MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 105 Hate the twenty-eighth 8

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Lan Yuchen said: "Golden lord... Can you explain the original?"

Jin Guangyao did not speak, and the finger joints were faint and whitish.

Wei Wuwei said: "It seems that the gold lord refused to say it."

As soon as he raised his hand, a naked, naked female body appeared immediately at the bottom of his hand. Wei Wuxi put her hand on her dark head and said, "But, if you don't say it, I can't know?"

Awkward and unrequited, Wei Wuzhen found himself surrounded by a fragrant aroma of powder, a charming voice sent out from his mouth: "... she? She wants to marry, meet When she was a man, she was in her twenties. She was not too young. In a few years, she was definitely not red, so she was scolded and scolded to have a son, not just wanting to get away. But that too I want to be a man."

He opened his eyes and saw what he saw in front of him. It was a gorgeous lobby. It was very spacious. There were more than a dozen large round tables in the hall. There were several alcoholic guests sitting on each round table. There were also a few pretty people. Women, some scented shoulders, some scattered, some sitting on the squatter's legs, and some are feeding the wine to the next population, all of them are sweet, greasy and drunk.

I will know where it is at a glance.

Wei Wuxi said: "It was a woman who was burned to death in this Guanyin Temple. It is no wonder that these grievances are naked, I am afraid."

The alcoholic beside him smiled: "The son is always his own. Isn't that man not?"

The woman said: "She said that the man is a big man of the cultivating family. Then there must be a lot of sons in his family. It is not rare for anything. How can you pay attention to this outside? I hope that I will not expect anyone. To pick her up, of course, I can only raise my own, and it is fourteen years."

Several alcoholic people said: "The big man? Is there such a thing?"

The woman said: "Hey, what do I do to lie to you about this kind of thing? Her son is now messing around with us. Hey, that is," the woman twisted her waist and rushed to the young man who was carrying the tray: "Xiao Meng! Come over!"

The teenager really came over and said: "Anxin sister, what?"

In an instant, Wei Wuzhen understood everything.

A group of alcoholic people looked at Meng Yao with a look of gaze. Meng Yao asked another question: "Is there anything?" He said with a smile: "Xiao Meng, have you not learned anything by yourself recently?"

Meng Yao glanced, said: "What?"

Peace of Mind: "It's the ones that your mother asked you to learn, what paintings and calligraphy, etiquette, swordsmanship, and how do you learn?"

The voices did not fall, and the few alcoholic people laughed as if they felt extremely funny. Peace of mind turned to say: "Don't laugh, I am telling the truth. His mother raised him as a son of a wealthy family, taught him to read and write, bought a lot of secrets of swords, and sent him. go to school."

The alcoholic surprised: "Send him to school? Am I not mistaken?"

Peace of mind: "No! Xiaomeng, you told these sons, have you been to the library?"

The alcoholic said: "Is he still going now?"

Peace of mind: "Don't go, I went back in a few days, and said that I would not go any more. Xiaomeng, do you not like to study or not?"

Meng Yao did not speak, and smiled with peace of mind. A brightly painted index finger poked at Meng Yao’s forehead and said, “Little guy, not happy?”

She poked hard, Meng Yao's forehead was poked a faint red mark, like the afterimage of cinnabar. He touched his forehead and said, "No..."

Peace of mind: "Well, it's okay, you go." Meng Yao turned and walked a few steps, she picked up another thing from the table and shouted: "Hey, give a fruit to eat."

When Meng Yao turned back, the green fruit dripped on his chest and fell to the ground and rolled away. Peace of mind blame: "How can I stay so, a fruit can't catch it. Get up, don't waste it."

Meng Yao took a look at the corner of his mouth. He should have been fourteen years old, but I don't know if it is because of extraordinarily small size. It seems to be only twelve or three years old. This kind of smile appears on his face, which makes people very uncomfortable.

He slowly bent over, picked up the fruit, rubbed it on the placket, and smiled even deeper: "Thank you for your peace of mind."

Peace of mind: "You're welcome. Go and work hard."

Meng Yao said: "I will call me again."

After he walked away, a drinker said: "If my son is in this place, I will take him back anyway."

Another person said: "His father is really a big man in the Xiuxian family? To give a fireworks woman a redemption, give her a raise to raise a child, shouldn't it be easy? Just do it."

