MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 64 Yourou 14th 2

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Wei Wuzhen took the table and said: "This is this!"

He was happy in his heart, and the filming was very abrupt. He knocked down the paper lanterns on the book case, and the blue forgot his eyes and quickly lifted it up.

Wei Wuwei said: "The blue lord, in this "chaos", is there a song that can disturb people's minds, make people's spirits sway, bloody, irritating and irritating?"

Lan Yuchen said: " should be there."

Wei Wuxi said again: "Jin Guangyao's spiritual power can't be done, he can't take human life within seven rings, and this is too obvious. He certainly won't pick this kind of lethal evil. But if he borrows For the sake of playing the Qingxin Xuanqu and helping him calm down his mind, he played for three months in a row. Is it possible to catalyze the attack of Chi Feng Zun as if he were taking chronic?

Lan Yuchen said: "...Yes."

Wei Wuwei said: "Then, the speculation is very reasonable. The residual spectrum that does not belong to "Washing" is the one that has been lost from this "Chaotic copy". Dongpu evil songs are quite complicated and difficult. He has no time to ban the transcripts in the book room. He has to tear it away. No, no, Jin Guangyao has an unforgettable energy. He tore away this page, not because of him. I can't remember, but I have no evidence to die. Make sure that if one day the incident occurs, or if someone is caught on the spot, you can't judge the source of the melody.

"All he has done is extremely cautious. In front of you, it is the full version of "Washing". The red front is not a drunken person. He listened to the blue lord and you played "Baptist". Should have a general impression of the melody, therefore, Jin Guangyao can not directly play the evil songs, but the two different styles and the opposite of the effect of the songs together, even can be combined well and not one, the temperament talent is real It is quite high. I guess he used only a small amount of spiritual power in the "Washing" paragraph, but only in the passage of the evil song. After all, Chi Fengzun is not good at this, naturally can not distinguish, there is a section , has been replaced by Jin Guangyao!

Silence for a long while, Lan Yichen whispered: "... Although he often goes out into the clouds, he doesn't know where, but at the end of the library, I have not told him."

He replied more and more difficult, Wei Wuwei said: "Blue Master... I am blunt. Confucius is an undercover in the night city of Wenshan, and it is an unsuccessful undercover. He can find even the warm room, and he sneaked into it without knowing it. In front of him, the banned book room of the Blue House Library is really nothing."

Blue forgets the machine: "Brother. When you transferred the book, did you meet him on the way?"

In Nie Mingxi’s empathy, Lan Yichen said that he had seen Jin Guangyao before, and he was obviously impressed, and he also said “the shame of life”. Calculating the time can only be reminiscent of the fact that Lan Yuchen fled with his books.

At that time, Lushan Wen’s chaos was in turmoil, and Lan Yuchen took the unburned books and fled, perhaps on the way, and received the favor of Jin Guangyao. Therefore, he trusted Jin Guangyao so much that even the heart sound can teach him.

If this is the case, it is very likely that Jin Guangyao learned something from the busy Blue Jason. When I was determined to get rid of Nie Mingqi, I remembered the banned books of the Blue House, and then went into the library with the identity of the Blue Family, until I found what he wanted.

Lan Yichen took the piece of paper with the residual spectrum in his hand and stared for a while. "Tomorrow, I will go to the test to see if this piece of residual spectrum really affects people's minds."

This is almost the last chip of his trust in Jin Guangyao.

Blue forgets the machine: "Brother."

Lan Yichen covered his forehead with one hand and endured something general. Shen Sheng said: "... forget the machine, Jin Guangyao I know, and Jin Guangyao, as you know it, and Jin Guangyao in the eyes of the world, completely It’s three different people. For many years, he has always been an image of humiliation, sympathy, and pity in front of me. I always thought that what I know is true. You want me to believe this now. Man is a despicable and insidious sinister man... Can you allow me to be more cautious and make judgments?"

The pain is also that if he is to believe in this, then he must admit that one of the three brothers who have lived up to his disappointment has been disguised for many years in front of him; the other is murdered because of his trust. dead. On the day of the Qinghe Nie's Talks, he was already designed as a part of the murder plan, triggering the accomplice of the final blow!

Wei Wuzhen and the Blue Forgetting Machine did not speak any more.

