MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 3 Physical examination abnormality

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The sound of washing your hands was quickly heard outside. Le Yao listened to the ear close to the door panel until the sound of the water disappeared and the footsteps reappeared. He opened the zipper and began to groan. After he finished, he also went to wash his hands, and at the same time he flashed the tall figure he had seen before.

I can't tell you how, I always feel that the eyes are especially familiar, just like... as if he saw the continuation in the light brain. However, there is a road between the eyebrows. It is obvious, thick and long. It is estimated to be seven or eight centimeters, which is difficult to ignore. And the continuation seems to be much older than the one he just saw, and it is much darker, and that is more than a color.

It’s also funny. When you wake up in the morning, Le Yao can apply for the ID of a marriage center. Use his “Understanding Future Spouse Information” permission to see what it looks like in the end, but he is thinking about it. I have already seen the most terrible side of the continuation, then it is better not to look at it anymore, so that no matter what the continuation of the next sequel is, it will be better than before, so the heart will be much more comfortable." Then he did not Go see it again.

Anyway, it’s all registered, it’s certainly not as **** on the battlefield, right?

So when Le Yao took care of his hair and saw the tall and powerful figure in the corridor chatting with Wang Hao, it was a bit aggressive.

"He came out." Le Yao heard Wang Hao say such a sentence.

"Wang team, you..." Le Yao approached, and suddenly there was a kind of unpredictable feeling. "Do you know?"

"This is the continuation of the teacher." Wang Hao pointed to the big pine tree and said that he said in a respectful tone to the big pine tree: "Schoolmaster, he is the eldest son of the music, Le Yao."

"I know, we just saw it in the bathroom." Continued to look at the child whose ears were instantly red, slightly picking up the eyebrows, and the eyes quickly flashed a glimmer of light, saying: "He also praised me."

"Who, who praises you!" Don't even have a face! Say you are pissed, that is to praise you? !

Le Yao’s face was red like a monkey’s butt, and he took the courage to blink the opposite person.

At this time, I can't be too beary. After all, Wang Hao is still watching. But it can't be too horizontal. At home, Yoko is knowing that Le Feishan will not really take him, but this person is different. This is the first time they met. If he didn't grasp the position and angered him when he was arrogant, would he still be confused?

It is no exaggeration to say that the sequel is the emperor of Huaxiaxing. Le Yao feels that he has to rely on him for a while after he goes to Huaxiaxing. Otherwise, he can't use the character now, and the second one can't recruit ghosts. I am a small, thin, thin-legged leg. What should I do if I encounter something? ! Although he is genetically supernormal in the omega crowd, his height and appearance, intelligence, and physical strength are excellent, but there is no comparability with the alpha ratio, especially the opposite of the alpha in his alpha.

After Mr. Alice pointed at him, he turned his head and looked at it. He didn't look at his Le Yao, and his expression became subtle.

After a long while, he said to Wang Hao: "School brother, is it not convenient for me to talk to me alone, the little wife who has not passed the door?"

Wang Hao did not know Le Yao, and he said "No problem" to Xuan, then turned and left.

Le Yao: "???"

Who is the secret service captain of the family who is surnamed Wang!

The hair of Le Yao’s whole body must be blown up, and the back of Wang Hao’s back can’t wait to take the soles of the shoes and kill the look of Wang Hao.

The doubts in my heart are even heavier. After a moment, he whispered, "Is this angry? You just don't praise me... Are you big?"

The temperature just after Le Yao’s face slammed up again: “Who, who praises you big! I mean that your peeing voice is loud! Calling you so evil!”

Continued to see the reaction of the child, the more I realized the fun, the more I felt that something was not quite right, I raised the chin to the lounge: "Go, go to the lounge."

Le Yao was thinking about it. When he was outside, he had to be stretched. When he was private, he said nothing, and he nodded. Anyway, is it the first time to see him, no matter what he is, as long as it is not too exaggerated, it should be normal for this person.

So Le Yao continued to break into a lounge.

