MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 78 Night run 18:3

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This group of people thought that they would have died in the hands of the ancestors of Yiling, and then they became the walking dead by him. All of them were terrified. Who knows, Wei Wuzhen was not interested in entanglement with them. After watching the notice After that, throwing this group of people on the ground, they left the hand.

He did not take back those ghosts, and continued to mourn and cry when he was crying all over the place. He continued to squirm and could not climb.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly a blue sword light passed, everyone felt a light back. Someone exclaimed: "I can move!"

Several people took the lead to barely climb up, only to see the blue sword flying back, earning a person in the sheath.

The man was a very young and handsome man. His white clothes were covered with a cold face. The eyebrows seemed to have a sorrowful sorrow. They walked extremely fast, but they did not show any urgency. Even the clothes had never flew.

The monk who broke his legs reluctantly said: "Including... contains light!"

Blue forgot to walk to his side, kneeling down and pressing his leg, and found out the injury, not very serious, got up and did not speak, the monk said again: "With light, you are late, Wei Wu I just left!"

Many people know that in the past few days, the light-stricken monarch of Gusulan’s family has been chasing the whereabouts of Wei Wuzhen. Most of them are going to take him to account for the dozens of white-and-white lives of Gusulan. "Yeah, he only walked less than half an hour!"

Blue forgets the machine: "What did he do. Where to go."

Everyone quickly complained: "He is indiscriminate, killing us, and almost killing us all on the spot!"

Blue forgets to hide the fingers under the snow-white wide sleeves, and seems to want to hold the fist, but quickly let go.

The monk quickly said again: "But he put it down, he is going to the night city, go to the swearing-up meeting to find four big families to settle accounts!"

After the fall of Wenshan's Wenshi, the main hall of the Tiancheng City will be a gorgeous and empty ruin.

Located in front of the Yanyang Flame Hall at the highest point of the entire night city, there is a wide and incomprehensible square. In the past, there were three sky-climbing flagpoles standing at the forefront of the square. Now, two of them have been broken. The other one is hanging on a side that has been torn and ragged, and also covered with blood. flag.

This night, the square is densely packed with squares of various families, each family's family banner is hunting and fluttering in the night wind. In front of the flagpole is a temporary set of altars. The family owners of each family stand in front of their own squares, and Jin Guangyao gives them a glass of wine in turn. After taking over the wine cellar, the homeowners lifted it up high and then squatted on the ground.

The wine sprinkled into the earth, and Jin Guangshan said: "Do not ask the family, regardless of the surname. This glass of wine, sacrificed to the family of the martyrs."

Nie Ming said: "The soul of the soul will last."

Lan Yuchen said: "I hope to rest in peace."

Jiang Cheng is a gloomy face, and he does not say a word after finishing the wine.

Next, Jin Guangyao walked out of the square of Lanling Jinshi, and his hands were presented with a black square iron box. Jin Guangshan picked up the iron box with one hand and lifted it up high. He said: "Wen's embers are burning here!"

After that, he ran his spirit and shook his iron box. The black iron box is broken into several pieces, and countless white ash is swaying in the cold night wind.


There was a burst of cheers and cheers in the crowd. Jin Guangshan raised his hands and gestured to everyone to be quiet and listen to him. When the screaming sound subsided, he sang again: "Tonight, the two who are being smashed by the squad are the two heads of the warm party Yu Yu. And tomorrow! It will be all the remaining warm dogs, and - Ling Laozu, Wei Ying!"

Suddenly, a low laugh interrupted his impassioned remarks.

It’s not the time for this low laugh, it’s a sudden and harsh, and everyone immediately brushed and looked at the sound.

The Yanyang Flame Hall is a grand hall with twelve roofs and eight beasts at the end of each roof. At this time, everyone found that there were actually nine on one of the ridges. Only then did the low laugh, which was sent from there!

The extra ridged beast moved slightly. The next moment, a boot and a black cloak hang down from the eaves and sway gently.

Everyone's hands were pressed onto the hilt, and Jiang Cheng's pupils shrank, and the back of the hands was blue. Jin Guangshan hates and police, said: "Wei Ying! You dare to appear here!"

The man spoke, and it was Wei’s voice, which sounded very strange: “Why don’t I dare to appear here? Do you guys add up to three thousand? Don’t forget that in the signing of the day, Don't say three thousand, five thousand people, I have singled out. And I am here, I don't know what you mean? You can't find someone to go to the door tomorrow to make me stand out."

There are also several students in the Qinghe River who have lost their lives in the maddening hands of Wenning. Nie Mingzhen is cold and cold: "The erection is arrogant."

