MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 281 selling tuna

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  After Wei Jiaguo confirmed the seafood he wanted, Chu Mingcheng helped move everything to the shore, but he was somewhat surprised to see that it was a car.

  ‘Grandpa is keeping a low profile! '

  ‘Could it be that the fish he caught this time were not shocking enough? '

  ‘Why don’t you ask Grandpa if he can buy that blue fin? '

  Thinking wildly in his mind, his hands were not slow, and he moved everything to the trunk and put it away.

  Wei Jiaguo was very well prepared. There was a big box in the back seat for ox-eye bluefish, and there was a box in the trunk for moray eels.

  Put two catties of spiny armored shrimp and two spider crabs in a small box.

  Moray eels were sold for 3,000, ox-eye scorpions of more than 100 catties were sold for 20,000, and Chu Mingcheng confiscated the money.

  The quantity of these two items is not much, Chuming City itself has the meaning of sending relatives and friends to taste, Wei Jiaguo sees this and accepts it bluntly.

   But before leaving, he still asked: "Ah Cheng, how do you plan to sell those tuna? Is there a channel?"

  Chu Mingcheng directly told him his plan: "I'm going to go to Shanghai to sell the blue fins, where the blue fins can be auctioned. It's too bad to sell them to fishmongers or tuna brokers."

  Wei Jiaguo nodded when he heard the words: "It's good to go to the magic city. It's not bad to sell the cheaper yellow fin tuna directly. If the bluefin tuna is bigger and fatter, it's better to go to the magic city."

   These words made Chu Mingcheng understand his kindness, so he said with a smile: "Thank you, Grandpa, for reminding me, I understand."

   Seeing this, Wei Jiaguo stopped talking and drove away from the pier.

  On the boat, Zhang Wei, who had been relatively silent just now, was noisy now.

   "Made, it's a loss, it's a big loss. I knew that this trip would have to go to sea even if the store was closed. There are so many tuna. And this ugly black fish, how much is it worth?"

  Chen Yang's face was full of black lines at the side: "Why don't you insist on fooling Zhang Youning over here, now tell me der. And I'm the boss, so I can decide whether to close the store or not?"

"Hey, I'm short on people and wealth now!" Speaking of Zhang Youning, Zhang Wei would regret it, "She and I both have the surname Zhang, and I thought we were in the same family five hundred thousand years ago, and we could get closer in the future. "

   "Who knew that she really came here to experience the style of Xiamen City, and she didn't even give it a chance! Plus."

   Speaking of this, Zhang Wei suddenly stopped, his face a little ugly.

  Jiang Luoluo was listening to the gossip, seeing him like this, his curiosity suddenly aroused: "What else?"

  Chen Yang knew the inside story, so he couldn't hold back anymore, and immediately burst out laughing: "Didn't you know that woman who was rescued by Ah Cheng last time came to look for Ah Wei recently?"

   "I really didn't expect that Ah Wei would one day hide from a woman who came to his door."

   "." Zhang Wei retorted with a dark face, "The woman who dragged me into the water the first time I met, whoever was unlucky, if it wasn't for Ah Cheng, I would have died on the spot that day, and even the corpse would have to be fed to the fish."

  Jiang Luoluo covered her mouth and snickered: "That day was really disappointing. Cough cough, it's too coincidental. I don't think you need to worry. Maybe next time, we'll just have dinner?"

  Zhang Wei was speechless, Jiang Luoluo would say these jokes to himself, he really didn't expect it. Seeing that Chu Mingcheng was coming back, he immediately complained: "Ah Cheng, hurry up and take care of your family."

   "What's the matter?" Chu Mingcheng just came over, and he was at a loss when he said it, but after understanding it, a little smile appeared on his face.

   Patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "It's okay, next time I'm in danger, I'll be there, and I'll definitely burn you to ashes."



   While talking and laughing, several people left the pier to have dinner together.

  During dinner, Chen Yang and Zhang Wei expressed that they would go to Shanghai together this time to see the process of buying and selling tuna.

  They will set sail next time to follow Chu Mingcheng to the sea, and they will definitely catch some tuna to sell at that time.

  So the next day, there were two more people on board the Poseidon. There are two people watching in their store now, besides Zhang Youning who Zhang Wei originally thought about, there is also an older woman.

  The Poseidon sailed north along the coastline, and stopped for a while when it passed Shoes City and Fushi City, and sold some catches to Ah Kuangshan and Brother Haiwang.

  The main ones are spider crabs, spiny armored shrimps, and ox-eye leech, all sold for 18,700.

  The fish they chose was not very big, so the cost was not as much as that of Wei Jiaguo alone.

  Going to sea during the day, at nine o'clock at night, the Poseidon stopped at the pier in Wenzhou.

   This will also not be the time for the fishing boats to return to the port, but the pier is very lively, all of them are customers of Chuming City.

   Except for tuna, the other seafood on the boat is almost sold out.

   Fortunately, Chu Mingcheng was smart enough to keep a box under the mackerel bait, and it was not snatched by these crazy customers.

