MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 5 fish thief

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  Chapter 5 Fish Thief

  After waiting for more than ten minutes, Chu Mingcheng felt that the nest should be effective, so Chu Mingcheng let the hook into the water.

   After sinking, there are almost two eyes when the float is exposed, which is similar to what the guide said.

   As for the water depth of the reservoir, he has been here many times to swim, and he knows it in his mind. This location is four or five meters away from the shore, and the water depth is about three meters, which is quite suitable for fishing.

  Fishing requires patience. Chu Mingcheng put the fishing rod on the bracket, put his right hand on the fishing rod to detect the movement immediately, and read the novel with his mobile phone in the other hand.

   Waiting is too boring, and reading novels can pass the time.

   After reading two chapters, three minutes passed, but the fishing rod did not move.

  Chu Mingcheng wanted to wait, but he was afraid that the bait had already been eaten, so he brought it up to have a look.

  I saw that the round bait before has melted away, because the hook was exposed a little because it was not rubbed well.

   It seems that no fish have eaten the bait yet, but this bait is no longer usable and needs to be replaced.

  Anyway, there are a lot of baits configured today, which is enough.

  Pull off the bait and hang it up again, and continue to put it into the water.

  After reading two chapters of the novel, I picked up the bait and observed it. During this period, I changed it three times.

   It seems that the effect of making nests has finally come. After changing the bait again and throwing it into the water, he only read half a chapter of the novel, and the fishing rod felt a little trembling.

  He immediately put the mobile phone in his pocket and looked at the water surface, only to see the buoy sink and float up again.

  Chu Mingcheng's eyes lit up, and there was a fish eating the bait.

  He was not in a hurry, but gripped the fishing rod tightly and continued to wait.

  At this moment, the fish are just trying to eat the bait, the entrance is shallow, so lift it up to ensure that the rod is empty.

  Suddenly, the float tilted suddenly, almost being pulled into the water entirely, and at the same time, there was a weak pull from the fishing rod.

  Then the float swished and disappeared into the water, the opportunity came!

   Seeing the black float, Chu Mingcheng immediately lifted the rod. Sure enough, there was a slight shaking of the fishing rod, which was caused by the fish struggling with its tail in the water.

  Chu Mingcheng easily pulled the fish out of the water. It looked like a crucian carp, slightly bigger than his palm.

  Take the fish back, look at the fish's chin, there are no tentacles, it is indeed a crucian carp.

   Crucian carp is very similar to carp. People who are not familiar with it can tell the difference just by looking at the tentacles on the chin of the fish. The carp with two small tentacles is the carp.

  As soon as Chu Mingcheng took off the crucian carp and threw it into the bucket, the data panel in his mind changed slightly.

  【Aquatic Products Illustrated Book (Level 0)】

  【Current Experience: (2/50)】

  【Unlock capture tools: hand, fishing tackle】

  【Aquaculture level up to 50】

  【Aquatic product types: shrimp, crucian carp】

  【Special Ability: None】

   Sure enough, the types of aquatic products are equal to the experience points, and each additional type will increase the experience points. It was this special ability that he didn't know when he would have it, which made him very curious.

  【Crusch carp (level 0)】

  【Current Experience: 1/10】

  【Body size +0%】

  【Delicious +0%】

  【Catch Chance +0%】

   Crucian carp has just started fishing, and there is no bonus. When the level increases in the future, it is estimated that fishing can attract larger crucian carp.

   Untied the crucian carp and threw it into the bucket, Chu Mingcheng continued fishing.

   It has been half an hour since the nest was made before. It should be that the nest material has started to play a role, and the fish mouth is not bad.

  Basically, a fish can be caught in three to five minutes, until five o'clock in the afternoon.

  Chuming City has unlocked two more types of fish, white stripes and carp.

   There were 7 white stripes, and the carps were not big. We caught 5 of them, and the crucian carp was the most. Including the first one, we just caught 10 of them and successfully upgraded.

