MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 59 Three poisons twelfth 4

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Wei Wu’s heart hangs up: “Is it seen? 趁I’m escaping now? Still not?”

At this time, a small cry came from inside the wall. In the footsteps of a step, a man softly said: "Don't cry, your face is spent."

This voice Wei Wuzhen and Jiang Cheng are very familiar, it is gentle!

Then, Wang Ling Jiao said: "Is it a face, you don't like me?"

Wen Weidao: "How come? Jiaojiao, no matter what, I like it."

Wang Lingjiao eloquently said: "I am really scared and scared... Today I really... I almost thought that I really want to be killed by that monk, I will never see you again... Wen Gongzi... I... ..."

Wen Hao seems to hug her and comforted: "Don't say Jiao Jiao, it's okay. Fortunately, the warmth protects you."

Wang Lingjiao said: "You still mention him! That gentle flow, I hate him. If he is not late, I will not eat so much bitterness at the moment. I still have a pain in my face, it hurts so much... ..."

It is obvious that she reprimanded the flow, not letting him sway in front of his own eyes, but now he began to reverse black and white. Wen Hao likes to listen to her grievances and said: "No pain, come, touch me... You hate him, don't worry, but don't worry him. This person is very good, my father said Many times, he is a rare talent, and I still hope to use him for a few more years."

Wang Lingjiao is not convinced: "Human talents... What about talents? There are so many famous people under Wenzong's masters, so many talents, thousands of people, is it not enough to lose one?"

She was hinting at Wen Yu, punishing the temperature and giving her a sigh of relief, and Wen Xiao smiled twice. Although he is quite fond of Wang Lingjiao, he has not been pampered to punish his own personal guards for a woman. After all, the warmth of the flow has blocked him from numerous assassinations. He has not said much, and his tone is tight. He will never betray his father. It will never betray him. Such a loyal and powerful bodyguard is rare. Wang Lingjiao saw that he did not care, and said: "You see him, it is only a small **** under your hand, so arrogant, I just want to hit the **** and the slap in the river, he still does not allow. People are Dead, corpse! This doesn't put me in the eye, doesn't you just put you in your eyes?"

Jiang Cheng didn't catch it at all and slipped off the wall. Wei Wuzhen’s eyes quickly lifted his back collar.

Both of them were in tears, tears falling down their cheeks and hitting the back of their hands and the land.

Wei Wuzhen remembered that when Jiang Fengmian went out this morning, he also had a fight with Mrs. Qi, and the last sentence left between them was not a gentle good word. I don't know if they have seen the last side. Jiang Fengmian has no chance to say a word to Mrs.

Wen Hao did not agree: "He is such a temperament, weird. According to him, it is not a sin to kill. People are killing him, but also what to do."

Wang Lingjiao echoed: "Yes. Hypocrisy!"

Wen Hao loves to listen to her, and laughs. Wang Lingjiao also gloats and sighs: "This monk is also a deserved one. When the family forces forced the man to marry her, the result is that it is useful to get married. People still don't like her. It has been alive for more than ten years. Abandoning the woman, everyone laughs behind her. She still doesn't know how to converge and fly. Finally, it is retribution."

Wen Weidao: "Is it? The woman is quite a bit more attractive. Why doesn't Jiang Fengmian like him?"

In his cognition, men have no reason not to like them as long as they are good women. The woman who was cast aside was only a woman with a flat face, and a woman who refused to give him a sleep. Wang Lingjiao said: "Think about it, the monk is so strong, obviously a woman but slaps the whistle all day, a little educated, Jiang Fengmian stunned such a wife to be dragged by her, it really fell eight Mildew."

Wen Wei said: "Yes! Women, it should be like my Jiaojiao, obedient, cute, and focus on me."

Wang Ling Jiao Gege smiled. Listening to these unscrupulous words, Wei Wuxi was sad and angry and shivered. He is worried that Jiang Cheng will break out, but Jiang Cheng may be grief-excessive, as if he is fainting, and he will not move. Wang Lingjiao faintly said: "Of course I can only focus on you... Who can I be to?"

At this time, another voice came in and said: "Wen Gongzi! All the houses have been searched, and there are more than 2,400 pieces of treasures that are counted out, which are being classified."

That is the thing in the lotus dock, that is the thing of the Jiang family!

Wen Hao haha ​​laughed and said: "Okay, good! This time, it should be a big celebration, I will see a feast here tonight. Make the best use of it!"

Wang Ling Jiao Jiao said: "Congratulations to the son of the lotus dock."

