MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 247 The best seafood in the southern hemisphere

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  Chapter 247 Top Seafood in the Southern Hemisphere

  The red snappers in this school of fish are quite big, fearing that Jiang Luoluo and others will not be able to lift the fish up, Chu Mingcheng immediately exploded with the hand speed he had practiced in his youth.

  The crank handle was turned into a hot wheel. With the continuous lifting of the pole with the left hand, it took almost no time, and a 60 cm long red sea bream was pulled to the surface of the water.

  Because the fish was pulled up by brute force, his physical strength was not completely exhausted, so he held the fishing rod with his left hand, and picked up the net with his right hand to catch the fish.

  Take out the fishhook, along with the squid meat hanging on it.

  The red sea bream is also pitiful, not only did not enjoy the last bite of food before dying, but also had to lose its own body fat.

  Throwing the fish into the living water tank, Chu Mingcheng immediately came to Jiang Luoluo with a net.

  Her fish was about to be pulled to the surface of the water, as if sensing danger, the fish struggled desperately again, trying to get under the boat with the fishing line.

  Jiang Luoluo was naturally aware of this trend. Although she didn't fish that much, she still had experience in dealing with such situations.

  Twice before, she was cut off by the bottom of the fish drill boat, but with the guidance of Chu Mingcheng, she already knew how to deal with it.

  Jiang Luoluo immediately adjusted his posture, stretched the fishing rod out of the side of the boat, and pulled the fishing rod up hard to prevent the fish from running to the bottom of the boat, and also wanted to quickly pull it to the surface of the water.

  This fish is also a stubborn one, and he wants to dive to the bottom of the boat despite the pain.

   It's just that she is not as strong as her, and even though she tried her best, she didn't go down.

  Finally exhausted, he chose to swim diagonally to the right, causing the fishing line to tilt, and Jiang Luoluo had to adjust his posture again.

   But this is also the last struggle of the fish, and it won't last long.

  Two minutes later, the red sea bream was dragged to the side of the boat, and Chu Mingcheng caught it with a net.

  It was a bit bigger than his, reaching 80 centimeters, like a small door panel, estimated to be more than 25 catties.

  Jiang Luoluo took a deep breath, looked at the big red sea bream in the net and said, "If there are such resources in China, how can we buy a big boat!"

Chu Mingcheng threw the red sea bream into the living water tank, and when he heard her words, he smiled and said, "Haha, no matter how good the resources are, we still have to buy a big boat. I really want to go to the ocean to challenge the real sea monsters and catch some rice. What's the point of a super little fish?"

   "If those anglers who have never caught fish weighing more than five catties, hear you say that rice-level fish are small fish, they will probably be so angry that they will break their fishing rods on the spot!"

   "That's different, they can't afford ocean fishing boats!"


  Jiang Luoluo was speechless for a moment. This sentence was a little hearty, but fortunately she is not a fisherman, and she can afford a boat.

  The two chatted and laughed, and then continued fishing. Because there were too many fish, Chu Mingcheng did not activate the fish gathering function, and it was estimated that they could reach the level of the connecting rod.

  However, in order to attract more plump red snappers, he still turns on the fish-gathering function, allowing the plug-in to filter out some thinner red snappers with low fat content.

   Therefore, the function of delicacy is reflected. As a result, most of the red snappers he catches next have broad backs and round belly.

  Even Jiang Luoluo received some benefits, and the red snapper he caught was also very fat.

  For about two hours, she was exhausted after fishing about fifteen red snappers with the rod.

  The main thing is that these red snappers are quite big, and it takes a lot of effort to catch each one.

   "Luo Luo, you should put down your rod and go back to rest. I'll go back after fishing for a while." Chu Mingcheng also couldn't bear to make her too tired, so he urged her to go back first.

  Jiang Luoluo didn't insist, she nodded, put away the fishing rod, and went back to take a bath.

   "Don't be too late."

"Ok, I know."

   Now there are more than forty minutes before twelve o'clock, Chu Mingcheng decided to stop fishing when twelve o'clock.

   But he didn't know that except for a few red snappers attracted by his fish-gathering function, the rest of the red snappers had sensed the danger and all withdrew from the deep ditch.

  So after he caught a red snapper again, all the red snappers at the bottom of the water ran away immediately because of the hook on the boat.

  Chu Mingcheng didn't know what was going on, he put on the bait and threw it into the water, thinking he would continue to connect the rod, but he didn't catch any more fish after waiting for more than ten minutes.

   This made him very surprised, and he wondered if all the fish had run away.

   After thinking for a while, he retracted the hook and went to the cockpit to check the situation on the fish finder.

   And just as he was going to the cockpit, a small group of Australian mackerel rushed at a very fast speed to the deep ditch that they thought would be safer.

   Judging from the speed and direction of their swimming, they seem to be very flustered.

  The next moment, a group of huge fish caught up behind him.

   They open their huge mouths and can swallow two or three small Australian mackerel in one go.

   Then, I saw Chu Mingcheng come out of the cockpit with a dazed expression and returned to the deck.

  Because he saw on the fish finder that the fish resources in this deep ditch are still very good, with a lot of thick red lines.

   This means that the number of fish schools is still as high as he saw before. It stands to reason that with the help of the fish gathering function, the link can continue.

  Chu Mingcheng couldn't figure out the situation, so he decided to try fishing again.

