MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 82 Dan Xin XIX 4

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He turned and ran towards the blood pool, and the blue forgot to walk away from him. The **** red caller's flag on the white is really the best target. There is no one murderer who cares about others. He turns a blind eye to the living people who pass by him. All of them are red-eyed and rushing toward Wei Wuzhen!

After the corpse went on and on, the road that Wenning opened was always filled up quickly by the new corpse, and he rushed back and opened it again. Most of the Fu Mo Caves were too late to evacuate. Some people still couldn’t walk. They saw the dust in the cave, and the murders were swept into corpses, followed by the next row, crying. Called the sound of the sky, almost to break through the dome of the Volcano Cave. This wave of corpses was surrounded by Wei Wuzhen and the Blue Forgetting Machine, making it difficult for them to get close to the blood pool. The height of the surrounding corpse is higher, and the encirclement is getting smaller and smaller. The young people saw their eagerness, and they pulled back their swords. Lan Jingyi saw someone slashing his sword and rushing to the outside. He said, "Can you do a favor? If you can use the sword, can you help me? It’s good to be a little help!”

That humanity: "Roll!!!"

Lan Si chased: "For the Jingyi, we can do it on our own!"

Hearing their voice, Wei Wuwei said: "Wen Ning!!! Throw them out!!!"

Wenning said: "Yes!" He grabbed Lan Jingyi in one hand, and the other hand was preparing to catch Lansi. Lan Si chased him and said: "Ghost general, I can't go out, let me stay!" Otherwise I will regret it for a lifetime!!!"

A moment of confrontation with him, Wen Ning's figure froze, and Lan Si followed him not to catch himself, and immediately slammed his sword back to kill. Lan Jingyi and others also took the opportunity to cross him. Jin Ling was dragged out by Jiang Cheng and half-small, and passed by several murderers. These murders were attracted by the Zhaoyin flag of Wei Wuzhen, and their eyes were staring at the direction, and they turned a blind eye to them. Jin Ling called: "Hey! I..."

Jiang Cheng cold channel: "If you dare to go back, don't recognize me!"

Jin Ling looked at him fiercely. Jiang Cheng threw him out and shouted: "Still!" He carried three poisons and rushed back into the cave. Jin Ling glanced, said: "Hey, wait for me!" Still follow.

In the Fu Mo Cave, the encirclement of Wei Wu and the Blue Forgetting Machine has shrunk to less than one foot.

The dust-proof swords are still clear, and the fire is also raging. However, these murders are too many!

Wei Wuzhen had just thrown a spell, and he was keenly aware of the danger. Looking at it, there was a murderer who climbed up the corpse of a close-knit corpse and opened his mouth toward him. Wei Wuqi was empty and snorted and sneaked into the cuffs. However, he explored an empty space and a heart jerked up.

His spell has been exhausted!

Blue forgets the machine and notices that he is in danger here. He is trying to stab a sword with his backhand. He suddenly screams, and the murderer actually splits in half in the air.

Do not. It was torn in half. And the thing that tears it is in front of everyone!

A **** red murderer stood on the **** sea of ​​Qi Zhe's corpse. One left and one right hand dragged half of the corpse still twitching, and looked down at Wei Wuzhen and the Blue Forgetting Machine.

Lan Jingyi’s mouth has been closed, and Ouyang Zi muttered: “...the ancestor...what is this?”

Everyone who sees it is the same thought in the heart - what is this? !

This unidentified corpse appears to be different from all the murders they have seen. It is **** scarlet from head to toe, as if it has just climbed out of the blood pool, it looks slim and sloppy.

The corpses that were manipulated by the Yinhufu were also attracted to the attention of this strange kind, and they gave up the siege of Wei Wuzhen, but hesitatedly looked over there.

This **** body took two steps.

It swayed as it swayed, and the sound of a squash in the joints seemed to be stretching. Dark red blood drips from its limbs and body, spreading all the way.

An extremely savage yin and grievance overflowed from it, and as it got closer, the other murderers began to creep back. Many people are as earthy as they are.

Blue forgot to block in front of Wei Wuzhen, Wei Wuzhen pressed his hand to hold the dust, whispered: "...and so on."

He stared at the **** body, and had a guess in his heart, his chest leaping, repeating: "Wait."

The blood corpse stopped at about one foot in front of them, and suddenly looked up and screamed.

The whistling sound was sharper than the one, and everyone was screaming.

There was a slight ripple on the surface of the blood pool.

