MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 104 Was smashed

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Yan Jie does not say anything. He lowered his head and stroked his neck. After three words, he still couldn't say it.

Suo Le Yao also did not intend to ask questions. He saw that Yan Jie did not adjust his sitting posture very naturally. He went to get some nougat and biscuits, and took his own tea.

He has had less time to do this since he has three small shackles, but because some people like it, they will do it when they are empty.

"This is the cranberry nougat and cookies I made. You can taste it." Le Yao sat down opposite Yan Jie.

“Biscuit and sugar are very delicious. Mr. Xiaole, do you like to eat sweets?” Yan Jie asked. Almost every time he comes, Le Yao has a variety of snacks and snacks.

"I don't like to eat, it's your continued brother who likes to eat." Le Yao said, "I am still a sweet treat, but there is nothing to be."

"Then I have the light of your couple." Yan Jie also likes to eat sweets. He ate two nougat and drank some flower tea. He did not show much interest in the biscuits. Maybe this time I need something special sweet to make myself happy.

It seems that the mood is really good after eating, but Yan Jie is not in a hurry to leave. It is strange to say that there are so many people in the whole division. Le Yao should be the one he knows at the latest, but he is quite close to Le Yao. Some words are embarrassing to say to other brothers outside, but with Le Yao. It seems like it can be said. Maybe it is because even if he doesn't say Le Yao can count it?

Yan Jie then ripped a candy package. His attention was temporarily placed on the incubator. There were three white fat guys who were sleeping well. He looked at it for a while and was about to look back. He saw the biggest guy suddenly woke up in a small body and snorted.

"Hey, it's you!" Le Yao pretended to be angry, bowed his finger and tapped it twice on the incubator. "It's your skin!"

"What happened to him?" Yan Jie asked.

"He can be awesome. I called you to continue my brother 'Dad' this morning, and I still don't want to go to work in your continued brother." Le Yao smiled and took the boss out. "Navigation, you said, I just said Are these all good things for you?"

"Oh?" Continued to smash two legs, biting a small fist, Le Le Yao smiled.

"Mr. Xiaole, you and the continuation brother, you have no one in this gene. He really grew very fast recently." Yan Jie has never seen a few children, but none of the rare ones is comparable to the battery life. It is clear that the parents' genes of those children are also very good.

"Let's hurry up, it's better. At the beginning, I really didn't dare to start. I changed the diaper to get a spirit of 120,000 points." Le Yao said with a smile, "Now it will not be. Airline? Come, call 'Daddy' or 'Lele'!"

The young master turned his head and ignored him. He turned his head, look at it, it seems to say "you talk about you, I see me, don't bother me?", giving a feeling of special leisure. Le Yao looked so angry and funny, but he did not take it.

At this time, Yan Jie said a little abruptly: "In fact, I am a bit contradictory."

"Ah? What are the contradictions?" Le Yao turned his head.

"It's the positioning problem between two people. I used to think about a gentle and virtuous beta to be a wife. I didn't expect to come to Yang Hengtian." The alha!

"This is a destiny thing, don't tangled." Le Yao said, "And you think about it from another angle. If you find a gentle and virtuous wife, then it is you who work hard to raise money to support the family. Now you are lying down Someone is taking care of you, isn't it cool too?"

"...Being a man has to pursue." Yan Jie said, "And I am at this level, in fact, I can raise a family without much hard work."

"Hey, I just said this." Le Yao laughed. "I want to go to the good side in everything. If you are a human being, you must learn to adapt to change quickly. You see me and you continue, I am responsible for giving him food. There are carers and these three little bastards, he earns money to raise us, so think about it, don't be too harmonious. I think the best relationship between the two is that everyone can stand alone, but each other needs each other. You see that you and Yang are also people who can stand alone. But now you are separated from Yang Zongyi. It is obviously that you need him. When he is there, I can’t bear to leave you half a step. He also needs you very much. Isn't that good? What is 'two loves together'? This is called 'two feelings of joy'!"

Yan Jie’s ear quietly turned red. He didn't mean to say that when Yang Hengtian was going to leave, he didn't really feel much. He even felt that he was gone. I didn’t expect it to go wrong. He used to be very focused on his work, and rarely seldom distracted. But this morning, he didn't know how much he was going back.

To say that he does not want Yang Hengtian, don't say that others do not believe, even he does not believe.

It is said that falling in love will reduce intelligence, and it is not unreasonable.

Le Yao looked at the time: "Wait to eat together?"

Yan Jie thought about it and said, "No. I don't go to the cafeteria today. I have to go to the computer room. Thank you Mr. Xiaole for asking me for a snack."

Le Yao said with a smile: "You are welcome. You want to eat and come over at any time. If you like this sugar, take it away."

Yan Jie thinks, it is not polite, then he took another hand and turned and left.

Le Yao did not ask more, holding the endurance station to the window sill, saw Yan Jie on the aircraft, and left.

It took some time to set up a living area and start some large-scale energy equipment. When I was busy, I had already had a normal lunch time. Le Yao waited for a while, but he was not busy, and he took the children to the cafeteria first.

