MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 278 spray of ambergris

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  Chapter 278 The sprayed ambergris

  The bluefin tuna was bled and its internal organs removed. The remaining weight was about the same as Chu Mingcheng expected, and it was indeed only 583 catties.

  Put the fish into the refrigerated compartment, and there are already six large tuna in it.

   Judging from the space inside, ten more fish weighing 600 jin can be accommodated, but this is obviously impossible.

   It is normal to find large tuna, most of which are about 150 to 200 catties, and particularly large ones are relatively rare.

  Chu Mingcheng thinks that when he comes back next year, there may be more large tuna than this year.

   After washing their hands, the two returned to the kitchen to prepare today's lunch.

  After eating and resting for a while, Jiang Luoluo went to the dance studio, and Chu Mingcheng came to the cab.

  He didn't let the sea lions continue to look for tuna. Today, he harvested a blue fin with them.

  One fish will make their trip worthwhile, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?

  So he just drove the Poseidon, walking the streets on the sea at an extremely slow speed.

   Then, Chu Mingcheng, holding a telescope, saw a black spot appearing far away on the sea.

  He didn't drive in the direction of the black spot, but the occasional seabirds flying over the black spot attracted his attention, so she adjusted her direction and came to have a look.

  As the boat got closer and closer, Chu Mingcheng was shocked to find that the black spots in his eyes turned out to be the corpse of a whale, and it was the sperm whale he had seen before.

  He found that he was related to sperm whales, although all he encountered were dead whales.

  The sperm whale carcasses he encountered on the bottom of the sea had already changed beyond recognition, and the skeleton was exposed. In addition, it was underwater in Australia, so it was not easy for him to take pictures at that time.

  But today is different. He can take pictures of the corpses floating in the sea and share them with friends and netizens.

  So he picked up the pager and called: "Lolo, come and see the whales!"

  In the dance room downstairs, his voice sounded almost at the same time, Jiang Luoluo was stunned for a moment, watching a whale?

   Immediately, she came into the cab with curiosity: "What whale?"

   "Here, this is it!" Chu Mingcheng pointed to the corpse on the water surface being eaten by several great white sharks.

  It is normal for such a large piece of meat to attract sharks, and their sharp teeth can bite off a large piece of meat.

   ⊙o⊙)..." Jiang Luoluo thought it was a killer whale or something, but she didn't expect it to be a dead sperm whale.

  Although it is dead, and there are sharks gnawing on its flesh, it is a huge body almost as long as the Poseidon, and it is really shocking when you look closely.

  Especially when the boat comes to the side, the picture is more intuitive.

   "A documentary in reality!" Jiang Luoluo was not frightened by the appearance of the corpse, but was more interested in taking out the camera, and then went to the third floor to shoot.

  Chu Mingcheng also followed her. If he didn’t find any fish in the afternoon, he might as well watch the documentary.

   "Hey, Ah Cheng, do you think there is ambergris in the sperm whale's stomach? That thing is worth a lot!" Jiang Luoluo put down the camera after taking pictures for a while, and asked curiously.

  Chu Mingcheng was stunned for a moment, and then said leisurely: "Uh, I don't know if there is any ambergris, but there must be a lot of stool. Why, do you want to see it?"

   "Go to hell, I don't want to watch those disgusting things." Jiang Luoluo hit him twice angrily, but through his answer, she also knew that she was naive.

  However, there are some things that you should not watch if you don’t want to.

  The belly of the sperm whale has already been bitten to pieces, and this meeting happens to have a great white shark biting the rotten meat in its belly.

   At this moment, it seemed to bite through something, and suddenly a bunch of jet-black things sprayed out.

   directly changed it from a great white shark to a great black shark, and at the same time the stench was all over the sky.

   "Ouch~" Jiang Luoluo naturally saw this scene and almost threw up.

  Chu Mingcheng also reacted, while being speechless, he hurriedly dragged her to the cab, and then drove the Poseidon to leave quickly.