Peace of Mind: "Where can this woman really listen? Half of the letter is more, the big man is not what she said. I am looking, maybe a rich businessman with a few dollars, she exaggerated several times... ”

At this moment, a scream came, and on the second floor, there was a floppy disk floppy. A yao tumbling flew out and landed in the center of the hall. It slammed and slammed and drunk on several nearby tables. The person who is having fun is so scared that he is screaming. Peace of mind also almost fell, screaming: "What happened!"

Meng Yao called: "A Niang!"

Looking up at the peace of mind, I saw a big man carrying a woman's hair and dragging her out of a room. Reluctantly squatting at the alcoholic drinker, the tone is not excited or nervous, said: "She is coming again!"

Meng Yao rushed upstairs, the woman was licking her scalp and desperately pulling her clothes to her shoulders. When Meng Yao ran over, she said, "I want you not to go upstairs! Go on! Go on!"

Meng Yao went to the 嫖 嫖 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客 客

This is the third time Wei Weizhen saw him being kicked off the stairs.

The woman yelled, and was immediately smothered by the guest, dragging down the stairs, smashing the clothes, throwing them on the street, spitting a slobber on her bare-naked body, shouting: How ugly is the ugly, the old man also treats himself as a new item!"

The woman squatted in the middle of the street, did not dare to get up, as long as she moved, she would be seen. Pedestrians on the street are amazed and excited. They want to stay away, want to stay, poke a little, and let the eyes shine. The door of Weifang is also full of women inside, eating and laughing, and like peace of mind, gloating to tell the guests around you how this embarrassing old woman is going. Only one girl turned her body out of the door and took off her lightly sleek gauze. Half of her white and full chest was wrapped in a bright red blouse. The waist was extremely slender and very eye-catching. Others quickly came to see her. The girl took a sip and shouted: "Look at it, look at your mother! The aging mother is also what you see? Look at the money you want to collect, give money! Come and give money!"

She groaned, and she reached out and asked for money from all sides. The crowd was scattered. She threw the gauze that she had taken off onto the woman, wrapped her into the lobby, and walked and counted: "I used to change it. I took a shelf. Who is it? It’s hard to eat, and it’s a little longer!”

Wei Wuxi said: "This girl looks a bit familiar, where did I see it?"

The woman whispered: "Ayao, Ayao..."

Meng Yao was kicked by the kick for a while, but he couldn’t afford it. The girl smashed one hand and pulled the mother and son together. An alcoholic passenger next to him said: "Who is that beauty?"

I spit out two pieces of melon seeds and said: "It's a famous poaching, it's scary."

One person was disappointed: "This is the fireworks talent of the year, Meng Shi? How did it become like this?"

Reassuring and changed the smiling face, said: "This is the case. She has to have a child, a woman can still see a child in her life. If it is not relying on the so-called 'talented woman' reputation of the past, I am afraid that I will not appreciate the face. A few. I want to say that it is because of the bad things that she read."

One of the guests said: "That is. Those who have some books are always inexplicably clear, and they are always willing to give up that thought."

Peace of Mind: "If she can support herself with the book she reads, then I don't say anything, but it is not a gimmick that attracts 嫖/客. I said it's hard to hear, everyone is a scorpion, you read a book. Noble? What is the strength of the high school? Not only the outsiders can't afford her, but other sisters here like to dislike her? The guests who come to this place occasionally watch a teenage girl who is dignified and dignified. Fresh and chic. Want someone to spend money to see what a person is old and yellow? She hasn’t been red, and everyone knows that she can’t see it alone...”

At this time, someone took a picture of peace of mind behind him, and looked back with peace of mind, only to see the girl standing behind her, the hand is a slap in the face.

"啪", a slap in the face, and stayed for a moment, angered: "贱人!!!"

The girl said: "贱人!!! The whole day is broken, your tongue is nothing else?!"

Peace of mind screamed: "What do I say about your ass!"

The two girls wriggle in the lobby on the first floor, use the nails and teeth, tear the other person's hair full of curses, what "too early to draw your face", "no one wants to pour money", the vulgar language is unbearable. Many nieces/women came over to persuade, saying: "Sisi! Don't fight!"


Wei Wuzhen finally remembered why he would feel familiar when he looked at the girl's face. If you add seven or eight knife marks to this face, isn't that the woman who came to the lotus dock to inform the woman? !

