MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 267 High room rates, change plans

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   Coincidentally, after Chu Mingcheng had rested at home for two days and equipped the Poseidon with daily necessities, a typhoon was about to come.

  The newly purchased boat hasn’t even sailed yet, and I didn’t expect it to be tested by strong winds.

   Fortunately, there are fishing boats of similar size on both sides of the berth, with a row of large tires on the side of the boat to prevent collisions.

  Chu Mingcheng was not idle either. Together with the bosses of these boats, they tied the boats with ropes and fixed them to meet the coming typhoon.

  The time of the typhoon's arrival coincided with the opening day of the fishing ban.

  But according to these fishermen, this is a good sign, and there will often be more harvests after the typhoon.

   After all, the strong winds and waves affect not only the fishermen's operations, but also the fish will go to the deep water to avoid disasters in this weather, and they will be hungry for several days.

   After the typhoon, they will come out collectively to look for food after being hungry for several days, and the fish mouth is naturally better than normal.

  But Chu Mingcheng doesn't plan to go to sea yet, so it doesn't matter.

  All the money earned in Australia was converted into RMB, and with the previous deposits, he currently has nearly 6.5 million yuan.

  Excluding the investment club and the cost of going to sea, Chu Mingcheng can spend 5 million to buy a house.

  So, he excitedly drove to Jiang Luoluo's studio and found her who was practicing dancing.

  The dance teacher saw him coming, and left the practice room tactfully.

  Jiang Luoluo also stopped dancing and sat down to rest: "Why are you here so early today?"

   "I'm not busy with other things, so I plan to go look at the house with you."

   "How much did you earn in Australia?" Jiang Luoluo couldn't help asking curiously when he heard him mention buying a house again.

   "Almost five million."

   "Is it Australian dollars, so much?"

   "Uh, RMB!"

   "Uh~~ In this case, I actually don't recommend you to buy a house in Xiamen City." Jiang Luoluo spread her hands and said directly.

   "How to say?" Chu Mingcheng was a little curious, not quite understanding why she had such an attitude.

   "You want to buy a house, don't you know the local housing prices first?" Jiang Luoluo sighed helplessly.

   "." Chu Mingcheng was a little embarrassed, he really didn't read it, mainly because he kept buying daily necessities for the new ship after he came back.

   Today I came to look for Jiang Luoluo directly when I was free, but I didn't have time to see it.

  Afterwards, he searched the Internet for housing prices in Xiasiming District. When he saw that the average price was 72,000 per square meter, he suddenly uttered a curse: "Fuck, the housing prices here are so outrageous?"

   What he saw was a new house in a good location. Seeing that the price was so high, he looked at the prices of some second-hand houses, only to find that the price was more than 65,000, and he immediately became numb.

  He originally wanted to buy a villa or a large flat, but with this housing price, he can barely pay a down payment with his five million budget?

  Then for a loan of more than 10 million yuan, how much interest will you get?

  With his earning speed, the loan is very disadvantageous!

  Generally, even if the mortgage is paid off in advance, there will be various restrictions, such as repaying for one year first, or paying a certain liquidated damages. The situation varies from bank to bank.

  The other party wants to earn interest, and it is impossible to buy a house so cheaply.

  So even if Chu Mingcheng has the ability to pay the full amount in the future, he probably doesn't plan to buy it.

  Seeing his reaction, Jiang Luoluo couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Are you still planning to buy it?"

  Chu Mingcheng shook his head suddenly: "Aren't you a fool to buy it at such a high price? Isn't it better to go to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to buy it? Even if you buy it in Hangzhou, it's better than here!"

  However, these words made Jiang Luoluo's face darken, and he immediately patted him dissatisfied: "What a fool, speak up."

  Chu Mingcheng was taken aback for a moment, then thought that she had bought a house, and couldn't help laughing: "Well, I didn't mention you!"

  Jiang Luoluo rolled her eyes, and didn't explain that her father bought the house, but she was repaying the loan, so she was involved.

  She didn't actually plan to buy a house at the beginning, but Jiang Bo decided to buy a house when she learned that her daughter insisted on staying in Xiamen City to develop, fearing that she would encounter male landlords with ulterior motives when renting a house.

  Although Xiamen City is good, its construction and development is actually the weakest point on the island, and there are no young people who want to develop here, but there are a lot of tourists every year.

  So, as Chu Mingcheng said, with this money, it is better to go to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to buy.

  After a short meeting, Jiang Luoluo made some suggestions: "I think, you have to think about your career first."

   "If you are in Xiamen City in the future, then you can buy a pickup truck with a crane, which will facilitate the transportation and trading of large fish such as tuna."

"In addition, there is a professional tuna trading market in Shanghai. If we catch a lot of fish from the distant sea and cannot digest it in Xia City, then we can go directly to Shanghai to sell it when we return from the distant sea. We will pass by Wenzhou at that time. We might as well buy a big house in your hometown."

   "Every time you come back, you should go to Hangzhou to accompany my parents, or go back to Wenzhou to accompany your parents, right!"

  Chu Mingcheng nodded and thought it made sense. His new boat can hold at least twenty tunas.

  If you go out to sea and come back without filling the refrigerated tank, you will suffer a lot under such a high cost situation, and you will even lose money if you catch less fish.

  The tuna trade in Xia City is immature, and it is not cost-effective to sell to tuna hunters. Their commission is generally as high as 10%.

  And other shops may not be able to eat so much tuna from him, so they may have to go to Shanghai often.

  However, Chuming City will still try to develop the trading channels in Xiaxia City first. After all, it is a coastal city with so many restaurants, so the demand for tuna is not small.

   It’s just that most restaurants don’t have professional tuna decomposers, and only a few parts of tuna are used in their dishes, so it’s still unknown whether they can develop some customers.