Wen Weidao: "What lotus dock, changed this name, and removed all the doors with the nine-petal lotus logo, and replaced it with the sun pattern! Jiaojiao, come and show me your best song and dance!"

Wei Wuzhen and Jiang Cheng can no longer listen. The two turned down the wall, and they were shallow and shallow, and stumbled away from the lotus dock. Running far away, the crowds of laughter and laughter in the school yard still linger, a woman's charming songs floating in the sky above the lotus dock, as if with a poisonous knife, cut a bit Their ears.

After running for a few miles, Jiang Cheng suddenly stopped.

Wei Wuzhen also stopped, Jiang Cheng turned and folded back, Wei Wuzhen grabbed him: "Jiang Cheng, what are you doing! Don't go back!"

Jiang Cheng said: "Don't go back? Are you talking about people? You let me not go back? My mother's body is still in the lotus dock. Can I just leave? I can't go back, where can I go? !"

Wei Wuzhen grabbed it even tighter: "You can go back now, what can you do? They are not even killed by Uncle Jiang and his wife. You are a dead word when you go back!"

Jiang Cheng shouted: "Death is dead! You are afraid that you can die, don't block my way!"

Wei Wuzhen took the hand and said: "The gentleman is not too late to revenge. The body must be taken back, but not now!"

Jiang Cheng evaded and slammed: "Isn't it now? I am fed up with you, let me roll!"

Wei Wuxi shouted: "Jiang Shushu and Mrs. Yu said, I want you to look after you, I want you to be good!"

"Give me shut up!" Jiang Cheng slammed him and yelled: "Why?!"

Wei Wuzhen was pushed into the grass by him. Jiang Cheng rushed over and lifted his collar. He could not help but shake: "Why?! Why?! Why! Are you happy?! Are you satisfied?! ”

He grabbed Wei Wu's neck and his eyes were full of blood: "Why are you saving the blue forgetting machine?!"

Under great wrath, Jiang Cheng has lost his mind and has no control over his strength. Wei Wuzhen turned his back on both hands and licked his wrist: "Jiang Cheng..."

Jiang Cheng pressed him to the ground and snarled: "Why do you want to save the blue forgetting machine?! Why do you have to be strong?! I told you how many times you told you not to provoke right and wrong! Don't shoot! You just like to be a hero. ?! What is the hero's end? Have you seen it?! Ah?! Are you happy now?!"

"Blue forgets the machine, Jinxuan, they die, they die! You let them die! What are they doing for them?! What is it about our family?! Why?! Why?!"

"Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell! Give me death!!!"

Wei Wuxi shouted: "Jiang Cheng!!!"

The hand that was holding his neck suddenly loosened.

Jiang Cheng glared at him, tears rolling down his cheeks. Deep in the throat, a sigh of sorrow and a sob of pain.

He cried: "...I want my mother, my mother..."

He asked Wei Wu to ask his father and mother. However, no matter who you want, you will not come back.

Wei Wuzhen was also crying. Two people fell into the grass and looked at each other and burst into tears.

Jiang Cheng’s heart is clearly clear. Even if he was at the bottom of Xuanwu Cave at Tunxi Mountain, Wei Wuzhen did not save the blue and forget the machine. Wen Jia soon found a reason to force the door. However, he always felt that if there was no such thing as Wei Wuwei, it might not happen so quickly, and there might be room for change.

It is this painful luck, so that he is full of remorse and anger that has nowhere to vent.

When the sky was light, Jiang Cheng was almost a bit sluggish.

This night, he actually slept a few times. First, it was too sleepy, crying off, and involuntarily fainted. The second is still holding this is a nightmare expectation, can't wait to wake up and wake up, open your eyes, you can find yourself lying in the lotus dock's own room. Father sat in the hall reading a book and wiping the sword. The mother complained again and blamed Wei Wu. My sister was in a daze in the kitchen, racking her brains and thinking about what to eat today. The younger brothers are not good at doing morning classes and jumping up and down.

Instead of being blown up by the cold wind for a night, I woke up in the wild grass and found myself still curled up behind a desolate and lonely hill.

Wei Wuwei, who moved first.

He held his legs and barely stood up, dumbly said: "Go."

Jiang Cheng did not move. Wei Wuzhen stretched his hand and said: "Let's go."

Jiang Chengdao: "Where are you going?"

His nephew is dumb, Wei Wuwei said: "Go to Meishan, go to the sister."