  Individual tourists like the smaller bull's-eye bluefish in the box, and restaurants naturally have all sizes.

  Originally more than 2,500 catties of ox-eye bluefish, sold three, and kept a box for myself, leaving 2,230 catties.

  Chu Mingcheng gave some discounts appropriately, and sold more than 360,000 yuan.

  The orchid crab weighs more than 200 catties. Now that summer is the crab season, the price is much cheaper than in winter. It only sells for 15,000 yuan, and the average price is only more than 60 yuan.

  Other deep-sea fish sold 8,600 yuan, which was less than originally expected because they were all frozen.

   There were not many thorn armored shrimps and spider crabs left, so Chu Mingcheng didn't sell any more and kept them for his own people.

  After selling the catch, he didn't stay in Vancouver. Instead, he took turns with Zhang Wei and Chen Yang at night, and went straight to Shanghai without stopping.

  All the way along the coastline, sometimes you can see the beautiful scenery of the bustling city, and sometimes it is a quiet small village, which looks very desolate.

  Rich and poor, usually don't think there is a difference, but the gap at this moment is so obvious.

   Therefore, it is not enough to land on the map immediately, you must choose a good location, even if the population is more and more rolling, the starting point is stronger than the end point of others.

  At three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, the Poseidon finally arrived at its destination, the tuna port in Modu.

  The voice of the staff sounded on the radio to confirm the fishing boat and check whether there is a reported route.

   After there is no problem, he is allowed to dock at the port temporarily.

  Chu Mingcheng received the route and came to the 17th position of the temporary port of call.

   Soon, a staff member came over and asked him to fill in the form.

  It is mainly to register the information of individuals and ships, followed by various additional service fees such as the temporary docking of the tuna trading center.

   There is also a cold chain transport vehicle, which can help transport tuna to the tuna trading market.

  Many retail fishermen who catch tuna from the East China Sea do not want to be sucked by tuna brokers or fishmongers, and since they are not far from Shanghai, they will directly sail here to sell their fish.

  There are professional appraisers in the trading market here, who will appraise the freshness and meat quality of tuna, and then give an appropriate price, which is much more cost-effective than selling fishmongers.

  Of course, people like Chu Mingcheng who come all the way from Xia City to Shanghai are relatively rare, and most of them are fishermen from the vicinity of Shanghai.

  The fishing company's boat is another way of saying it, which is different from retail investors like them.

  Chuming City has complete procedures, and all the three certificates of the boat, personal driving license, fishing license, etc. are filled in.

   After filling it out and handing it to the staff, he looked at it and found that there was no problem, then asked: "Brother, do you need a cold chain car?"

   "Of course I need it. I have three tunas weighing about 200 catties, seven tunas weighing about 100 catties, two tunas weighing more than 300 catties, and one that is relatively large, weighing nearly 600 catties!"

   "Six hundred catties?" The staff was surprised, "Such a big one, should it be bluefin tuna?"

  Chu Mingcheng nodded: "That's right, I feel like I can go on the auction, that's why I sailed all the way here from Xiamen City. By the way, do you have anything to say about the auction?"

   "Such a big blue fin is rare. Generally, the quality of the meat is very good, and the chance of being auctioned is very high. Normally, you can sell these tuna directly to our trading market, which is more convenient."

  The staff sighed, and then roughly explained the cost and process of the auction.

   "As for the auction, it needs to pass the meat quality appraisal. If the fat content is qualified, it can be auctioned. After the auction, you need to pay a 5% commission and storage fee."

   "Then please help me arrange the cold chain truck. I plan to sell the other fish directly to the trading market."

  There were so many fish that it couldn’t fit in one car, so Chu Mingcheng had to pay 1,000 for transportation and rented two cars.

   After more than an hour, two cold chain vehicles came to him.

  There is a crane at the pier. Two employees in thick clothes walked into the cold storage cabin, tied the rope to the tail of the fish, and lifted thirteen tuna directly out of the cold storage cabin and put them into the car.

   There are also people in the carriage, who will untie the sling first, and then push the fish inside, without Chu Mingcheng doing anything at all.

  The various services in the trading market at the wharf are actually very profitable, but fishermen are willing to give this money when there are many fish.

   After all, it is troublesome to call a cold chain car, and the price may not be much cheaper.

  Twelve tunas, these employees are used to seeing big fish every day, and they don’t respond much.

   It was this fat blue fin that weighed 580 kilograms after being slaughtered, which surprised these employees a little bit.

  According to the staff member, even though he can see a lot of bluefin tuna every day, such a large one is still very rare and very rare.

  If there are, they are basically imported from abroad.

  After the fish was transported, the cold chain truck opened the way ahead, and Chu Mingcheng took a taxi to follow behind.

  The tuna trading center is not far away, and we will arrive soon.

  It looks like a shopping mall here, with the words Huaxia International Tuna Trading Center on it.

  They were at the main entrance, but the cold chain car drove in directly from another place.

   Several people walked into the mall, asked the security guard for directions, and arrived at the tuna receiving point.

  Tuna needs to be stored at ultra-low temperature, and the overall environment inside is quite special.

