MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 70 Will be away from the sixteenth

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Lan Yichen and Blue forgot to side by side, slowly moving in the flower sea of ​​Venus Snow Wave.

Lan Yichen smashed a snow-filled Venus snow wave, and the action was so pitiful that even a drop of dew did not fall.

He said: "After the flower ban, these days, you are walking in the lower reaches of Lanling City, but what have you seen?"

Blue forgets the machine: "..."

Lan Yuchen said: "Why have you been worried."

Although this is worrying, in the eyes of others, there is no difference between the other expressions of the blue forgetting machine.

Blue forgets the machine and shakes his head, whispering: "Brother, I want to bring one person back to the cloud and don't know."

Lan Yuchen’s hand did not stick out. He was amazed: "...take people back to the cloud and don't know where?"

Blue forgets the machine and frowns, and he is very thoughtful: "Well."

Suddenly, he added: "Bring it back... hide it."

Lan Yichen’s eyes widened.

His younger brother, since his mother died, gradually became more and more dull. In addition to going out for night hunting, he kept himself in the house reading, meditating, writing, playing the piano and practicing. I don’t like to talk to anyone, just to talk to him occasionally. However, in this case, it is the first time to blurt out from his mouth.

Lan Yuchen said: "Hide it?" Why do you want to hide? What kind of sinner is it?

Blue forgot to squint, as if he didn't realize what he had just said, and thought for a while, and said to Blue Jason: "He doesn't want to."

Lan Yuchen said: "Well..."

I thought in my heart: "I am forgetting this machine is asking for help?"

At this time, Jin Guangyao’s voice came and said: “This son, you are going wrong.”

Another young voice said: "I am rude. I am..."

Upon hearing this voice, Lan Yichen and Blue forgot to raise their heads. I saw a young white man standing opposite Jin Guangyao next to the shadow wall in front. The man saw both of them, and when he was looking at him, he couldn’t open his mouth. Jin Guangyao answered: "I know. Su Shishan, Fuling Su Shi Su is involved in Su Gongzi, right."

Su said a little bit: "Do you remember me?"

Since the end of the Tuoba Xuanwu Cave, Su Shi’s family has not lifted his head. He felt that being seen in such a scene was very boring. Not only does it feel that others see him subtle, but he himself is also subtle. Soon after I applied to leave the family, I succeeded easily.

In order to recover the lost face, he was quite brave in the signing of the Japanese. After the end, he also gained something. He stood by himself and attached to the Lanling Jinshi. There are countless such affiliated families. I thought that no one knew him. I knew that Jin Guangyao had only seen him once in a hurry, and he wrote down his name, words, and family. Su can't help but face a big face.

Jin Guangyao smiled and said: "That is naturally remembered. Please. Go here."

Su Shi took another look at the Lan brothers over there and bowed into the hall. Lan Yichen and the Blue Forgetting Machine are not good people to comment on the back. Although there are too many comments on the subject, they do not say much.

If the flower banquet in the previous few days was a feast for Lanling Jinshi to be open to all families, then this time, only private dinners of intimate families, internal members and affiliated families were invited.

Lan Yichen and the Blue Forgot Machine entered the seats in turn, and then they continued to talk about the topic of the talents. The blue forgetting machine returned to the cold and normal. Arranged by Jin Guangyao, there was no wine cellar in the small case in front of him. There were only a few small dishes of tea and clear and refreshing. Gusu Lanshi did not like to drink alcohol, so no one came forward to toast, a clean.

Who knows, how long has not been clean, a man wearing a Venus Snow Wave gown suddenly came over, a hand with a wine cellar, loud voice: "Blue Master, with light Jun, I respect you two cups!"

This person has a dark complexion and is tall and handsome. The Tuen Mun is very bright. From now on, I have been toasting and squeaking in the banquet hall.

It is the son of Jin Guangshan’s younger brother, the cousin of Jinxuan, and Jin Xun.

Jin Guangyao knows that the Blue Brothers don't like drinking alcohol. They rushed over and laughed: "Zi Xun, Ze Yujun and Han Guangjun are people who don't know where to go. You can't drink them as well..."

Jin Xun is very uncomfortable with Jin Guangyao, who has only recently recognized his ancestors. He feels that this person is kneeling and sees him as nothing. He directly interrupts: "We are all family members of Jinjialan family. They are all blue brothers. If you don't drink, then look down on me!"

The owners of several affiliated families on the side have applauded: "Good! Good!"

“There is a bold wind!”

"The celebrity should be like this!"

Jin Guangyao kept his smile unchanged, but he sighed silently and stunned his temples. He said: "What kind of person, what family, what is the wind, the famous celebrity ... forced to drink, is this not a tutor? ”

Lan Yichen got up and refused. The blue forgetting machine was still sitting, staring coldly at the glass of wine that Jin Xun had stuffed into his face. He turned his lips slightly and seemed to be talking. Suddenly, one hand took the wine. Hey.

