MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 24 You are quite skinny.

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If Le Yao applied the law, after a while the guards woke up, it would be a coincidence. But the two guards are all the first time when Le Yao is finished, what does this mean? Explain that something other than their cognition does exist! What is even more shocking is that this “beyond cognition” is now around them.

It’s okay to continue, and there is more psychological preparation. Others are a bit tough, especially the dean and the attending doctor and Yan Jie, who always feel that the three views must be subverted.

When the three people looked at Le Yao again, their eyes became very complicated. Amazing, curious, admirable, respectful, all kinds of. It is no doubt before.

"It seems that our knowledge is shallow, it is really embarrassing." The dean is an alpha in his fifties, a military doctor for a lifetime, or a fighter in a military doctor. He was silent for a moment and sighed and said: "Mr. Xiaole today really makes me gain more insights."

"Yes, Dean. It’s not the first time I heard this, but I never felt that it really existed before. Now think about it, it’s really too much." Tang’s doctor also said, "I hope there is a chance to listen." Mr. Xiaole talks about this knowledge. Our aim is to save the world."

"The two have been praised, but in fact they are not very powerful." Le Yao smiled and said, "And I know a fur, I can use this ability when I use it. Many times, I still have to suffer from injuries." Resolving problems by medical means, so I still have a lot of places to learn from you in the future."

"You are very modest." A fur can wake up people who can't wake up in life and death. What if it is really powerful? !

"Mr. Xiaole, I am a little curious." Yan Jie said, "You said that there is a soul that has collided with the souls of the two guards. Why did the undead do this?"

The two guards had already gone back. This "nothing for no reason" fell down to sleep for a day, and finally woke up. All the people who saw it in the blink of an eye were big leaders. They were scared and couldn’t let them The son accepted too terrible information, so the dean asked them to return.

Le Yao thought for a moment and said, "This is a long story. But the root cause should be that you offended him first. Now it is night. If you don't mind, I can ask him to come and ask him."

A breeze blew, no one snorted...

Or continue to 尧, said: "Well, let him come over."

Le Yao took the cinnabar liquid, and according to the birthday character that was reserved for him yesterday, he drew a character on the ground and recruited Rong Gui.

Rong Gui is a little hungry, and Le Yao called him and he immediately came over. When he came, he brought a smoldering wind and blew a piece of paper in the ward. "Hey, hey, it’s a normal voice, listening to it." Extraordinary deaf people, and successfully let the temperature in the house drop significantly.

Some unknown, invisible things succeeded in making the heads of the people tremble, but they saw Le Yao and added a column of incense.

Le Yao said: "Rengui, can you tell me why the two guards are rushing? And why is the deputy division of Shang Tang?"

When he spoke, he was subconsciously rushing to the forehead, but at the same time he was also directed at Zhang Weiwei, because Rong Gui was behind Zhang Weiwei. Zhang Weiwei saw Le Yao's gaze through his body and looked behind him. He felt the scalp numb and the hair of the whole body was erected.

He moved to the side stiffly, making the feeling of breastfeeding suppress the feeling of hair in his heart.

Ronggui "snap", played in general, and floated behind Zhang Weiwei. Although he recognized the lord of Le Yao, but after all, there is hate in his heart, so his words and deeds will not be moderate to his loved ones.

Le Yao was not used to him. Seeing him like this, he sat directly on the bed and did not look at him, lest the heads feel scared.

Ronggui saw that Yao Yao did not cooperate with him. He felt that it was not fun. He sucked the mouthful food and said: "Who asked them to dig up my house? After I was starved to death, my vicious relay room and her Xiaoye didn’t find a good place to bury it. I wrapped it on the mat and threw it on the mountain. I let the wild dog worm eat my body. I didn’t even have a place to live, and there were families and descendants everywhere. The ghosts of the sneer ridiculed. Later, I managed to find a place in my own relationship. These people were good, and I dug it up!"

Le Yao listened carefully and turned to tell the people present: "He said that you have dug his home." Then he asked Ronggui: "Where is your home probably?"

