MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 292 Game start

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  Chapter 292 The game begins

   Time soon came to night, and Chu Mingcheng set up a barbecue grill on the back deck.

  Of course, because the competition will start tomorrow, the port tonight is bustling with contestants coming and going.

  There are about 300 boats at the pier alone, of which fishing boats and fishing boats seem to account for about half, and fishing boats can also be divided into trawler and ordinary fishing boats, etc., which shows that there are many fishermen participating in the competition.

  Based on five people per boat, at least 1,500 people, the vast area is like a middle school morning meeting.

  At the meeting in the afternoon, Chu Mingcheng hadn't noticed any problems, but he found something wrong in this meeting.

  So he said to Chen Yang, who was helping at the side: "There are so many people, the bonus of 500,000 yuan is so attractive? Are there so many people participating?"

   "You don't know?" Chen Yang was surprised.

   "What should I know?" Chu Mingcheng also showed a puzzled expression.

   "No, don't you even go online?" Chen Yang reluctantly took off his disposable gloves, took out his phone and opened a page for him to see.

   "This fishing contest has been trending all over the place, and the organizers didn't expect it to be so lively, with so many participants."

   "So some of the original game rules and bonuses are invalidated. The new rules and bonuses will be announced tomorrow."

   "Ah, I've been lying flat for the past few days, and I didn't pay attention to these at all. It seems that the fishing competition is popular, and the organizers have made a lot of money!"

  Chu Mingcheng didn't expect so many things to happen when he didn't pay attention to this game for ten days.

  He still wonders, there are many fishing competitions, when did they become so lively.

  Depending on the situation, the organizers probably didn't expect it either. After all, it was the first tuna fishing competition held in China, and they didn't think it would attract many people.

  That's why the person in charge at the time saw that Chu Mingcheng and Jiang Luoluo were handsome and the other was beautiful, and they also specialized in tuna fishing, so they specifically mentioned it.

  Under normal circumstances, who would be troublesome!

  But everyone in the organizer underestimated the original attraction of 500,000 yuan and the fishing guy's enthusiasm for fishing.

  In addition, the organizers took the initiative to announce the change of the competition rules and the bonus increase, which made more people excited.

   Therefore, during the following period, the number of fishing boats increased rapidly. There are both large and small boats, as long as they can go to the far sea, and those near the magic capital are here.

   Don't look at the ships going to the high seas to make money, but the cost is high, and there are many people who share it.

  The retail fishermen have worked hard for a year, and it is estimated that there are more than 100,000 to 200,000.

  If you are lucky enough to get the fifth place, even if the five people share the points together, it will be worth their average income of three or four months.

  After all, only a few lucky people can encounter such a situation where the net explodes. Most of the boats that go to the far sea to cast the net can't catch much valuable seafood with a single net. This is the situation of most fishermen.

  Of course, fishermen who go out to sea all the year round know very well that pure tuna fishing cannot be caught with nets, and the chances of losing money for a month at sea are definitely greater than making money.

  There are only a few places where tuna can be caught in the East China Sea. One is the northeast side of the East China Sea near Xiaotian, which is the fishing ground that Chuming City took Chen Yang and the others to and the surrounding area.

   There are no other places, but basically the tuna encountered are passing by and will not stay for a long time, and the chance of encountering them is far less than a few specific areas.

  The second is to go to Dongsha or the southern part of Baodao, but the fuel consumption of going to the southern part of Baodao in Shanghai is too terrible, so no one goes back.

  Of course, the organizers are not allowed to run that far. There are many patrol boats and drones tracking and shooting this fishing competition. How can they take pictures if they run far?

  There are few places and many boats, plus only fishing is allowed, and there are also fish weight requirements in the rules.

  In this case, they still come to participate in the competition, but if they really can't do it, they can withdraw from the competition at any time and go back to continue fishing.

   It takes a long time to waste it, but a week is completely fine.

  Of course, apart from the vast majority of fishermen and anglers who participated in the competition, among the people at the port tonight, there were also many Internet celebrities who took selfies with mobile phones, or were accompanied by photographers.

   Both men and women, most of whom are women.

  Where did this group of people come to fish?

   It’s all about watching the fishing competition, being on the hot search, and getting a lot of attention.

  The traffic of self-media catching sea fishing has always been good, not to mention the first tuna fishing competition in this country.

  Their boats must be rented. After going out to sea for a few days, they will withdraw from the competition. Showing their faces and hanging out with famous fishermen can increase a wave of traffic.