Blue forgot to look up.

I saw a black coat, a flute in the waist, and a flute with bright red tassels. Standing with a hand, handsome and handsome. Looking up at the wine, I will show the empty scorpion to Jin Xun. I smiled and said, "I am drinking for him. Are you satisfied?"

Blue Jason: "Wei Gongzi?"

Someone whispered: "When did you come?"

Wei Wuzhen put down the wine cellar, one hand was in the collar, and said: "Fangcai."

The banquet hall is in the hearts of everyone. No one even noticed when he came to the hall without knowing it.

Wei Wuzhen is not chilling, and he goes straight into the road: "Is there a gold lord?"

Jin Xun said coldly: "I am Jin Xun. What are you looking for?"

Wei Wuwei said: "Jin Gongzi, please take a step to speak."

Jin Xundao: "There is nothing to say, wait for our family to open the feast."

In fact, he did not intend to talk to Wei Wuzhen. On the flower banquet in the past few days, Wei Wuzhen only retired from Jinlintai, and he was quite unpleasant about Lanling Jinshi. He remembered, so he intended to give Wei Wuyi a counterattack.

Wei Wuzhen also saw it, saying: "How long will it take?"

Jin Xundao: "Three hours."

Wei Wuwei said: "I am afraid I can't wait that long."

The gold lord said proudly: "You can't wait to wait."

He has to fight with Wei, and in addition to the above reasons, it is also out of an unclear conviction.

At the beginning of the eruption of the shooting, Jin Xun was left behind because of the injury. He could not see the appearance of Wei Wuzhen on the front line. He mostly listened to the legends. He didn’t take it for granted. He only felt that the rumors were exaggerated, so I don’t know. Taboo, tone is tough.

What is even more unpleasant in his heart is that Wei Wuzhen just asked him in front of him: "I recognize you, but you dare not recognize me!"

Jin Xun did not know the power of Wei Wuzhen, but Jin Guangyao knew that he quickly said: "I don't know if Wei Gongzi is looking for a child, is it urgent?"

Wei Wuwei said: "It is imminent, and there is no time to delay."

Jin Xun is more and more fascinated, and his heart said: "Immediately? I am going to drag you to death, seeing you dare to prevail in front of me?"

He turned to Lan Yichen again and said: "Blue Master, come and come, you haven't had this cup yet!"

Seeing that he deliberately procrastinated, Wei did not flash a black gas between his eyebrows, rubbed his eyes, and hooked his mouth. He said, "Well, then I will just say it here. Can you tell Jin Jinzi, do you know Wenning? people?"

After listening to this name, Jin Xun said: "Wen Ning? There is such a warm dog."

Wei Wuwei said: "That's good. Please ask Kim Gongzi to hand him over with his six subordinates."

"Handed over?"

Wei Wuwei said: "Exactly. When you were hunting in the night in Ganquan, the prey escaped to the settlement of the remnants of Wenshan's remnants. You let the gentlemen who were patrolling at the time carrying the Zhaoyin flag to do it for you. After the refusal, you will beat the monks and force the flag. Then these people will not know where to go. In addition to asking you, Wei does not know who to ask."

After the signing of the Japanese, the temperature of the mountain was destroyed, and the original expansion of the site was divided by other families. Ganquan area was zoned by Lanling Jinshi. As for the remnants of Wen’s family, they were all driven to a corner of Lushan, occupying less than one thousandth of the original site. They lived here and lingered.

Jin Xun only felt unreasonable, saying: "Wei Wuwei, what do you mean? Looking for someone, do you want to be a warm dog?"

Wei Wuxi smiled and said: "Do you want me to think about it, or do you want to swear? - Hand it out!"

In the last sentence, his face was stunned and his voice was steep and cold, and he apparently lost patience. Many people in the banquet hall can't help but have a cold war. Jin Xun is also a scalp.

However, he never knew the depth, and his anger rose up. At this moment, the chief Jin Guangshan said: "Wei Gongzi, I said a fair word. It is not appropriate for you to come up when I opened a private feast in Lanling Jin."

In the first few days of Jinlintai’s flower banquet, Wei Wuzhen and Jin Xuan had a squabble. They broke away and walked away. It’s impossible to say that Jin Guang’s heart does not mind. This is why he has been laughing and watching the rudeness of Jin Xun under the banquet hall.

Wei Wuzhen first said: "The Emperor Jin, I did not intend to disturb the private feast. However, the few people who Kim Jong-tung took away are still unclear, and they may not be saved later. One of them has a life-saving grace. I must not stand by and this matter cannot be delayed."

Jin Guangshan said: "But, when we count, we have a lot of things that have not yet been liquidated, and we can't delay it. We must solve it now."

Wei Wuqi raised his eyebrows: "What is liquidation?"

Jin Guangshan said: "Wei Gongzi, you will not forget, in the signing of the sun, you have used one thing."

Wei Wuzhen took a look at the clothes and sat down in the position next to the blue forgotten body.