Ronggui said: "In a cave. I heard that they are called 'Dakurun Hill.'"

Le Yao said: "He said that in a cave, you are called Nada Cullen."

After Le Yao’s words were finished, the atmosphere in the room suddenly and subtly stagnate, and the continuous smashing of the eyebrows was inconspicuous.

Ronggui answered the end, "food" with incense. Le Yao sees their response and knows that Rong Gui is definitely right, and asked Rong Gui: "Where did you go back to live last night?"

Ronggui said: "Where can I live? Just look for an empty grave to deal with one night. This year, the empty grave is not easy to find. After the disaster, there is almost nothing left, and I am a ghost, a place to float. How much more empty space is available."

Le Yao said: "I can't help it. I changed the day and I got the space to burn the room and set up a grave."

Ronggui frowning: "Really?"

Le Yao said: "Nature is true."

Ronggui’s eyes were sour, but he suddenly remembered that he could not shed tears. So he sucked his mouth again. He looked at it clearly and couldn't see him, but he accurately figured out the continuation of his position. The thin and thin hands crossed the window several times. He still seems to want to tell Le Yao what he is, but in the end he did not say anything. When the fragrance was completely burned out, I left a sentence: "I haven't had anything to do next."

Le Yao nodded.

When the elders were gone, Le Yao discovered that the heads of the time had not spoken for so long.

It seems to be petrified, except for continued.

"What did you say before you burned the troubled house? It seems to be a place to give up?" Continued to be alert, I thought of the pothole carton box villa on the beach.

"Ah, that's for Ji Fengyu, he has already lived." Le Yao said, "In fact, it should be better, but I was too poor at the time, and I dealt with it, hehe."

"The man who just said... the undead, you said that you want to burn him a paper house. Since his family is dug by our people, I will come out with this money." continued, "You give him a better point." ""

"Well, I thank him for his head." Le Yao said, "There are still heads. I suggest that Tang’s deputy commander should be distracted as soon as possible, because there are too many uncertain factors outside, and his soul is It’s been a few days, and the longer it takes, the harder it will be.”

"……Is it?"


Others dare not speak out, always feel that the expression of the head of the head looks like a wave of darkness, seems to be calculating. His gaze fell on the lady's face, and he looked at it with a good look, while the lady stood upright and looked at the head of the gaze as a review.

In fact, Le Yao can't hold it anymore, but when he thinks about the picture of the fish, he just makes himself laugh.

In the end, continued to tell Ming Shu: "Let the kitchen keep a live fish, as for when to use it, ask Le Yao."

Uncle Ming said: "Good head."

Le Yao said: "Do I want to go tomorrow?" Le Yao arbitrarily counted on the finger: "I mean, forget it, tomorrow is a good day for everything."

Continue to swear at him, no response. He turned to others and said: "Today, come here first, have any questions and send me a message."

Suddenly such a big thing happened, except for Le Yao who had to spend some time digesting it at the place. Naturally, there was no objection to the continued swearing. Afterwards, he went to see the Tang dynasty and left the ward area.

Le Yao quickly took his pile of chickens and dogs and shattered the "bells and bells" to keep up. The person behind him looked at his back and looked complicated.

For a long while, Zhang Weiwei, the head of the light machine, said to his deputy head: "Ke Yang, my house seems to be a problem with the temperature control system for two days. It’s so boring, or I’m going to squeeze you tonight. ?"

Ke Yang said: "OK! No problem!"

At this time, the two heads of the heavy machine group also exchanged a tacit look.

For those who can see, they will not be embarrassed, but this invisible is really unfounded.

"President, you are still calm." The doctor is on duty, so he can't go back. He wants to say that his heart is hairy. He is the most hairy in his heart, because he still has to observe the condition of Tang Yan from time to time, and Tang Yu’s ward is squatting. Le Yao has just "casting" the ward.

The dean silently wiped his hand and did not speak.

On the way back to the continuation and Le Yao, Le Yao has been shaking his little dinosaur bells, and he has a small song from time to time.

The song is very strange, but it is quite nice.

"You seem to be very happy?" Continued to ask.