Jiang Cheng waved his outstretched hand. I have to sit up, and I will sit up and slowly stand up.

The two set off in the direction of Meishan and walked on foot.

Along the way, both of them were strong in spirit and heavy, as if they were burdened with huge burdens.

Jiang Cheng always bowed his head and hugged his right hand. The purple electric on the index finger arrived near his heart, and touched the remains of the only remaining relatives. Then I look back at the direction of the lotus dock and stare at the place that used to be my own home and is now a magic cave. Time and time again, as if I will never be bored, and I will always have the last hope, but tears will never stop.

They fled in a hurry, did not bring dry food on their bodies, and suffered serious physical exertion from yesterday to today. After a half day, they began to feel dizzy.

At this moment, he has left the deserted wilderness and entered a small town. Wei Wuzhen looked at Jiang Cheng and saw him as tired and unwilling to move. He said, "You are sitting. I am going to get something to eat."

Jiang Cheng did not respond and did not nod. On the way, he only said a few words with Wei Wuzhen.

Wei Wuzhen repeatedly asked him to sit and not move, and he left. He often puts some change in all corners of his body, and this time he came in handy, not shy. After walking around, I bought a bunch of food, and I bought dry food for the long road. It took less than half a column of incense and quickly returned to their separate locations.

However, Jiang Cheng has disappeared.

Wei Wuzhen carrying a bunch of steamed buns, noodles, fruit, a panic, strong self-satisfaction, looking for a pass in the nearby streets, still did not see Jiang Cheng.

He panicked and pulled a cobbler on the side. He said, "The old man, just sitting here is a little boy who is about the same size as me. Have you seen where he went?"

The cobbler rubbed a thick thread and said, "The one who was with you?"

Wei Wuwei said: "Yes!"

The cobbler said: "I have a living in my hand, I don't see it clearly. But he kept staring at the street people. When I looked up at the place, he suddenly disappeared. It should be gone."

Wei Wuxi muttered: "...goed... gone..."

I am afraid to go back to the lotus dock to steal the body!

Like crazy, Wei Wuqi ran away and ran in the direction of the direction.

He carried a bunch of freshly bought food in his hand, dragging his hind legs heavily, and after a while he left them behind him. However, after running for a while, he began to feel dizzy, physically weak, and his heart was panic, his knees were soft and he rushed to the ground.

This flutter, plunged his face with stucco, and tasted the smell of dust in his mouth.

There was a lot of powerlessness and hatred in his chest, his fists screaming on the ground, and he screamed, and he climbed up. He folded back and picked up the **** that was thrown on the ground before, rubbed it in the chest, swallowed one of the two mouths, and the teeth bite the flesh and chew, swallowing the throat and licking the chest. Then I picked up a few stuffed into my arms and ran with a hoe, hoping to intercept Jiang Cheng on the road.

However, until he ran back to the lotus dock, the moon was star-studded in the night sky, and he did not see Jiang Cheng’s figure on the road.

Wei Wuzhen looked far away from the brightly lit lotus dock. His hands held his knees and gasped. The chest and throat spread a **** suffocation after a long run. The mouth was covered with rust and the eyes were black.

He said: "Why didn't you catch up with Jiang Cheng? I ate something, but I can only run so fast. He is more tired than me. The blow is bigger than me. Can you run faster than me? He really is back. Is the lotus dock coming? But where will he go without coming back here? Without me, go to Meishan alone?"

After adjusting for a moment, he decided to go to the lotus dock to make a decision and sneak away.

Still sticking along the wall, Wei Wuzhen prayed in his heart: "This time, no one should talk about Jiang Cheng’s body on the school ground. Otherwise, I..."


What else can he do?

Nothing can be done. He can't do anything. The lotus dock has been ruined, Jiang Fengmian and his wife are gone, Jiang Cheng is gone. He has only one person, alone, not even a sword, knowing nothing, nothing can be done!

For the first time, he discovered that his power is so small. In front of the behemoth of Lushan Wenshi, it is no different from the arm.

Wei Wu's eyes were so hot that he almost had to shed tears. He turned a wall and suddenly, came face-to-face with a figure wearing a flaming robes.

Between the electric and the flint, Wei Wuzhen will hold this person.

His left hand firmly locked the man's hands, his right hand grabbed his neck, lowered his voice, threatened with the most fierce and vicious tone he could take out: "Don't say anything! Otherwise I can break your throat!" ”

This man was killed by his death, busy: "Wei, Wei Gongzi, it is me, it is me!"

