MTL - The Gate Of Good Fortune-Chapter 1487 Qionghua's news

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"Luo Xiaojie, this person's cultivation should have entered the third step." Yan Yan stared at the fat monk cautiously, while whispering to Ji Luo.

In the past few years, she and Ji Luozhen have been looking for Ning Cheng in the inner world of chaos, and they have also got some chances. Not only is Luo Xie combined, she is the same as the perfect road, only one step can be reached into the third step.

However, the third step and the joint road are a scorpio, and some people can't even step into this scorpio for a lifetime. Therefore, there is a fundamental difference between combining and creating. Whether others create a false world or a pseudo-world, there is an essential difference.

Not everyone can go against Ning Cheng and Ye Mo, and they can fight against the powerful realm.

"The eyes are good but still almost the same. The monk is not only the third step, but also the boundary in the third step. So the two sisters, following the monk, can be regarded as your creation." The fat monk laughed and said, Yan Yan The sound of the sound could not hide his ears.

Luo Yan and Yan Yan are even more sinking in their hearts. Even Yan Yan’s voice can be heard. They may not be the opponent of this fat monk.

"Predecessors, my husband is also in this chaotic inner world..." Luo Wei said with a lucky mind, she knows that to discuss strength, they are too far apart from others. Even if they are separated, they don't have to go.

The fat monk laughed again and interrupted Ji Luo’s words. "Don’t scare the old man, don’t tell your husband what name, the old man will be scared and shivering.”

During the speech, the fat monk did not move, and the powerful rhyme became a huge handprint, and captured both Ji Luo and Yan Yan.

When Ji Luo and Yan Yan were crushed under the fat monk's realm, they couldn't move at all. At this time, they could only watch the fat monk's Dao rhyme crushed down.

"Stop, you are a predecessor, do you want to be a shame to two younger women?" A crisp voice came.

After the fat monk's bounds bound the two people, Ji Luo and Yan Yan, they looked at a local road in the void. "Hey. You think you can swear at your fat ancestor by holding a charm. Monk If you are not afraid, you will not be afraid. If you come, come over and come together..."

Talking. The majestic rhythm of the atmosphere is rolled out, and the whole space solidifies under this breath.

Under the monk of the fat monk, two figures appeared in the distant sky from Jiluo and Yan. This is also the same for two women. The difference is. The repairs of these two women do not seem to be as good as Ji Luo and Yan Yan.

The restraint weakened, and the swallows raised their hands to give a gun, and the bounds that bound her and Ji Luoqi suddenly exploded under the gun. Then Yan Yan eagerly cried, "Thank you for the help of the two sisters, you go quickly. If there is a chance, help us pass a letter to my husband Jun Ningcheng, and say that Luo and I died in a fat monk. ......"

The words of Yan Yan fell, and Ling Xiaoshuang, who was about to crush the sputum, was suddenly a meal. Not only Ling Xiaoshuang, but the rhyme of the fat monk also stagnated.

With the guns of Yu Wei, Ji Luo and Yan Yan quickly escaped the bounds of the fat monk's realm.

"Even if you want to escape. Monks can easily catch up, if you don't believe, try it." The fat monk slowed down, and the tone was somewhat low. Compared to the previous contempt and disdain, the fat monk's tone seems to be a little more anxious.

When Ningcheng took away the Hongyun Tao rhyme, he inquired about it and finally learned the origin of Ningcheng. Moreover, I also know that the reason why the inner boundary of the chaos was opened was because Ning Cheng called for the axe. Not only that, Xuan Huang Shengzhu, Wu Sedaojun and Power Road Junshi brothers jointly counted Ning Cheng, still being taken away by Ning Cheng.

Although he was conceited, the four sneaked into one of Ning Cheng. He probably won't be able to deal with it. It is conceivable how much Ningcheng exerted pressure on him. This really confesses the words he had arrogant before, and he did not care about other names. But this Ningcheng... If he really moved these two women, I am afraid that he will really tremble with fear when he hears the name.

Perhaps Ningcheng has long since fallen. Otherwise, why haven’t there been news for so many years? As long as you take these two away, no, these four women, who knows what is going on? The only thing is that you can't let these four people take one of them.

The same Ji Luo and Yan Yan also know that this fat monk is true. So I didn’t dare to escape, but I was still careful to watch the fat monk.

"Your husband is really Ningcheng?" Ling Xiaoshuang asked in amazement, did not continue to crush the shackles in his hands.

Yan Yan nodded, "Ning Cheng is our husband, this sister, do you know Ning Cheng?"

Speaking of the back, Yan Yan has revealed the look of expectation.

One side of the mining machine slammed his mouth and said to himself, "These strong people are really big radishes, and Ning Cheng actually has two wives."

Ling Xiaoshuang smiled a little and didn't care about the machine. In the vast starry sky, as long as you are like-minded, don't say two, even if it is seven or eight together, it is also a monk who everyone admires. The reason why the mining machine said this is because the place where the mining machine is located is completely different from the vast universe.

