MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 243 Non-commercial fishing license

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  Chapter 243 Non-Commercial Fishing License

  The two of them came to the restaurant, thinking that all the breakfasts provided in the hotel were Western-style breakfasts, but it turned out that part of them were Chinese-style breakfasts, including rice rolls.

  Jiang Luoluo was a little surprised, and tried to choose some Chinese food.

  We eat western food like that, but Chu Mingcheng was also surprised that foreign hotels would arrange Chinese food.

  He was more curious about the taste of these Chinese breakfasts, so he asked for rice rolls, steamed buns and so on.

   The two came to a dining table with breakfast and sat down, but met many Asian faces.

  It seems that there is Chinese food, which should be specially catered for Chinese tourists.

   This immediately raised Chu Mingcheng's favorability for this hotel by several levels.

   If it weren't for the fact that this side is too remote, he wouldn't mind staying here for a while longer.

   After breakfast, it was getting late, Chu Mingcheng checked out of the room, and took a taxi to the city center.

  The bus here runs every half an hour, and he would rather spend a little more for convenience.

  When they came to the city center, they chose a hotel by the sea, and there was a big park next to it.

  Although they only came here for a day, both Chu Mingcheng and Jiang Luoluo fell in love with this city.

  The environment is really good, the temperature is pleasant, and the highest temperature in summer is more than 30 degrees, but because of the temperature difference between day and night, it is not too hot at night.

  The only pity is abroad. If there are similar places in China, they will definitely buy a house and live there for a long time.

  Checked in the hotel and put away the luggage, and the two of them started to check in and play at the tourist attractions.

   After playing for several days in a row, the hotel also changed three.

  Until they came to Mornington Beach, where homestays are popular, Chuming City stayed in a holiday cottage named Dimana's landlord.

  Mornington Beach is only 11 kilometers away from the center of Melbourne. It is very convenient to come here after renting a car in Chuming City.

   There are many interesting places on the Mornington Peninsula, including the IELTS maze and lavender garden that Jiang Luoluo would like to visit.

  As for Chuming City, it is natural to focus on the hot springs of the Mornington Peninsula and the large number of abalones living along the coast of Mornington.

   Men like to eat this seafood, and they will never get tired of it!

   "Lolo, it's already two o'clock in the afternoon today, let's go diving to catch some abalone, how about making an abalone dinner tonight?"

   "Is a fishing license required for fishing abalone?"

   "That's for sure, but it's easy to get a non-commercial fishing license, so let's go now."

  The luggage was left at the hotel and they didn’t have time to clean it up. The two drove off again, going to the local fishery administration first.

  The price of non-commercial fishing licenses in each region of Australia is different to a certain extent. Melbourne belongs to the state of Victoria. There are four time options for non-commercial fishing licenses in Victoria.

  Three days, twenty-eight days, one year and three years.

  The longer the time, the better the price-performance ratio. Chu Mingcheng considered that his time in Melbourne should not exceed one month, so he applied for two 28-day fishing licenses.

  The price is 21 Australian dollars, two forty-two.

  Secondly, fishing for abalone requires a diving suit that meets local specifications.

   Neither of them brought the diving suit at home, otherwise it would be too troublesome to have an extra suitcase.

  Although Chu Mingcheng doesn’t have that much money now, his deposits before coming here are already more than 1.2 million.

  Excluding the 50,000 Australian dollars exchanged, he just had a little over one million in his bank card.

  If you can’t afford a house in downtown Xiamen, can’t you afford two sets of diving suits?

   After spending 4,000 Australian dollars to buy two sets of diving suits, I also need a ruler to measure the size of an abalone.

  There are three types of abalone on Mornington Beach, namely green lip abalone, black lip abalone and tiger spot abalone.

   Among them, green lip abalone must be larger than 13 cm, and the remaining two types must be larger than 12 cm.

  There are patrols on the beach at any time. They not only check the fishing license at any time, but also check the specifications of the abalone caught.

   Those who fail to meet the standard will be fined and the abalone will be released.

   So they also have to buy an abalone knife, which is blunt and won't hurt the abalone when cutting it.

  Sharp objects such as diving knives and screwdrivers are prohibited, so as not to hurt abalone, especially abalone that does not meet the specifications.

  In short, if you want to get some seafood here, there are many restrictions.

  Chu Mingcheng felt that if the country's vast sea area could be as strict as Australia's, then people in coastal cities would still need to buy seafood frequently.

   When you have time to rest and have free time, you can enjoy a seafood meal by just taking a wild ride by the beach, how cool it is.

  Unfortunately, this cannot be done in China.

   After everything was purchased, the two came to Mornington Beach.

  There is a row of colorful cabins here. When they came over with diving equipment, they could see several Asian-faced Internet celebrities taking pictures here.

   There is no need to guess this kind, you can tell it is a domestic Internet celebrity at a glance.

  Chu Mingcheng and Jiang Luoluo met a lot when checking in at scenic spots in the past few days.

  And what's interesting is that these small Internet celebrities take a few photos and share them, and their net worth "surges" immediately when they return to China.

   The two of them took it easy, chose a wooden house on the edge, opened the door and walked in.

   You can see that there are many props for playing on the beach, such as surfboards and swimming rings.

