MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 86 Dan Xin 19th 8th

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I saw it broken, and the next piece of paper was in the hands of others. Wei Wuzhen asked: "How is it killed?"

The owner was only arrogant, and Wei Wuqi took the paper in his hand and glanced at it, finally knowing why the people who had seen it were unspeakable.

The content written on the paper is really embarrassing - the Confucius Fang tied his own biological father firmly, secretly found more than 20 old ugly people, and ordered them to take turns until Jin Guangshan This ugly way to die.

Afterwards, Jin Guangyao naturally killed all of these things. However, one of the old scorpions was quite clever, and was stabbed with two swords. Although there were many bloodsheds, they were so painful that they could not stand still. When the people who buried their bodies left, they climbed out of the soil and went straight to the field to escape. . The letter is attached to the address of the old man today, which can be verified at any time.

The person who originally took the letter said: "The old lord Kim Kwang-song said, it is also his biological father, if this thing is true...but..."

Jiang Chengdao: "It is disgusting and creepy."

Another person raised his hand: "Oh, there is more disgusting here!"

The second secret revealed by this long letter is the death of Jin Guangyao’s wife Qin Yu and his only son.

As everyone knows, Jin Guangyao is the son of Jin Guangshan, and Qin Lan is the daughter of the emperor of the Qin Dynasty who followed Jin Guangshan for many years. Jin Guangyao has never had any embarrassment with any woman other than his wife. Therefore, others praised that Fang Zun is different from his father and lamented that Qin Hao had a good marriage. For many years, these two people are representatives of the loving couples in the Hundred Doors and Hundreds of Homes. Zeng Yu has a son Jin Rusong, and his temperament is gentle, and both husband and wife have a passion for it. However, when Ason was poisoned by a family owner who had a suspicion with Lanling Jinshi, he died unfortunately. Jin Guangyao uprooted the family and revenged for his son. However, Qin Yu was overly sad and has not been able to come out since then.

This letter completely broke this appearance. Ouyang Zongzhu can't be channeled: "Is this true? Mrs. Jin, Qin Hao, she... she is from Jin Guangshan and his wife's private affair?!"

"I am afraid that most of them are true! What kind of person is Jin Guangshan, you don't know it. And even the testimony of Mrs. Qin's maid and the stable wife who gave birth to Qin Biao, there is no fake!"

"How many years have the Qin Lao lord followed Jin Guangshan, even the wife of his old ministry has to get involved. This golden light is good!"

This can be a terrible scandal. In other words, Jin Guangyao and Qin Lan, the couple is a pair of half-brothers.

What is even more frightening is that the testimony of the maid attached to the letter wrote that Jin Guangyao knew the secret before he became a relative.

Even if Jin Guangshan can't remember who Qin Qi is, the mother of Qin Qin will not forget. She was afraid in her heart. Before she got married, she quietly went to find Jin Guangyao, confided some insider, and begged him to find a way to cancel the marriage, and it must not be a big mistake.

However, Jin Guangyao knows that Qin Lan is his own sister, or married her. He wants to stand firm in Lanling Jinshi, and he must have Qin Qi’s father, the solid Yuezhang, to help him. Not only stunned, but also gave birth to a child. Mrs. Qin was very painful, but she did not dare to say to others, and she died of heart disease. Before she died, she couldn’t help but talk to her servant.

Wei Wuzhen whispered to the blue forgotten: "No wonder he said to Qin Qin in the secret room, 'Ason must die."

His son may not be harmed by others, but his own poisonous hand. The son of a close brother and sister, the ten will be a dementia. When Ason died, he was just a few years old. It was the age of the youngest son. When the child is too young, people can't see any clues, but once they grow up, they will expose the fact that Asong is different from ordinary people. Even if you will doubt the blood of Asong’s parents, if you give birth to a dementia, others will inevitably make irresponsible remarks to Jin Guangyao, pointing and saying that it is because he brought the dirty blood to produce this kind of A whisper of children.

Anyway, Jin Guangyao does not need to keep a son who is probably an idiot. Killing A Song, planting a homeowner who had a suspicion with Lanling Jinshi, and then in the name of revenge for his son, the family was cruelly ruthless and ruthless, but ruthless, but double-edged.

The confidential letter is well-organized and lists all kinds of evidence. It also includes the address of several people's cards, which can be verified. In the end, the pen turned and said with impatience that the person who wrote the letter also inadvertently saved a witness and gradually revealed the truth one by one. Although Jin Guangyao is now in full swing, he really does not want this ruthless deceased to continue to deceive everyone. Therefore, he has disclosed everything he has done and sent a copy to all major families. Please be careful of this. Man, beware of his smile in the knife, two sides and three knives.

After everyone circulated, it took a little time to digest. Nie Huai Sang slammed: "...what is this person who sent the letter?"

One of the owners said: "No matter what comes, there is one thing to be sure: he is a righteous man, absolutely standing on our side."

Accompanied sound: "Not bad!"