  And five people rent a boat, the cost is not high when shared.

  It has only been two or three years. If it had been a few years earlier, the organizer would have held a tuna contest that would definitely not be as popular as it is now.

  After learning about the situation, Chu Mingcheng continued to work on the barbecue in his hand.

   After eating and drinking enough, the night passed, and the next day, the port was very lively.

  The red flags fluttering, the sea of ​​people, and the sound of drums and gongs is quite spectacular.

  On the stage that had been set up long ago, five or six middle-aged people with big bellies and a figure comparable to the tuna appeared one after another, and none of them was skinny.

  The host made a grand introduction, and then several middle-aged people took turns to give a few speeches. The contestants sitting in front of the stage gave a lot of face, and the leaders went down and applauded once.

   In addition to talking nonsense, several middle-aged people also explained some rules of this change.

  The rules have not been changed much, mainly because a lot of press conferences have come to the sea this time to conduct random interviews and reports.

  Secondly, the competition was originally won based on the weight, but now it has been changed to the total value of the fish.

   It is the same as the foreign tuna competition. The more valuable the fish caught, the higher the probability of winning the ranking, and the quantity has become the second.

  It’s right to think about it, no matter how high the weight is, it’s just a fisherman’s bullshit.

  But the total value of the fish caught by the first place exceeds millions or even millions, so the next time the competition is held, won't it be more lively than this time?

   At that time, the tuna fishing contest may become a landmark event in Shanghai.

   As for whether some will buy boats and go to sea one after another because they see how profitable fishing is, what does this have to do with the organizers and those shipyards that pay for advertising?

  Chu Mingcheng and Jiang Luoluo looked at each other, and immediately saw the business opportunity inside.

   "Ah Cheng, if we can get a good ranking this time, why don't we build our own fishing tackle brand and open a factory?"

  Chu Mingcheng raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Jiang Luoluo to think about fishing tackle. He thought she would directly start a shipyard!

  Of course, setting up a shipyard is not smart, but a fool.

   "The idea is good, but we don't have the energy to do this at night!"

  It takes hours to build a brand. The only trouble is to open a factory or find an OEM. The technology and quality in this area must meet the standards.

  Even if it is not as good as Shimano or Dayiwa, it can't be far behind.

   "Of course we don't have time, but my dad does! Although he still has a small business now, it's far from before, and he's also free."

   "We just need to make a name for ourselves, and we don't need to worry about anything else. Let him do the production. Of course, if uncles and aunts are interested, we can join us."

  Chu Mingcheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard the words: "You're just cheating Dad. Uncle was supposed to be able to retire in a few years and enjoy the blessings, but you tricked him into doing things for us for the rest of his life."

   "Also, what can my dad do, manage the canteen in the factory?"

  They are all only children, no matter how busy their parents are, no matter how much they earn, it will be theirs in the end. If they open a factory for decades, it will be like working for them.

  Jiang Luoluo also reacted, covering her mouth and chuckling: "What a great opportunity to make money, at worst they will do it for another 30 years, and we will take over when our children grow up."

  Chu Mingcheng gave a thumbs up, good guy, the kid has figured it out.

   Cooperate with the two of them in the Mesozoic Era and lie flat?

  The speech on the stage was still going on, and the two also focused their attention on the stage for the time being.

   Now comes the real-time leaderboards.

   Every time a boat comes back, the staff at the dock will weigh and evaluate it on the spot. When the value of all catches that meet the specifications on the boat is calculated, the ranking list will be updated immediately.

  The fish with the highest selling price will be the champion of this tuna competition.

   For this reason, the organizer specially set up a big screen at the port, so that contestants or passers-by can know the ranking at any time.

  In addition, the race APP downloaded by the contestants can check the simple information and ranking list of each boat after logging in.

   Ships like Chu Mingcheng with small mobile base stations can check their rankings at any time on the sea.

  After several leaders finished speaking, the host also announced the new competition rewards.

  Originally, the grand prize was only for the top three. This time, seven places have been directly added, that is, anyone from one to ten can win the prize.

  The bonuses for the top three have changed. The first place has changed from 500,000 to 1 million, the second has 600,000, the third has 300,000, and the rest remains unchanged.

  Fourth and fifth places followed, with a bonus of 200,000 yuan and no additional rewards.

   Sixth to tenth place, unified 100,000 yuan, the above rankings have certificates and trophies, also no additional rewards.

   There are also some small rewards for the next eleven to fifty, such as a few thousand dollars, or there may be discounts for buying and selling in the trading market, etc.