"Of course happy. Can you use your ability to help others, is it not worth happy?" Le Yao said, "Tomorrow will be happier."

"Because I want to go out of the ocean?"

Le Yao heart said yes yeah! The face is very serious: "How is it possible? Am I kind of person?!"

Continue to not answer. When I got home, both of them went to bed, and continued to ask Le Yao: "Can I transfer the fish before I get the fish and throw it into the sea?"

Le Yao said: "Of course not. Because you are not afraid of anger, yang is still prosperous, so I am looking for you."

Continued: "That is to say, as long as people who are not afraid of resentment change hands?"

Le Yao said: "Yes. But I told you that you can't find others at will. Most people can't resolve their grievances by themselves. At least I haven't seen a second person in your teacher. You, you have to be you. Your head is full of yang! The ghosts are afraid of you!"

Continued to believe it. This little rabbit's eyes are twirling, obviously it is a bad idea, when he can't see it?

The head looked like a stubborn look: "Let's go. Tomorrow, you will see what kind of fish you want to take, telling Uncle Ming."

Le Yao said: "Well!"

After a while, I slept in the past, and I still screamed from time to time, and I didn’t know what to eat in my dreams.

Oh, it’s really thicker than the pig’s neck!

At this time, Leslie's voice was heard at the personal terminal. Continued to choose to listen to the voice between the text and the direct listening voice. After listening to the encrypted text, I replied to each message. After replying to him, he discovered that Le Yao didn't know when he got into his arms. To be precise, it should be between his body and his arm.

This child is also a wonderful sleep, do not know how to develop a stinking disease, always like to put his head in the "sandwich" to sleep, he found that it has been the third time.

He would push it away before, but today it feels very fun, so he simply puts people in his arms.

Le Yao seems to be not very happy, and it will stop after two sounds.

Continued to listen to Le Yao Yao, can not help but gently sniff on his gland, and then counted a whole night of stars.

The next day, when Le Yao woke up, she always felt a bit sore on her neck, but she couldn't think of any reason. Later, he decided that it was a stiff neck, and he used a towel to heat himself during the bath. After that I felt relieved, this is going to be breakfast.

"Don't do it, I will let the cafeteria send breakfast, send some meat and seafood by the way, and I will be there in a short time." Continued standing at the door of the kitchen and said, "You haven't eaten the canteen since you came here, just like there is no food at home. You experience it."

"Ah? That's great. I must remember to go out and buy food today."

“Buy some eggplant.” continued, “The eggplant you made is delicious.”

"No problem!" Le Yao said that he cooked the dishes deliciously, and he was very happy. He said, "I will have a lot of other dishes. I will let you try them back. Also, I use yours today. Is it possible to print paper and colored pencils? I see that you have it, I use it, and give it to the house."

"Yes. But how do I still owe me something to do?"

"What, what?" Le Yao was a little bit.

Continued to come over, pinch Le Yao's chin, bite on his lips, and smiled and said: "I said I used a piece of paper to bite you, right?"

Le Yao quickly licked his mouth and stepped back three steps: "I, I will use one!"

Continued: "There was just the principal, and I received another interest at night."

Le Yao: "Scratch! You are a loan shark?!"

Continued face is not red heart does not jump: "How did you not find it when you borrowed money with me?"

Le Yao: "#@¥@#......¥%¥*&!"

As soon as I thought of biting at night, Le Yao wondered how to toss about it when she had breakfast. Later, when he went out to work, Ming Shu came to ask him what kind of fish he wanted. He said that he wanted the biggest and most lively in the canteen!

In the morning, Le Yao didn't have anything else. He went to the cold shed and returned the refrigerator after he came back. It was too hot in the afternoon, he didn't go out, and he was at home to fill the expensive house. Ronggui is an ancient old ghost, so this house can't be too modern, and it is estimated that it is not customary. Le Yao spent a little bit of thought, giving the ancient building.

When you concentrate on your time, your time is always fast, and you have to go into the night.

Le Yao made a burnt eggplant, and continued to eat a meal, and set off again to the hospital.

This time there was no one at the door of the Tang dynasty.

