MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 28 Sign holders (small repair)

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After waking up the next day, Le Yao still washes his hands and washes the breakfast as before. He also sent some spares, and then saw that Xu continued to wake up and said "early ~". Continued, "Hmm," and asked him what to eat in the morning.

It seems that everything is about the same in peacetime, but Le Yao also said that it is not good, it feels different from usual. Then he did not consciously add some care when he was doing things.

Continued to see the problem quickly, but did not deliberately remind. Speaking of it, he went out after eating in the morning, and came back when he was busy at night. Sometimes he came back to dinner at noon, but he didn't have much time to stay with Le Yao. Therefore, the two people have figured out the temperament of the other party to some extent from the process of living together, but many details are still ignorant.

If it is the former Le Yao, it is better to say that analyzing the growth trajectory can also guess some problems. But now this Le Yao is the new Le Yao, and the people who know him are long gone. Only some of the undead may know the current Le Yao, but those who continue to communicate are still unable to communicate.

"I just found three places according to what you said. After a while, you can see if there is any suitable." After the meal, I continued to change clothes and said, "Other than your aircraft is not suitable for flying here. You want to use it, I can make people help you to modify it, so it will be more convenient for you to travel later. But my suggestion is to try not to go out of the camp."

"That's a modification, it's convenient for me to use it in the camp. The camp is big enough." Le Yao said, "Then I decided that I might have to go home and take things after I got a grave, so today I probably Got..." Le Yao has a scissorsman: "You have to trouble you twice."

"Who am I?" continued to ask.

"Ah?" Le Yao is a bit embarrassed, "continued and continued."

"What else?" continued to come closer, just standing opposite Le Yao.

"Old, husband."


"My." Continue to swear you this wicked person!

"What kind of 'trouble' is there between the couple?" continued, and slowly licked the neck of Yan Leyao. "If you really feel trouble, it is better to give me something real. For example..." Bowed down and kissed Le Yao's lips.

Not just like the first time, just gently kiss, not as light as a second time, but not a bite, but carefully smashed, slowly grinding, for a long time.

Until the color of Le Yao's slightly lighter lips, the breathing was followed by instability. The talent stopped and whispered in Le Yao's ear: "Hey, help me buckle."

Le Yao still has a dizzy voice. When he heard this, he asked sillyly: "What, what button?"

Continue to grab his hand and put it on his chest.

It’s hot outside and the light is super strong, but it’s because of this, so you have to wear long-sleeved clothes. In the continuation of the military uniform, he wore a long-sleeved white shirt. When he kissed Le Yao, he did not buckle the button. Le Yao looked up at this moment, just can see the sturdy chest muscles, and then nodded, the tight and powerful eight-pack abs muscles are reflected in the fundus, super visual impact.

"I, I don't deduct!" Le Yao said to withdraw his hand. This is still not deducted. His heart is "empty and empty" and jumps wildly. If it is buckled, he will not explode in place. ! Ah ah ah ah ah! Continue this old fox! Always yell at him!

"If you don't deduct, you won't be taken to the cemetery." Continued, "I bully you at home."

"Who said what he said is always counting!" Le Yao said, "What did you promise yesterday? Come back today?"

"Then you buckle or not buckle?" Continued 尧 has never let go, but also badly ticked in the hands of Le Yao.

Le Yao didn't have much strength at all. He couldn't escape without letting go. In addition, the continuation of the pheromone seems to become a entity, encircling his whole person in a forced space, so he can only obey the "evil power"!

Buckle buckle!

Le Yao’s hand shook slightly, but it was still one grain and one button, and the buttons were buckled. He was nervous, and his fingertips touched the continuation of the flesh from time to time. It was clear that he just moved quickly and touched it quickly, but the heat of the sequel seemed to flow through his fingertips to the whole body...

"This is okay!" Step back and continue to squat, his face fluttering.

"Yeah." continued, said, "but don't be so jealous of others in the future. Originally, the eyes are big, like a deer, watching more want to bully."

"There can be a few people like you who like to bully this day!" Le Yao said that the clothes that had been replaced by the continuation were packed up in the bathroom, and the clothes were changed in the way. There was a mirror in the bathroom. He saw his reddish mouth, raised his hand and touched it, then whispered to himself in the mirror: "It makes sense, just quite comfortable." After a while : "Ah! What do you think about Le Yao?"

"Le Yao Yao? Why can't you come out?" continued to shout outside.

"Come here!" Le Yao quickly selected the laundry function and left the bathroom.

The continued aircraft has already been waiting outside, and Le Yao sat down with him in the position he had been sitting before, and then looked out the window. Anyway, I will not look at it.