  If you really can’t catch it, then go back to take a shower, and then sleep with your fragrant girlfriend.

As he threw the bait into the water and slowly lowered it into the deep ditch, the big fish that had been hunting Australian mackerel and were already full and ready to rest in this safe deep ditch immediately turned to the bait swim.

   It wasn’t just one big fish that swam towards the bait, but one of them was the largest and relatively close, so it grabbed the bait first.

  Normally, the price for getting bait is its fat.

  However, the length of this fish reached 1.3 meters and the weight exceeded 100 catties. The line set used by Chu Mingcheng to catch red sea bream was relatively thin.

  When he picked up the fishing rod to stab the fish, the tip of the fishing rod bounced back with a "swoosh", and the fishing line broke.

  Chu Mingcheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect the fish at the bottom to be so big. He felt it when he stabbed the fish just now, but the force he used was a bit too strong. The fishing line broke too fast, and he didn't even have time to react.

   But now that he knew it, it was not too late, so he hurriedly took out his bait and sprinkled it into the water to make a nest, in order to keep this group of fish.

   Then he immediately ran into the tool room and took out the heavy boat pole.

   Judging from the pulling force just now, only the heavy tuna fishing rod can handle it.

  Tie up the big horse line quickly, install the drum, and then hang a squid, Chu Mingcheng immediately throws the hook bait into the water.

   Judging from the bait reaction just now, the new big fish should be able to be affected by the fish gathering function, and it is a high-quality fish.

   Sure enough, the hook bait fell into the water, and when it came to the deep ditch, a big fish took advantage of the close distance and swallowed the hook bait first.

  This fish is even bigger, with a length of nearly 1.5 meters.

  The boat rod was pulled by the fish and immediately bent down severely. The drum unloading force had been locked, but the fishing line was still pulled out slowly.


  The fishing rod seems to be overwhelmed, but it is actually very strong.

  The fishing line is under more pressure and is constantly "buzzing" and trembling.

  The water droplets left on it just now were all shattered and bounced into water mist.

  But Chu Mingcheng was very excited about this meeting, he picked up the fishing rod and raised it vigorously, making the hook pierce deeper.

  Since his body has been strengthened to the peak of human beings, he hasn't really fought a big guy yet!

  Now he is very curious about how much he can fight against a big fish with all his strength.

  However, the speed of this fish is not as fast as tuna and marlin, because the drum rotates at a significantly slower speed.

   At present, it has only run tens of meters, but the core strength of the fish should be sufficient.

  Chu Mingcheng stretched out his hand to hold the handle, and with a "creak", the fish's momentum stopped, and the fishing rod was bent downward again.

  He put the fishing rod on his belly, held the handle with his right hand, but just froze, without exerting any force.

  At this moment, one person and one fish began to fight against their core strength.

  However, the hook in the fish's mouth got deeper and deeper, and it was obviously more disadvantaged under the unbearable pain.

   This big fish kept shaking its head and tail, trying to escape far away.

  The fishing line kept trembling slightly, swinging from side to side slightly.

  However, Chu Mingcheng's strength was superior, and he firmly suppressed the fish, keeping it in place.

   But he is not easy, after all, because of the body structure of the fish, it can explode stronger in the water.

  After almost knowing the strength of the fish, there was a stalemate for a while, Chu Mingcheng grabbed the fishing rod with both hands, and pulled it up hard, and the fishing line was immediately pulled back half a meter.

  The big fish in the water couldn't resist this force even more. The head of the fish suddenly lifted, and the whole fish jumped half a meter upwards.

  Chu Mingcheng took the opportunity to retract the fishing line, and then repeated the same action.

  Fish can't match him in strength, let alone endurance.

  The strengthening of life transformation is comprehensive, speed, strength, agility, endurance, etc. are all-round improvements, including the recovery speed of physical strength.

  So under the unreasonable brute force of Chu Mingcheng, this big fish was pulled to the surface of the water bit by bit, and even because of its constant struggle and resistance, its physical strength was almost exhausted.

  In just fifteen minutes, a big fish that was nearly 1.5 meters tall and weighed more than 150 catties was pulled to the side of the boat.

  By using the light, Chu Mingcheng discovered that it was a big dark brown fish, which looked a bit like perch.

  Because he couldn't see very clearly in the water, after making sure that the fish was not struggling, he let go of the handle and picked up the hook.

  Holding the fishing rod in his left hand to hold the fish, and stretching out the hook with his right hand, he stabbed the fish in the brain at the right moment.

   After being fatally attacked, the big fish struggled violently again, and the waves slapped by the fish's tail rattled.

  Chu Mingcheng let go of the fishing rod, grabbed the long handle of the hook with both hands, and dragged the fish to the small door on the rear deck.

  A lot of blood floated on the sea surface, and the big fish's struggling movements became weaker and weaker.

   After just a short while, the big fish stopped moving.

  Chu Mingcheng opened the small door, stretched the hook in from the small door, let go of his hand, changed his position and grabbed the long handle again to avoid being caught by the side of the boat, and finally pulled the big fish up directly with his strength.

  Close the small door, and now he finally has time to look at the big fish carefully.

  By confirming the head, fins and other aspects, he recognized this big fish, which is a high-value multi-saw perch that only exists in Australia and nearby countries.

  The scientific name is long-bodied perch, commonly known as blue cod.

   But it is not the same species as New Zealand's blue cod, which is not that big.

  (end of this chapter)

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