that's fine.

  If they follow the little sea lions in the future, he will probably be in trouble for a while, and he needs to build a good relationship with these two new sea lions, so that the relationship between the two parties can also become closer.

  Chu Mingcheng personally hates trouble. If many things are troublesome, as long as he doesn't lose too much, he will choose to deal with them simply.

  Just looking at the two sea lions close together, he thought about it, and finally decided to make a good impression today.

   "Lolo, I'd better catch some cheaper fish first, and feed these two sea lions, lest they keep thinking about the fish in our foam tank."

   "You look at them first, I'll be back soon."

   "Well, you go, I'll look at them." Jiang Luoluo nodded, and took the duo net he handed over.

  Chu Mingcheng did not hesitate, and hurried into the water to find suitable prey.

   In the future, if there are three sea lions to help him find fish, then his fuel consumption will be reduced a lot.

  And the fish finder is limited, you can only see the fish situation in the area near the boat, and you can't see it a little further away.

  Sea lions are different, they are natural hunters, and finding fish schools is naturally better than fish finders.

   It took ten minutes and he shot four fish with the speargun.

  These four fish are all the same, named short-nosed fish, and each weighs four or five catties.

  The skin is very similar to skinned fish, with no scales but a thick layer of fish skin.

  Chu Mingcheng took out his diving knife and disposed of the fish's head and internal organs directly in the sea water.

  This kind of fish may carry tropical poisons. These toxins will gather in the internal organs and head, so these two places cannot be eaten.

   After dealing with the four fish, Chu Mingcheng swam back to the boat and threw the fish to the two new sea lions.

   Fortunately, the short-nosed fish in winter is very fat, and the fish tastes good. The two sea lions ate it with relish.

  It is not suitable to eat short snout fish in summer, because its fish meat will become very smelly in summer because of eating seaweed.

  Afterwards, Chu Mingcheng went to the coral reef to activate the fish gathering function, attracting high-quality fish to hunt.

  When the body is full of twelve fish, the sun has also dropped to the sea level.

  After returning to the boat, seeing three sea lions laying flat in a row, Chu Mingcheng was also a little speechless.

  After putting all the fish away, he continued to bring back the floats, this time there were fish on every float.

   There are only five stones and nine males, which leads to a very mediocre harvest this time.

   It stands to reason that Shi Jiugong should not be able to eat squid, but seeing that the squid was bitten to pieces, it is not surprising that this fish can take the bait.

  Chu Mingcheng felt that this location was not very good, so he sailed the boat to deeper waters outside, hung on the float and continued fishing.

  After that, he came to the position of the nine-section shrimp, took some small squid and cut them into small pieces, put them in the shrimp pot as bait, and threw them into the water.

  The shrimp pots can be collected tomorrow morning, and you don’t need to worry about it at night.

   After finishing all his work, Chu Mingcheng went to take a shower.

  The coral reef should be very lively at night, but he is not going to go into the water.

  I have already harvested nearly 600 catties of rare high-quality fish today, so I can slow down a bit, there is no need to work so hard.

  Looking at the experience value of the aquatic product illustration book, I found that there are still 19 kinds of aquatic products that can be upgraded.

  At present, there are still many creatures that have not been encountered in the Baodao Strait. I feel that it should not be difficult to upgrade the aquatic product guide to level 3 before the fishing ban.

  Chu Mingcheng thought Jiang Luoluo was cooking after coming out of the shower, but she was skewering meat with a bamboo stick.

   "What is this, you want to have barbecue tonight?"

   "That's right, didn't I bring some beef and mutton this morning, and I just plan to make barbecue tonight, so hurry up and help me." Jiang Luoluo put down the work in hand, and took out some leeks, corn and dried tofu.

  The amount of each preparation is quite large, and it feels like it is enough for three people.

  But in fact, Chu Mingcheng alone can kill three quarters.

  After getting stronger in physical fitness, my appetite has also become very large, and I need to eat a lot more food every day than before.

  The two skewered all the ingredients together, and Chu Mingcheng moved out the grill and charcoal, as well as the folding table.

  Jiang Luoluo brought all the ingredients for the evening to the table one by one, and then went in to prepare the evening drinks.

  It is quite interesting to have a barbecue on the sea under the sunset.

   Putting the charcoal into the grill, and looking at the fat and strong little sea lion, Chu Mingcheng couldn't help but wonder if its meat was delicious.

