MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 90 寤寐 twentieth

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Wenning quickly snorted. In the sound of the water flowing in the rowing boat, Wei Wuqi had a splitting eye and split his eyes.

The whole person leaned on the blue forgotten body and found that the place he was in was not a lotus dock. He didn't figure out the situation until he saw the left hand of the blue forget machine, and some blood on the sleeves, as if a bunch of plum blossoms fell in the snow. This reminds me of what happened before he passed out, and his face turned into a terrible look and he sat up. Blue forgot to come over and help him, but Wei Wu’s tinnitus has not subsided, and there is a **** gas in his chest, which is extremely uncomfortable.

He was worried that another blood spit on his life. The clean blue body of the forgotten body, he waved his hands again and again, turned to the side and held the ship for a while. Blue forgot to know that he is not good now, silently did not ask a word, a hand on his back, a gentle stream of fine stream into his body.

Waiting for the rust smell in the throat, Wei Wuxi only came back, please blue forget to remove the hand. After a moment of sitting, he finally tried to speak: "With the light, how do we come out?"

Wenning looked nervous immediately and fixed the paddle. Blue forgets the opportunity to keep his promise, not to mention the things he has come out of, but he has not lied to make a rhetoric. He simply said: "Played a game."

Wei Wuzhen took out a hand and licked his heart. He seemed to want to smash the stagnation in his chest. He said, "I don’t know how easy it is to let us go. This mixed kid." ...I don’t think so!"

Blue forgets that the eyebrows are condensed, Shen Sheng said: "Don't mention him."

Listening to his bad tone, Wei Wuyi gave a slight glimpse and immediately said, "Well, don't mention him."

After a moment of deliberation, he said: "Then. With the light, you don't care what he said."

Blue forgets the machine: "Which sentence."

Wei Wuzhen’s eyelids jumped and said: “Which is the sentence. This kid has been a virtue since he was a child. When he is angry, he speaks without words. It’s especially difficult to listen to, and he can’t care if he can teach people. He’s got out of what’s going on in a mess. I’ven’t grown up for so many years. Don’t worry about it.”

As he said, while he was obsessed with the look of the blue forgetting machine, a heart slowly sank.

Wei Wuzhen thought, or expected, that the blue forgetting machine would not put those words in the heart, but unexpectedly, the face of the blue forgetting machine is not very good-looking, and even "hmm" did not say anything.

It seems that for the evil words of Jiang Chengfang, the blue forgetting machine is even more unpleasant than he expected. Perhaps he simply does not like Jiang Cheng as a person, or perhaps... he is particularly dissatisfied with being rebuked as "unintelligible," "no shame," and "indiscriminate." After all, Gusu Lanshi is a famous family whose family training is "Yazheng". Han Guangjun himself has never been involved with these words.

Although these days have come down, he feels that the blue forgetting machine should be quite valued and different for himself, but he never dared to speculate on whether there are multiple "values" and whether "different" is really what he thought. different. Wei Wuzhen never felt that self-confidence was a bad thing, and he was often arrogant. The world’s ancestors played a peach-colored fragrance, but in fact, he had never experienced such a mess. He used to think that the person who forgot the machine was particularly good at guessing, but now he can't figure it out. He is afraid that he is just thinking about it, he is wishful thinking, and he is too confident.

Blue forgot to speak silently, Wei Wuyi wanted to use his best gags to get away with it, but he was afraid that he would be forced to laugh and get stuck. After a while, he suddenly said: "Where are we going?"

This topic turned very blunt, and the blue forgetting machine was connected with the ground, saying: "Where do you want to go."

Wei Wuzhen took a nap and said: "Ze Yijun still doesn't know how to be safe. I don't know what the group of people intends to do. If we go to Lanling first..." Suddenly, he remembered something and said: "No, Don't go to Lanling first, go to Yunping City."

Blue forgets the machine: "Yunping City?"

Wei Wuwei said: "Yes. Yunping City of Yunmeng. I told you about it? Before I was in Jinlintai, I saw my manuscript in the secret room of Fangfei Temple, and put it together with my manuscript. There is also a deed title deed, which is a place in Yunping City. Lanling Jinshi’s wealth is big, I think if there is no hidden feeling, Jin Guangyao will not specifically collect the title deed. Maybe there can be any discovery there. ""

Blue forget the machine dagger. At this time, Wenning said: "The son, is Yunpingcheng going in this direction?"

Wei Wuzhen: "What?!"

He and the Blue Forgetting Machine are all sitting back to the stern, so they have never seen Wenning. Cold did not prevent the stern from making a sound, scared his scalp to blow up on the spot, and turned back and said: "How are you here?!"

Wen Ning looked up and said: "I? I have been here all the time."

Wei Wuwei said: "Why don't you talk?"

Wenning said: "I see you, you are talking to Han Guangjun, so I don't have..."

Wei Wuwei said: "There should be a sound??"

Lifting the paddle in his hand, Wen Ning argued: "The son, I have been rowing, I have been making noises, have you not heard?"

"..." Wei Wuxi waved: "I didn't pay attention. If you forget it, don't make a stroke. There is a lot of water in the night, and you don't have to plan to go fast."

He grew up in Yunmeng, and he was naturally familiar with the water in this area. Wen Ning heard that it should be, put down the paddle, sitting cautiously at the stern, still six feet away from the Blue Wei. When I arrived at the lotus dock, it was a toss. At this time, the sky was twilight, the sky was blue, and the landscape on both sides finally revealed the outline.

Looking around, Wei Wuxi suddenly said: "I am hungry."

Blue forgets to lift your eyes. Wei Wuzhen is certainly not hungry at all, but he only recently ate three cakes in front of the stall outside the lotus dock. But Blue forgot to eat only one. Moreover, this is the only thing he has eaten in the past two days. Wei Wuzhen remembered this incident, and the former passers-by were hopeless. They were afraid that they would have to walk for a long time to meet the town and rest.

Blue forgets to sink and say: "Beach?"

Wei Wuwei said: "There are no people on the shore nearby, but I know there is a place to go."

Wenning quickly picked up the paddle and crossed in the direction he pointed. Not long after, the ferry turned into a diversion, and for another time, drove into a lotus lake.

The lotus leaves in the lake are high and low, and the pavilion is covered. The slender ferry broke through the crowded lotus branches and went to the depths of the lotus pond. From the sky above, the place where the ferry passes, brings a line of blue leaves to sway. Walking through the shaded umbrellas, pulling a large lotus leaf, and seeing one after another full of large lotuses hidden underneath, the moment of the mood, as if suddenly found a small treasure. Wei Wuxi smiled and was about to reach out and pick it up. The blue forgetting machine suddenly said: "Wei Ying."

Wei Wuwei said: "What happened?"

Blue forgets the machine: "This lotus pond can have a master."

Wei Wuzhen’s face is clear: “Of course not.”

Of course there are. From the age of eleven years old, Wei has often stole the lotus horns in the various lakes of Yunmeng. I have been washing my hands for many years, but now I have to get some rations to continue my journey and have to return to the rivers and lakes.

Blue forgets the machine but whispers: "I heard that the lotus pond in this area has the Lord."

"..." Wei Wu said: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha, is this too pity. You have heard so many things, I have never heard of it. Let's go."

When he was debunked, he naturally was embarrassed to call the Blue Forgetting Machine to do these messy things with him. He was so eager to steal the lotus bowl from others, how to listen to it. The right one is going to put the paddle, and the blue forgets the machine but raises his hand and takes the lead and picks up a lotus.

He handed the lotus to Wei Wu, and said: "The next is not an example." /p

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