   Fortunately, his boat was a little far away from the sperm whale corpse, otherwise he might have sprayed him on board just now.

   "It's disgusting~" Jiang Luoluo patted his chest with lingering fear, causing Yuanyuan to tremble twice in dissatisfaction.

   "Don't look disgusting, we might actually get some ambergris this time!"

  Chu Mingcheng drove the boat some distance away and then stopped. Just now, he noticed that there were some accumulated lumps in the belly of the sperm whale.

   These are the predecessors of Ambergris. Of course, he still has a very small chance of getting Ambergris directly, but the quality is definitely not very good.

  The real top-grade ambergris has to be exposed to the wind and sun for tens of hundreds of years in the sea before it can turn its smell into fragrance.

  Jiang Luoluo understood what he meant, then looked at the filthy sea again, and couldn't help feeling cold: "If it doesn't matter, we don't need money anyway?"

   "It's okay, I'll take a look after the dirty things are gone. The sperm whale's belly is waxy, and it will float on the sea and not sink."

  Although the ambergris just out of the whale's belly is of low quality, it is also ambergris.

  Chu Mingcheng was actually quite curious, if he scooped up the ambergris himself and put the ambergris in a box with seawater to bask in the sun every day, would he be able to get medium quality after a while.

   Of course, the premise is that it doesn't smell so bad.

   After a while, the sea returned to its original appearance.

  As for the great white shark, it has long since disappeared, and I don’t know if it was smoked away.

   "Lolo, come and sail the boat and help me observe the situation on the sea surface. If there are any floating objects, please let me know. I will go to the deck first."

   "Why don't you get a towel to cover your nose? If I knew it, I would have bought some masks and put them on the boat for backup."

  "Mask?" Chu Mingcheng originally planned to hold his breath if there was still a bad smell after approaching.

  Hearing what Jiang Luoluo said, his eyes lit up, and he immediately looked at her maliciously.

   "What bad idea are you planning?" Jiang Luoluo sensed his gaze, immediately shielded her chest with both hands, and took a step back.

   This man occasionally becomes very bad, and she has already known it clearly after getting along for so long.

  If she didn't find out after handing herself over to him, she probably would have hesitated to fall in love at the beginning.

   "There's no bad idea, I'll borrow a mask from you." Chu Mingcheng smiled and approached, looking like an old hooligan.

   "Where do I have any masks?"

   "No, you have!"

   Not long after, a woman screamed and cursed in the cab. The voice was not only exasperated, but more embarrassing.

  After a short while, Chu Mingcheng covered his nose with a pink mask, and then came to the deck with a smug smile.

  He took a deep breath as the boat approached the sperm whale carcass.

   Sure enough, this mask is easy to use. It not only has a good anti-odor effect, but also has a milky fragrance.

  Jiang Luoluo in the cab was sad and shy, and was bullied again today.

  But in order to get back her mask quickly, she took a telescope and hurriedly searched for Ambergris.

   Then she really found a few black and yellow substances on the sea surface, so she immediately directed Chu Mingcheng to fish them through the radio.

  After a short while, Chu Mingcheng fished up all the ambergris floating on the sea, and put them in an unused foam box alone.

  The Poseidon left the sperm whale corpse and stopped after traveling a certain distance. The next moment, Jiang Luoluo ran out angrily and snatched away the mask that Chu Mingcheng had been pressing on his nose and mouth.

   "Pervert!" The scolding voice was not at all threatening.

  Chu Mingcheng spread his hands with a smile: "No way, this is the best for you."

   "Shameless!" Jiang Luoluo had nothing to do with him, who made this the man he chose.

   Angrily, she could only drop two more words and return to her dance studio. She decided to ignore this scammer today.

  Chu Mingcheng smacked his lips unsatisfied, just now Yuanyuan jumped up and down, he almost reached out to help her up.

   I just held back in the end, sometimes being too astringent will delay things, and there is plenty of time at night.