Initially it was just like a stone cast. However, this circle spreads and grows bigger and bigger, like something is shaking under the thick plasma.

Suddenly, one hand broke out of the blood!

The hand slammed into the shore and the five fingers fell deep into the ground. Followed by the surface, it is a scarlet face that is not rotted and can't see the facial features and face.

The second blood corpse climbed up from the blood pool.

Then, the water surface of the whole blood pool began to rotate, stirring, as if boiling, and more and more heads surfaced. The third, the fourth, the fifth...

Each one carries a sultry blood, a sly face, and a screaming roar. And after they climbed the bleed pool, they immediately smashed with other murderers!

The corpse controlled by the Yinhufu seems to be stirred up by a red sharp knife, and it is filled with broken meat, corpses and black blood!

Jin Ling was shocked and said: "...What are these things?! Why are there still murderous bodies in the blood pool? Isn't it said that the murderous bodies on the funeral posts have been burned?!"

Ouyang Zong, who is guarding his son, said: "There is nothing!"

Lan Jingyi said: "Which is not?!"

Ouyang Zong said: "Those... those..."

He said that he could not export, those who were in the mass graves of the mass graves in the past, after the coercists killed them, all the more than 50 bodies were thrown into the blood pool!

Suddenly, Jin Ling shouted: "Be careful!"

A **** red figure fell in front of him, Lan Si chased the sword back two steps, the **** body slowly rose.

This is a **** corpse with extra small skinny. The skull seems to have been smashed by a hole. The white hair is sparse. After being soaked in blood, it is smeared on the forehead, and the skin is half-corrosive. It is extremely disgusting and sultry. Discomfort. After it got up, it turned a corner and slowly chased it toward Lansi. The juniors were scared and frustrated.

There are more people, the **** body is vigilant, and the bottom of the throat is screaming. As the teenagers became more and more enemies, Lan Si chased the road: "Don't move!"

Although he is also a little nervous, but I don't know why, but I am not afraid.

If this thin **** corpse has eyeballs, it should be staring at him, overturning his head, and extending a hand, slowly chasing after Lan Si, seems to want to touch him.

The hand was full of blood, like a chicken claw that was smashed and incomplete, and all the youngsters had a goose bump. Jin Ling’s sword is blocked, and Lan Si chased the mouth: “Golden son, don’t!”

Jin Lingdao: "What to do!"

Lansi chased: " don't move."

The blood corpse screamed two times. He fixed the **** and slowly reached out to the blood corpse.

Just as he was about to touch the **** corpse, a new wave of corpses swarmed, and the blood corpse slammed back, screaming, leaping into the air, throwing into the corpse and tearing it to the right, like madness, flesh and blood. fly. Its humming sound is horrible, the movement is agile and ferocious, and the appearance of the singer in front of Lan Si chase is different. Wen Ning smashed several murderous bodies and shivered. He shouted at the murderous body: "Is it you?!"

The other party did not care for him.

All the blood corpses are madly killing, Wenning shouted: "Is it you?!"

There was a sharp humming of different heights in the entire Voldemort Cave. No one answered him, and none of them answered him.

Less than half an hour, all the sounds gradually stopped.

After the end of everything, the Devil Cave, the scene of the **** in the picture.

These blood corpses began to gather in the direction of Wei Wuzhen and Blue Forgetting.

The heights are different, the men and women are different, and the young and the young are different. They are all **** Shura evil spirits. Above these figures, Wei Wuzhen saw some familiar shadows.

Wenning murmured: "Four Uncle..."


He read it one by one, and the more his voice trembled.

Wenning said: "Are you always waiting here??"

If he is a living person, the eyes must have become red and crying.

Wei Wuzhen’s lips trembled and wanted to say something. However, after all, he did not say it.

He bowed his head deeply and solemnly performed a ceremony, dumb voice: "... Thank you."

Blue forgetting the machine also took a gift.

This group of **** murderers was extremely fierce when they were killed. At this time, they faced them, describing the shackles, but the movements were a bit clumsy, and they were uneven, and they all raised their hands in front and back, and they gave a gift to the two.

Then, as if something was extracted from the soul and anger in the body, they all fell.

The **** body is like a fragile porcelain, and the inch is split, the smaller and smaller. As if another wind blew, there would be nothing.

Wenning rushed to the ground and used his hands to gather these red ashes. After grabbing it, put a handful of it into his clothes and it was quickly filled. Upon seeing it, Lan Jingyi grabbed the hair, untied one of his own sachets, dumped the spices inside, and handed him down to him, saying: "Hey!"

