MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 84 Dan Xin 19th 6

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Wei Wuwei said: "Jinling, you put the sword down first."

Jin Lingdao: "I will not let go!"

Wei Wuzhen still wants to talk again, who knows, Jin Ling suddenly burst into tears.

This cry, everyone is stunned.

Wei Wuzhen took a step toward him and said: "This... what happened?"

Although Jin Ling was crying all over his face, he still choked loudly: "This is my sword. I will not let go!"

This sword is the only thing his parents left for him.

Some teenagers like Jin Ling, some have already become relatives, and some have children. Crying is a shame for them. When you cry in public, it is how wronged you are in your heart.

At this moment, Jin Ling, who was sobbing in front of everyone, made him seem to see the sound of crying when he was so sad that he was so sad that he was holding his heart, and he was holding it in his arms. Long sword.

For a time, Wei Wuzhen was somewhat helpless.

At this moment, a voice was uploaded from the river: "A Ling!"

Five or six large ships were surrounded by the fishing boat. Each ship was filled with monks and a ship owner stood on the bow. Yunmeng Jiang’s big ship is on the right side of the small fishing boat, and the nearest distance is only five feet in the middle. Only then is the riverside of the ship.

Jinling’s tears were stunned. When he saw it, he immediately wiped his face, sucked his nose, looked at it, and then looked over there, biting his teeth and flew over to Jiang Cheng’s side. Jiang Cheng grabbed him: "What happened to you? Who bullied you!"

Jin Ling blinked and refused to speak. Jiang Cheng looked up and his cold eyes cast on the fishing boat. The cold light of both eyes swept through Wenning, and he was about to stop at Wei Wuzhen. The blue forgetting machine took a step intentionally or unintentionally, just blocking Wei Wu’s body. shape.

A family owner blurted out: "You dare to come back!"

Wei Wuzhen was still worried about Jin Ling. When he heard this sentence, he suddenly became happy: "Why don't we dare to come back? Just two people and Han Guangjun helped you to open such a huge corpse. Why do we want to Dare to come back?"

The owner is a glimpse. It’s just that he’s not thinking about it. It’s just that he has formed a habit for many years. When he sees Yiling’s ancestors, he must first demonstrate in a condemnation tone, as if he can stand firm and show his correct position. When the face is exposed.

The blue forgetting machine is still standing in front of Wei Wuzhen, and the boat said to Lan Qiren: "Uncle."

The night wind blowing on the river brought up his clothes, wide sleeves, and ribbons. Although the white clothes are stained with blood, they still do not lose their manners. The students of Gusu Lan’s students also greeted him neatly.

After a while, Lan Qiren replied: "Well. The corpse, how do you deal with it?"

Seeing the eyes and tone of Lan Qiren, there is no disappointment and blame. Wei Wuzhen’s heart is not happy for a while. He can’t help but get out of the blue forgotten body and rushed and replied: “Blue old predecessor, this said It’s a long time to come. We both ruined the boss and led the corpse to another mountain in the west of the burial hill. It was once again trapped. Then we can’t do anything, just by us. It must be impossible to kill, so come back and say it to you, and then hand it over to you."

Wei Wuzhen is responsible for calling the Yin flag, responsible for the live target to attract the corpse, and the Blue Forgetting Machine is responsible for killing. They didn't think that this group would wait for them to come back in the Temple of the Devil, so they didn't go to the funeral post. They went directly to Yiling Town to find the way along the road. At the dock, they learned that there were a large number of people who had all the boats off. Yunmeng went, staying up late with Yujian, and found the situation on this fishing boat in the sky, and it fell.

When Lan Qiren saw that Wei Wuzhen was violent, he originally eased a little bit of color and fell cold and replied, "I asked him, didn't ask you!"

Wei Wuzhen asked for a boring, saying: "I'm sorry. I shouldn't interrupt me, I shut up."

Blue Qiren became more and more angry, and Blue forgot to shake his head and stood in front of Wei Wuzhen. Nie Huai-sang laughed while eating the date on another boat. He guarded the body and said: "It was like this when Yun Shen didn't know where to go. So many years, old... Mr. Lan Lao was so deeply hated by Wei Wuzhen. ""

Other homeowners watched him eat the jujube and watched the show with joy and excitement. "The man is actually the owner of the house like us..."