After a long time, Lan Yichen finally put down his hand and tiredly said: "...Now, these things are only known to all three of us. If we can't find the head, we can't get evidence. Everything is just one-sided. Win the trust of the people and win the trust of the world. So what to do next, we need to take a long-term plan."

Wei Wuwei slightly decapitated, said: "Blue Master, let me ask more, the body of Chi Feng Zun...?"

Lan Yuchen said: "Don't worry, the body of the big brother, everyone has seen it with their own eyes, and now it is kept by Huai Sang."

Wei Wuwei said: "How is Jin Guangyao's reaction?"

Blue forgets the machine: "The sky is seamless."

Wei Wuxi knew that he must have done a full set of dramas. He said: "Everyone can see it. It will not be long before this event will be rumored. Jin Guangyao is the Governor of Xian, and is also nominally Chifeng. Righteous brother, must trace this matter, give an account, and ask him to ride the tiger, it will always reveal the horse's feet. Then no need to fear that he makes the hand."

Lan Yichen showed a strange look and said: "Wei Gongzi, you don't think that Yiling's ancestors will return to the world, will this matter be more enthusiastic?"

"..." Wei Wuxi said: "I really forgot. The legendary Yiling ancestors are more terrible than the red-headed Zunfeng!"

Lan Yuchen said: "Clouds are not known for your temporary hiding. Soon, there will still be people to check. You have to go out and find a way to find key evidence."

That is the head.

Wei Wuqi nodded: "Understand." He naturally turned his head and asked Blue to forget the machine: "When is it going?"

He naturally felt that the Blue Forgetting Machine would definitely act with him. Obviously, Blue Forgot Machine also thinks so, saying: "Start immediately."

Lan Yichen looked at the two people who, of course, did not ask him any opinion, and the look of remorse and reappearance appeared again. In the end, I still sighed: "...over there, I will pay attention."

The "side" he said naturally refers to Jin Guangyao.

Out of the library, Wei Wuwei said: "Your brother is hit hard."

Blue forgets the machine: "The blow is big, and if you find evidence, he will not tolerate it."

Wei Wuwei said: "That is. After all, is your brother."

At this time, the grass on the side of the road swayed, and Wei Wuzhen felt a tight heart. He saw the grass separate, and drilled a small white velvet head and a pair of long ears.

The rabbit's pink nose shrank and saw the blue forget the machine. The hanging ear suddenly stood up and bounced on him with a kick. Blue forgets to reach out and hold it in the arm.

They came to the green grass, the small apple was lying next to a tree, dozens of round white rabbits were around it, most of them were sleeping with their eyes closed, and a few were still arching. Wei Wuzhen walked to the edge of the tree and licked the **** of a small apple. The little apple was agitated, and his nostrils were awakened with a sigh of relief. When he saw Wei Wuzhen, he was yelling and the rabbits were awakened. After shaking the long ears, they rushed to the blue to forget the machine, huddled together, gathered around his white boots, and did not know what to excite. Wei Wuzhen took the reins of the little apple and threatened: "No, please! Call me to beat you. No, I told him to beat you..."

The rabbits stood on the ground with their hind legs, and the people stood up and squatted one by one on the legs of the blue forgetting machine, and they all wanted to climb up. Blue forgot to let them toss, they did not move, Wei Wuzhen drove them and could not go, followed him, waiting for them to go out of the door of the cloud, but then lowered their ears and sat in the same place to see the owner leave. Wei Wuzhen looked back and said: "I can't bear you, Han Jun, I really didn't expect that you would like to like these little things. I can't do it."

Blue forgets the machine: "No?"

Wei Wuwei said: "Yes. The pheasant hare, the domestic cat, and the birds, I saw that I turned and ran."

Blue forgot to shake his head, the meaning is too obvious: it must be that Wei Wuzhen first made evil, and did not ask for their likes.

After going down the mountain road and going up the path, Wei Wuzhen suddenly said: "Oh, my stomach hurts."

Blue forgets the machine: "rest, dressing."

Wei Wuwei said: "No. Yun Shen does not know that it is not safe near the place. It is a dangerous moment. I just sit up."

Blue forgets the machine: "Then you sit."

Wei Wushen bitterly said: "The action of the captain is too big, I am afraid to bring the wound."

