MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 37 Bird's blood

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Guan Xuefeng is an air force general, the 12th Army commander, and also a teacher who continued. When Hua Xia Xing was invaded by the Sarna Army, Guan Xuefeng tried his best to recommend it to him. Although the continuation of the sequel itself is outstanding, or else give him a chance, but in any case, Guan Xuefeng is the continuation of the singer, this is beyond doubt.

This time, Guan Xuefeng will set foot on Huaxia Star. First, to see the lives of the soldiers, the second is to look at Le Yao.

Regarding the special ability of Le Yao, continued to consider the passage of Guan Xuefeng, and this is also to change the name of Le Yao to heat up in the future. It is not the day when someone knows the unique ability of Le Yao and then attacks the music. Yao.

"Do you really have to put a powder on your face to cover it?" Le Yao said, "This looks a bit... I knew I would bite it." He has tried his best and went to Liu. The dean took the ointment there, but the imprint refused to recover quickly. It looked like a pork chop that made people laugh and cry.

"Don't think about it, it's already like this anyway." Continued squatting is a thick skin, and after watching the habits, I don't care. He put a sunscreen coat on the outside and prepared to pick it up.

"That, if the leader asks, what are you going to say?"

"What do you say? Of course, let's be honest." continued, "I said that I have only a little white rabbit, and I am very hot."

"No! I don't want to face?!" Le Yao said, "One night couples have a hundred days, you can give me some face, or you said that the old leader is coming to our house to eat, how come I am when I am happy." ?"

Continued to change the shoes to the door, pointing to his face.

Le Yao said: You are arrogant! But I still kissed him in the past and said, "You tell me quickly what you have to say, and you can reunite the calibre."

Continued to smile and smashed his head: "What I want to say is, baby, be honest."

Le Yao: "You? Also honest? You are honest! You are the most treacherous!"

Le Yao can't wait to throw the peach in his hand, thinking and thinking and feeling too wasteful, then took it and washed it and bit it.

Continued and Tang Yan and Yan Jie have been sitting in the aircraft. Continued to continue to remove the cap, so Tang Yan and Yan Jie can only see his eyes. Because the aircraft will soon arrive at the port, there is no doubt that the two men have not picked up the hood, but they are worried about the sudden arrival of the commander.

Since they defeated the Sarna Army completely, the Chief of the Guan has also come twice. Once I came to praise, once for the heart of the bird.

"Do you mention it with Le Yao?" Tang Yan asked.

"No. The sentiment is sentiment, the rule is the stipulation, two things." Continued said, "Le Yao is now only a soldier's family, he is not obliged to slap this drowning. If you really want to borrow his power, then you must give him a A stronger identity, at least to ensure that his teacher is famous, or I will not let him get involved in this matter."

"You can remember this. It's good to have a lot of people in Tarot. You can't grab the handle." Tang said, "Yes, the information about your marriage with Le Yao has been changed. Yan Jie has not found out who made it?"

"Not yet. But the clue points to Davis's family." Yan Jie said, "The other party has removed the traces in time after changing the information, and we have not prepared in advance on this matter, so it is really difficult to find out The evidence proves that Davis has done it. But Aldrich Davis has a smart assistant. I recently found out that he frequently went to the marriage system before the marriage information of Mr. and Mr. Xiaole.

"Aldrich has been suppressed for two years, and Davis is ambitious, even if they are not strange." Tang said, "Since there is news that the heart of the bird is in China, all kinds of problems As a result, there are many cows and ghosts, and how many people want to continue to replace them."

The Davis family holds the 17th Army, and Davis is the 17th Army commander, and his son Aldrich can be said to be one of the most dissatisfied alphas of these years. As for the name "The Heart of Birds", it sounds like a certain kind of gem, but it is actually a map, a map that is said to allow people who get it to unify the entire interstellar map.

In the past few years, countries with a little ability have wanted it, but so far no country has seen what it looks like. I only know that this thing is an ancient sheepskin roll, which is said to be drawn from the blood of the heart, so it is called "the heart of the bird."

Most people think that the record on the heart of the bird is probably the location of a certain treasure. But some people think that this thing does not exist at all.

Xuanyi also thought that the possibility of this existence was very low, so he would stay in Huaxiaxing. In addition to looking for this thing in the order of his superiors, it is more because he likes it. But after Le Yao came, he suddenly had a strange idea:

Perhaps the heart of the bird does exist. It is not a treasure, it is probably a certain power.