Continued and vaguely felt that the little wife was shy, so she poked a poke if nothing happened, but did not tease him again. Until he reached the first place where he thought the conditions were attached, he asked Le Yao: "Would you like to go down and see?"

Le Yao asked: "Is this the closest place to the camp in the three places you chose?"

Continued said: "Yes. We had planned to build the camp here, but it was too flat and the concealment was not good enough, so we chose the place now."

Le Yao said: "Which training do you usually have, will it affect the surrounding?"

Continued said: "No."

Le Yao said with a smile: "That's great. You don't have to look down here, you can. I will come over when the sun is going down the mountain. I have to trouble you when I arrive..." Le Yao just said that this is the case. He quickly changed his mouth: "By the way, you have to bring the stone tablet to help me!"

Continued to say: "Well, I know."

The man fell and habitually put his legs on the coffee table, and his fingers bowed rhythmically to the sofa armrests. His gaze fell on the face of a little excited child looking out the window, an unprecedented gentleness.

After Le Yao arrived home, she quickly steamed some steamed buns with the dough she had made before, made some appetizers, and then went to the supermarket to buy two bottles of white wine and some sausages. He also selected three brush to spare.

It can only be up to three for a pen to be blessed at a time. But as long as you keep it, these three are enough for him to use for a month. This time he is a small holding, it can also be said that it is a small 敕, that is, the monthly lunar calendar can add one. There is also an increase in holdings (敕), every year on the 30th of the twelfth lunar month, plus one can be used for a whole year.

When the sun was about to fall, he continued to return on time. He also said that according to Le Yao, Tang Yan, who had not recovered from the wound but could also go to the ground, was brought over. Tang Yan also followed Ming Shu and Yan Jie, and then five people sat on the continued flying aircraft and flew again to the location selected by Le Yao.

During the period, Tang Yan looked at Le Yao from time to time and always felt that this "little scorpion" was a bit strange.

He can say that after he had slept for a night with a triangle, the next day he woke up and felt that the thing was too disgusting, and then threw it away? As a result, when I took a nap, I started to have a nightmare. In fact, he has been used to doing nightmares for so many years. He will feel magical when he does not do it. But before Yao Yao said that he was sleepy, he was really sleepy, so he made the thing worse from the trash can. Lie back.

At the moment, the triangle is still under his pillow, and he has to admit that he really does not have nightmares when he is holding the thing!

It’s just a bad thing.

However, it is precisely because of this, continued to say that Le Yao asked him to go to see the graveyard, he will follow. He wants to see what this "little scorpion" wants to do.

Le Yao also noticed that Tang Yan’s eyes were curious. At first he was really a bit unsatisfactory, but then he continued to take him directly into his arms, and then Tang Yan did not look again.

Deputy Director Tang said: "Curious, can you accept your possessive possession?!"

The teacher’s face is not red and does not jump and says: "No."

Le Yao also failed to explain why he felt a moment in his heart... cough, sweet.

A few people got off the plane, and it was not completely dark. Continued to follow Yan Jie, and dug the pit at the place designated by Le Yao. After that, Le Yao put the rag doll he had stitched at home into the center of the pit.

"Fill in the soil again." Le Yao said, "Get some more from other places and build it up."

"Do you want to eat with you?" Continued to ask. Although he didn't know what it was like to eat, he couldn't even eat his body.

"I don't want to bury it." Le Yao said, "That is called a offering, and it is used by the gods."

"Mr. Xiaole, can this be?" Yan Jie can make a lot of effort to dig the pits. In fact, he doesn't want to come at all! It was Ming Shu who pulled him hard and said that it is always true to know more. It’s coming, he has to work hard. What if the undead feels that he hasn’t worked and attached to him? ! He is now superstitious!

"Yes. It will be possible to set the stone in this position for a while." Le Yao pointed to a position in front of the grave.

Continue to lick them for a while and get it done. Le Yao stood upright and sturdy, and took out the steamed buns and sausages he brought, as well as the five dishes that were placed in the grave. At this time, the sun has already gone down, just when it was dark. Le Yao squatted down in front of the stone tablet and drew something on the ground. He said in his mouth: "The land here, the most spiritual of the gods, the heavens and the earth, the solitude into the meditation, the spirit of my heart, the heartfelt worship, Rong Guirong Expensive, if you listen to this festival, come together!"

"Huh ~" rolled up a cool breeze in front of the stone tablet, but it was not a good time, and Rong Gui stood on the newly piled grave.

Yan Jie instantly tightened Ming Shu! Of course he couldn't see it, but he felt the temperature dropped significantly!

Although Tang Yan did not say anything, it was also a stretch of expression. This invisible feeling is particularly bad, and he really can't figure out why Le Yao will specifically ask him to bring him.

