MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 251 Concerns of local crabbers

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  Chapter 251 The attention of local crabbers

   At a moment's time, Chu Mingcheng was almost driven out to sleep on the sofa that night. Fortunately, he was at a friend's house, and Jiang Luoluo finally saved him some face, and he didn't have the strength to drive him away.

  They didn't go to sea the next day. The seafood on Noah's side couldn't be sold that fast, so there was no rush.

  After enjoying the warmth for a day, Chu Mingcheng sent Jiang Luoluo to the airport the next day, hugging and saying goodbye.

   In the days to come, his girlfriend will not be around, which makes him somewhat lonely.

  But it's not all bad, at least Chu Mingcheng can let himself go and do something exciting.

  But before that, we have to catch the full portion of the king crab.

Back at Noah's house, he saw that Chu Mingcheng was a little silent, and thought he was in a bad mood, so he laughed and came over and put his arms around his shoulders and said, "Cheng, I know you're a little unhappy, but it's okay, I'll take you tonight You go to a fun place, I guarantee you will be very happy."

   "Uh Noah, I'm planning to go to sea in the afternoon, and I may not be able to accompany you to find something fun at night." Chu Mingcheng politely refused with a wry smile.

  The good place Noah said is nothing more than a nightclub, and then ask a woman to do some sweaty exercises, but he is really not interested in this kind of place.

   After all, he has a woman, so he can't mess around.

   As for Noah, Chu Mingcheng is not easy to comment. When he was in China, he could see the family-friendly side of the other party, and he seemed very affectionate with his wife.

   But when alone, this guy is just like Zhang Wei. He seems to be very interested in other people's donuts.

   "Oh no, Cheng, you should know how to free yourself. It's not worthwhile to give up the entire forest for one tree."

   "Noah, we are friends, and I don't dislike you tasting donuts of various flavors. But I'm a picky eater and only eat one kind, so I can only refuse your kindness!"

   "Well, I respect your opinion."

  Noah spread out his hands and stopped persuading him, he had good intentions in the first place.

  But he is also a person with high EQ, and he will not feel that Chu Mingcheng is stupid because of being rejected, nor will he be annoyed by it.

  He has settled in China for several years, and he understands how most people in this country are responsible for their families.

  Jiang Luoluo was mentally prepared to leave Chuming City, but he still felt a little empty.

  That's why he was going to go to sea in the afternoon, find something to do for himself, and divert his attention.

  Driving to the pier, he moved all the newly bought things to the fishing boat. Although the boat still had more than 30 hours of battery life, he still filled up the oil.

   The shrimp cage that Noah bought is already on board, and it is a cage like a wine tank.

  The body of the cage is quite large, which can catch many lobsters, but the mouth of the bottle is relatively small, with a diameter of only fifteen centimeters.

   And there is no small door or cover for the switch, just open.

  According to Noah, the shrimp cage must be placed with the entrance facing upwards.

  The lobsters will be attracted by the bait and climb into the cage. After climbing into the cage, the lobsters will not leave. They will feel that this hiding place is safe, and then they will gather more and more.

   This principle should be to use the characteristics of lobster aggregation to catch them.

  Because the shrimp cage is not a barbed wire net like a crab cage, but a woven bamboo cage, the four sides are closed to make the lobster feel more secure.

  The refrigerated compartment is for fish, and the living water compartment is for emperor crabs. Therefore, Chu Mingcheng bought another batch of foam boxes to store lobsters in the living room, and also specially bought two relatively large oxygen machines.

  After the ingredients for the meal were also prepared, he started the fishing boat and set off.

  At the same time, the video of Chu Mingcheng fishing for king crabs and trading with Noah at the pier appeared in the eyes of a group of old men.

  Because of the presence of civil servants, let them know that the other party's crabbing is legal, which made everyone present very angry.

  One of the bosses punched the table with a fist, and scolded: "Xie Te, are the people in the fishery administration full of **** in their heads? Why did they give the crabbing share to a yellow-skinned monkey?"

  A slightly thinner person next to him said: "Maybe this Australian native got the share, and then hired this yellow man to catch crabs?"

  Another person said: "No matter who it is, these shares are determined by several of our companies. The fishery administration should not distribute our shares to others. This is stealing money from our pockets."

   "We need to investigate how much share the other party got. If we can take the other party's share, then we may be able to earn hundreds of thousands more this year."

   Everyone present nodded, and what they didn't know, other crabbing groups also had the same idea.

  The share of king crabs has only been shared equally by several fishing companies, and it has been like this for many years.

   Now someone suddenly got the share again. For the crabbers of the fishing company, they snatched it from them, which would cause them to lose a part of the share they got today.

  It also broke the monopoly of several fishing companies, making them worry about whether there will be more people to share in the future.

   It's not that this kind of thing didn't happen before, but they were all driven out by their group of crabbers and the company.

  The bottom layer has the methods of the bottom layer, and the company also has the ability of the company. The two parties have united for the common benefit, which has led to the firm control of the king crab share in the past few decades.

  The fishery company has already responded to this matter and sent people to the fishery administration to inquire.