"Aldrich is a madman." Tang said, "We were all in the same military school that year. He has not dealt with the sequel. This person may have been used to being a child since childhood. He can't stand someone stronger than him."

"In any case, the person who changed the marriage information at that time was definitely not good at the continued brother. But I guess, the other party must have thought that Mr. Xiaole would be like this now, gentle and kind, and still continually follow the example."

Continued to touch the face, laugh and not speak.

It is true that gentleness and kindness are true. nonexistent. The bunny's teeth are very profitable. I accidentally pick it up and bite you.

Until the lower aircraft, the shovel did not remove the cap. The weather was hot outside and the light was too strong. Even the commander of the army was wearing a hat. The commander of Guan Guan took the hat off after he arrived at the command center. He is tall, with two white spots, a straight eyebrow, and likes to carry his hands when walking.

“Is there any significant change in the overall temperature this spring compared to last year?” He sat down in the main position and asked to continue.

“Slightly lower, but not obvious.” continued, “The rain is obviously less than last year.”

"That's not bad. Last year there was too much rain. The pressure on your disaster is not small." Guan Junchang drank his mouth. "Right, I heard that Tang Yan was injured a while ago. How? Rehabilitated?"

"Thank you for your concern, the head has no problem," Tang said.

"That's good." After the commander of the army said that he was suddenly cold, he couldn't help but pause. He saw that everyone was watching it in the past, and then followed the past, and then found that after the smashing of the cap, the face was obviously a big tooth print! He suddenly tightened his brow: "What's going on with your face?"

At the moment, the command center has continued, Tang Yan, Yan Jie, the relevant military commander, and two guards and an adjutant of the commander. A total of seven people.

Continued, my face is not red and does not jump and said: "I was anxious about my wife and children last night, he bite."

Although it was obviously a bite of a human bite, but continued to say so straightforwardly, let the people in the whole room squat. Tang Yan and Yan Jie flashed the same idea in the same heart: Hehe! Is Mr. Xiaole so spicy? !

Guan Guanchang said: "It seems that your little wife is not small."

Continued, like no one else, smiled and told Guan Junchang: "That's really not. It's mainly that these two days are a bit funny."

The commander of the army looked at the smile of the squint with some surprise.

Others didn't know, but he knew that he didn't want to marry the child at the beginning. The child's wind evaluation is not good. Le Feishan was mad at the end of the year. He also thought about the special intentions of continuing to take Le Yao. The phone I received earlier just proved this. But now it seems that this is not the case?

Guan Guanchang was somewhat curious, but after all, there were many people. He did not continue to talk about Le Yao. He just told Xu: "Wait for a while and then come back, you will take me to see the little guy in your house. Your face has a mouth, this child has a future."

Continued to laugh, said: "Good head."

When Guan Junchang arrived, it was already afternoon, and the inspection work was not too far. During this time, Le Yao is naturally busy preparing for a big meal. He confirmed that there was no shortage of spices in the house, went to the cold shed, and then bought a bunch of vegetables and fruits. He couldn't take it, and he borrowed the push cart from the cold shed and pushed it home.

Uncle Ming saw Le Yao Fei Jin Bara strolling into the yard, and quickly came over and took the handle: "How come you didn't call me, is this tired?"

Le Yao said: "I see you busy, I didn't call you. The head said that the old leader would come to eat at home, so I am more prepared to eat."

He gave the sequel to the bite, and he had to make up for it in the evening, or else let the old leader see what happened? Although that is not his old leader, it always has a bad influence on the continuation.

Uncle Ming felt that the car was bigger than Le Yao, and he was so grateful that the child was so diligent. He quickly helped to bring the dishes into the house, and then stayed behind to help Le Yao.

"Uncle Ming, is this old leader usually continually continuation?" Le Yao said, "If I am good, I will do more delicious. If it is not good, then I will do something delicious."

"Good. The spouse of the head is also named alpha, the two have no children, and the head of the head is the same as the old head, so he will be our son."

"Ah, what about the parents of our heads?" Le Yao did not see any information about this when he registered, and later went to the house in Xingdu and did not see his parents. He once said to Jiang Xinduo once, saying that his parents are not there.

Regarding the continuation of the parents, Le Yao wanted to ask before, but always felt that he was not familiar with anyone at that time, and he was not good at asking. Later, he saw all kinds of remarks on the Internet, and he didn't know which one was right. It was even harder to ask, so that he couldn't help it.

Uncle Ming was silent for a while and said: "The parents of the heads sacrificed when he was very young."

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