  Shaking his head, Chu Mingcheng no longer thought about it, but dragged the ambergris box to the front deck, placed it at the bow, fixed the foam box with a rope, and poured sea water into it.

   From now on, this will be the exclusive sunbathing place for Ambergris.

   There are four pieces in the box, the big one is as big as a football, and the small one is only the size of a fist.

  The color is not all black, but a combination of black and yellow. This thing must have been in the belly of the sperm whale for a while, and its molecular changes have already begun.

   As for the smell, it naturally has a bit of a fishy smell. Fortunately, as long as you don't get too close, you won't smell the smell.

  Chu Mingcheng took out his mobile phone and made a video call to Zhang Wei directly in a certain letter.

   When the other side picked it up, he turned the camera and aimed at the ambergris in the box: "Awei, guess what this is?"

  Zhang Wei originally thought that Chu Mingcheng called from Xuanyu again, but who knew it was a pile of black and yellow stones?

  He looked left and right, and suddenly said in shock: "This can't be a pile of shit, can it?"

  Chu Mingcheng was stunned. When most people saw rocks floating in the sea, shouldn’t their first reaction be ambergris?

   But Zhang Wei seemed to be right, so he nodded and admitted: "...In a way, this is really shit, or stool."

  Hearing his confession, Zhang Wei was even more frightened: "Fuck, it's only been a few days at sea, and your taste has become so strong? Does your family know? You can eat this if she can bear it?"

   "Get out~ what the hell." Chu Mingcheng immediately sent out the bump.

   Sure enough, you have to find the right person to show off, and he shouldn't have a video call with Zhang Wei.

   Fortunately, at this moment, Chen Yang came over, looked at the contents of the box, and said in surprise, "Is this ambergris?"

   "Finally someone who knows the goods!" Chu Mingcheng nodded in satisfaction.

  Just as he was about to continue talking, an extremely beautiful girl suddenly appeared in the camera, only a little worse than Jiang Luoluo, but her eyes were watery and she looked extremely pure.

  Chu Mingcheng immediately changed his words and asked curiously, "Who is this?"

   "Come on, let me introduce you." Zhang Wei also noticed the person behind him, and immediately gave up his seat, introducing slightly, "Zhang Youning, the new member of our store is from Sichuan Province."

  Chu Mingcheng raised his eyebrows, and immediately understood what was going on.

  Zhang Wei told him before that he wanted to fool a beautiful woman from Sichuan Province, but he didn't expect to be such a beautiful big beauty, which made him a little unexpected.

  Normally speaking, a particularly beautiful girl would not be interested in looking after a shop or something, and I don't know how he is fooling around.

   But this had nothing to do with Chu Mingcheng, so he simply said hello, and it was considered as acquaintance.

  Then several people chatted about Ambergris for a while, and then ended the call.

   Then, Chu Mingcheng came to the third floor and observed the sea surface with a telescope.

  Standing high and looking far away, it was the time when the tide was ebbing, which really made him discover a group of submerged reefs.

  That might be a good hunting spot, Chu Mingcheng drove the Sea God there.

   Looking through the telescope, it seemed not far away. When we reached the vicinity of the reef, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

  Chu Mingcheng looked at the fish finder, and stopped immediately when he discovered that there were traces of big fish in the deep water near the reef.

  The water depth here reaches 283 meters, and there is a thick line on the fish finder, but its action is not as fast as tuna, and it hardly moves.

  Although he didn't know what kind of fish it was, Chu Mingcheng still quickly came to the stern, ready to fish.

  Install the fishing rod, take out the bait cage, chop the squid into it, hang up the pomfret and start fishing.

  The depth is nearly 300 meters, and it is not tuna, so Chu Mingcheng did not use mackerel pieces to make nests, but used the usual routine of fishing deep-sea fish.

   It's just that after most of the day, the fishing rod didn't move.

  Chu Mingcheng suspected that the fish had already escaped, so he went to the cab to check the fish finder.

   Who would have thought that the big fish was at the bottom of the boat, and if I guessed correctly, it was even near the fishing rod.