  The little sea lion lying flat suddenly trembled all over, just like a person who is half asleep and half awake, the brain thinks that the body is about to die and suddenly gives an emergency response.

  It raised its head and looked left and right, and doubts could be clearly felt in the round eyeballs.

  Chu Mingcheng was stunned, and then burst out laughing.

  He just had an idea for a moment, and it was impossible to implement it. Who knew that the little sea lion would have such a reaction, and he didn't know if it was a coincidence.

   Instead of thinking about the sea lion meat, Chu Mingcheng lit the charcoal with a flamethrower and started grilling.

  Because he was a little hungry, he grilled lamb skewers first.

  With just a little effort, the roasted mutton smell filled the whole fishing boat.


  The three sea lions raised their heads at the same time, looking at the skewers in Chu Mingcheng's hands.

  At this time, Jiang Luoluo had already made the evening drink, pomegranate sparkling water.

   That is to squeeze out the pomegranate juice and pour it with refrigerated sparkling water. There is no need to put ice cubes in this season.

  After she came out, she happened to see the reaction of the sea lions, and laughed immediately: "These three sea lions are quite interesting. I didn't expect them to be attracted by the smell of barbecue."

   "That is, there is no condition, otherwise I think most creatures would prefer cooked food." Seeing that the three sea lions had come together, Chu Mingcheng picked up a half-cooked skewer with only a little salt on it.

  Pull off the meat and throw it to the sea lion.

  The three sea lions took one piece at a time, just like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, they didn’t feel the taste.

  But the little sea lion wailed twice, and seemed to want more.

   "Go and go, just taste it, I haven't eaten tonight!" Chu Mingcheng drove them away after feeding them a bunch.

  Jiang Luoluo ridiculed seeing this: "You are really a pig's heart with shrimps. After giving them a delicious taste, you will drive them away the next moment."

   As she spoke, she also went to get a bunch of half-cooked barbecue, and held it in her hand to tease the sea lions.

   "Xiao Hei, sit down!"

   "." Chu Mingcheng was suddenly a little dumbfounded, his wife's IQ is not low, how could he suddenly be so stupid.

   And it's only been a few days since the relationship broke out, so it's impossible to get pregnant!

   "Lolo, is there a possibility that these three sea lions were sitting?"

   "Uh" Jiang Luoluo looked at the sea lion's sitting posture, feeling embarrassed.

   "That, Xiao Hei, stand up!"

  The little sea lion kept staring at the barbecue in Jiang Luoluo's hand, stretched his head over and kept sniffing, but there was no other reaction at all.

"so stupid!"

  Jiang Luoluo moved her hand away in disgust, and began to train the yellow and white sea lion next to her. She first gave a barbecue, and then took out another one to attract it.

   "Xiaobai, stand up."

  The yellow-white sea lion was attracted by her barbecue, and she raised her hand a bit high, so it could only stand up straight.

   It really looked like it was standing, and Jiang Luoluo happily gave it another roast immediately: "That's right, much smarter than Xiao Hei."

  Chu Mingcheng shook his head and laughed, feeling that Xiao Hei was lying innocently.

  But now he knows that Jiang Luoluo has named all three sea lions.

  The little sea lion has a dark complexion and is called Xiaohei, and the other two sea lions are also called Xiaohuang and Xiaobai according to their skin color.

  Xiao Huang's hair is not that yellow, it's just a little yellower than Xiao Bai's.

   But with a name, it will be more convenient to train the three sea lions in the future.

  After a short meeting, Chu Mingcheng's originally leisurely expression became a little shocked.

  Jiang Luoluo took a lot of skewers from him, and it was like training a dog. Those who trained these three sea lions already knew the two commands of sitting down and standing up.

  After feeding the last bit of barbecue in her hand, she came back excitedly and claimed credit in front of Chu Mingcheng: "Haha, I actually have the talent to be a beast trainer. How about it, isn't it amazing?"

   "Awesome, Trainer Luoluo, I will hand over these three sea lions to you for training in the future." Chu Mingcheng joked.

  Of course, if she is really interested in training sea lions, then he will let her do it.

   "Okay, I will go out to sea with you in the future, I will spend some time training them." Jiang Luoluo agreed without hesitation.

   She can't help with fishing and hunting, but she is willing to work hard to help Chu Mingcheng in other aspects.

  (end of this chapter)

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