Wei Wuwei said: "Is not always been so arrogant? Jin Zongzhu, playing his own face, is it happy?" As long as Wen’s sister went to Jinlintai to plead guilty to you, who was it? Who just said it? Who is going to smash me and other Wen’s party?

Jin Guang Shandao: "One yard is one yard! I am killing you. You slaughtered more than 100 people of my Lanling Jin family. This is one yard. You are arguing with Ning Jinlintai, this is another..."

Wei Wuwei said: "So dare to ask the gold lord, who is the murderer, who is the interceptor? Who is the murderer? Who is the mastermind? Who is the middle keeper? In the final analysis, first come to provoke me, who is it?!"

The students who stood in the square array were hiding in the mountains and seas. They felt safe and daring, and shouted in the air: "Even if Jin Xun first designed to kill you, you should not be so arrogant." , killing so many lives!"

"Oh." Wei Wuzhen analyzed for him: "He wants to kill me, you can not kill the dead hand, I am unlucky to die. I have to be self-protected, I must be careful not to hurt this, can not hurt that, can not drop him one Root hair? In short, you can besiege me, I can't fight back, right?"

"Counterattack? More than 30 people and more than 30 people on Jinlintai are innocent. Why do you want to hurt them!"

Wei Wuwei said: "There are more than 50 Wenjia monks on the mass graves. They are innocent, why are you tired of them?"

Another person shouted: "What kind of great grace did the warm dog give you? This is towards this group of chop."

"I don't think there is any great morality at all. It's just that he thinks he is a hero who is against the world. He thinks he is doing a righteous act. He feels that he is great in the world."

After listening to this sentence, Wei Wuzhen was silent.

The people below took his silence as a retreat, saying: "In the final analysis, it is not your first evil curse on the golden sin!"

Wei Wuwei said: "Do you have any evidence to prove that the curse is under me?"

Asked the man to be speechless, stunned, and said: "Then you have any evidence to prove that it is not yours?"

Wei Wuxiao smiled: "Then I ask, why not you? You have no evidence that it is not your curse?"

The man was shocked and angry: "I? How can I be like you? Hugh to be confused is not awkward! Your suspicion is the biggest, do you think we don't know, you and Jinxun had a complaint more than a year ago!"

Wei Wuzheng Sen Ran said: "Who is the hustle and bustle? Who was more than a year ago? Yes, if I want to kill him, I will kill it more than a year ago. I don't need to stay until now. Otherwise, he will not have one role. In the year, I forgot it in three days."

A family owner was shocked: "...Wei Wuwei, Wei Wuzhen, I am a long-sighted person today, I have never seen such an unreasonable villain... After killing people, I still have words of insult, bad words. In the opposite direction, do you have no sympathy and embarrassment?"

There was a snoring sound, but Wei Wuzhen was safely accepted.

Only with anger can the other emotions in his heart be suppressed.

A monk standing in front of the square is heartbroken: "Wei Ying, you disappoint me too much. I lost my admiration to you at the beginning, and I said that you are a generation of people who started the school. Now think about it, It’s a bit of a nausea. From now on, I’m not in the same position as you!”

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Wei Wuzhen smiled almost out of breath, and his eyes were tearful: "You admire me? You said that you admire me, then why have you not seen you when you admire me? And I am shouting, you are Jump out and shake the flag and shout? You admire it, it is too cheap. You said that you have never been with me since then, very good, do you have any influence or not, do you have any influence on me? Your admiration and hatred are so insignificant. How do you mean to take it out?"

The voice did not fall, his throat suddenly slammed, and there was a sudden pain in his chest.

Looking down, a feather arrow was inserted in his chest, and the arrow was buried in two ribs.

He looked in the direction of the feather arrow. The one who shot this arrow was a handsome young monk who stood in the square of a small family. He kept his posture and the bowstring was still shaking.

Wei Wuzhen can see that this arrow was originally shot at the fatal point of his heart. It’s just that the archer’s skills are not perfect, and the arrow is fading in the air, which is the part of the heart that is shot into the ribs.

The people beside the archery were all stunned and even horrified at the same door who made this reckless move. Wei Wuqi raised his head and his face was suffocating. He pulled the feather arrow back and threw it back.

Just listening to a scream, the young monk who sneaked at him, so he was thrown in his chest by the arrow he threw back!

Another teenager next to him rushed to him and shouted: "Brother! Brother!"

The family's square was instantly messed up, and the owner extended his trembling fingers and Wei Wu said: " are poisonous!"

Wei Wuzhen’s right hand pressed at the wound in the chest, temporarily stopped the blood, and said indifferently: “What is it, he shot me and I stabbed him in the same position, and could not die. Moreover, since he dared to shoot me This arrow, it should be expected that if it is not shot, what will be the end. Since I have told my devil to swear, I will not expect myself to be generous and not care about him."