"Come on?" Le Yao smiled and took the three-column incense. Then he took the paste house and ignited it with incense. "Your expensive, borrow your place to give my pen blessing. This house and incense It’s a little bit of my wish, I’m still looking at you.”

"What about the pen?" asked Rong Gui.

"Take it." Le Yao said that the three pens were all pointed up and inserted in front of the stone tablet. He sat down in front of the stone tablet after he had inserted it.

"Mr. Xiaole, let's you go?" Yan Jie whispered. What do you mean by sitting down? !

"Don't go, drink with him." Le Yao said, "Is it expensive for you to drink? I brought it."

"Come on a cup." Rong Gui said sitting cross-legged opposite Le Yao.

Le Yao fell five cups, three cups to continue to swear them, Tang Yan did not. Then he has a cup of his own. He touched the cup with the other three people, and the cup was drunk himself, and a cup was gently placed in front of the incense stick. Ronggui sat next to him, deeply sucking, looking satisfied.

Le Yao asked him: "Do you have another cup?"

Continued, Ming Shu, Yan Jie: "..."

Tang Yu’s courage is oversized, and he frowns directly and asks: “Is this drink not finished yet? What’s ‘A cup again’?”

This play is too realistic, right? !

Ronggui said, "Le Yao said: "He has already drank. Do not believe that Tang’s deputy commander tastes, the taste is different."

Tang Wei: "..."

Uncle Ming said: "Mr. Xiaole, the deputy teacher still has injuries, it is best not to let him drink."

Le Yao said: "This cup is good for him, can I let him come?"

Tang Zhen is really daring, and the words really took the cup on the ground and drank it. He groaned: "Is this not water?"

Continued, Ming Shu, Yan Jie: "..."

What are you kidding! They are all poured out from a bottle. The drink we drink is obviously white wine. How do you drink into water? !

Tang Yi saw that these people did not believe at all, emphasizing: "I just drank really water. You drink alcohol?"

Yan Jie smashed his arm: "Tang, deputy, are you serious?"

Tang Yan frowned, a pair of blue eyes with danger: "I am like a joke?"

A few people put their eyes on Le Yao. Continued to ask Le Yao: "The taste of the food for the undead will disappear?"

Le Yao said: "Well. If the undead or the gods really used it, it will disappear. Not only the wine, but also the food that you eat, you can eat it for a while, but nothing tastes."

Who wants to eat something that the ghost has "eaten"!

Tang Yan is in a complicated mood. Can he say that he just didn't believe that there was a dead soul? So he will go to drink that glass of wine. Oh, I dare that the glass of wine has been "drinked" by the undead!

"Mr. Xiaole, what you said is worthy... He, is he here now?" Yan Jie said in a small voice, as if to say that a loud voice would be heard by Ronggui.

"Yeah. These foods were originally given to him to 'eat', only he can eat. So if the taste is gone, it must be that he is coming." Le Yao's expression is very relaxed, "Yan Jie, you will speak normally." Just because you are here next to you, you can hear what you say."

"Ah?!" Yan Jie screamed and slammed back a few steps away.

"Hey! Don't be afraid. He won't hurt you. I just want to give him a new home here, otherwise he is not good at wandering around. It's true that our teacher has ruined his home. Is it true? ”

"Then he will live here later?" This is what Uncle Ming asked.

"Yes, if you want to find him later, you can come here at night. If he is willing to meet, it will naturally come out, provided that he is at home." Le Yao said, "I am coming over tonight. The pen is blessed here, and I am here today. I have to come over in the morning. Afterwards, I will be more aura. I can give you a short eye to let you see the undead."

Tang Zhen, Ming Shu, Yan Jie: "..." is not really want to see! Thank you!

Continued to ask Le Yao: "What about Ji Fengyu? Where is his grave?"

Le Yao said: "He has no graves. I have to get one for him. When the printer arrives, I will re-get a house for him. His house was stunned by me, a bit pitted."

Continued to think of the carton box that I saw before, vaguely remember that there is a condom box on it...

"These houses are what you look like when you burn them. What is it like to burn it?" continued.

"Oh, yes." Le Yao said, "The size is all decided by me, but it will not change. What do you ask this?"

"Nothing." continued, "I will wait for you to come with you next time. I will not worry if you come out alone at night."

"Oh." Le Yao said, in fact, it is safe for me to come out alone at night, because I have many ghost brothers!

But when he thought that he would come with him, he thought, um, it seems that he will be happier together.

So forget it, he doesn't mind more than one "tail" that is so thick!

The author has something to say: I felt a little water before I felt it, and then I fixed it. The general plot is unchanged~

I wish the test partners a good time and a happy holiday. I wish you a happy holiday with a little test partner! Random 55 red envelopes today! Hey!

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