MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 57 Lepai career (two more)

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Continuously, I also want to let Le Yao take a rest and rest, but Le Yao once again promised that he had no problem, and then went to Liu Dean to go to class. Just class, do not deliberately teach them to enter the realm of no self. If the day is good, he will take the students to study in a place where there is no snake during the class, and the first half of the day. There is also a continued bodyguard as a bodyguard, Liu Dean and Dr. Zhao as accompanying doctors, this configuration is no one.

Continued to stumble is not deliberately to Le Yao as a bodyguard, after all, he is not so busy. He would like to attend the lecture with Liu Dean because it was the closest to me on the hill, so Le Yao suggested that he also listened with him. If you continue to learn first, you have to spread the net now.

"Isn't that I can't learn too much?" continued to scratch his hand on Le Yao's chin. "Little teacher?"

"Hey!" Le Yao shot the wolf's claws of the big wolf. "It's already color, which student will hook the teacher's chin like you!"

"Why don't you hook your chin?" Continued and said, he kissed Le Yao's lips...

Continued to take the class, no one in the classroom, the little music teacher trapped in a chair bullying. The discovery of bullying is simply to find trouble for yourself. He bowed his head to the big fish brother and decided to calm down and go out.

Le Yao squinted and glanced: "The next time you look at it, if someone comes to your glory, you don't have to."

Continued Qilian people took the chair to Le Yao and turned a direction: "Don't let me see your face, don't let me see your eyes."

Le Yao asked: "Why?"

Continued to say that the face is not red and does not jump and said: "Think of the day."

Le Yao: "..." Your student is simply a big deal!

Le Yao quickly packed up and went out first. He waited for a little while at the door to continue. Continue to help him put a small bag, and then the two went to the cold shed. He picked some vegetables and continued to hold him for a while, for fear that he would fall.

In fact, Le Yao feels that he has no feeling now, saying that there are three small in the stomach, but maybe they are too small, so in addition to knowing this, he is more able to eat than before, others I really didn't feel any different. Continued is really too nervous.

Although it is true, he feels quite enjoyable. There is probably no one in this world who hates lover to care for themselves unless it is not love.

Continued one hand carrying two bags of fruit, a large bag of vegetables, and the other hand holding Le Yao. Le Yao followed him. As soon as he arrived at the door, he found that people were unloading things in his yard, one box and one box.

"What is that?" Le Yao squatted that there was a supermarket owner, the beta sister.

"Buy you to buy, lest you be hungry at night." Continued into the yard, "Working hard."

"Not hard." Beta sister said with a smile, "As long as Mr. Xiaole likes to eat, he will be on call later!"

"This, too much?" There are several kinds of milk, pure yogurt, pulp yogurt, pure milk, low-sugar milk, goat milk? ? ? What other nuts, dried fish, meat slices...

"Slow it slowly, don't like it to me." Continued to tell the person who said, "Then you go to work first, remember to send the bill to me later."

"Hey wait!" Le Yao said, "Wait a minute." After he finished the door, he opened the door, opened the refrigerator, took something, and then went to the kitchen for a little while, then took out two. There are glass bottles and desserts in the bottles. Le Yao has a bottle. "I am doing a new sago dew this morning, please drink."

“Thank you Mr. Xiaole.” Beta sister said with a smile. “Then we are welcome.”

"You're welcome." Le Yao waved his hand. "The mango is added inside, and I don't know if you like it or not."

"You are taking my snacks generously, madam." continued, said, "Forget it, they are cheaper. Let's go, let's go into the house, lest I can't help but grab the bottle."

The beta sister and another little brother feel that the bottle in his hand is so precious!

In fact, they drive a supermarket, so the snacks like this are really not eaten, and the drinks are not drunk. But the things in this bottle seem to have never been drunk. The beta sister opened the cover and smelled it. This bottle is a very common disposable transparent plastic bottle with a lid that is very clean, and then the lid can be used to smell the sweetness of the milk and mango.

Take a bite, my mom! It’s delicious to die! The pure fragrance of the milk is accompanied by a transparent ball, which is bitten and bitten. Another piece of mango, dead and dead.

When the two did not return to the supermarket, they let the bottle bottom out.

"Sister, next time you go to the head of the house to send something, remember to call me." The little brother licked the bottle, "The lady of the head is too powerful? Actually, there will be desserts."

"If you can make the head like it so much, it must be awesome." The beta sister turned the bottle upside down and finally licked the juice from the bottom of the bottle. I really want to go back and ask for another bottle.