This is a teenager's voice. When Wei Wuzhen heard it, the first reaction was: "Is it the person I know, wearing the robes of Wen's family mixed in the undercover?" This thought was immediately overthrown by him: "No, this voice is completely alive, there is fraud!"

He tried harder in his hand and said, "Don't want to make a ghost!"

This boy said: "I... I don't make a ghost. Wei Gongzi, you can look at my face."

Wei Wuxi said: "Look at his face? Could he hide something in his mouth ready to be sprayed out? Or does he have other ways to show his face?"

He turned his face around and turned around with caution. I saw this young man’s eyebrows, and there was a kind of handsomeness in Zhou’s body. It was the little son he saw when they peeked into it yesterday.

Wei Wuzhen’s heart is indifferent: “I don’t know!”

He turned the boy's face back and continued to lick his neck and whispered: "Who are you!"

The boy seems a bit disappointed, saying: "I... I am Wenning."

Wei Wuqi frowned: "Who is Wenning?" In his heart, he thought: "Whoever is who he is, it is a graded one. If you hold it in your hand, you may be able to exchange it!"

Wenningnene said: "I... a few years ago, at the Baijiaqing talk festival in Lushan, I... I... archery..."

Listening to his vomiting, an anxiety burned into the heart of Wei Wushao, he angered: "What are you?! Are you stuttering?!"

Wen Ning was scared in his hands and seemed to want to hold his head and whispered: "Yes...Yes."

Wei Wuzhen: "..."

Seeing his timid and sloppy appearance, Wei Wuzhen suddenly remembered something: "The previous year's Lushan Baijiaqing talks... Hundreds of Qing talks... Archery... Ah, it seems like this personal!"

The Lushan Baijiaqing talks about the event, that is, the year when he, Blue Forgot, Lan Yichen, and Jinxuan shot the top four.

On that day, before the archery competition had begun, he swayed alone in the night city.

Shaking, passing through a small garden, suddenly heard the sound of bowstring tremors coming from the front.

He passed through Lin Biaoye and saw a teenager in a white smock standing there, pulling a bow against a target in front and putting the string.

The juvenile's side is very delicate, and the bow posture is standard and beautiful. On that target, a little red heart was already densely covered with feather arrows. This arrow is also hitting the red heart.

Actually, there is no such thing as a false one.

Wei Wuxi screamed: "Good arrow!"

In the middle of the boy’s arrow, he pulled a new feather arrow from the back of the arrow and bowed his head, but he couldn’t help but hear a strange voice coming out from the side, shaking his hand and shaking the feather. On the ground. Wei Wuqi came out from the flower garden and smiled and said: "Which is the son of Wen Jia? It's so good, beautiful, and it's so good. I have never seen your family's archery..."

The voice has not fallen, and the boy has left the bow and arrow to run without a trace.

Wei Wuzhen was speechless for a while, and said: "I am so handsome? Is it so handsome to scare people away?"

He did not take this matter to heart, just watched a strange, back to the square. The game is about to begin, and Wen’s side is noisy. Wei Wuzhen asked Jiang Cheng: "How can they make a trip to the house so they can toss, and there are plays every day. What happened today?"

Jiang Chengdao: "What can be done, the number of places is limited, who is competing for the game." After a pause, he scornfully said: "The arrows of this group of Wen... are all rotten into a virtue. Who is not the same? Is there a difference in contention?"

Wen Hao said over there: "Come on again! Come again, one more! The last one!"

Among the crowds beside him, the white boy was standing inside, looking left and right, and raising his hand before he raised his hand. But he lifted it too low, and he didn't yell at his name like everyone else. He pushed it for a while, and someone noticed him. It was a strange saying: "Jonglin? You want to participate?"

The boy named "Jonglin" nodded, and some people laughed and said: "I have never seen you take the bow, what kind of competition! Don't waste your place."

Wen Qionglin seemed to want to defend himself. The man said again: "If you do it, don't be greedy. This is to count the results. I can't control it."

Wei Wuxi said: "Is it a shame? If there is someone in your family who can give you a face, it will be him."

He sang: "Who said he didn't take the bow? He took it, and he shot very well!"

Everyone looked at him with a little surprise, then look at the boy. Wen Qionglin’s face was originally pale, because everyone’s eyes suddenly condensed on him, and suddenly it became red, and the dark eyes were so strong that they were innocent. Wei Wuzhen took the hand and walked over and said: "You just shot in the garden is not very good?"

Wen Hao also turned over and doubted: "Really? Are you shooting good? How have I never heard of it?"