It’s rare to have a little time in a year and the temperature is normal. It’s quite fun to get together. Someone saw Le Yao bring the children over and said: "Mrs. Head Lady is good at noon!"

This big trick is Zhang Weiwei. Le Yao said with a smile: "Zhang Tuan, you are very excited today."

Zhang Weiwei said: "The main reason is that the head is booming. He didn't know what a good thing he was doing today. He actually allowed us to have dinner together tonight. It used to be our own small unit. We couldn't have the whole class together, but today the head of the committee agreed. ""

After a period of adaptation, everyone became familiar with Le Yao, and also knows that Le Yao has more ability, and they are still very kind with them, and they are no longer restrained when they talk.

Liu Yi said: "Yes, Mr. Xiaole, do you know what happy things the headmaster has today?"

Le Yao hasn't said anything yet. Suddenly, the sound of the sequel is coming from the incubator: "Hey, hey!"

Le Yao stunned, and this was again thought out, and he simply took the boss out and said: "It should be the first time called "Dad," too excited."

The soldiers stayed a bit: "Who? Do you dare to call the head ‘Dad’? Is it too big?”

Obviously the three children are too small, so no one thought they could call Dad. The idea was to do this for an adult. At this time, I heard the little guy in Le Yao’s arms screaming: “Ba, Baba!”

The people around Le Yao instantly opened their mouths, and then they just listened to someone at the door and laughed and said: "Hey! Good son, have you seen Dad so far?"

Endurance with a small arm, very powerful called: "Ba!"

Continue to hug the boss: "Hey, don't you think about Dad?"

If you don't say "thinking", you will call "Baz!" repeatedly, or smile sweetly, and then stretch out the small arm like a squat to let him hold him.

The full-fledged soldiers looked at it and continued to hold the eldest son in his heart. This is a satisfaction.

Le Yao is not so sour, laughing and saying: "You know your dad with a small tail."

The people around me have recovered from the shock: "The head, he is so small, he will be called 'Dad'? This is too great!"

Continued to hold up the battery to a group of people who are eating: "It's a bit powerful. Come to sail, wave to the uncle and the aunts, they are the people who fly the wolf, we are all family."

There is no wave of battery life, but the smile is very sweet, and it feels like I really understand the meaning of "family". And this group of soldiers has already exploded. I have seen smart children, I have never seen such a smart person, and this development is too fast.

"The head, when you were a child, did you have a small flight to talk so fast?" Zhang Weiwei asked.

"No. Blue is better than blue. The family will be stronger than me in the future." Continued to laugh and said to ask Le Yao: "Right, Yan Jie did not come with you? He did not go to tea there before. ?"

"Drinking the tea is gone." Le Yao said, "I have to go to the computer room to see."

"It’s a bit weird to say that the Yangong is today." The head of the explosion-proof regiment said: "I saw him this morning. I just wanted to say a few words. As a result, he turned and left. I don’t know why. I’m sure he saw I am."

"I am also me too!" Zhang Weiwei echoed, "I have to say a few words to him, and he suddenly changed direction."

"I know." Tang Yan smiled badly. "He has the pheromone taste of Yang. It is still obvious. Didn't you smell it?"

"I am going to be true and false?!" Zhang Weiwei said, "Is Yang always so fast?!"

"What do you mean?" Le Yao did not understand too much. "There are no glands in the beta, and there is no estrus period. Is it not impossible to mark it? Why does the Yangong have the taste of Yang?"

Le Yao asked very sincerely, but when he asked, everyone was silent.

Finally, Tang Zhen asked Le Yao: "Mr. Xiao Le, you will not sleep in your physiology class?"

Le Yao: "That didn't." Suddenly: "I usually go out to play in the physiology class."

Tang Wei: "..."

Zhang Weiwei suddenly got up with a lunch box: "Hey, how is this dish so light today? I went out to see if there is anything else I can eat."

Seeing him up, other people followed up and stood up: "It turned out that I don't have this feeling alone, Lao Zhang! Together!"

In the end, there are only two people, Xu Wei and Le Yao, and three small ones.

Le Yao asked: "Is it a dish? I don't think it is light."

Continued to laugh, said: "The dishes are not light, they are just a bit awkward. Alha can't mark beta, but if the number of intimacy exceeds a certain value at a certain time, it will leave a pheromone in beta for a short time. See the ability of alha It can last for a whole day to a whole year."

Le Yao said: "One day and a whole year? Is this gap too big?"

Continued said: "Well, if you do it once, it will certainly last for a whole year. But Yan Jie is beta, it is unlikely that it will be so easy."

Le Yao: "..." can't say that the head is so full, although it is said on behalf of others.

Yan Jie just bought some food from the supermarket and went to the computer room. If anyone knows that he and Yang Hengtian are not temperate, he must be angry and shouting. But he didn't know about it, so he took a small crystal bottle pendant from his clothes while holding the sausage in his hand. It is this thing that exudes the taste of Yang Hengtian, which is something that someone must hang on before he goes!

The taste is quite good.

Yan Jie left and right, see no one, took the small bottle to the nose and smelled it, then rushed into the clothes like a thief, and expressed his spit to his behavior!

Only eight hours apart!

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