Suddenly, he felt a wave of burning waves coming in, and the entire lobby was instantly submerged in a red sea of ​​fire. Wei Wuzhen quickly pulled himself out of the empathy!

Open your eyes, Blue forgets the machine: "How?"

Lan Yichen also said: "Wei Gongzi, what do you see?"

Wei Wuqi took a breath and calmed his mind. He said: "I guess this Guanyin Temple is the place where Jin Zongzhu grew up."

Jin Guangyao is not moving. Jiang Chengdao: "Where did he grow up? He is not..." He just wanted to say that he didn't grow up in the hook, and suddenly he became clear, saying: "This Guanyin Temple used to be a fenced house. The fire burned this place and was transformed into the Guanyin Temple!"

Lan Yuchen said: "Is it really your fire?"

Jin Guangyao said: "Yes."

Jiang Cheng sneered: "You admit it."

Jin Guangyao said: "As of today, do more and do less, do you have a difference?"

Silence for a moment, Blue Jason said: "Are you trying to erase the traces?"

Although many people know that when they are young, they grow up in the hook, but for many years, most people don't know which hook he is from, and it is strange to think about it. Everyone knows well that the Confucius must be manipulated behind the scenes, but I am afraid that few people will expect that he will burn a place where he was born and grew up.

Jin Guangyao said: "Not all."

Lan Yichen sighed and did not continue. Jin Guangyao said: "You don't ask me why?"

Lan Yichen shook his head, half awkward, and asked: "I didn't know what you did before, but I believe that you have a hard time doing this."

He said again: "But, you have done too much. And I also... I don't know if I should believe it."

He was deeply tired and disappointed in his tone.

Thunderstorms were added outside the temple, and the door of the temple door was leaking. In this screaming sound, Jin Guangyao suddenly reached the ground.

Everyone is a glimpse. Wei Wuzhen, who just paid his waist sabre, was also shocked, but he saw Jin Guangyao weakly: "Two brothers, I am wrong."

"..." Hearing this, Wei Wuzhen was embarrassed for him, could not help but said: "That, what, do not say anything, do it. Do we only do it?"

This face is changed, the legs are said to be embarrassing, and there is no dignity and domineering. Lan Yuchen’s face is also a singular color. Jin Guangyao took it and said: "Second brother, you and I have been together for many years. Anyway, I know you, you know. I have no intention of being in the position of the Governor, and the Yinhu is completely destroyed. Afternight, I will I have to go back to Dongpu, and I will not come back in this life. Look at these things, let me put a living path."

Far away from the East, it is just to escape. It sounds rather humiliating, but Jin Guangyao is known for being smooth and changeable, and Ning Bend is not broken. Lanling Jinshi crushed two families and three families with force, but if all the families of big and small are united to crusade him, it is only a matter of time before the mistakes of Wenshan. Instead of dragging it to that time, it would be better to evacuate immediately, first to avoid the limelight, to preserve the strength, and maybe there is still a chance to come back in the coming days.

Wei Wuwei said: "Golden lord, you said that the Yinhu has been completely destroyed. Can you show it out?"

Jin Guangyao said: "Wei Gongzi, the recovery piece is not an ontology after all, the number of uses is limited. It has been completely abolished. And there are many things that are so arrogant, you are the most clear. One lost its function, only one Will bring the waste of blood and blood, do you think I will take it with you?"

Wei Wuwei said: "I don't know about this. Maybe you can find another Xueyang?"

Jin Guangyao said: "Second brother, what I said is true."

His words are sincere and sincere, and since the capture of the Blue Dragon, he has always been treated with courtesy. At this moment, Lan Yichen really can’t turn his face immediately. He can only sigh: “Golden lord, you are willing to go to the mass grave. When I was planning such a big mess, I said that 'two brothers' don’t have to call again.”

Jin Guangyao said: "This incident of mass graves is my fascination, and I am very wrong. However, I have no retreat."

Lan Yuchen said: "What is there a way out?"

Blue forgets the machine slightly frowning, cold channel: "Brother, don't talk to him."

Wei Wuzhen also reminded: "Blue Master, remember how you reminded Jiang Zongzhu? Do not talk to him."

Lan Yichen also knows how powerful Jin Guangyao’s opening is. But when he heard that he might have an inside story, he couldn't help but want to hear it. Jin Guangyao also approved him.

He whispered: "I received a letter." /p

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