MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 253 slap

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  As the fishing lines were all retracted, the deck was covered with king crabs.

  Chu Mingcheng took the scissors and untied the fishing lines one by one, and then threw them into the living water tank one by one.

  Emperor crabs are big, and about 500 kilograms of emperor crabs will fill the live water tank.

  When the crab cage is pulled up later, it is estimated that the crabs will have to be stacked.

   Fortunately, their shells are hard enough, and the emperor crabs in the crab pots are relatively small, so they are not afraid that the ones underneath will be crushed to death.

  When all the crab pots were pulled up and all the king crabs were put into the live water tank, the whole morning had passed.

  The efficiency of one person's work is indeed relatively slow. This is also the reason why a ship will basically bring some people with it when it goes out to sea. The efficiency of everyone's division of labor and cooperation will naturally be high.

  Chu Mingcheng didn't make lunch right away, but drove the boat to the coral reef and took the shrimp pots back.

  Aolong’s harvest was relatively mediocre. He threw the ones that did not meet the specifications back into the sea, and the rest were only sixteen, adding up to seventy-three catties.

  The average weight here is only three or four catties, mainly because there are three particularly large ones, all of which are in the early ten catties.

  This weight is considered very large in Auron, so the price may be raised a bit.

  The tiger crab is a bit outrageous, and the shrimp cage is almost full to the entrance after being lifted up.

  Chu Mingcheng was surprised that there were so many tiger crabs here, after all, he didn't think there were so many when diving last night.

  Selected some small ones to release, and the rest weighed 156 jin.

   That is to say, his shrimp pot is relatively big, if it is a little smaller, the tiger crabs are not enough to stuff it.

  It's a pity that the size of the tiger crab is only that, and the largest one only weighs two catties.

  He simply didn't eat at noon, so Chu Mingcheng simply walked into the kitchen with this two-pound meal.

   It was just that he was a little surprised after breaking the shell of the tiger crab.

  I thought it was a kind of crab without much meat, but it turns out that the meat is hidden in this big shell?

  Seeing that there was so much meat, Chu Mingcheng simply steamed it in a pot.

   After eating at noon, he finally understood why tiger crabs can be sold for 131 catties in China. The taste is really good, very sweet.

  In the afternoon, Chu Mingcheng planned to continue catching some lobsters and tiger crabs.

  Although the living water tank has been filled with king crabs, there are still many foam tanks that are useless, and some more can be caught.

   Just as he was about to release the crab pots, the satellite phone rang.

  Chu Mingcheng put down the work at hand, hurried over to answer the phone, and then Noah's voice came out.

   "Cheng, how is the current harvest?"

   "Good luck, I caught a lot of king crabs, what's wrong?"

   "That's really great. All the king crabs on my side have been sold out, and some merchants have reserved some. Why don't you come back first?"

   "OK, then I'll go back now, you come to the pier in the evening."

  Chu Mingcheng heard that it was out of stock, so he agreed without hesitation.

  He didn't expect that Noah's goods would be sold out just because Jiang Luoluo was delayed for two days. It seems that he gave up some profits.

   But think about it, the price is the same as other places, and there is no need for others to buy from him.

  Chu Mingcheng tidied up the deck, packed and fixed the crab pots, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

  The diving suit that has been worn on the body was changed and cleaned, and then the fishing boat was started to return.

   There is no time to catch more lobsters this time, so I can only wait for the next time.

  However, Chu Mingcheng deliberately wrote down the coordinates of the water area where the sperm whale carcass was located. With such a large amount of food there, he believed that the nearby emperor crabs would be attracted to it.

  In this way, he can easily obtain a large number of king crabs in the next time, and there is no need to go further.

  Back to the pier, the sun was about to set.

  Noah has been waiting here for a long time. When he saw more king crabs than last time, he was not surprised.

   "Cheng, I'm really curious, how did you catch so many king crabs in such a short period of time?"

   "Then I'll tell you this secret, don't tell it everywhere." Chu Mingcheng said secretly with a mysterious look on his face.

   "I promise I won't say it." Noah is not a fool, this is related to his own interests, how could he say it.

   "Actually, when I dived in the sea for the first time, I happened to meet a sperm whale. And it was a dead sperm whale whose body was gnawed beyond recognition."

  “At that time, I was very curious and wanted to observe closely, but unexpectedly the body of the sperm whale started to sink. I was lucky to witness a whale fall.”

  When he heard that Chu Mingcheng had witnessed a whale fall, Noah repeatedly called his God and expressed his disbelief.

   "Cheng, you are really lucky to be able to see such a miraculous scene. But what does this have to do with your secret of quickly catching king crabs?"

Chu Mingcheng spread his hands: "Isn't the sperm whale carcass a god-given food for king crabs? I tried to put crab cages in the water where the whale fell, but I didn't expect that the sperm whale carcass really attracted people. A lot of king crabs, so I can have a good harvest."

  Noah was stunned, then shook his head again and lamented his luck.

  This kind of thing is completely coincidental and cannot be copied.

   But judging from the current situation, Chu Mingcheng was able to obtain a large number of king crabs in a short period of time, which made him start to consider whether to continue to expand some businesses, so as not to sell them fast enough to catch them.

  Finally, both parties settled the goods.