Upon seeing it, several other teenagers followed suit. Only Jin Ling looked at them and looked at Wen Ning. His complex look, no action, eyebrows and frost, went farther. While seven or eight hands were carrying a sachet and a bag to Wenning, he was overwhelmed.

Lan Si chased: "Ghost general, need help?"

Wenning is busy: "No, you..."

Lan Jingyi said: "So many bones and ash, you are finished alone!"

Wei Wuzhen and Blue Forgot Machine came over and said: "You don't want to mess, don't wear gloves, you have to be poisoned."

When the teenagers heard it, it was a dispelling thought. Lan Si chased: "Wei seniors, including Guangjun, and ghost generals, thank you all this time..."

Suddenly, a cold voice came from the crowd: "What do you thank?"

Lan Si chased and other people looked back, the person who spoke, is the Fang Mengchen.

I saw him standing up and looked angry: "What is this?"

Lan Si chased the fans: "What is it?"

Wei Wuzhen and Blue Forgot Machine also looked at him, Fang Mengchen sighed: "I ask you what is this? Atonement?! You should not really start to appreciate him in your heart?!"

In the voodoo cave, there was a dead silence, and even whispers could not be heard.

The taste of the hearts of the people at this time is really uncomfortable.

After a big fanfare, the result was encircled. Shake the flag and scream to kill, and finally rely on "harm" to save your life.

I really don’t know if it’s funny, strange, embarrassing, or inexplicable. I only feel that I am indignant in this drama, and I am not very beautiful and decent.

Say thank you to Wei Wuzhen? It seems to be too inconspicuous; but after all, it is saved for it, and it is not appropriate to say that it is completely inappropriate. In this case, the best way seems to be to remain silent.

Seeing no one answering himself, Fang Mengchen is even more angry. He stabbed a sword and said: "Do you do something good when you say that you have repented, can you write off the blood debts in your hands?!"

Wei Wuzhen has avoided it. Others have come to persuade: "Fang brother! Don't be excited, forget it..."

When the man spoke and immediately noticed that he was wrong, Fang Mengchen turned his eyes red. He said: "Forget it?! What is the count? Killing the enemy, you said that even if you forget?!"

He asked with a loud voice: "Wei Wuzhen killed my parents. This is a fact, but why does he seem to be like a hero now?! Do something good, can you forget what he did in the blink of an eye? Then I What is your parents?!"

Among the crowd, Jin Ling clenched his fist, and suddenly there was a sharp pain in his shoulder. It turned out that Jiang Cheng’s five fingers on his shoulder gradually grasped.

Jin Ling couldn't see his look, whispered: "Hey..."

There was a sneer from the side of Jiang Cheng.

At this time, Wei Wuzhen made a sound.

He said: "What do you want to do."

Fang Mengchen a trip. Wei Wuwei said: "What do you want? It is nothing more than asking me to end up miserable to eliminate my own hatred."

He pointed to Yi Zaichun, who was in a coma in the crowd. He said: "He has no leg. I have broken a corpse. You lost both parents. I have already lost my family. I was expelled from the family by a family. The parents did not see the ashes. One."

Wei Wuxi said again: "I still hate Wen's embers? You are the one who died in the mouth of Wen's, and died one year ago. Just here, just now, they died for me, to save you. This time it was a smog.

He said: "What are you going to do?"

Fang Mengchen glared at him, half awkward, biting his teeth: "It's useless. I tell you, Wei Wuzhen, no matter what you do, you should not expect me to forgive you or forget my parents' hatred."

He screamed: "Never!"

Wei Wuwei said: "No one wants you to forgive me. I have done things, not only do you remember, I remember. You will not forget, I will not forget!"

Looking straight to him for a while, Fang Mengchen only felt that his heart was mixed and his mind was gray.

His life was indeed saved by Wei Wuzhen and others, but he was not reconciled to this. But if he wants to find Wei Wuzheng revenge, he is powerless. In the end, he could only scream and turned and rushed out of the Devil Cave.

After he rushed out, one person said: "There will be no more corpses coming? Are we really safe this time?!"

As soon as I heard this voice, everyone was big: "It is him!"

Nie Huai-Sang looked around and saw no one answered him. He asked another question: "Are we also... can we leave?"

This is the right question. Now everyone can't wait to immediately put their wings on the sword and fly back to their homes. A female monk: "The two hours should be almost the same. How much has the spiritual power of yours recovered?"

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