MTL - The Gate Of Good Fortune-Chapter 1484 Heaven and earth decline

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Lan Yuchen had just left, and the breath of the gray planet where Ning Cheng was located suddenly burst into violent anger. Please search (product #书¥网) to see the most complete! The defensive array of the newly updated novel Lan Shu was turned into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

Lan Shu was shocked and wanted to go and check the situation. The more magnificent rhythm of the rhythm rushed out, and the red color of the red half of the planet was like a film being picked up, which drove the boulevard to the Ningcheng.

In addition to the rolling glory, Lan Shu was directly blocked and could not enter.

Lan Shu was shocked and found that she was helpless. In the face of this situation, she did not know what to do. With the power of her creation, she could not rush into the rhyme that was rolled up.

At this time, she has no choice but to look on the side. Lan Shu sighed and could only listen to his fate.

Just a half-column fragrance, Lan Shu was surprised to find that the atmosphere of Ning Cheng's body became stronger. A vast expanse of the entire universe is surrounded by Ning Cheng. If it is facing an ancient treasure, this breath can be understood. Now this vast and powerful atmosphere has appeared on Ningcheng, so that Lan Shu simply does not understand what happened.

Lan Shu entered the realm of creation because the opportunities were amazing and the insights were not as strong as those who had been mixed in the vast void all the year round. But now Ning Cheng’s body has such a majestic momentum, and Lan Shu can guess that Ning Cheng’s strength is constantly rising.


Lan Shu did not guess wrong, Ning Cheng's strength is indeed rising. His world began to gradually improve, and the accumulation of tens of thousands of years, almost in a moment of time, became a universe like a chaotic universe.

The endless Hongmeng rhyme was captured by Ningcheng, and the consciousness of Ningcheng gradually became clear. He even saw the horrible power in the rhyme of Hongmeng and saw the supreme source of the Taoyun rhyme.

But he also saw a hint of breath in the rhyme of Hongmeng. This silky breath does not belong to the Hongmeng rhyme. It may belong to another rhyme when Chaos was first opened, but it is attached to the rhyme of Hongmeng.

Even so, Ning Cheng did not hesitate to take this breath away. He can take away all the original sources of Chaos, and everything is chaotic. For this kind of rhythm that he does not know the origin. He will not accept it.

The rolling rhyme has not changed Ningcheng's own avenue, but it is constantly consolidating Ningcheng's avenue rules and constantly improving Ningcheng's magical rules.

Frozen space, starry sky, Mo Xiangyi, sunset dusk, broken fingers, no traces of collapse, seven bridges...

While Ningcheng Avenue is solid and the world rules are perfect, it is constantly improving.

At this moment, a rhythm of the bursting rhythm roared in the depths of Ningcheng. Ning Cheng confines his eyes, and the endless feelings surround him in his thoughts.

Ning Cheng is very clear in my heart. He wants to be bound.

At this moment, he also understood what is bound. After the creation. He thought that he was practicing heaven and earth, and that there was no great degeneration. When he entered the realm of creation and used his own rhyme to unite the rules and achieve a universe, he finally met the first decline and the decline of bounds.

A decline in bounds made him weak for more than ten thousand years, and his blood almost reddened a planet. In the end, I still rely on Lan Shu, and this has survived the decline of the world.

Hong Meng Dao is born and born. Sure enough, it is a treasure. If there is no Hongmeng rhyme, he can also enter the bounds, but will never usher in the decline of this tragic bound. Without the decline of the bounds, he could not feel the kind of avenues of life and death without reincarnation. He could not feel the kind of smoldering planet and waved his control over the vastness of the void.

At the moment when he passed the decline of the bounds, Ning Cheng felt that he had seized something that was vital to him. That is his fate.

The boundary can be combined with the body and the world.

The best in the world, but Ning Cheng resolutely abandoned to join the world. His thought is that I am at the road. He wants to be bound, that is, his path is in harmony with the world.

As long as he is there. Both the Tao and the World exist. His world will fill his avenue, his rules.

Although he has been in the inaction of Hongmeng before, it does not mean that he does not know the things between Lan Shu and Lan Yuchen. It was because of knowing these things that he changed his mind to be bound by the world. With the kind of mind of Lan Yuchen, even if it is cultivated into the realm of creation, what can it do?