   This is purely a consolation prize, and most people don't care about it.

   After listening to it, Chu Mingcheng felt that such competitions should be held more in China.

   Not only limited to tuna fishing competitions, but also some island survival competitions, fishing and hunting competitions, etc.

  Chu Mingcheng is not interested in surviving on an isolated island. He has no self-torture mentality. Isn't it uncomfortable to hold his sweet and soft wife every night?

  But if there is also a competition in fishing and hunting, he is fully confident of winning the first place.

   There are also domestic mermaid competitions, but it’s just that there is no attention at all. Unfortunately, the fishing and hunting competition can only go abroad for the time being.

  After the host finished speaking, there was actually a performance by the girl group, which was the opening ceremony.

   The **** here in the magic capital, you know everything, and you can invite celebrities to perform on stage for anything.

  As for the customs of going to sea to worship Mazu in the past, it is really not suitable for so many TV media to film.

   Feudalism and superstition cannot be practiced!

  After the performance, the contestants began to board the boat one after another under the leadership of the staff.

   Some reporters also took the opportunity to interview, and the interviewees were naturally the more famous Master Deng and others.

  It’s nothing more than some views on the game, and whether you have the confidence to win the championship and so on.

  This kind of news media is not likely to ask some tricky questions like the entertainment media.

  So some Internet celebrities want to be interviewed, but others are too lazy to answer.

  Chu Mingcheng pulled Jiang Luoluo, and Chen Yang and others quickly came to the exclusive channel, and then came to the pier to board the boat, ready for battle.

   At this time, a lot of staff came and began to board the ship for inspection.

  There are only three kinds of fishing rods that can be used for tuna fishing this time: boat rod, iron rod and trolling rod.

  Of course, these three kinds of poles are used for normal tuna fishing.

  Secondly, the electric winch cannot be used, even if it is a hand-held electric winch.

  Not to mention the large electric reel, tuna weighing two hundred catties can be caught casually.

  The hand-held electric reel is not so powerful, it is used to assist fishermen to catch big fish.

   But even so, it is much easier than a purely manual fishing reel.

  Originally, two people needed to take turns to catch a fish. With a hand-held electric winch, one person can catch it, but it is still very laborious.

  There was no problem on board Chu Mingcheng, and the speargun had been stored in the storage cabinet of the organizer, so the staff disembarked after inspection and went to the next door to continue.

  The inspection lasted for more than half an hour, and indeed some longline fishing nets and various electric winches were found on some fishing boats. Obviously, the inspection was very strict.

  Maybe there are still leaks, but it doesn't matter.

   Next, there are patrol boats and drones. If they are found out, the tools will be temporarily confiscated. When they are found at sea, they will be eliminated directly and banned from participating in the next fishing competition.

  At exactly ten o'clock in the morning, there was a series of sharp whistles from the port. It was the sound of more than 300 ships blowing their whistles almost at the same time, and it spread far away.

  The tourists who came to join in the fun today covered their ears one after another, and almost lost their tinnitus.

  The port staff began to dispatch, holding the walkie-talkie and shouting continuously, arranging the departure of the fishing boat.

  The outermost ones set off first, and then the fishing boats obeyed the command and followed behind.

  The Poseidon in Chuming City was in the center, and the engine had already started to warm up. After waiting for more than ten minutes, it was his turn.

  Start the Poseidon, followed the fishing boat in front, and slowly left the port, followed by Chen Yang's Bailong.

  More than 300 ships, like a fleet, sailed towards the blue and vast sea facing the scorching sun at noon.

  The tourists standing on the shore picked up their mobile phones or cameras to take pictures, not to mention the fishing boats, just these more than one hundred fishing boats worth millions, how could they see so many at one time in previous years.

   Among them, there are more than a dozen fishing boats like Chu Mingcheng, which are larger and more gorgeous in appearance, and they attract more attention.

  Among the tourists, several girls jumped excitedly after discovering the Poseidon.

   "Look, look, it's the Poseidon, and Lolo is on this ship."

   "Oh, what a pity, there are too many people and I didn't see her just now, and God Chu, woo~"

"Don't mention that Chu, just kidnap our Luoluo. Luoluo often releases our pigeons because of him, and now she even comes to participate in fishing competitions without doing business. She is obviously a beautiful dancing fairy. What kind of fish!"

   "After marrying Dong Yong, the seven fairies also have to weave and do housework!"

   "Uh, don't say it if you can't speak, I'm so cracked!"