  You can see many cold chain transport vehicles parked at the receiving point, and many staff members wearing blue overalls and tightly packed are busy.

   One big fish is moved out of the car, inspected, billed, and put into storage.

  Chu Mingcheng found his car, waited in line for a while, and then it was their turn.

  The staff lifted the fish one by one, some used a crane to weigh them, some took a ruler to measure the length of the fish, etc., and there were also professional inspectors who cut the tail of the fish and tested the fat content.

  Chu Mingcheng discovered that there are not only tuna, but also other large fish, such as sailfish.

  Secondly, small bonito is also collected, and the business is relatively wide.

   "Congratulations, the quality of this bluefin tuna has reached excellent and can be put up for auction. Of the other twelve tuna, nine of them have reached good quality."

   When all the fish are tested, the person in charge with the list comes to congratulate.

   "This bluefin tuna, are you sure you want to auction it with us?"

   "Sure. But have you calculated the price for the remaining fish? I plan to sell it directly."

"Since you're sure, then I'll arrange for you to shoot. The rest of the tuna, I've already made statistics on my side, you can take a look." Saying that, the person in charge handed over the list in his hand to he.

  Chu Mingcheng took the list and found that the statistical table is very professional.

  The weight, length, waist circumference, fat content and other data of the tuna are all marked on it.

  Followed by the unit price and total price of each fish, the bottom is the summary of twelve fish.

  Jiang Luoluo and Zhang Wei next to them all came over, curious about what was written on it.

  Chu Mingcheng handed them the list, and then said to the person in charge: "I have no problem here."

  The price of these fish is slightly lower than he expected, but the difference is not big.

  The main reason is that the price of yellowfin is low, but the price of bigeye tuna is a little higher.

  After the person in charge confirmed that his fish was going to be sold to the market, he asked the staff to come and receive the goods.

  The staff held a nail gun-like machine in their hands, pressed it on the back of the fish, and with a click, a five-digit black number appeared.

  At the same time, the person in charge began to record the number. There are so many tuna transactions every day. Only with the number can the specific data of the tuna be queried on the computer in an instant.

  No. 35468, yellowfin tuna, length., waist circumference., weight 96.5KG, fat content. Good quality, price 9,623 yuan.

  No. 35469, yellowfin tuna, length., waist circumference., weight 51.2KG, fat content. Average quality, price 4133 yuan.

  No. 35478, bigeye tuna, length., waist circumference., weight 186.5KG, fat content. Good quality, price 41,776 yuan.

  Twelve tunas, including yellowfin tuna, sold a total of more than 47,800 points.

  The two bigeye tunas sold for more than 74,400 yuan in total, a huge gap.

  Of course, the quality of the two bigeye tunas is close to the level of excellent, and the gap between good and good is also obvious.

  Therefore, the total income of this batch of tuna is a little over 120,000, which does not include the price of bluefin tuna.

  Chu Mingcheng’s income Chen Yang has seen the income of Chu Mingcheng for the past two days, and he broke it on the spot: “With this income, why am I still running a shop! Why don’t I just go fishing with you every day for tuna.”

   "Don't worry, I'll calculate the cost for you." Chu Mingcheng suppressed him and began to analyze.

   "Under normal circumstances, fishing thirteen tunas in a week is considered a very good harvest. And such a large bluefin tuna is pure luck, and most people don't encounter one in a year."

   "So we count as catching twelve ordinary tuna every time we go to sea."

   "At present, I have an income of 120,000 yuan, but the fuel fee for the return flight will be more than 20,000 yuan. Secondly, the round trip from Xiamen City to Shanghai will cost about 15,000 yuan in fuel fee."

   "Of course, this gas fee can be ignored. You can sell fish directly in Xiamen City, and the profit will be 10% less or a little more, almost equal to the gas fee."

   "Bait plus living supplies, etc., the minimum guarantee is five thousand, and if there are more, it will cost tens of thousands."

   "Actually, I can go to sea twice a month at most, three times a month, but it will be very tiring. So if you make a good trip, you can earn 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, and if you almost make it, you can earn 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. Do you think it is better than opening a shop?"

  After Chen Yang was silent for a moment, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him immediately: "Do you think the income of less than 50,000 yuan a month is too small?"

  Chu Mingcheng recalled his monthly income after coming to Xiamen City to buy a boat, and asked doubtfully, "Is it much?"

   Zhang Wei next to "Get out~" couldn't take it anymore, and immediately made a gesture of respect.

   "Haha, let's go, I'll treat you to a big dinner tonight!" Chu Mingcheng stopped teasing the two of them, he laughed, and immediately waved his hand as a treat after he had just made money.

  There are many delicacies in Xia City, but there are more in Shanghai.

   It was a rare luxury in Chuming City. It cost more than 5,000 yuan to enjoy a delicious and full-filling experience.

   Then I wandered around the magic city at night, stayed in a five-star hotel, and played happily with Jiang Luoluo all night.

  Jiang Luoluo: I'm not happy at all! o(╥﹏╥)o

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