Jin Guangshan screamed: "Architecture, arranging! You must not let him live here today!"

Under one order, the confrontation situation was finally broken. Several of the gatekeepers took the bow and bowed over the hall.

Finally, let's get started!

Wei Wuxi sneered: "It's as if you didn't plan to do it in the first place!"

He said, he took the feelings from his waist and lifted it to his lips. As the flute made a sharp humming sound, on the ground above the Tiancheng Square, a white arm broke out!

A finely smashed ground with a corpse and a white stone paved from the depths of the soil. When the sword was just off the ground, they were immediately dragged down by them. Wei Wuzhen stood on the ridge of the Yanyang Flame Temple, and the bamboo flute swayed, his eyes shining in the night. Overlooking the bottom, the costumes are like colorful, boiling water, stirring up, sometimes scattered, and sometimes gathered. In addition to the innocent side of Yunmeng Jiang’s square, all other families are in great chaos, and all the owners are busy protecting their own students, and they are innocent to attack Wei Wuzhen.

At this time, a sly melody disturbed the flute of Chen.

Wei Wuzhen put down his feelings and looked back. I saw one person sitting on the other ridge, the Hengqin in front, a white dress in the night is a bit glaring.

Wei Wuzhen cold channel: "Ah, blue Zhan."

After the greeting, he lifted the flute to his lips and said: "You should know it before, and the heart sound is useless to me!"

Blue forgot to turn the piano on the back, instead of taking out the dust, and rushing to the Chen sentiment, to cut off the ghost flute that gave birth to the magic sound. Wei Wuzhen turned his body and made a mistake. Haha laughed and said: "Well, I know that one day we will kill it with such a real knife. You always look at me and I am not pleasing to the eye, come!"

At this moment, he is already in a state of insanity and semi-crazy. All malicious emotions are infinitely magnified. He only feels that everyone hates him. He hates everyone, and no one is afraid, but it is no different. After listening to this sentence, the action of Blue Forgot Machine paused and said: "Wei Ying!"

Although this sound is drunk, but if you change any of the awake people to listen, you will hear it, and it is clearly shaking.

Suddenly, in the sound of killing, Wei Wuzhen heard a subtle voice. The voice is shouting: "Auntie!"

This sound is like a basin of cold water, pouring a heart of his mad fire.

When did Jiang come to the scene of the swearing-in meeting?

When Wei Wuzhen was on the scene, the soul flew away, and he refused to fight with the blue forgetting machine, letting go of the feelings: "Sister?!"

Jiang Cheng also heard this voice. In a flash, his face was pale and said: "Sister? Sister! Where are you? Where are you?"

Wei Wuzhen jumped off the ridge of the Yanyang Flame Temple and shouted like Jiang Cheng: "Sister? Teacher? Where are you? Where are you? I can't see you!"

He refused to count the swords and swords that he had forced him to rush. He was hurriedly rushing in the chaotic crowd. Suddenly, after seeing Jiang’s disintegration being drowned in the crowd, he struggled to open a few people while hard. Row. There are still a lot of distance between them, separated by countless people, Wei Wu can not rush in a moment, Jiang Cheng can not rush. To make matters worse, at this moment, both of them suddenly realized that after Jiang was left behind, he staggered to stand up a rotten corpse.

Seeing this horrible scene, Wei Wuxi shouted: "Get out! Give me away! Don't touch her!"

Jiang Cheng also snarled: "Let it roll!"

He threw three poisons, and the purple sword light rushed to the murderous body. However, Jianguang was disturbed by the swords of other monks in the middle of the road and deviated from the direction. Wei Wu's heart is more disordered, and the control ability is worse. The murderer ignores his instructions. Instead, he raises the rusty sword in his hand and turns away from the river!

Wei Wu was crazy, shouting and shouting: "Stop, stop, stop me!"

Now everyone is busy dealing with the murdered corpses around them. No one has the heart to pay attention to whether others are at stake. The murderous corpse slammed down the sword and opened the back of the river!

Jiang fell to the ground and fell to the ground.

The murderer stood behind her and continued to raise the sword. At this moment, a sword light cut its head!

The blue forgetting machine landed on the square, and took the dust from the call back. The second sword broke the hands of the murderous body, and the rusty sword fell to the ground. No need for a third sword, it will no longer threaten people.

Wei Wuzhen and Jiang Cheng only rushed to the past, and even thanked them for not forgetting about the blue forgetting machine. Jiang Cheng grabbed the river and got rid of it. The blue forgetting machine intercepted Wei Wuzhen, grabbed his collar and mentioned it in front of him. Li said: "Wei Ying! Stop urging the corpse!"