   But the matter of fish is not in a hurry. Now that the house is not bought, he plans to buy a car in the afternoon.

  Pickup is a must, and secondly, the car at home that costs more than 100,000 yuan can also be replaced.

   Originally wanted Jiang Luoluo to go with her, but she didn't want to.

  She plans to shoot at least three videos during this period, and then follow the new ship when it goes to sea for the first time.

   Seeing this, Chu Mingcheng didn't want to disturb her, so he could only run to buy a car by himself.

  Chen Yang and Zhang Weixin also had a lot of trivial matters in the store, so he didn't call.

  Pickup trucks are restricted to travel in some cities in China. Chu Mingcheng deliberately learned about it and found that Xiamen City has relatively loose management on this point, and pickup trucks can move freely.

  Since this is the case, he is not impolite, and immediately went to the Ford 4S store, directly looking for a salesman to ask for a Ford Raptor F-150 series car.

  The price of this car seems to be relatively uniform across the country. The full price is more than 760,000 points. After Chu Mingcheng tested it, he felt that there was no problem, so he bought it directly.

   Ford has a better sight than his coupe.

   But the car is relatively big, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

  Especially on narrow roads, it is easy to bump if you are a little careless, and you need to drive more and get familiar with it.

   This is the inevitable experience of driving a big car with a small car. If the big car is changed to a small car, there will be no problem.

   Originally, Chu Mingcheng wanted to sell this old car directly here, and then he thought of Zhang Wei.

  Chen Yang had a car driving over, but Zhang Wei didn't have one.

  The one at home is a mini tram, and he usually uses it for fishing, so it is impossible to drive it here.

  Although he made a lot of money by fishing big yellow croakers at the end of the year, he usually commutes with Chen Yang and rarely uses the car under normal circumstances, so he hasn't replaced it yet.

  Chu Mingcheng called him first: "Zhang Wei, I bought a new car, do you want the old car?"

  Zhang Wei: "Yes, why don't you give away things for free?"

  Chu Mingcheng: "Go away, I'll sell it to you cheaply. If you want it, give me 50,000, and if you don't want it, I'll sell it myself."

  Zhang Wei was also unambiguous, and immediately said: "Hurry up and drive over to labor and management, isn't it just money!"

  After hanging up the phone, the next moment, Chu Mingcheng received 70,000 yuan.

  Seeing the money, he shook his head and laughed, and then transferred the 20,000 back: "If you say 50,000, it's 50,000, and the labor is short of your 20,000?"

   "The car is a man's second wife. You sold your wife. Why don't I give you some comfort?"

   "Fuck off, I only have one wife, and the car is at most a mistress. If it's gone, it's gone, it doesn't matter!"

   "Okay, since you are so generous and generous to give me mistress, then I will treat you to dinner tonight and bring your wife along!"

   "Dare to invite me to dinner, you don't know my appetite?"

   "Come on, if you have the ability to eat poor me!"

   "So arrogant? You must be shivering after eating on an empty stomach at night."

   After arguing for a while, after hanging up the phone, Chu Mingcheng happily called for a price, and gave him the address, and asked him to drive the car to the door of Chen Yang's store.

   Then he drove his new car, went to fill up the gas, and wandered around on the roads of the city.

  Although the Ford Raptor is not as handsome as a sports car, it is aggressive enough, so it keeps turning heads on the road.

   Of course, it is not women who are attracted, but some men.

   It felt like I hadn't been shopping for a long time. Suddenly, the phone rang in the car. Chu Mingcheng was startled. He picked up the phone and looked, only to find that the time was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

   These days, Jiang Luoluo is responsible for picking up Jiang Luoluo to and from get off work, and he doesn't drive, so it is her call.

   "Hey, Ah Cheng, are you still buying a car?"

   "I've bought it, and I'm about to go back! I sold the old one to Ah Wei for a cheap price. He said he would treat guests to dinner tonight, and I'll go pick you up now!"

   "Okay, then I'll wait for you downstairs by the road."

   After hanging up the phone, Chu Mingcheng realized that he didn’t know where he was going. He was only familiar with the road conditions near the university, and the second was the road to the shipyard.

  So he quickly turned on the navigation, and then turned back in front according to the navigation.

  When I came downstairs to Jiang Luoluo's studio, she was already waiting by the side of the road, and Zhang Ruomei was also standing beside her.

  Chu Mingcheng parked the car in front of them, pressed the window and said with a smile: "Hey, ladies, are you free tonight, go for a drink?"

   "Okay!" Jiang Luoluo smiled happily when he saw him, and then said to Zhang Ruomei, "Together?"

"No, no, no, I'm just curious about what kind of car I bought. Go for it yourself!" Zhang Ruomei waved her hand to refuse, and then she looked at the car and got off, "Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you bought a Raptor. Let me drive this car when you have time. open ah!"

   "You like this car too?" Chu Mingcheng asked in surprise.

   "I like Big G better!" Zhang Ruomei said with a sly look, "Boss, when will you give me one!"

  Jiang Luoluo waved his hand grandly: "It's easy to say, I will definitely burn it to you in a hundred years!"

   "Fuck you." Zhang Ruomei reached out and patted her, then waved to the two of them, "Go on a date, I'm back from get off work too, bye!"

   "Well, goodbye!" After Jiang Luoluo watched her leave, the co-pilot opened the door and sat up.

  She sat on the chair and moved around, and leaned on it to feel it again, "It's very comfortable to sit on, not bad!"

  Chu Mingcheng started the car and drove towards Chen Yang's store: "It's really okay, I think this car is enough, and there is no need to buy another private car."

   "Well, this car is really good for normal travel, but it consumes more fuel."

   "We don't lack this."

  The fisherman who opened the cheat is so bold!

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