Wen Qionglin whispered: "...I... I have only recently practiced..."

His voice is very low, and it is intermittent, as if he can be cut off at any time, and he is often cut off. Wen Yan interrupted impatiently: "Well, where is there a target, you should shoot one to see. If you are good, let it go."

The position around Wen Qionglin was suddenly vacated, and the hand holding the bow was tight, and he looked around and looked at it. Wei Wuzhen, he is very unconfident, patted his shoulder and said: "Relax. Just shoot as before."

Wen Qionglin glanced at him gratefully, taking a deep breath, pulling the bow and loosening the string.

It is a pity that this bow, Wei Wuxi shook his head in the bottom of his heart, and said: "The posture is wrong."

This Wen Qionglin probably never shot an arrow in front of others, shaking from fingertips to his arms, flying out with one arrow, and even the target was missing. Wen Jiazhong, who was watching around, made a sneer and said: "Where the shot is good!"

"I shot better than him with my eyes closed."

"Well, don't waste time, hurry and pick someone out!"

Wen Qionglin’s blush reached the root of his ear, and he did not want to squander and consciously fled. Wei Wuzhen chased him up and said: "Hey, don't run! That...Jonglin brother, right? What are you running?"

Listening to him calling himself behind his back, Wen Qionglin stopped, turned his head and turned his head to his feet, saying: "...sorry."

Wei Wuqi said: "You told me what I am doing?"

Wen Qionglin sneaked in the tunnel: "You... you recommend me, but I let you lose face..."

Wei Wuwei said: "What can I lose face? You used to not shoot arrows in front of others? Was it nervous now?"

Wen Qionglin nodded, Wei Wuwei said: "A little self-confidence. I honestly tell you, you are better than your family. In all the family children I have seen, the arrow method is definitely better than you. Three."

Jiang Cheng came over and said, "What are you doing? Three?"

Wei Wuzhen pointed at him: "Hey, like this, he didn't shoot you well."

Jiang Cheng angered: "Look for death!"

Wei Wuzhen received a palm of his hand, and he did not change his face: "Really. In fact, there is nothing to be nervous. If you practice in front of people, you will get used to it. Next time you will be able to make people look good."

This Wen Qionglin is probably a family member of the family who is next to the Wen family. His status is not high. His character is ashamed and inferior. He shrinks his hands and feet, and even his words are stuttering. He tries hard to practice himself, but he has the courage to express himself. Because it was too nervous and it was ruined. If it is not good to enlighten him, maybe this young boy will become more and more self-conscious after that, no longer dare to show it before people. Wei Wuzhen encouraged a few words to him, and then briefly mentioned some points that need to be reminded, and corrected some minor problems when he just shot in the small garden. Wen Qionglin couldn't keep his eyes on it and couldn't help. Jiang Chengdao: "Where are you so much nonsense, start playing immediately, and don't go to the admission!"

Wei Wuzhen was serious about Wen Qionglin: "I am going to play now. You can see how I shot on the court later..."

Jiang Cheng dragged him away impatiently, while dragging and whispering: "I have never seen such a shameless, do you think you are a model?!"

Wei Wuzhen thought about it and said with amazement: "Yes. I am not?"

Right now, Wei Wuzhen remembered this paragraph and tried to ask: "You are the one... Wen Qionglin?"

Wenning nodded and said: "Yesterday... I saw Wei Gongzi and Jiang Gongzi, I thought you might come again..."

Wei Wuwei said: "Have you seen me yesterday?"

Wenning said: "Look, see."

Wei Wuwei said: "I didn't say anything when I saw it?"

Wenning said: "I won't call. I won't call people, and I won't tell others."

His rare words are not stuttering, and his tone is firm, just like an oath. Wei Wuzhen was shocked and uncertain, Wen Ning said again: "Wei Gongzi, are you coming to Jiang Gongzi?"

Wei Wuwei said: "Is Jiang Cheng inside?!"

Wenning honestly said: "Yes. I was arrested yesterday."

Wen Yan, Wei Wuzhen thoughts like electricity: "Jiang Cheng is inside, lotus dock, I am inaccessible. With Wenning as a hostage? Not top, this Wenning has been neglected by other family members in the past, and the status is warm. I am afraid that the family is not high, Wen Yan does not like him, it is useless to take him as a hostage! Is he lying? Is he not a Wen family? But he did not tell us yesterday. If I let him go, he Will it betray me? Is there such a kind person in Wen dog? If you want to be sure of nothing, you can only..."