Wei Wuwei said: "The people who write this letter are not lacking in human and financial resources. Searching for evidence, looking for people's cards, and sending a batch of valuable medicines everywhere, is definitely not a small one. However, Yi Shi? This is undecided. The letter, he also sent a copy to Qin Hao, which directly led to Qin Yu Jin Lintai committed suicide. If you really just want to disclose the true face of Jin Guangyao, why not send it to each family?"

Someone immediately replied: "How do people who send letters want to get such a tragedy?"

Several older female practitioners said: "Qin Zhen is really pitiful."

"I still envied her at the beginning, and my heart said that it was a life, a good birth, a marriage, and the only hostess of Jinlintai, the husband is single-minded, who knows, hehe."

One person seems to know the truth: "So the surface that looks beautiful is often riddled with holes."

Wei Wuxuan said: "I am afraid that Qin Yu is unable to endure the swearing words of others who seem to sympathize with compassion and in fact, so they choose to commit suicide."

Blue forgot to read the letter again and said: "The letter is written, there are many doubts."

Lan Qiren said: "Where is doubt?"

Wei Wuwei said: "That can be much. For example, Mrs. Qin is afraid of her daughter's family, why not go to Jin Guangshan, let him order the cancellation of marriage, but go to Jin Guangyao? For example, Jin Guangyao is daring The heart is fine and careful, how can I not confirm that the 20 people who have been found □ are indeed dead and buried?

One of the owners said: "This is called Skynet, and it doesn't leak."

Wei Wuwei smiled and stopped talking.

He knows that in this passionate group, no one can hear him in, and no one will carefully consider his doubts. Speak a few more words and express different opinions. Others may decide to start targeting him. If it was more than a decade ago, he wouldn’t even care about what others would say if they didn’t target him. If you want to say something, you have to listen, and you don’t have to listen. But now, he is lazy and has no interest in this.

So, the condolences of everyone in the hall waved higher than a wave:

"At the beginning, Jin Guangyao relied on pleading with Chi Feng Zun and Ze Yujun to climb up step by step. Otherwise, he was a sly son, why can he sit in today's position? I didn't expect this person to be so ungrateful and mad, both brothers and sisters were His poisonous hand, hey! I only hope that there will be nothing wrong with Ze Yanjun!"

Originally, they did not believe that Nie Mingxi’s death and his corpse were related to Jin Guangyao, but now they all believe. The words "forgiveness and ignorance" and "sadness and madness" were originally tied to Wei Wuzhen. When he heard that he thought he was licking himself, he had to react. The buzz is still the same, but the object of the embarrassment has changed one, not a little used to it.

"Not only the righteous brother, the brothers are even more difficult to escape. In the years before Jin Guangshan died, he was busy cleaning up his illegitimate children everywhere, for fear that someone would kill him and grab the position. Mo Xuanyu is still good, to It’s not crazy to be rushed back, maybe even like the others, it disappeared for various reasons.”

"Maybe the death of Jin Xuan can't be related to him."

"I can't get rid of the relationship! After all, the character is corrupt. Who can remember the Xiaoxing dust of the year? The moon and the breeze of the Ming Dynasty. There is also the case of Changyang Changshi. In that case, Xue Yang is also the one who defends Fang Fang. It."

"For the Yinhu Fu, it’s really a face."

"Not only is the Yinhu Fu. When Hyosung Dust is just out of the mountain, isn't many families wanting to ask him to be a guest? Lan Ling Jin also invited him to join, but he was declined by rumors. Jinjiana At that time, I was proud of it. The result was rejected by a small Taoist. I felt that I had no face. So Lan Ling’s family wanted to protect Xue Yang, and there was also the reason for this old hatred. In short, it was to see Xiao Xingchen’s miserable battle.”

"Hey! What do they think they are? If you don't join, you must look good?"

"Oh... it’s a pity. I had the privilege of seeing the Hyosung Dust Trail Night Hunting. I was a sword in the world."

"Jin Guangyao later cleared Xue Yang, so that a dog bites a dog."

"Speaking, I have heard a rumor. When Jin Guangyao was undercover at the temperature of Lushan, it was not honest. It was such an idea: If the shooting of the Japanese is not good, then continue to work for Wen in the home. If you want to fall down, you will fight back and become this hero."

"I will calculate it, and I will make a profit without losing money. Do the businessmen forget, what kind of fairy?"

"Wen Ruohan Jiuquan is estimated to be mad at him. In the same year, he used Jin Guangyao as a cronies. Let's tell a secret. Jin Guangyao is now the sword and kung fu, and he is taught by Wen Ruohan. It."

These rumors were not circulated on the first day. However, when Jin Guangyao became popular in the past, they were well suppressed and no one was taken seriously. Tonight, the rumors seem to have become evidence-based facts at once, becoming the cornerstone of Jin Guangyao's crimes, to prove his madness.

"It seems that this Kim is really a terrible figure. Killing the father, killing the brother, killing the wife, killing the child, killing the Lord, killing the friend, killing the mother... still messing up | Lun."

"Lanling Jinshi is overbearing, Jin Guangyao is a dictatorial, and never listen to the opinions of others. We have long been fed up with this evil."