This is not to continue to privilege, but the marriage center has prepared two such lounges, so that people who receive the marriage order can talk and rest here. Most people who receive a marriage order will meet in private before they come to the marriage center to deepen their understanding. However, some of them will be like 尧 尧 and Le Yao, and they will meet on the day of registration.

The lounge is fairly soundproof, but half transparent, which not only protects the privacy of the conversation, but also prevents the insiders from causing violent incidents due to disagreements.

Le Yao and Sui Yu were sitting on both sides. Le Yao tried to boldly look at it for a while and asked him: "You!" He stood quite awkward and made himself look a little more imposing: "Why are you so big?" I remember that you are not so white now."

Continued to look at the opposite side obviously looks very nervous, but still have to show "I am very hard! I am not afraid!" The child always feels that this is a big gap with the information he has learned in advance.

“When did you see me black?” continued to look at Le Yao with an inquiry. “I thought I couldn’t recognize the face-to-face meeting. You didn’t do anything at all.”

"'s still done." Le Yao thought about it. He flipped the page he saw yesterday from the communicator. He showed the photo that could be used in the town house and said: "This Isn't person you?"

"I was four years ago." Continued 尧 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 撒 撒 撒 撒 撒 撒 撒 撒 撒 撒 撒 撒 撒 撒 撒Come out and meet me?"

"You are killing the enemy." Le Yao said, "I am not your enemy."

"Is it?" Continued 尧 言 ​​缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓What are you running late?"

The distance has been so close, and Le Yao feels the sigh of breath to his face, hot and strong.

This continuation, when he saw it in the light brain, he felt like a demonic demon, but now he looks like a wolf who wants to eat sheep. Still the bad wolf who tried to scare the sheep before eating the sheep. He couldn't help but subconsciously hide behind, and then bowed his head by turning off the page, trying to say in a less nervous tone: "Let, let you suddenly marry someone you are completely unfamiliar with, you I don't want to, don't want to hide? Is it a human nature?"

The continued body leaned forward again: "What about now? Want to hide?"

Le Yao shook his head and said, "No, don't want to."

Actually still think, but can't say that. Huaxia Star still belongs to the Tarot Empire, but not everyone can want to go. For now, sequel is indeed the best choice.

Continued and looked at Le Yao for a while, seeing that he still didn't dare to look at himself, his ears were still red, and he bowed his **** and knocked on the coffee table twice. He said, "Yan Jie, let The registration staff came over."

The first time a male voice came out of the communicator, but with a hint of accident: "Why continue to die?"

Continued to say: "Register."

On the opposite side, "jingle" sounded, as if something had fallen on the ground, and then came "噼里啪啦", a burst of trouble. It’s about seven or eight seconds before I get a normal reply: “Receive! Immediately!”

The registration staff came very quickly. It was a beta sister. After she came, she gave two paper forms for each of Xuan and Leyao to fill them in. I asked them if they wanted a medical examination. The medical examination is free and voluntary, you can do it or not. If you don't do it, just sign the form and say that you can abandon the medical examination.

Continue to ask Le Yao: "Do you do?"

Le Yao said: "Do it." What if they have any problems between them? Free, don't do it.

The sister of beta said: "Please ask me to come with me."

Continued and Le Yao was taken into the physical examination room, and a small partition was placed on both sides. After about five minutes, I walked out of the medical examination room. However, Le Yao has never been checked. Le Yao heard the conversation with the alpha inspector at the door and asked his medical examiner: "Why is he so fast on the other side, how long have I been here?"

The medical examiner is a beta aunt, laughing and saying: "Because you are also responsible for the great responsibility of nurturing a new life, so check the project more."

When Le Yao was on the corner of his mouth, he no longer snorted.

Aunt Beta has been working in a marriage center for nearly 20 years and has never seen such a good-looking omega boy, a maroon-colored, white-faced face, a pair of nephews, and a little bit of uneasiness when looking at you like just taking care of my mother. Fawn. I heard that this was the eldest son of Admiral Lefeshan. She was also worried that he was very difficult to get along with because the child was tempered outside and he was swearing. I know that he said hello when he came, and he was very polite to speak, so she could not help but say a few more words: "This is nothing to be shy. The genes of you and the generals are so good, and they will certainly produce a lot of excellent ones in the future. little baby."