  The king crabs totaled 1,073 catties. Based on the unit price of the size, they were sold for a total of 61,000 Australian dollars.

  Dong Xingban has a total of 212 catties, with a unit price of 20, and sold for 4,240 Australian dollars.

  Aolong and tiger crabs are sold for 3,750 Australian dollars.

  Excluding costs such as fuel costs, Chuming City has successfully earned 100,000 Australian dollars so far.

   Among them, you can tell at a glance that the king crab is a big head, the unit price is high, and the quantity of each catch is not small.

  Other catches can only be regarded as a fraction, just to offset the cost, and the profit is not much.

  The current share of king crabs is almost 8,500 catties. Judging from the current situation, they can still earn more than 460,000 Australian dollars.

  Chu Mingcheng helped to move the goods on the ship to Noah's truck, and this scene happened to be seen by the crab catchers who had been staying at the pier to observe the situation.

  Yellow man, the king crab was moved from the boat, he immediately confirmed the target, and then took out his mobile phone to make a call.

   Just when Chu Mingcheng was helping to move the goods, he found a group of big men walking towards him.

  Seeing that they kept pushing him against him, he knew that these people were coming for him, because one of the bearded bosses had already started cursing.

   "Yellow monkey, go back to your own country, the emperor crab is exclusive to our Tata province, you are not qualified to touch it."

  Noah didn't expect trouble to come to his door. They have been staying in Melbourne, not in the base camp of the crab catchers in Tasmania.

  But he still stood in front of Chu Mingcheng immediately: "Fake, shut your mouth, you racist."

   "Perhaps you should go back to your mother's womb and rebuild it, lest a scum like you come out and harm the air."

   "Shet, you **** robber, robbed our crabs with a yellow-skinned monkey." The boss was not polite just because Noah was a local.

   He has a strong physique, and he is about to reach out to grab Noah's collar immediately.

  Chu Mingcheng reacted quickly, and immediately pulled Noah back, avoiding the man's hand.

   To be honest, facing this situation, he had some headaches.

   It's not that I'm afraid, but that the current king crab catch is less than one ton, and the money is not enough.

   If there is a big trouble, he doesn't know whether the cheating can survive. If he can't, he will probably return the remaining share and return to the country in despair.

   At most, the embassy would issue a few statements condemning the brutality of the other party. The treatment of yellow people in most countries is indeed not good, unless they are particularly rich.

  But at present, this group of people directly troubled him instead of bringing people from the fishery administration, which made him feel that cheating should be reliable for the time being.

   "Noah, use your mobile phone to film what happened next. If you do it, it may become evidence of our legitimate defense. Also, don't call the police yet."

  Noah didn't try to be brave, he retreated inside and secretly took out his mobile phone to take pictures.

  He didn't know about Chu Mingcheng's combat power, but he knew that he was very strong, so he shouldn't suffer in a fight.

   "I applied for the share of emperor crab from the fishery administration. If you are not satisfied, you can ask the fishery administration."

  Being called a yellow-skinned monkey by others, Chu Mingcheng was indeed a little angry, but he knew that he could not vent his anger on the other party now, so he held back his anger for the time being, and decided to take revenge on the sea in the future.

   This group of crabbers always need to go out to sea to catch crabs. At worst, he will spend some time going to Tata Province to watch.

  So at present, we can only try to make peace. If we want to make a move, the other party has to do it first.

   And he felt that these crab catchers were not so united. The big guy in front was obviously treated as cannon fodder, and the people behind just looked at it without saying a word.

   "Fa Keyou, if labor and management tell you to leave, you have to leave. Don't mention fishery policy to me."

  Chu Mingcheng smiled coldly. Since the other party was clearly unreasonable, he didn't need to be polite anymore, and immediately turned back.

   "Did your mother give birth to you when she was poisoned with mei, and your mouth smells so bad?"

  If there is a big trouble, he will be sent back to the country at most. If the plug-in upgrade can be targeted in the future, let's see if he will wipe out all the king crabs in Australia.

   "Xie Te, you deserve to die!" The boss was furious.

   It's just that he probably has no culture, and he only has a few curse words.

   Who knew that the other party would talk back, and what he said was even worse, so he immediately punched him in anger.

  With Chu Mingcheng's reaction speed, he could completely dodge this punch, but he didn't.

  He raised his left arm to block it, and slapped him on the cheek with his right hand.

   With a "snap", the big old man froze immediately, and then fell straight to the ground with a bang while everyone was stunned.

   "Oh Shet, Els should call the police!" Several people on the opposite side panicked.

  Noah was also frightened, and immediately came to Chu Mingcheng and asked, "Cheng, you won't beat him to death, will you?"

   "How is it possible, just passed out, maybe a little concussion?"

  Chu Mingcheng was measured in this point, he didn't aim at the temple just now, and although the man fell down, his chest was still heaving, obviously the slap only stunned him temporarily.

  Noah breathed a sigh of relief, and stepped forward with his mobile phone: "I suggest that you send him to the hospital as soon as possible instead of calling the police. I have recorded what happened just now. We are in self-defense."

  In Melbourne, this behavior is not overly defensive.

  Unless Chu Mingcheng continues to make up for the fainted boss, then it will not work.

  Because he didn't panic at all after the man was knocked out, after all, he had evidence on his side.

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