He also lost the most precious things.

At any time, no matter what the temptation. His body must be unique. Even if it is a joint venture, he can't let him use his body to get together. After being bound by the body, the body is still natural, but since it is combined with the boundary, who knows whether it will affect his thoughts and feelings?

The monastic way, the road without emotion, is not what he wants in Ningcheng. In addition to the avenue, he also has loved ones, lovers, friends, and temperament!


When I was in Ningcheng Hejie Road, no matter whether it was Ningcheng’s body week or Ningcheng’s knowledge of the sea, there was a burst of horrible rhythm.

The rhythm of the rolling road is like boiling oil that is boiled between the heavens and the earth. In this side, the void is endless and contains infinite power.

At this moment, a dozen of the strong attracted people saw this scene, and they were all shocked and waited aside, not dare to step forward.

The road is like a clearing sound from outside the universe, and it is surrounded by a void in this side.

All the onlookers looked up and looked at the void in the distance, and the eyes were full of shock. This party originally had a ruleless void, and the rules that were slowly derived at this time. In the same way, there is no place for life, and there is a bit more vitality.

It is the aura of the gods, and it slowly appears in the endless void.

Finally, some clever monks came to realize that they had to hover down the planet where Ning Cheng was located, and at the same time screamed, "Congratulations to the success of Ning Cheng Dao Junjie!"

With the first one, there is a second one.

A bounded king, and it is still a bounded king who allows the endless void to derive the rules of the heavens and the earth. How terrible is it? I am afraid that this is a bit more than the ten avenues and the five great saints. Who can dare not respect this kind of rhyme? In the face of such disrespect, you may be able to pinch you if you have a blank handprint.

As these sounds came out, the roaring sound of Ning Cheng’s planet was even more magnificent. The space around Ningcheng has even become a substance.


A burst of abrupt sounds that almost stunned the entire void, and an endless burst of meteorites was shot. All the people were horrified at the place where Ning Cheng was located. The huge gray planet could not bear the rhythm of Ning Cheng at this moment, and the fried was torn apart.

The moment when the gray planet burst, everyone can see it clearly. Between the infinite rhyme, Ning Cheng stood up in the air, and the clothes on Ning Cheng’s upper body had long since disappeared.

Ning Cheng, who is naked in the upper body, is like a **** standing in the void. The momentum of Haotian was suppressed and all the people were trembled.

Almost everyone who can come here has seen Junjie Dao. However, no one has ever seen such a strong boundary with Ning Cheng, and has not deliberately stretched the momentum. The breath of the sky makes people repressed and hard to breathe What kind of strong is this?

As the rhyme of Ningcheng's body was gradually stabilized, the magnificent atmosphere gradually dissipated, and Ningcheng gradually recovered its normal state.

Before Lan Yu’s surprise flying, “Ning Cheng, are you bound?”

She is a strong builder, or with the help of Ning Cheng's Hong Meng Dao. Lan Shu is very clear that her third step is far too far from Ning Cheng.

Ning Cheng stepped out, and he automatically added one more piece of clothing.

"Sister Sister, I am sorry, this time I am tired of you." Ningcheng clearly knew the things between Lan Shu and Lan Yuchen when they merged with the refining and red Mongolian rhyme.

Lan Shu shook her head. "This matter has nothing to do with you. If it weren't for you, I still live in fantasy..."

Lan Shu’s words suddenly stunned, and her eyes looked at the two people coming from afar. One of them was Lan Yuchen who left before Ning Cheng merged.

Seeing Lan Yuchen bring people, blue Shu mouth reveals a hint of self-deprecation, this is the person she misses day and night.

"Hey, is the joint success successful?" He was talking about a black man next to Lan Yuchen. He saw Ningcheng and said with amazement, and did not reveal too many strange expressions.

Ning Cheng whispered, "I said who came, it turned out to be an old friend."

Although he did not see the Dark Road Jun when he traded with Dark Road Jun, he must have known that the coming person is the Dark Road King. Lan Yuchen will find someone, actually found the dark road Jun.

The Dark Road Jun obviously also recognizes Ning Cheng, and smiles. "The chance is not small, but I have got the rhyme of Hongmeng and the success of the world. You keep getting good things, even I am jealous."

(Today's update is here, friends are good night!)

... (to be continued.)

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