Can't see Wei Wu's face, Lan Qiren calmed down and said: "Those who are going to corpses, we will deal with it. We can't wait for them to harm others."

Blue forgot to nod and said: "Thank you uncle."

Wei Wuzhen thought that I would like to say thank you, and I wouldn’t be angry. Follow the blue forgetting machine: "Thank you, uncle... Thank you, Blue Senior."

Lan Qiren sighed: "What else do you have!"

Wei Wudao said: "I heard that you are going to the Lotus Dock now. Is it going to go there to discuss the response to this matter? How about adding us?"

A monk said: "Wei Ying! You have made a big mistake. Today is a good thing. But... but if we want to make friends with you, it is impossible to decide."

Wei Wuwei said: "No one wants you to make friends with me! However, we are now the same camp. Today, the big man who designed to kill you, there is a tiger in your hand, have you dealt with it?"

The owners of the family face each other. It is true that Wei Wuzhen said that it is true that they do not need to be proficient in this way. Wei Wu’s ancestors should not be enemies now. I can shout and scream for so many years, and I want them to cooperate with him all at once.

Wei Wuzhen bluntly said: "You don't have to worry about my vengeance. You have to take revenge casually. You don't have to avenge your enemies. As long as you meet me on the road, I don't want to see it, can't you?"

Hearing a word, a young boy shook his head and said: "There is grace and revenge, and there is revenge. Only remembering hatred does not remember, what is this?"

Listening to his sentence, "This is something," many people are old-fashioned. Lan Si chased immediately: "The child really said it is good!" There are also a few teenagers who are sparsely attached. These are the children of the family who were taken by Wei Wuxi and Lan Forgot when they were in Yicheng. At this moment, they stood on the same fishing boat and publicly supported them. Jiang Cheng said to a family owner who was on the same boat with him: "Ouyang Zongzhu."

The eyelids of Ouyang Zong, who was named, followed the heart and jumped together. He only listened to Jiang Cheng’s cold and cold tunnel: "If you remember correctly, the one who spoke is your son. There is grace and revenge, and there is revenge." ”

Ouyang Zong is busy: "Zizhen! Come back, come here!"

Ouyangzi is really the "loveful seed" who once cried his aunt and cried his aunt. He said: "Hey, you didn't let me come to this boat, don't bother you?"

Ouyang Zong main wipes the road: "Oh! You are not enough for today's limelight, come over to me!" My family is in the town of Baling, and Yunmeng is close, and Jiang's power is incomparable, he does not want to When the son gave Wei Wuzhen a few words, he was hated by Jiang Chengji.

Blue forgets the machine to Lan Qiren: "Uncle, I want to save my brother."

Lan Yichen may still be subject to Jin Guangyao, and the blue forgetting machine is also unreliable anyway. Listening to him mentioning Lan Yichen, Lan Qiren sighed and said: "...just let me."

The rest of the people immediately looked at Jiang Cheng. Among the three most prominent family members in the field, Lan Qiren expressed his attitude. Nie Huai's appearance is not the same. Now I only look at Jiang Cheng. Everyone knows that this and Wei Wuxi’s anti-target Jiang Zongzhu are the most unspeakable to him. Most of them think that they are going to talk about collapse.

Jiang Cheng sneered and said: "You dare to go back to the lotus dock."

Throwing this sentence, he took Jin Ling's shoulder and went back to the cabin.

Ouyang Zong took a sigh of relief and said to his son: "You and you! The bigger the bigger the more disobedient! You can't come over! But I will catch you in the past!"

Ouyang Zi is really concerned about the authenticity: "Hey, let's go to rest, your spiritual power has not recovered yet, don't rush to the sword."

Now most people's spiritual power is still slowly picking up, and the reluctance of the sword may even fall down, so they can only take the boat. Ouyang Zong's main body is extraordinarily tall, and the weight is not light. Now he can't really fly to catch him, and his son is so angry that he can enter the cabin. Lan Qiren stood at the bow and forgot the blue: "Will you stay there?"