Wei Wuzhen couldn’t take care of anything else at the moment, and there was no blue forgetting face in his eyes. He couldn’t see the blood in the eyes of the blue forgetting machine, and he couldn’t see his red eyes. He just wanted to see Jiang’s disgusting Nothing happened, he opened his eyes with red eyes and rushed to the ground.

The blue forgetting machine was pushed by him, and he stood still and looked at him. He didn’t have any next move. He suddenly heard someone in the distance screaming for help, and he turned his eyes and went to rescue.

Jiang’s back is soaked with blood, his eyes closed, and he still has breathing. Jiang Cheng explored her pulse and shook her hand back. She breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, she was punched at Wei Wu’s face and shouted: "What happened? You are not saying that you can control it? You are not saying No problem?!"

Wei Wuxi fell to the ground and said: "...I don't know."

He desperately said: "...I can't control it, I can't control it..."

At this time, Jiang is a little bit off, Jiang Cheng holds her tightly, and the language is incoherent: "Sister! Nothing! Nothing, how are you? Fortunately, just a sword, but fortunately, I will take you right away... ..."

When he said that he would have to take the river away from his arms, Jiang was disgusted and suddenly said: "...aunt."

Wei Wuzhen made a nap and said: "Sister, I... I am here."

Jiang was so disgusted that he slowly opened the dark scorpion, and Wei Wu’s heart panicked.

Jiang is disgusted from the force: "...Auntie. You used to... how to run so fast... I didn't have time to look at you and say a word to you..."

Listening and listening, Wei Wu’s heart beats wildly.

He still dared not face the face of Jiang's disappointment, especially at this moment, this face was the same as the Jinxuan at that time, covered with dust and blood.

I don't even dare to listen to what she is going to say next.

Jiang is disgusted: "I am... I am coming to tell you..."

Say what?

It's ok? I do not hate you? Nothing? Do not blame you for killing the gold porch?


But in the opposite direction, she could not tell.

Therefore, she does not know, this situation, but also what Wei Weizhen said.

However, she felt that she must come to see this younger brother.

Taking a breath, Jiang disgusted: "Auntie, you... you stop first. Stop, stop..."

Wei Wuxi was busy: "Well, I stopped."

He picked up the feelings, put it on his lips, and played with his head down. He spent a lot of energy to stabilize his mind. This time, the murderers finally stopped ignoring his orders. One by one, there was a strange noise in his throat, like complaining, slowly falling down. .

Blue forgets the machine slightly, and looks at it from afar. At the end, he will continue to send out his sword and rescue the same door and non-same door that are still struggling.

Suddenly, Jiang was disgusted with his eyes, and his hands did not know where it broke out. He would push Wei Wuyi!

Wei Wuzhen was pushed by her and fell to the ground. When she raised her head, she saw a bright sword and pierced her throat.

The boy holding the sword was the young monk who just rushed to the archer. He is still crying in tears, tears and tears: "Wei thief! This sword is for my brother to return to you!"

Wei Wuzhen sat on the dirty ground, and looked incredulously at the river where his head had gone outside and his throat had a lot of blood.

He was still waiting for her to talk, as if to issue a final verdict on him.

Jiang Cheng is also awkward, still holding his sister's body, completely unresponsive.

For a long while, Wei Wuzhen gave a scream of screaming.

Blue forgets the machine and stabbed it out, and suddenly turned back.

The boy discovered that he had wrongly killed the wrong person, pulled out the long sword, panicked back and forth, and retired: "...not, not me, not... I am going to kill Wei Wu, I am I have to avenge my brother... it’s her own!”

Wei Wuxi flashed in front of him and grabbed his neck. A homeowner waved his sword and said, "Demon, let him go!"

Blue forgets the machine, and he can't take care of it. He pushes one after another to stop the road and rushes toward Wei Wushao. However, before he reached half the distance, Wei Wuzhen was in the shadow of the public, pinching the throat of the boy.

Another monk angered: "You! You - tired of Jiang Fengmian couple, and now you are exhausted your sister, you take your own, but dare to anger others! I don't know how to turn back, but continue to kill people, sin is unforgivable!"

However, no matter how much blasphemy and reprimand, Wei Wuzhen could not hear it at this time.

As if being dominated by another soul, he stretched out his hands and took two things out of his sleeves and put them together in front of everyone.

The two things were half-and-half, and they were one and the other, and they made a sudden noise.

Wei Wuzhen held it in his palm and raised it high.

Yin Hu Fu!

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