"Nobody how?" Le Yao asked.

"Yesterday, you opened the door to their new world. Maybe it hasn't slowed down yet." Continued with a large bucket in his hand, there is a live fish.

Are you sure that you are not afraid of losing your face, so you have sent people away? Le Yao heart! Mouth said: "Okay, then you can do it yourself. You hug the fish now, remember that you must not let the fish run. Then wait for me to do the law, tell you 'go"! You will hold the fish Run to the beach. Remember, this time you have to be down to earth, and you can't just run. You have to remember that after you leave the hospital, you should immediately shout: 'God! Please resent the ocean! Take back the earth! Also, Tang Yin Qing Ming! ', remember to shout loudly and shout three times so that the gods can hear it. And the heart must be honest. Then you can throw the fish in after the beach."

How do you listen to Hut? Continued, but did not hesitate to say: "Well. Is it time-limited?"

Le Yao said: "Unlimited, it will be delivered before dawn. But you remember, don't change others! Respond to others, this is bad, you can't find you, but will punish you. Brother, because he would think that he turned his grievances to others. This can be related to whether your brother can wake up."

The continued tongue swept between his teeth: "Know it."

Le Yao said: "Come on! Let's get started, you pick up the fish and open the sterile cabin of Deputy Director Tang."

Continued to hesitate, holding the big fish standing aside, voice control opened the sterile cabin.

Le Yao thought about making a fuss, but it was true after turning away the grievances, so when the hatch opened, he became serious. He used the three-column fragrance to worship the sky, and used his small branches on his way to gently smear the top of the Tang dynasty. Then he took the small tree strip and did the cleaning action against Tang Yin’s body. : "San Sheng Zhenjun got up early, Le Yao came to sweep the grievances, sweeping away the clear eyes, sweeping the whole year without disease, three sweeping every day happy. Resentment and resentment..." Le Yao turned and put the twigs The article is on the fish: "Go!"

Continue to turn around and run towards the door!

Le Yao: Hey, I ran really! ! !

He quickly took the twigs to the window to watch the excitement. After a while, I saw someone coming out of the main entrance of the hospital. The outside light is not so strong, he can't see it clearly, but vaguely thinks that the person is holding something. Then, after a while, he heard someone shouting: "God! Please take back the sea with resentment! Reclaim the earth! Also Tang Yan Qingming!"

Le Yao sprayed in an instant, but he was also curious as to whether he would always run to the beach, and he quickly recruited Ji Fengyu, and he also asked them to savour.

Ji Fengyu soon arrived, and Le Yao said: "Hey winds, you are going to the nearest seaside, go see my family, the teacher has not thrown the fish in his arms into the sea."

Ji Fengyu: "What do you mean?"

At this time, there was another high-spirited one: "God! Please take back the sea with resentment! Reclaim the earth! Also Tang Yan Qingming!"

Le Yao looked at the outsiders who were not awake around, and smiled bluntly: "I just told the teacher that he wants to blame his brother, and he has to rush with the live fish and shout in his mouth, "God! Please Rescuing the sea back! Recovering the earth! Also Tang Yan Qingming! ', I said, in fact, just find someone to take the fish into the bucket and bring it to the sea. As a result, he really believed, did you hear him shouting? Hahahaha Hahahaha! Oh my god, laughing at me, hahaha..."

Ji Fengyu didn't smile, and looked at the brother who laughed and smacked with sympathy.

Le Yao smiled for a long time and finally found that something was wrong. Ask Ji Fengyu: "Isn't it funny? Why don't you laugh?"

Ji Fengyu said: "It is very funny, but I think you may have to cry."

Le Yao frowned: "What do you mean?"

Continued Fengyu: "You turn your head and look behind you."

Le Yao said, "What happened to me?" Turning his head, he just turned to the obvious smile of a teacher outside the window.

A teacher is holding a fish and standing on the window on a small table that is less than fifteen centimeters. I don't know how to do it.

The teacher said: "Le Yao Yao, are you skinny?"

Le Yao: "...?!"

No, who was the man who saw him out of the building just now!