  Obviously, these few talking were Jiang Luoluo's fans. They happened to be in Shanghai, so they organized a group to see the idol, but unfortunately they didn't meet.

at this time

   "buzz buzz"

   A sudden movement came, which attracted the attention of many people.

  It turned out that hundreds of drones carrying cameras took off at the same time, arranged in a neat triangle formation, followed the sailing ship all the way, and then dispersed.

   Several aerial images appeared on the huge screen in the port, and they switched from time to time.

  However, the shooting was only a few hundred meters away from the port, and the ones farther away did not follow. It should be that the signal problem cannot go further.

  On the other side, after driving for half an hour, but only two or three nautical miles away, Chuming City saw that it was almost noon, so they simply stopped the boat.

   Chen Yang, who was following behind, also stopped when he saw this, and called him a letter.

  As for the radio, they turned it off on either side, it was so loud that they couldn't hear what they were saying.

  If you go to a channel alone, there is a risk of being overheard when two people talk.

   It’s okay now, if you go to the far sea to tell each other where there are fish, if people hear it, wouldn’t it mean that many ships came to grab the fish?

  So the two of them had agreed at dinner last night that there were mobile base stations on board anyway with signal, so they would contact them directly by mobile phone.

   "Ah Cheng, why did you stop?"

   "There are too many boats to get up at speed, let's go after lunch first!"


  Currently, Chen Yang will follow Chu Mingcheng first, and the two sides will leave a certain distance after going to the far sea. If anyone finds tuna and there are a lot of them, he will notify the other side.

  Of course, if there are few fish, you can catch them yourself.

  This is on the public radio channel, so it's very loud.

  Many people have started to form groups, and some well-known Internet celebrities have found several fishing champions.

  But more small Internet celebrities can't get them, so they can only take the second place and find some big names in the sea fishing world, who are the strong contenders for the championship of this fishing competition.

  The attention of these people will not be less, which can be regarded as the second echelon among the contestants.

   Xiaowanghong will ask for contact information in a serious manner in the public channel. After adding the number, the tone suddenly changes.

   "Brother Hai, I'm a novice, can you guide me~"

   "That's right, Brother Hai, our Yoyo craftsmanship is very good, and we will definitely show it to you when the time comes."

   How can these old men withstand the delicate voice of a group of female Internet celebrities?

  Their economic conditions in the sea fishing industry are good, and occasionally there will be girls who have sex, but they can't stand the temptation of this group of coquettish little Internet celebrities.

   Don't look at the yachts following on the sea, all of them are radio reporters.

  But at night, the fishing boat turns off the lights, and who knows if they sneak on another boat.

  The radio reporter also went up to interview when he saw someone fishing. If no one is fishing, interview a snake!

  In a short period of time, these contestants formed small groups.

  If you have aerial photography, you can find that there are a few Internet celebrity boats full of girls, and each of them has found a group with relatively high attention.

  As for Yao Xin, who are unknown, they have long been forgotten in the corner.

  Of course, she also wanted to get in touch with Chu Mingcheng for a hug.

  Just thinking of being given a big meal by someone, he silently put down the phone.

   This matter was indeed Chu Mingcheng's fault, because he was so comfortable lying flat, he completely forgot about his dinner treat.

  Even going out to sea, he didn't think of Yao Xin.

   In addition, compared to them who are unknown, Chu Mingcheng and Jiang Luoluo actually have a good degree of attention on the Internet, belonging to the echelon below the big names in the sea fishing industry.

   Fans know about their participation and look forward to their performance, which is why some fans at the dock talk about them.

   And Jiang Luoluo is a popular UP master in the dance area, and a certain music has more fans.

  But she followed her boyfriend to participate in the fishing competition without doing business. At that time, she was complained by fans that she was on Xiaopozhan and the hot search of a certain sound, so the attention was still very high.

   There are also small Internet celebrities in the public channel who want to catch their popularity, but they didn't turn on the radio at all, and then they were labeled as cold and arrogant.

  They don't know about these, and they don't care.

   After Chu Mingcheng and the others had lunch, they continued to set off.

   There are also a dozen or so boats scattered around, and they don't want to be crowded with others just like them.

  It was boring on the boat, but chatting and playing games, the time came to the evening quickly, and the fishing boats that had gathered together had already dispersed.

  The first batch of fishing boats first came to the fishing area with a large number of tuna during this time period.

  The small team that originally gathered began to disperse, preparing to rely on the fish finder to find tuna or marlin, and notify nearby teammates if they found a school of fish.