  Normally speaking, the Fishery Administration has cooperated with these companies for so long, there are many twists and turns, and the interests are even entangled. They will not distribute the shares for no reason.

  So the fishery company is really just asking about the situation, and it's not time to put pressure on it.

  The result surprised everyone.

  The people who were sent over didn't ask anything, and their attitude suddenly changed, taking it for granted.

  This kind of sentiment actually affected the top management of the company, thinking that there was no need for the crab catchers to make a fuss, but in the end it was nothing.

  The attitude of the company made this group of crabbers very strange, and their hearts were full of clouds.

  Actually, for fishery companies, the king crab share is only important because it is unique to Australia. As a local company, it will naturally not let outsiders get a share.

  But in fact, the annual output of king crab is not much, and the benefits generated are far less than that of some large numbers of fish.

   Therefore, under the influence of the cheating in Chuming City, the senior management of these fishery companies contacted the people affected by the cheating, and they were also affected.

   This frustrates the crabbers who are particularly concerned. If the company does nothing, it will undoubtedly be much more difficult for them to drive the "intruders" out.

   But they don't have contact with the affected people, and they don't give up easily.

  So he asked his crab-catching workers to go to the pier to watch, first to confirm which ship it was, and then to worry about it.

  Chu Mingcheng has come to the waters where he caught crabs last time, because it is already dark, he wants to have dinner first.

   Putting on diving goggles, he took out an onion and began to chop it.

  It’s also interesting, he doesn’t need goggles for diving, but chopping onions is quite suitable.

  After chopping the onion and taking off the goggles, Chu Mingcheng took out a piece of cleaned pork belly. Stir-fried pork belly with onions is a very delicious dish.

   Then he made another steamed egg with shredded pork and hot and sour cabbage.

  I often eat expensive seafood, but today's dishes are quite down-to-earth.

   After three dishes and a small pot of rice, Chu Mingcheng immediately patted his stomach comfortably.

  After resting and digesting, the whole body is a little weak due to hunger, and immediately returns to the best state.

   Then he started the fishing boat, found a water area with a depth of 150 meters, and dropped the crab pots one by one along the water area.

  Having the experience of catching king crabs once, Chu Mingcheng doesn't plan to take care of the crab pots tonight, just go down and have a look tomorrow morning.

   Now there are other things to do, he first changed into a diving suit, carried two shrimp cages, and put the newly bought powerful spear gun into the shrimp cages and took it into the water.

  This spear gun is the same as the wooden gun he put in Xia City. It has three rubber bands and can hunt large fish.

  Of course, it can also be used for hunting small fish, as long as there is one less rubber band when loading it, the force will naturally be reduced a lot.

  But the material is carbon, so it doesn’t feel as good as a wooden gun.

  Chu Mingcheng carried two shrimp pots and swam in the water. With a headlamp on his head, he can see clearly the bottom of the water.

  However, the water resistance of the shrimp cage is very high, and there are two floats on it, which made him not swim fast.

   After a short while, he came to the coral reef area.

   It's just that after coming to the location where the lobster was found before, he was a little depressed.

  The lobster seems to have changed its nest, and there is no one under the coral. It seems that we can only look for it again.

   While looking for lobsters in Chuming City, he accidentally saw an orange crustacean crawling on the bottom of the coral reef.

  It looks very strange, it looks a bit like a lute shrimp, but it has a pair of pliers.

   The individual is not big, just the size of a palm.

  Chu Mingcheng put down the shrimp cage, and grabbed the strange-looking creature.

   I just didn't expect that after grabbing it, its pliers were unexpectedly long and flat, but it didn't seem to have much attack power.

  The head is very big, but the body is small, it seems that there is no flesh.

  But soon, Chu Mingcheng searched the information of this creature from his memory.

   This is a crab that is relatively common in Southeast Asia and the coast of Australia. It is also distributed in the East and South China Seas in China, but the output is not so much.

  The unit price of tiger crabs in China seems to be around 130 yuan. I don’t know much about Melbourne, but it should be much cheaper.

  Including the purchase price when selling it to Noah, it is estimated that it is about ten Australian dollars per catty.

  The price was far lower than that of Aolong. Chu Mingcheng was not interested, so he released the tiger crab directly.

   Just holding the shrimp cage and continuing to look for Aolong, he found that this coral reef is full of tiger crabs, and there are quite a few of them, some of which are bigger than the palm of your hand.

  The quantity is small, so he is really not interested, but if the quantity is large, it seems that it would be good to keep a shrimp cage, but I don’t know if this kind of shrimp cage specially designed for catching lobsters is easy to use.

  Chu Mingcheng looked at the shrimp pot, and decided to try it first.

  Afterwards, he found a relatively flat sandy place, put down the shrimp cage, and then found a few stones to put in to prevent the shrimp cage from floating away.

  After the shrimp cage was put away, Chu Mingcheng continued to look for Aolong.

  The range of lights at night was small, so he searched for half a day, and finally found the place where Aolong gathered.

  Put the shrimp pot in place, and also put a few stones to hold it down, and then he left here with the spear gun.

  (end of this chapter)

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