  He did see the movement of the fishing rod a few times just now, but no fish took the bait. Could it be that the bait is too big for the fish to eat?

   Chu Mingcheng took the bait back with doubts.

  The pomfret is already cold due to the water pressure, and the body is still intact, but there are signs of being bitten.

  Perhaps it was as he had guessed, the fish’s mouth was too small to swallow a whole pomfret.

  So Chu Mingcheng chopped the dead pomfret into pieces, got a piece of fish meat and hung it on a hook, and threw it back into the water.

   Sure enough, after changing to a smaller bait this time, the fish took the bait not long after.

  Chu Mingcheng quickly picked up the fishing rod to stab the fish, and at the same time roughly knew the weight of the fish.

   This fish is far inferior to the tuna he caught before, even the smallest one he caught in the past two days was much heavier than this big fish.

   But the weight is still there, and you will still feel a little heavy when you lift the fishing rod. Maybe this has something to do with the fish in the deep sea.

  Shake the handle, the drum rotates and slowly takes up the line, without much resistance, much easier than he expected.

   This made Chu Mingcheng a little disappointed. It seems that the fish was not as big as expected, or other fish took the bait first.

   But it was not so fast to pull the fish up at a depth of nearly 300 meters. He kept turning the handle. Even though he didn't feel much resistance from the fish, it still took him more than ten minutes to pull the fish to the surface.

  This fish is all white, with a slender body, ugly face but big eyes, which looks extremely weird.

  The body is very long and it seems to be a hairtail fish, but because it was pulled up from the deep sea, it hardly moved and seemed to be dead.

  Chu Mingcheng directly grabbed the fishing line and wanted to lift it up.

   Unexpectedly, the hands are raised above the head, but the lower body of the fish is still outside the side of the boat.

   So he had to grab the fish and pull it up.

  This strange fish is soft to the touch, but its skin is rough and a little grainy.

  When the whole fish was placed on the deck, the visual length was about three meters.

  At this time, the sea lions came over and thought it was something they could eat, so they wanted to bite immediately.

  Chu Mingcheng frightened one of them and hurriedly drove them away.

  But then the kittens also came over, looking like they also wanted to bite.

  Chu Mingcheng chased him away again, but the kitten, unlike the sea lion, could understand his words in detail, and came over after being chased away.

  He had no choice but to carry them into the cabin one by one, and closed the door.

  Back to the fish, Chu Mingcheng already knew what kind of fish it was.

  The name is Ishikawa thick-finned fish. This fish looks like hairtail, but it has nothing to do with hairtail. On the contrary, it belongs to the order of moonfish just like oarfish.

  It’s just that compared to oarfish, Ishikawa thick fin fish tastes very good at least after steaming.

  Chu Mingcheng picked up the fish, weighed it, and measured its length. He found that the fish was 2.92 meters long, but weighed only 41 catties.

  The fish didn’t take up much space, so he simply took it into the refrigerator and put it next to the bluefin tuna to freeze.

   Then he checked the fish finder again, and found that there was no trace of the big fish at the bottom of the water. It seemed that the thick line before was the Ishikawa rough-finned fish.

   This side is not far from the hidden reef, so Chuming City simply turned off the fire and stopped in place.

  He returned to the cabin and changed into a diving suit, took a speargun, and prepared to dive to the reef.

  Tuna is valuable, but other fish cannot be let go.

  Especially in the reef group, it is easy to find some rare fish hiding here.

  Dive into the water, Chu Mingcheng swam towards the reef.

  The water quality in the far sea is clear. Although it is not as blue water, it is not too bad. You can clearly see the situation more than ten meters away.

  Chu Mingcheng, who had just entered the water, saw nothing in front of him, without any living things.

  However, when he approached the reef, a large school of mackerel suddenly appeared in front of him, swimming slowly in the current.

  There are no large fish hunting them around, so even if Chuming City is approaching, they still don't panic.

   But he was not interested in these mackerel, so he continued to swim to the reef.