I wanted to go to her to buy scissors when my first head lady came, she thought about whether it would be bad for the head. Thinking about it now is really too much. This is simply a little angel!

The little angel and the demon husband divided a bottle of sago, and made three dishes and one soup, and ate the stomach round, and then burned the fragrant food to Ji Fengyu. As for the undead army, the person who naturally has the canteen is responsible.

At first, the undead army did not know how to communicate with the people in Yang. Now Le Yao taught them, they also understand, so they can express their ideas and needs to the people in Yang.

Now even burning things don't use Le Yao, unless special circumstances, or Yan Jie and Chen Ying can burn for them.

"When we have a 3D printer at home, what do you want to do after you are willing to fight, and to Shen Weilin, they burned things and I bought another printer, so you can follow the snacks less." Continued, "There are still Tell you a fun thing. Jiang family is looking for the source of lucky little wooden fish everywhere, and Le Feishan has pulled down his face to find Guan Shu. I promised Guan Shu to give him two fakes to deal with."

"Hah, then they are estimated to supply the fish." Le Yao said, "Then I have recently started to get Ji Fengyu to get it right. It is time to continue to develop my career."

"Your career?"

"Ah. Now that I have three children, I can't overdo it, so I have to put aside things for a while."

"Well, then?"

"Then I intend to sell some valuable baby." Le Yao said, "Do you know how many tombs are there in the underground? Before I was poor, let them help me find them. At this time, Ji Fengyu actually found some. If there is a dead soul, I have to exchange things with me, then I think it is okay. I can also open a private detective agency or something. Then I have to see if the bottom can let the undead move freely outside the Chinese stars. Now we can make sure that the undead is attached. Something can take them away, but after they have been released after the alien stars, I can't guarantee that they can stay on that planet. This is very important."

"Yes. As long as it is not dangerous, it will not get tired of you. What other people need to help the husband, you can do it."


"Of course. When did your husband fool you?"

"Then you go to give me a hot cup of milk, I seem to be a little hungry."

Continued: "..."

Continue to squat, this can be half an hour after eating? !

However, this matter cannot be asked. If the daughter-in-law is hungry, it must be eaten.

After the hot cup of milk came over, Le Yao drank, and seemed to feel comfortable after drinking, holding the light energy plate and banging for a while. He wondered if he would give Ji Fengyu a bad soul supermarket, and then get an undead hotel and go out to the room or something.

There are so many things worthwhile under the ground, but no one in the sun can't spend it. Now there is someone in the sun, and it is not difficult to get something to the ground. And now he doesn't have to defend against it. If he wants to sell something in the future, he will definitely help him. It is very convenient.

When Le Yao looked for it, he felt that his heart was comfortable, and he stared at it for a while, then "bark" to kiss him in this mouth.

Continued to sigh in the arms of a long sigh.

I can't do it.

Le Yao is also uncomfortable, but for the time being there seems to be no other way than to endure. So the couple said that they started to pay attention to other places.

Two days later, Xuan took four small wooden fish and sent it to Guan Xuefeng, two real, two cottages. It is really natural to give Guan Xuefeng a couple. As for the cottage, one was given to her by Jiang Xinduo, and one was given to Lotte Jade by her.

Originally, the second little squid, Jiang Xinduo, wanted to keep it, because she always wanted to give alpha to Le Feishan but she couldn’t achieve it. Now I want to see if this spirit fish is not working. But Lotte Jade recently met General Aldridge. Aldrich and Suzuki are alumni and a very good alpha. Although he became a general officer for two years later, his family background is profound.

Continued to be more powerful, his son is not there, there is no one at home. The Aldrich family is different. Aldridge’s father, Davis, was the 17th Army commander, and Aldridge’s grandfather was one of the four marshals of Tarot Star. This background is awkward and I don’t know a few streets. If you can really climb this door, you can wake up when you are asleep.

At that time, what will continue to be the king, and all the homes of the continuation will not be enough to take a look!

There is no name on the cottage fish, so Jiang Xinduo does not know whether this thing is still used. She gave the little fish to Lotte Jade, a smug smile on her lips, as if Aldrich had become her daughter-in-law.

The author has something to say: Is the little bird sleeping at night eating insects? Hahaha~ Love you!

p.S. What was the ghost in the comment area yesterday? Some of my three children actually let them call the eggs, and what are the big fish, the second fish, the three fish, renewal, renewal, renewal, refill... They are devils / manual laugh Crying