Le Yao can only laugh and say: "Thank you."

Beta aunt did not say anything, continue to help Le Yao do the test. The continuation of the test was returned to the place where he talked to Le Yao. Only this time, he has a subordinate, that is, he was in the communicator, and he was called "Yan Jie".

Yan Jie is black and black, wearing a black-rimmed glasses. He is a beta boy with the same eyebrows and crayons, and is also a top-notch hacker. He slammed the door and found that no one had come over. He whispered, "Continue, you are sure to register today? This music is not very good."

Continued to play with the smart pen I used before: "I know what you said, but when I first contacted, I found that his performance was different from what we had learned before."

Yan Jie still didn't trust, hesitated and said: "In case it is installed? There are a lot of videos on the Internet, show you this."

Yan Jie directly pointed to the communicator and said a command. The communicator immediately helped him search for the video he was looking for and selected the video to be played at an angle that would not be seen by outsiders.

This video should be shot in the fall and is secretly photographed from the side. Le Yao was wearing a black tight-fitting leather coat, smiling at a tall, tall boy to the woods, and then let a bunch of people around the boy. In the end, the person was beaten with blood. Le Yao stepped on the man’s chest and said something and left.

Continued to freeze the picture in the place where Le Yao sneered at the man, and did not speak for a while. He knows the lip language, he knows that Le Yao said that it should be "the next time you dare to mention Laozi Laozi tearing your mouth"!

Yan Jie said: "I have identified this video, there is no falsification component. Later I also learned that this boy who was beaten just talked with his classmates and said that the story is good, it is very good. It is not good to talk freely behind the people, but this boy has been hospitalized for more than three months because of this. Continue to tell you that such a person, you take him home, reliable?"

After continuing the video, I recalled all the conversations with Le Yao today. I blinked and said, "He is only twenty years old. If it is as deep as the city you said, I would like to be better." Take a look. Don't worry, if there is a problem, then I will teach him how to be a person."

Yan Jie is speechless: "But you know that someone has done your hand in your marriage information. In case..."

Continued, cold and cold swept Yan Jie a look.

Yan Jie immediately closed his mouth and did not dare to speak. After a short time, the sound of the voice was heard outside.

Le Yao originally wanted to knock on the door, but knocking the door too polite is not something that the original Lord would do. If it is the original owner, it must be a direct kick. But he didn't have that dog, and he simply made a compromise. The trick was to show that his arrogance was still there, but he wouldn't be violent to open it.

Continue to open the door and open the door: "Do you check it out?"

When Le Yao saw the station, he continued to smash with a wall, and his body collapsed reflexively: "Well! They said it would take half an hour to get all the results!"

Continued: "..." Speak and speak, what do you do with your expression?

Continue to let the body: "So come in and sit down for a while?"

Le Yao thought about it. If he had to return to the earth more than 500 years ago, most of them would still have to contact these people for a long time, then they agreed. Not long after he came in, Wang Hao, who went to report the friendship to Lefeishan, also returned. A few people chatted casually, most of the time when they said that Wang Hao and Xu Wei were in the military school. They didn't know whether they were intentional or unintentional. They all avoided the problem of Le Yao, and it was like this. Half an hour soon passed.

A small nurse from the medical examination office said: "Continue the general, Mr. Xiaole, your physical examination results came out, and Dr. Hu asked the two to go."

I will know if there is any problem after I hear it, otherwise the doctor will come over and explain to him personally. But since he didn't come, he called the little nurse to ask him and Le Yao to go. That is something that is inconvenient for outsiders.

I don't know what the situation is, I went to the doctor's office with the sequel. Who knows that they have just sat down, the fat middle-aged male doctor said: "The results of the two inspections came out. There is no problem in continuing the generals. The data are very good. But Mr. Xiaole has some situation here. His otr data is too low."

Continued to ask: "What is the otr data?"

The doctor said: "The otr data represents omega's glandular comprehensive health index. Mr. Xiaole's otr index is already 70% lower than the minimum health value. I am taking the liberty, has Mr. Xiaole taken any special drugs recently?"

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