  The bottom of the water, which was originally invisible, appeared in front of his eyes as he gradually approached.

  He has come to an area where the water depth is only about 30 meters, and the sand bed below is full of reefs.

  Chu Mingcheng took a breath, and dived straight to the bottom of the water with his head down.

  When he came to the bottom of the water, he was pleasantly surprised to find that there were some small bulges on the sand bed. According to his previous experience, there should be crabs hidden inside.

  So he approached and immediately reached out to hold the bulge. Sure enough, he not only held down one, but also scared out a bulge next to him.

   It really was a swimming crab. He caught one and swam to the surface. Through the sunlight, the legs, heels, and pincers of the crab were blue, and it was obviously an orchid crab.

   Orchid crabs are not much worse than safflower crabs. They are more delicious than ordinary swimming crabs, and the price is much higher.

  Chu Mingcheng bought it at the vegetable market in Xiamen City before, and it cost about 100 catties at that time, depending on the male and female.

  But it is summer now, and male crabs have more meat.

  The orchid crab in his hand was a bit small, Chu Mingcheng released him, and then continued to swim to the interior of the reef.

  Since there are orchid crabs here, the crab pots must be placed here at night.

   But if there are any good things in it, we have to see it.

   It's just that, after he walked around the reef, he was a little disappointed.

  The reef group is not very big, there are indeed a lot of orchid crabs, but there are not many other fish, at least he did not find the valuable snapper or grouper.

   There are only a lot of small fish, and some oysters and shellfish on the reef.

  Chuming City has already come to the other side of the reef, and the sand bed at the bottom of the water slopes down, obviously getting deeper as it goes forward.

  He looked at the time, it was still early, so he simply dived down to the bottom of the water, hoping to find something.

  An Ishikawa roughfin fish was found in the waters where the boat stopped, so there might be something good on this side too.

  As the depth got deeper and the surrounding environment became darker and darker, Chu Mingcheng took out the flashlight and turned it on, and continued to go down.

   Fortunately, he thought that he might dive into deep water, so he brought a flashlight, otherwise he would have to go back.

  Unknowingly, he came to a very deep place, and looked at the diving watch, which showed 221 meters.

  However, he can dive even deeper.

   It's just that he saw a few pitch-black fish in this water area, and he didn't know whether it was because of the depth of the water that the color of the fish could not be seen, or it was just like this.

  Chu Mingcheng stopped, mainly because the fish in front of him basically reached a length of more than 50 centimeters.

   And its eyes are a bit big, and it looks a bit like the long-tailed sea bream, but the tail is not so long and not so beautiful.

  Out of curiosity, Chu Mingcheng loaded the speargun, then aimed at the fish that could not be distinguished at the bottom of the water, and picked the biggest one and carried it away with one shot.

   The fish that was hit circled around the bottom of the water several times, but it was a pity that it was hit at the vital point. It struggled for a while and then lost its movement. It was taken back by Chu Mingcheng and hung on the live fish buckle.

  The rest of the fish were scared away, but they didn't run too far.

  Chu Mingcheng continued to swim forward for more than ten meters and found them again, but this time he did not hunt again.

  He needs to wait until he returns to the surface to identify the fish before deciding whether to hunt them or not.

  At present, the water pressure at this depth is far from reaching the limit of his body, and it seems that the front can continue to go deeper, so he did not go back.

   Until he continued to dive for more than 100 meters and reached a depth of more than 350 meters, he finally reached the bottom.

  The bottom is not the imaginary sand bed, but a very long trench with an estimated width of five or six meters.

   There are quite a lot of fish living here, and they swim around in peace for the time being.

   But it doesn't matter, Chu Mingcheng found a group of large fish of meter level, purely from the appearance, it is very similar to the fish he hunted.

  Some of these fish are slender and look thinner, while some have round bellies.

  If Chu Mingcheng hadn't carefully observed their appearance, he almost thought they were two kinds of fish.

  (end of this chapter)

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