MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 50 Brain has a package

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The facts prove that it’s not unreasonable to say "Bad out of the mouth". This night, Le Yao almost didn't cry the scorpion, if he wanted to murder the pro. The husband is guilty, he absolutely gives you a sequel!

His grandmother's bear does not treat her wife as a man. This is an inflatable doll.

Le Yao did not understand. When he continued to lie under the bed, he was quite like a person. As soon as he got to the bed, he became like a wolf. He was so angry that he almost went on strike. If he didn't think of the appointment letter and raised his sense of responsibility, he would definitely be unable to afford the bed the next day.

"Hey, have you finished it?" Le Yao buryed his face in the pillow and asked with a cry, obviously it hurt.

"Okay." Continued to put the bottle on the side, but also a little regret that the night is too unrestrained, "Can you get up? If you can't, you will lie down."

"Don't lie down." Le Yao said with a male duck scorpion, "I have to hurry and recruit a few more students. When the time comes, bring them out!"

"Well, then I am waiting." Continued squatting slowly on the Le Yao gland, laughing and said: "Okay, no gas, next time I pay attention."

Le Yao ignored him. He twisted his head aside and wondered what he said to him in the night.

Because he wore that "small tail", continued to follow him and said to him what "goodwill" means. The meaning of continued 是 is that since it can't be evil, it will give the Jiangjia's commercial opponents a better luck. This is not harmful, just to help people, but the impact on Jiangjia will be great.

The Jiang family has been doing business for several generations, and the industries involved are numerous, but the most profitable ones are both luxury goods and communication equipment. At first, Jiangjia only used communication equipment and did some smart homes. Later, Jiang’s old grandfather married a wife who was a luxury house at home, and it became a two-way development. These two years have taken advantage of the relationship between Le Feishan, and they have received orders for a lot of military supplies. It can be said that the business is getting bigger and bigger.

But even more powerful, there will always be competitors.

Only Le Yao knows that there are three, one of which is a luxury and two of which are communication equipment. The luxury goods house was the two that had been suppressed by the Jiang family and used as communication equipment. One of them started to be stronger than Jiang Jia. Later, for some reason, their business was not good. This "some reason" can't be said to be the relationship of Lefeishan, but the relationship between Lefeishan really played a vital role. After all, the technology can't stand the official and find it again and again.

This communication device is surnamed Yang, three children at home, two alpha and one omega, one of which is in business, the other has chosen from the army, and an omega is in school. The alpha from the army happened to be an old classmate of Yan Jie. Continued here, I know so many things about Jiangjia, or because of Yan Jie’s investigation. According to the old classmate Yan Jie, it was because he refused to take this breath that he ran to be a soldier. He did not believe that this generation could not press Jiang, and the next generation could not.

"I really would draw lucky charms, but people outside think that Jiang Xinduo is very good to me. Do I really want to send lucky charms to people who think I will go to pit them?" Le Yao asked to continue while eating. “Not too strange? And I don’t know the characters of their family...”

"Of course, we can't send it to us. Let Yanjie send it." Continued said, "Yang family can't get used to the Jiang family's work for many years. Yan Jie will send it, even if the other party does not believe it will have any benefit, it will not Throw it away. As for the eight characters, there is your husband, is this still a thing?"

"That line, then you can help me, I will give them a dozen sheets of eight!" Le Yao said, "Let's help Yanjie's old classmates!"

Le Yao’s adoptive father, that is, his master once said that Le Yao is the kind. No matter whether the other person is alive or dead, as long as he needs his help, he will definitely take the small hand of the hand, so he is also easy to draw with the power of God. The characters that come out are natural and spiritual.

Le Yao didn't know this, but he painted a lucky charm. He felt that it would be fine if he didn't use it for the bad guys. And this Yang family, since it is continued, it is sure that the family is not much worse.

Continue to see Le Yao look forward to look forward to, after eating the meal, go to the next door to brief things with Yan Jie.

After Yan Jie heard that Le Yao was not there, and it was during the day, he said, "Is this okay? I don't doubt Mr. Xiaole's ability to continue his brother. The key is that the Jiang family is not mixed in the business day. You are not a day or two. You It can be done with a few characters. How do you think it is a bit..."

Continued said: "You don't believe?"

Yan Jie: I don't believe it, but I can't say...

Continued to say, "I don't believe it."

Yan Jie: "Ah?!"

Continued said: "But you can't say it without trust. Now that Le Yao is on the anger, you have to say that he doesn't believe that he is more angry. So you can ask the eight characters first. It is of course best to use the lucky charm. If you use it, you can use other methods. If you are a luxury, the brand culture is very heavy. You can see whether Jiang Xinduo or Jiangjia other people, regardless of the inside, always maintain a positive image of 'goodwill and kindness' outside. The image is not true, then we may wish to destroy it. As for the communication equipment... I have taught you how to do this."

Yesterday, Le Yao asked Rong Gui to monitor Wang Hao, which gave him inspiration.

Yan Jie has always been referring to which he is playing, so what he said, he will definitely do it if he has doubts. But he is not stupid enough to ask the old classmates directly, but decides to go privately, otherwise even if it is an old classmate, it is too strange to ask a family birthday.

"To the continued brother, Wang Hao still does not leave, do you want to send more people to protect Mr. Xiaole?" Yan Jie said, "Looking like this will not give up, but don't really make any mistakes." means."