  【Craucian carp (Level 1)】

  【Current Experience: 0/20】

  【Body size +1%】

  【Delicious +1%】

  【Catch Chance +1%】

  Trying fishing for the first time today, Chu Mingcheng felt that fishing was quite simple.

   But these freshwater fish should not be worth much, so I still have to go to the beach tomorrow to have a look.

  There are more messy creatures on the seaside than in the reservoir. Not only can the species on the aquatic illustration book be increased faster, but many of them can be sold for money.

   But now it's five o'clock in the afternoon, and it's almost time to go back.

  I didn’t prepare luminous floats and headlights today. There may be poisonous snakes in the reservoir at night. It’s not safe if I don’t prepare them.

  And the quilt at home is still drying in the yard, so I have to take it back quickly.

  So he released all the white strips and carp inside. He didn't like to eat the white strips because the carp was too small and had a strong earthy smell.

  When you catch a fish, you will increase your experience value, and if you release it, it will not decrease, so there is no pressure.

  Freshwater fish, namely crucian carp, snakehead (black fish) and grass carp, are his favorites, and nothing else.

   There were ten crucian carp in total, which was a bit too much. Chu Mingcheng released all the small ones, leaving five more than half a catty.

  After fishing all afternoon, he also caught a crucian carp estimated to weigh a catty. After he resigned, he had to make money by fishing in the sea, which seems a bit difficult at present.

   Fortunately, the higher the level, the higher the chance of medium fish and the higher the chance of catching big fish, so it is a bit difficult at the beginning, which is not a problem.

  But if you have the opportunity, you still have to go fishing, the price is high and the quantity is large.

   Packing all the tools and putting them in the car, Chu Mingcheng drove back to the backyard.

  Fishing tackle and other things are put in the car, saving moving around.

  He carried the bucket of fish to the well in the front yard to kill the fish, so as to avoid the trouble of cleaning up the fish scales in the kitchen.

   Putting down the bucket, he went back to the kitchen for a knife and cutting board.

   But he didn't know that when he just returned to the house, a small head appeared above the wall of the yard.

  Chumingcheng’s hometown was built against the mountain, so the left side of the whole house is connected with the mountain, and the well in the front yard is on the left side.

  At this time, on the uphill position of the mountain, a cat with gray patterns all over the body is staring at the fish in the bucket below.

  It didn't go down immediately, but looked up and looked around, and when it found no one, it jumped up and jumped into the yard.

  Then it walked quickly to the side of the bucket, resting its front paws on the edge of the bucket, put its head in and sniffed it, as if thinking about which fish to attack.

  When Chu Mingcheng came out with a knife and a cutting board, this was what he saw.

   "Damn! Steal my fish!"

  He intended to yell to scare the wild cat away, but the wild cat shrank its neck from the scare and did not run away. Instead, it hooked a fish with its claws, pulled it out, bit it and ran away.

  Chu Mingcheng was dumbfounded, isn't this wild cat too courageous?

   "I'll go, my big crucian carp!"

  The next moment, he reacted and chased after him. The cat was clever, so he stole his biggest crucian carp.

   When he caught up, the wild cat was biting the struggling crucian carp and had already arrived in someone's yard, and it was impossible to catch up with it at its speed.

  Chu Mingcheng had no choice but to stop, but saw the wild cat put down the fish and looked back at him for a while, and purred.

  Is this joy or fear?

   But he thinks he should be happy, after all, he has stolen such a big fish.

  Chu Mingcheng still likes cats and dogs very much. He is not angry when the fish is stolen, but he is a little dumbfounded.

  The cat had already left, so he also went back to kill the fish, killing all four crucian carp weighing half a catty.

  Two make beer fish, and the other two make crucian carp tofu soup for tomorrow.

  He is not going to come back at noon tomorrow when he catches the sea. There is also a thermos at home, which can be used for rice and soup.

  (end of this chapter)