  Helping together and helping each other can effectively improve the performance quickly, which is very necessary in the early stage.

  At least there is a great chance to break into the top 50 together.

  Only 50 contestants are displayed on the screen of the port. As for the other 50 contestants, the contestants can go to the APP to check by themselves, and outside tourists or spectators cannot see it.

   And after a large number of mid-to-late contestants withdraw from the competition, these temporary teams will disband and fight on their own, competing for a better ranking or even the championship.

  When Chu Mingcheng sailed to the fishing area, he found that there were boats in many deep water areas. He went around, but he still didn't find that there were fish and no boats.

   Some retail fishermen’s boats do not have fish finders, but they have rich experience in finding fish.

   You can judge whether there are fish according to factors such as wind direction, ocean current, tide, etc., so they all occupy a favorable position.

  They don’t have a fish finder, so they can’t actively look for large fish such as tuna.

  So I can only sit back and wait, trying to attract tuna by throwing bait, and I can also use fish lure lights to attract them at night.

   If you are lucky, you will not catch fewer fish than those with fish finders, and the cost is also lower.

   On the other side, Chu Mingcheng, who had been wandering around for a long time but couldn't find a suitable location, was a little speechless. The sea was so vast, but for the first time he felt the situation of the boat being crowded.

  His cheat cannot take the initiative to find fish, and he really has no advantage in this regard.

   After a short while, he found a bay not far ahead.

  This kind of place has a very good terrain, and there is a great possibility of tuna appearing.

  However, there are three faster boats on the right ahead, and they are about to reach the bay over there. Among them are two fishing boats and one fishing boat.

  Jiang Luoluo hugged Xiao Heiye, stood beside him and sighed, "There are too many people robbing the good place!"

   "It's probably going to be scolding!" Chu Mingcheng was a little bit sorry that he could only watch the fun, so he turned on the radio silently.

   Sure enough, the confrontation inside started.

   "We found it here first, and you can find another place."

   "The board gives priority to whether you want it or not, and if you don't want it, don't beep."

   "You discovered it first? I came here a week ago, and it's not your turn."

   "Damn, are you finding fault?"

   "wcnmlgb, don't be ashamed of you little redheads. When labor and capital go to sea, you are still separated from left and right. Parents may not know each other. Mother Throwing Lei, little bastard, let labor and capital go."

   The rounds of swearing are more violent than the old fishermen on the fishing boat. These old oilmen have never met anything at sea, and they often scold others for places.

No, for the next two minutes, the radio is full of voices from fishing boats, men and women scolding together, without repeating a single sentence, and there are languages ​​in various parts of the country, and they are novel and not old-fashioned, only a few foreign languages ​​are missing up.

   It’s hard to imagine that these words were scolded by people in their fifties, but now people in their 60s and 70s are also keeping pace with the times!

  After this, not only the people on the two fishing boats were dumbfounded, but also Jiang Luoluo, who was walking the dog next to him, was also dumbfounded.

   After a while, after Chu Mingcheng turned off the radio, she came back to her senses: "Ah Cheng, what is the separation of left and right?"

   "Maybe, half of it was in his mother's stomach at the time, and the other half was still in his father's, right? Didn't they say that their parents didn't know each other at that time." Chu Mingcheng was a little uncertain.

   "." Jiang Luoluo hesitated, "Let's go quickly, let's not join in the fun!"

   After they left, Chen Yang, who had separated from them when they came to the fishing area, sent a message.

   "Ah Cheng, have you noticed that all the fish on my side are boats?"

   "Me too, why not go to another fishing area!"

  Chu Mingcheng had no choice but to make a new decision. It would be great if his plug-in had a search function, and it would be displayed on the map by typing in any fish.

  It shows where there are tuna or marlin, he just drives there.

   But this is no different from cheating, it will lead to no suspense in the game.

  So he just thought about it, even if there is such a problem, then he will definitely use it~~

  Chu Mingcheng made some observations on the navigation, and decided to go to the border of the East China Sea, close to the open sea.

  The probability of encountering tuna there is also very high, and it is estimated that a small number of players will also choose these places.

  It's a pity that the rules of the competition can't go to the high seas, which can be regarded as a restriction on fishing boats like them, and try to ensure fairness.

  After all, the fish resources in the high seas are better, and the probability of winning is far higher than that of xua who fish in the fishing area

   After choosing a place, he sent the coordinates to Chen Yang. He turned the direction of the Poseidon and left the fishing area.

  (end of this chapter)

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