He said: "Oh, you are talking about the tiger. What happened?"

Jin Guangshan said: "It is said that this Yinhufu is from the bottom of the Tuoba Xuanwu Cave and is cast by the iron of an iron sword."

Wei Wuwei said: "Please focus."

Jin Guangshan said: "I thought that this magic weapon is difficult to control and should not be kept by you alone, you..."

The voice did not fall, Wei Wuzhen suddenly laughed.

After a few laughs, he said: "Golden lord, let me ask more. You think that Wen's is gone, should Lanling Jinshi take it for him?"

When the hall is in the middle, the yak is silent.

Wei Wuxi said again: "Everything must be handed over to you, whoever wants to listen to you? Looking at Lan Ling's style of doing things, I almost thought it was still Wen Wangshengshi."

In an instant, Jin Guangshan's national character face flashed a trace of anger.

After the signing of the Japanese levy, the disputes between the various families about Wei Wuxi’s cultivation of ghosts are getting bigger and bigger. He intended to threaten to remind Wei Wuzhen that you still have a case at the bottom, and that you are not clear, others are staring at you. Don't be too arrogant, don't want to ride on our head. Who knows that Wei Wu's speech is so ignorant that he has long since replaced the secret mind of Wen's status, but no one dares to understand this brightly. Say it and ridicule it.

The first guest on his right shouted: "Wei Wuwei! What do you say!"

Wei Wushen Yang said: "I said wrong? Forced people to be bait, a little disobedience will be all overwhelming. What is the meaning of this statement, and Wen's then what is the difference?"

Another guest stood up and said: "There is a difference in nature. Wei Gongzi, Wen's actions are bad, and we have a tooth for a tooth, let them taste the consequences of their own planting, and why not?"

Wei Wuzhen also stood up and said: "To return to the teeth, you should also go to the straight line of Wenshan, Wenshan, and the countless cadres of his men. What are the things that have not been involved in the war?"

The former guest sneer sneered: "When Wen's slaughter us, I didn't care about what was right next to me, and there was nothing wrong with it! The warm dog is so wicked, and it is because of their sins."

Wei Wuxi smiled and said: "Oh. Wen dog is a lot of evil, so the surname can be killed all the time? No, many rebels who have surrendered from the other side of Lushan are now like a duck. There are not a few in the room. Was it the owner of the original Wen family?"

The few homeowners saw him being recognized, and his look changed. Who knows, Wei Wuyi said: "Since as long as the name is warm, you can let people vent their anger at will, no matter what is innocent, does it mean that I will kill them all now?"

The voice did not fall, he put his hand on it and put it on the waist.

This action awakens the people in the entire banquet hall, as if to return to the battlefield where the darkness and the blood of the corpse are piled up!

Everyone is standing up. Blue forget machine Shen Sheng: "Wei Ying!"

All four people shouted in horror: "Wei Wuwei, you don't want to mess!"

Jin Guangyao said warmly: "Wei Gongzi, you should never mess around. Let go of the feelings. Everything is good to discuss."

Jin Guangshan also stood up, frightened and frightened and said: "Jiang... Jiang Zongzhu is not here, you are so unscrupulous!"

Wei Wuxi sighed: "Do you think that he is here, I will not be unscrupulous? If I want to kill someone, who can stop, who can dare to block?!"

Blue forgets the word one sentence: "Wei Ying, let go of the feelings."

Wei Wuxi looked at him and saw his almost sinuous reflection in the faint eyes.

He turned his head and shouted: "Golden!"

Jin Guangshan hurriedly said: "Zi Xun!"

Wei Wuwei said: "There is no nonsense. I think everyone knows that I have limited patience. Where are people? I have been wasting you for so long, I only give you three sounds. Three! Two!"

Looking at the look of Jin Guangshan, Jin Xun gritted his teeth: " the end! It’s just awesome!"

Wei Wuxi sneered and said: "You can't say it early."

After that, I immediately turned and retired.

Only the people in the banquet hall, the ten* has been shocked by a cold sweat. Jin Guangshan stood in the position, half awkward, suddenly furious, kicked the small case in front of him, and the golden plaque of the case was rolled down the steps.

He went away with his sleeves. Jin Xun deeply felt that he had only opened his face and lost his face. He also followed the scene.

The rest of the mess, naturally Jin Guangyao is a man who is busy and busy.

Blue forgot to lower his head, and slowly took back the dust in his hand.

Jin Guangyao fell into the foot: "Hey, this, this Wei Gongzi, is really impulsive. How can he be so embarrassed in front of so many faces?"

Blue forgot to talk coldly: "Is he not right?"

Jin Guangyao couldn't check it, and immediately laughed: "Ha ha. Right. It's right. But it's because it's right, so you can't face it."

Lan Yichen had some thoughts: "This Wei Gongzi, really has changed his mind."

It was said that the blue forgot the machine under the eyebrows, and the light-colored scorpions showed a hint of pain.