"He is watching these years, the various forces have been expanding, the strength has grown, and a sense of threat has arisen. I am afraid that I was overthrown as if Wenshan was overturned, so I would never do it all. Would you like to kill us all?"

"Thinking. In this case, we will make what he fears the most!"

"Mr. Wei, Jin Guangyao has a Yinhu in his hand. You have to ask for this."

Wei Wuzhen did not expect that someone would take the initiative to talk to himself, and still so enthusiastic, a slight glimpse. Immediately, another owner said: "Yes! No one can go to the right of Yiling's ancestors."

"This time Jin Guangyao kicked the iron plate, hahahaha..."

Wei Wuzhen was quite speechless at the moment. The last time someone talked to him like this, so touted the flattery, it was already in the sign of the sun a dozen years ago.

There are many people who must stand on the opposite side of one side in order to be sure that their position is correct. At this time, they had a new common enemy, unified the front line, and had a sense of identity. So they began to show their support to Wei Wuzhen, confirming that he is here to show his tolerance and generosity.

Although he finally found someone to take over the position of a hundred public enemies, but he did not taste much of the bitter taste, and nothing else was finally touched by the world.

Only in the psychological can not help but doubt: "Is it also like this tonight, a group of people gathered in a certain place to open a secret meeting, and then have to encircle the funeral?"

After the meeting, Yunmeng Jiang’s banquet hall was just ready to be eaten.

However, two figures were missing from the banquet. Everyone said: "How come Wei Wei and Han Guangjun?"

Jiang Cheng sat on the chief and asked the guest next to him: "What about people?"

The guest said: "They went to the inner hall and changed clothes, saying that they went out and went back later."

Jiang Cheng sneered and said: "It's still the same, I don't know how many."

This seems to have plunged the blue forgetting machine, and Lan Qiren’s face is unpleasant. After a pause, Jiang Cheng adjusted the color and politely said: "You, let's eat first."

Blue forgot to let Wei Wuzhen take it, do not ask where to go, walk around leisurely.

There was a small stall on the dock in front of the lotus dock. Wei Wuzhen walked over and smiled. "It’s right not to eat with them. Blue Zhan comes here. This cake is delicious. I invite you! Trouble to two Let's go."

The stall owner immediately smiled and wrapped two with oil paper. Wei Wuzhen was about to pick it up, and suddenly remembered that he had no money.

Blue has forgotten that he has taken over and paid for it in one hand.

Wei Wuwei said: "Oh. Sorry, how is this always like? I seem to ask you to eat something, always not invited."

Blue forgets the machine: "No problem."

Wei Wuzhen took a bite and said: "I used to pay for something to eat at the dockside. I just took it casually. After a month, the owner will go to Jiang Shushu to report."

Blue forgets to leave a small half moon shape on the round cake in his hand, whispering: "You don't have to pay now."

Wei Wuwei said: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

He finished eating it three or two times, smashing the oil paper into a pile, throwing a play in his hand, looking around and saying: "There is no other stall. In the past, no matter how many nights, it was full of stalls and sold all kinds of stalls. Eat. Because there are a lot of people who come out to eat late at night in the lotus dock. There are a lot of boats, no worse than the color clothes on your side."

He said: "Blue Zhan, you are coming too late. Did not catch up with the most fun time here..."

Blue forgets the machine: "It's not too late."

After a moment of silence, Wei Wuxi smiled and said: "When I went to school in Yunshen, I said that I had to come over and play several times. You ignored me. I should be a little bit too far and drag you over."

He said: "How do you eat so slowly? Not good?"

Blue forgets the machine: "The food is not spoken."

He eats and eats slowly, and if he has to talk, he has to make sure that there is absolutely nothing in his mouth. Wei Wuwei said: "Then I don't talk to you. I don't like you, I want you to tell me the rest."

Blue forgets the machine to the main road: "Please come again."

In the end, when Wei Wuzhen had finished eating the third cake, Blue Forgot was still slowly licking his first one. Wei Wuzhen has led him to go further and further away from the lotus dock. He pointed to things everywhere and showed him all the time. He kept talking and described himself as a child.

He especially wants to look at the place where he grows up, plays, and rolls over, and tells him about the bad things he has done here, the racks he has beaten, the pheasants he has captured, and then observe the blue forget. The subtle expression changes, expecting every reaction from him.

Wei Wuwei said: "Blue Zhan! Look at me, look at this tree."

Blue forgets to eat his cake, and fold the oil paper into a neat little square, looking in the direction he pointed. It is an ordinary tree, it has been for decades.

Wei Wuwei said: "I climbed this tree."

Blue forgets the machine: "On the way to the road, every tree has climbed."

Wei Wuwei said: "This is not the same! This is the first one I climbed after the lotus dock. I climbed in the middle of the night. My sister came out to look for me with a lantern. I was afraid that I would fall under the tree and follow me. Her thin arm can catch the cockroach or break a leg."

Blue forgets the machine: "Why climb the tree in the middle of the night."

Wei Wuwei said: "No reason. You know, I like to come out in the middle of the night. Haha."

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