Wei Wuzhen’s heart flashed a murder.

He was not a heavy-stricken person, but his home has undergone major changes. The tired days have been full of hate, and the situation is grim, and he is not allowed to stay benevolent.

As long as he uses his right hand, he can twist Wenning's neck!

The thoughts are chaotic, Wenning said: "Wei Gongzi, are you going to come back to save Jiangzi?"

Wei Wuzhen’s skeletal bones are cold and cold: "No."

Wenning smiled nervously and said: "I know. I... I can help you save him."

In the meantime, Wei Wuzhen suspected that he had got it wrong.

He stunned: " You help me?!"

Wenning said: "Well. Just, now, I will be able to bring him out. Just, Wen, they are all gone!"

Wei Wuzhen clung to him: "Can you really?!"

Wenning said: "Can! I, I am also a child of Wen's family, and there are a number of students who are obedient."

Wei Wuxi sighed: "Listen? Listen to your words to kill?"

Wenning was busy: "No, no! My students never murder!"

He added: "The Jiang family, I have not killed. I heard that the lotus dock had an accident, and later came. Really!"

Wei Wu squatted at him, his heart said: "What kind of mind does he have? Lying? False and arrogant snakes? But this lie is too ridiculous! I thought I was a fool?!"

The terrible thing is that he actually turned out to be a ecstatic ecstasy from the bottom of his heart.

In his heart, he screamed at his own blood, stupid, useless, absurd, incredible, and whimsical. However, he is alone, no sword can not be treasured, and there are hundreds of Wenjia monks stationed in the wall, and perhaps there is that gentle flow.

He is not afraid of death. He is afraid of death. He can't save Jiang Cheng and live up to Jiang Fengmian and his wife's trust. In this case, he can send the object of hope, even really only this Wen family who has only seen three times!

Wei Wu licked his dry lips and screamed: "Then you can... can you help me... help me with the body of Jiang Zongzhu and Mrs. Jiang..."

Unconsciously, he also stuttered. Halfway through it, I thought that I was still threatening Wenning with a threatening posture. I quickly let him go, but I still hid it. If he let go of Wenning and ran away and yelled, he immediately put Wenning’s head. Piercing.

However, Wenning just turned around and said seriously: "I... I will try my best."

Wei waited innocently. As he circled in the same place, he said, "What happened to me? I am crazy? Why should Wenning help me? Why should I believe him? If he lie to me, Jiang Cheng is not inside? No, Jiang Cheng is not here. It’s good inside!”

Not a fragrant, that Wenning, actually carrying a person, quietly came out.

The man was covered in blood, his face was pale, his eyes were closed, and he was still on the back of Wenning. It was Jiang Cheng.

Wei Wuzhen whispered: "Jiang Cheng?! Jiang Cheng?!"

Reaching out and exploring, there is still breathing. Wen Ning extended a hand to Wei Wuzhen, put a thing in his palm, said: "Zhu, Jiang Gongzi's purple electricity. I brought it."

Wei Wuzhen didn't know what else to say. He thought that he had just tried to kill Wenning's mind, and he said: "...thank you!"

Wenning said: "You're welcome... Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang's body, I have already moved people out. This place, this place should not stay for a long time, go first..."

Needless to say, he said that Wei Wuzhen took over Jiang Cheng and wanted to carry it on himself. Who knows, at first glance, he saw a **** whip mark across the chest of Jiang Cheng.

Wei Wuwei said: "Quick whip?!"

Wenning said: "Well. Wen Wei, got the Jiang family's whip... Jiang Gongzi should have other injuries."

Wei Wuzhen only touched two times. Jiang Cheng broke at least three ribs. I don't know how many injuries were not seen.

Wenning said: "When Wen came back to discover, I will definitely catch you everywhere in Yunmeng... Wei Gongzi, if you believe me, I can, take you to a place."

Now that Jiang Cheng is seriously injured, he can no longer be displaced as before. He is full of hunger and hunger. He is in desperate need of medication and security. Their situation is almost impossible, and there is no way to go. In addition to relying on Wenning, I couldn't think of another way!

In the previous day, he would never have thought that he and Jiang Cheng would have to use the help of a Wen Jiazi to escape from birth, and perhaps would rather die. But at this moment, Wei Wuzhen can only say: "Thank you!"

They first took the waterway and took the boat down the river. Then turn to the land, Wenning arranged the car and horse, the road is simple to give the river clarification of the wound, dressing and dressing.

The second day, to Yiling.

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