Blue forgot to stop, turned and looked at him, suddenly reached out, avoiding the injured position, hugged his waist, gently put him on the back of the little apple.

The two were riding a donkey and the other was walking by the road. Wei Wuzhen rode his throat and smiled and his eyes narrowed. Blue forgets the machine: "What?"

Wei Wuwei said: "Nothing."

Like doing a little bad thing, he was a little smug in his heart.

Although he didn't remember a lot of things in his childhood, there was a scene that was always vague in his mind.

A small road, a small flower, three people. A black man gently puts a woman in white, hugged it up, put it on the back of the small flower bud, and lifted a small child up to his shoulder.

He is the little child who can't get a human leg. Sitting on the black man's shoulder, it became very tall and high, and it was very powerful. He grabbed the man's hair for a while, licked his face for a while, his legs swayed, and his mouth screamed.

The white woman sat on her back and looked at them, seemingly laughing. The man is always silent, does not like to talk, just trust him, let him sit higher and more stable, holding the rope of the flower in one hand. Three people huddled on a small road and slowly walked forward.

This is his few memories.

That is his sister-in-law.

Wei Wuwei said: "Blue and blue blue, you hold the rope together."

Blue forgets the machine: "Why?"

The apple is very smart, and it is not going to follow him. Wei Wuwei said: "Take a face and hold a tie."

Although still do not understand why Wei Wuwei's smile is so brilliant, Blue forgets the machine to hold the small apple's reins and hold it in his hand.

Wei Wuzhen said to himself: "Well. It's a small one."

Blue forgets the machine: "What?"

Wei Wuxi sneaked: "Nothing. Blue Zhan, you are such a good person."

Blue forgets the machine does not seem to know how to pick him up, seeing his eyes more strange. Wei Wuxi said again: "I suddenly found out how bad I am. I have been bad since I was a child. I am now admitting with you, can you still have time?"

Blue forgets to raise his eyebrows slightly, and such expression is extremely rare for him. He asked: "Ask the mistake?"

This person used to say "to admit mistakes" with him every time, often the beginning of another, more serious mistake. Wei Wuwei said: "Don't be this expression. I am serious. If you forget it, the old account will not be turned over."

Now think about it, it is very shameful for some old things at that time. Wei Wuxi said: "Maybe because Lan Zhan always has a face... I just love to see how angry he is out of control, so he always involuntarily wants to call him. It is very bad!"

Fortunately, Lan Zhan did not really hate him.

Obviously on the way to escape, Wei Wuzhen is not nervous at all, riding a small flower bud, there is a blue forgetting machine leading the rope to lead the way, full of heart is floating, free as if the clouds. I only feel that even if I immediately kill a bunch of big and small families from the roadside, there is nothing but the sight of the bad guys. There is even a mood to appreciate Noda under the moonlight. I also pulled out the bamboo flute at the waist and wanted to play a song.

The ghost made the difference, and he blew a melody. The sound of the sound, the blue forgetting machine's footsteps is slightly stagnation, and Wei Wu's heart is suddenly bright.

Wei Wuwei said: "Blue Zhan Lan Zhan, I ask you, at the end of the Xuanwu Cave at the Tunxi Mountain, the song you sang to me, what is the name?"

Blue forgets the machine: "Why suddenly remember to ask this."

Wei Wuwei said: "You just say, what is the name. I seem to guess how you recognized me."

That night in Da Vinshan, what he blew out was the bottom of the Tuoba Xuanwu Cave, and the blue memorable melody that sang softly beside him!

Blue forgets the machine: "No."

Wei Wuwei said: "What? No? No name? How can there be no name? Do you make it yourself?"

Blue forgets the machine: "Well."

Wei Wuwei said: "Is it my own?!"

Blue forgets the machine: "Well."

Wei Wuwei said: "No wonder! Well, I, I will ask another question."

He tempted: "You really recognize me by this song, that is, you - didn't sing and play in front of others?"

After a pause, Blue forgot the machine: "No."

Wei Wuyi was happy and kicked the little apple. The little apple yelled angrily, as if he wanted the scorpion to smash him down, and the blue forgot to hurry and tighten the rope. Wei Wu took the neck of the little apple and said: "It's okay, it's temper! It will bounce two times. Let's continue. Then why don't you give this song a name? Give it a name quickly. Do you want me to give you advice? It is better to call..."

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