Blue forgot to silently nod. Lan Qiren also turned and went in. All of the monks entered the warehouse and sat down and sat down. After the big ships no longer surrounded the fishing boat, after a certain distance was opened, Wei Wuzhen took a long sigh of relief after normal driving.

After this breath was loose, his face was suddenly occupied by the extremely tired color, and suddenly he smashed to one side.

His shaking was not due to the instability of the fishing boat, but he was really weak and unstable.

The youngsters did not think that his blood was filthy, and he thought that he would help him with the help of the blues. Can not use them completely, the blue forget the machine slightly bent, one hand rubbed his arm, one hand copied his knees, and suddenly Wei Weiqi hugged.

He just took Wei Wuzhen and walked into the cabin. There is no place for lying in the cabin. There are only four long wooden benches. The blue forgetting machine will hold Wei Wu’s waist with one hand and let his head rest on his shoulder. The other hand will make four benches into one. Zhang can lie in the width, put Wei Wuzhen gently, take out the handkerchief from his arms, and slowly wipe the blood clots on his face. Only then was he busy flying to kill, no reason to be groomed, not long after, a white handkerchief was dyed black and red. And he wiped Wei Wei's face, but he still hasn't wiped it. Upon seeing it, Lan Si chased him to take out his handkerchief and put his hands on it. He said: "With light."

Blue forgets the machine: "Well."

Lansi has followed a faint applause and is not happy. Blue forgot to lower his head, holding a handkerchief on his face, a rub was a white, and the teenagers were relieved. Sure enough, Han Guangjun is to be so snowy, it looks normal.

A young boy said: "With the light, why is Yiling old... Yiling predecessors will fall down?"

Blue forgets the machine: "Tired."

Another teenager said: "Tired? I thought..."

He did not say why, but everyone knows: the legendary Yiling ancestors will be too tired to deal with the corpse, they all thought that the Yiling ancestors should be able to solve the problem with a hook.

Blue forgot to shake his head, only said three words: "All people."

They are all people. How can people not be tired, how can they never fall.

The benches were all put together by the blue forgetting machine, and the teenagers could only squint into a circle. If Wei Wuzhen is awake, inserting a slap in the mouth, and teasing this to make it, the cabin must be very lively at the moment, but now he is lying down, only one with a light waist and a straight rod sitting next to him.

Generally speaking, some people should come and whisper two active atmospheres, but the blue forgets not to talk, and others do not dare to speak. After a long while, the cabin was still dead.

All the teenagers groaned: " boring."

They are bored and start to communicate with their eyes: "Why don't you say anything about Guangjun? Why aren't Wei seniors still awake?"

Ouyang Zi really cares for both hands, quietly pointing to this, pointing to that, said: "Huangjun has always said such a sentence, how can Wei's predecessors stay with him all day..."

Lan Si chased a heavy nod and silently affirmed: "Huangjun, it has always been like this!"

Suddenly, Wei Wuzhen frowned and his head went to one side. Blue forgets to gently straighten his head to avoid twisting his neck. Wei Wuqi called: "Blue Zhan!"

Everyone thought that he was awake, and he was overjoyed. Who knows that Wei Wu’s eyes are still closed. Blue forgets the machine as usual: "Well. I am."

Wei Wuzhen did not say anything. It seems to be very safe and steady, and continues to sleep.

Several teenagers looked at the two men, and for some reason they suddenly blushed.

Lan Si chased the first to stand up and stuttered: "Including, containing light Jun, let's go out first..."

They almost fled and rushed to the deck, and they were blown by the night wind, and the feeling of panic was dissipated. One person said: "What's going on, why don't we rush out! Oh!"

Ouyang Zi really said: "I don't know what's going on, but suddenly I feel that it is not suitable to stay inside!"

Several people yelled at each other: "What are you blushing!"

"I see you blushing, I only blush!"

"How is blushing sick and infectious?"

Wenning did not go to Wei Wei from the beginning, did not follow the cabin, and squatted on the deck. Everyone still felt strange, why he didn't go in, and now he realized that the ghost general is really wise.

There is no room for a third person here!

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