  These are cabins for tourists, and tourists can also change clothes here.

  The two of them changed their clothes, put the fishing license into the waterproof bag, and put it on their bodies.

  Whether fishing or diving to catch seafood in Australia, the fishing license must be kept on the body at all times for future reference.

  When I came to the beach, I could see several diving tourists holding a palm-sized abalone out of the water.

  There are quite a lot of people fishing for abalone in Mornington, but there are more people in Melbourne and Hong Kong, almost to the point where there is no abalone to catch.

  So when Chu Mingcheng was in Melbourne a few days ago, he didn't think about this.

  The two entered the water from the beach hand in hand, then flat dived on the water surface, and slowly swam to the deep water area.

   Fishing abalone must be done in waters below two meters, otherwise you will be fined. There are two uniformed civil servants on the beach patrolling!

  When Chu Mingcheng and Jiang Luoluo entered the water, the two local guys still stared at them for a long time, apparently they were after them.

   Fortunately, they have all the documents and abide by the rules, so they are not afraid of being targeted.

  He pulled Jiang Luoluo and swam until he reached a shallow reef area more than 100 meters offshore before stopping.

  The water depth here is about six or seven meters, and the water depth at the side is about ten meters. It is impossible for ordinary tourists to swim here to fish for abalone, so Chuming City is likely to find a few big ones.

   "Lolo, you are here to look for big abalones, I will go to the bottom of the nearby water to see if there are any lobsters."

   "Okay, the seafood dinner tonight is up to you!"

   "Haha, as long as there are good things here, I promise to get them."

  The water here is shallow, and he was the one who pulled Jiang Luoluo to swim, so he can leave in a short time without worry.

  Jiang Luoluo has practiced 21 times so far, the dynamic breath-holding time has just passed two minutes, and he can already dive to a depth of 20 meters.

   It is easy to find a few big abalones in such a shallow place.

  Chu Mingcheng plunged into the water and began to wander around the bottom of the water.

  The sea water off the coast of Australia looks clear and transparent, but it is not so clear after diving into the water, and the visibility is only about ten meters.

   After entering the water, Chu Mingcheng was a little surprised. There were a lot of abalones at the bottom!

   And the water plants are dense, and there are many stones.

  Big abalones are attached to the sides of these stones.

  However, Chu Mingcheng’s goal is not these for the time being. When diving to catch abalone, one license can catch five abalones at a time.

  The two of them ate at night, they don't need so much, I believe Jiang Luoluo can handle it.

  However, if you charter a boat to go fishing for abalone, no matter how many people are on that boat, you can only catch ten abalones. This is the limit of the non-commercial fishing license.

  Chuming City can naturally apply for commercial fishing licenses by relying on cheating, but as I said before, whoever sells the things after catching them.

   Is it good to sell, will it be cheated, and it may even arouse the hostility of the local fishermen and make trouble for him.

  When a foreigner comes to **** food, the local fishermen are definitely not willing.

   This happens even in this country, let alone abroad.

  That's why he waited for Noah to come over. With a local, these troubles will naturally be eliminated.

   It is nothing more than that the benefits will be shared by him, which is also what it should be.

  Successful businessmen know that cooperation is a win-win situation, and no matter how stupid Chu Mingcheng is, he will never act recklessly.

  He began to look for Aolong in the crevices of some nearby reefs. The fishing season of Aolong is similar to that of king crab.

   Only female shrimp with seeds cannot be caught. Secondly, the length of the head of the lobster must be greater than 11 centimeters, and the length of the female lobster can be less than 0.5 centimeters.

   You can only catch lobsters with bare hands, and no tools are allowed.

  Although there are restrictions, they have no effect on Chuming City.

  He himself likes to catch big seafood, and he releases all the smaller seafood in China, so these restrictions are useless to him.

   It is not a problem for him to have no tools. Others can grab it with bare hands, let alone him with cheats.

  After a short while, he found a lobster hiding in a rock crevice. He reached in and held the lobster, and then pulled it out gently to avoid hurting the lobster with excessive force.

  This lobster is not too big, Chu Mingcheng wanted to release it directly.

   It’s just that the caliper just bought is useless, so I followed the Romans and used the caliper to measure the lobster head.

  Nine point seven centimeters, which was almost enough size, Chu Mingcheng let go of his hand to release it, this Australian dragon slapped its tail, and swished out.

   Then he swam to Jiang Luoluo's side and checked her condition.

  Seeing Chu Mingcheng approaching, she happily picked up an abalone that was bigger than her palm, and said with a smile, "It's amazing, this is enough for the two of us to eat."

  Chu Mingcheng noticed that there was a circle of blue on the abalone meat, and said: "This is a green-edge abalone, I didn't expect it to grow so big."

   "Yes, I'm going to pry two other types of abalone now, how is your lobster catch?"

   "I met one, but unfortunately it was a little small. I will continue to look for it, and I must catch a big one tonight."

   "Well, come on!"

  This time Chuming City traveled a little further, and found a group of underwater reefs.

  This place is good, unlike the abalone side just now, the bottom of the water is sandy, and it is not easy to hide lobsters.

   After searching here for not long, he soon found a huge lobster, which weighed five or six catties.

  You don’t need a ruler to measure this size, just grab it.

  (end of this chapter)

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