"No. I will take Le Yao to the command center in a while, and then he will follow me later." Continued said, "Now the orcs are dead, so we don't have to have so many brothers guarding them. Let them move back to the camp soon. It is also convenient to manage. In addition, I have already told Le Yao to let him collect a few students. You take the time to pack a classroom for him, not too far from my office. And if he has any other requirements, as long as he is not out of the box, you will I will help him."

"Okay." Yan Jie thought a little. "What standard does he have for students? Can I do it?"

Continued, I didn’t have a good eye and blinked Yan Jie, and left.

Yan Jie: "???"

Le Yao still felt a little tired in the morning, but this sleep is estimated to be unable to sleep at night, so he ate some fruit spirit, and then continued to go to the command center.

This is the reason why he came to the Flying Wolf Division for a long time. He entered the command center for the first time and was the first time to continue his office.

I have to say that the same person, this gap is really terrible. At the age of 30, Mr. continued to work in such a place. This office has a small number of one hundred and seventy-eight flats. It is a two-room type. There is a small and medium-sized conference room outside. The light gray and pure white design is clean and tidy and not too chilly. And the inside is the place where the office is continued.

Le Yao entered inside, and when he came in, he had an oversized gray desk. There was nothing on it, but after sitting on the seat, the table magically moved, and the pen holder was automatically turned out on the flat desktop. , suspended light brain, file boxes and so on. Then about five meters from the desk, the left side is the sofa and coffee table, which is also as clean as a new, gray and white tone.

"Are you sure you can?" continued to see Le Yao curiously looking at his office. When walking, the posture was still a bit awkward, and he said with less confidence: "Or else you can sleep for a while, sleep here." I will be outside for a while."

"Don't sleep." Le Yao turned his head. "I have to sleep. You have an excuse to toss me at night. I will sleep again at night."

"Well, then you will go to the conference room with me, and today I will study the undead army moving back to the station." After a while, continued and asked again: "Is it really a problem?"

"no problem!"

Leslie informed all the high-ranking officers to continue the conference room here.

These are the members of the "Subversion of Life Welcomes You", and often ask questions in the group, but there are several Le Yao have not seen. In the end, all of them were in place, a total of seventeen people, counting on the continued 尧 and Le Yao and Yan Jie, just twenty. Except for Le Yao, they are all dressed in military uniforms. They gave a brief introduction to themselves in turn, which was officially known to Le Yao.

"According to the instructions of the higher authorities, starting today, we have to set up a special relocation team to bring our undead brothers back to the camp." continued, "Le Yao is the deputy leader and is responsible for technical guidance. Yan Jie, and All members of the Guards team and the logistics team are responsible for coordinating the relocation and resettlement work. Is there any problem?"

"Yes." The team leader said, "Head, can our logistics team help in this matter? Do you need to receive relevant training first?"

"Need it?" Continued to turn to ask Le Yao.

"Ah?" Le Yao took the time to react. The question was asking himself, and he woke up and said, "I don't need it for a while, I will inform you in advance if necessary."

"What about the rest?"

"I want to ask Mr. Xiaole, after our undead brothers moved back, they must have a dormitory, right? Is this dormitory built on a house in our house? Or how do you need to find a new location?" The person asking the question feels strange when asked.

"Yes, this is what I want to discuss with you." Le Yao said, "We have registered more than 13,000 undead soldiers. Even if it is a dormitory for four people, it will be better. Ten buildings, after all, the floor is too high, they can also float up, there is no problem with the wall, but it is not convenient."

Public officers: "..."

Can also float up...

Through the wall...

Le Yao noticed the expressions of the officers and said: "Sorry, my words may not be used to everyone, but this is a real problem. We may be looking for a large open space, and we have to do it with us. The residential area where the brothers of the sun are reunited."

"Yan Jie, you will show you a few suitable plots." Continued said, "Pick out two, and let Tang deputy look at it for a while."

"Can we step on the land after that?" asked the head of a communications group.

“Yes,” said Le Yao. “It’s just going to step on the dormitory of our undead brothers. They can’t come out to entertain you during the day, but in the evening they will let you know they are there.”

The head of the communications team silently rubbed his arm.

Continued said: "I know that many of you are still not very acquainted with this matter, mainly because you have not actually seen it. It may always feel a bit illusory. At present, there is really no good way for all the brothers to see it. But let you know that they are there, this is not difficult. What do you say to the deputy leader?"

Le Yao didn't respond at the beginning. He continued to ask him. He was still waiting for someone to respond. It turned out that everyone was watching him. So he quickly thought for a moment and said, "Yes. Or come to the whole army for dinner at night."

Logistics team captain: "All the military dinner?"

Le Yao nodded: "Yes. The brothers in the Yang family ate with the brothers in the underworld. The brothers in the Yang can't see it, but they will feel that the brothers who feel the **** are going to 'eat' with us."

The head of the Communications Group: How is it possible? ! This is too much!

To say that the undead smells incense, estimate and say it, but eat? !

Individuals who have not seen Tang Yan being possessed by themselves or who have never seen Le Yao’s confession are uncertain at this time.

Is the head really not confused?

When they were eating at noon, the soldiers in the Yangs received the news and they were also awkward. Recently, I heard that the brothers who died four years ago are still "live" in another form, but eat together? !

A few people in Wang Hao dine in the cafeteria, but also heard about it. After all, this is what everyone said this afternoon. But they really doubt whether the teacher is a mental problem. Or, it is a problem with the spirit of Le Yao, otherwise who would say to eat with the dead? ! The brain has a bag!

The author has something to say: Le Yao: Tomorrow is really a day to look forward to!

Continued: Today is also a day to look forward to. The second one is worn?

Le Yao: dead ing......