"I really saw Ning Cheng Daojun. Not long ago, Ning Cheng Dao Jun Hejie succeeded. He and Dark Daojun had a fight..."

"Ningcheng is a successful joint venture?" The fat monk's mouth continued to twitch and asked subconsciously.

When he saw Ning Cheng, it seemed that Ning Cheng didn’t take a long time to create a world. Now it’s bounded? When people create the world, they are far from being defeated. Now the bounds are definitely due to the integration of Hongmeng rhyme. He said this, I am afraid that it is not enough for someone else to crush a finger.

"Ningcheng Road Junjunjie, I saw it with my own eyes, can you have a fake?" The mining machine snorted and said that this fat monk she looked very disrespectful. If Ye Ye is here, it is estimated that he will kill him with a slap. Your own strength is still too low, we must work hard to improve.

"Then he and the Dark Road Jun fight, what is the result?" The fat monk quickly stood and asked again.

Ling Xiaoshuang said faintly, "That is not called a war, the dark road Jun and Ning Daojun are too far apart, but between the tricks, the dark rhyme is a big hit. If Ning Daojun can't leave if there is something, I am afraid that the dark road will be It has long since been removed from this universe."

The fat monk sucked a cold breath, and Ning Cheng’s strength was once again stronger. Don't say Ning Cheng, even if it is the dark road, I am afraid I can easily kill his monk.

Do these two women want to move or not? If you don't move, Ning Cheng will definitely know that he once wanted to take his Taoist. If you move...

Yan Yan and Ji Luozhen heard that Ning Cheng was here, and they had long wanted to stop Ling Xiaoshuang and the mining machine to ask. Only now there is a fat monk here, the two have to hold back.

I saw that the fat monk had some jealousy about Ning Cheng. Ji Luo’s tone was cold. “Why, don’t you believe that Ning Cheng is our husband?”

The fat monk is sinking in his heart. Can he not believe it? Although the gun symbol of Yan Yan’s sacrifice was tender, it was obviously the result of Ning Cheng’s gun. It is certain that when Ning Cheng first condensed the gun symbol, the strength was not high.


Ning Cheng finally regained his gaze. If these things did not happen, Lan Shu would definitely not leave alone.

He looked down at a mini axe in his hand, which was placed in the palm of his hand when Lan Shu left. Why did you give this axe to him, Ning Cheng knew very well. Because this axe is too illusory and refining, at the beginning, Lan Shu took him to a harvest blacksmith shop with a precious piece of virginity.

Too virtual gold is a precious treasure in the mainland of the comet. No one will bend over to the ground here. Lan Shu is telling him that her friendship with him is the same as it was at the beginning and will never change. Just like this is too illusory, it won't change because of anything.

Ning Cheng cautiously used his fingers to drop a drop of blood on this mini-virtual axe. With his current strength, he should refine this low-level axe, as long as the gods read it a little. However, he still used the method of refining his true axe. Only in this way would he recall the bits and pieces of the original.

Ning Cheng's strength is too strong, and his drop of blood falls on the mini axe, and the axe automatically becomes his thing, and there is no need to do any refining.

Then the sound of Lan Shu’s surprise came. "City brother, you are still the original, Sister Shu is really happy. In this world, not all people and things will change. At least I will not change, at least you have not changed." You can refine this real magic axe with pure Even if I am tired, I will not meet you, maybe I will come back to you.

I met the predecessor of the Qing Dynasty in Taisu Market. The predecessors asked me to bring a sentence to you. After Qionghua entered the lyric round, he never came out again. Also, be careful when you go, take care. ”

The sound stopped short.

Qionghua went back to the lyrics? Ning Cheng was shocked, the first consciousness was to chase Lan Shu. He quickly calmed down, and Lan Shu would definitely tell him if he knew where the lyrics were going back.

Thinking of this, Ning Cheng could no longer stay, and stepped into the original inner chaos from the cracked void.

He must find the teacher as soon as possible, and then let the teacher tell him where the lyrics are. The reason why Shi Yiqing did not tell Lan Shu, the location of the lyrical reincarnation, in addition to the hidden secrets of the nine-turned holy road pool, I am afraid I still want to see how much he is determined to save Qionghua.

Ning Cheng has just entered the inner world of chaos, and his heart is ecstasy. He saw Luo Yi and Yan Yan are also here. Luo Yan and Yan Yan appeared here, and definitely came to him.

Then he saw the fat monk, and the gun symbol he had left for Yan Yan was inspired. Ning Cheng was furious and stepped over in the past. This fat monk had shot him at the time of robbing Hong Meng Dao Yun. He had not settled his account yet. He dared to stop Luo and Yan Yan, and he was just looking for death.

(Chapter 2 is still a bit late)




[To be continued]. 】

Read The Duke's Passion