MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 61 A family of five (two more)

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Continued does not open the sky, but he accurately locked Ji Fengyu where they are located across several tens of meters. He took Le Yao and walked through the layers of undead to the restaurant door. His gaze patrolled back and forth between Ji Fengyu and Wang Feixia, and eventually fell on Ji Fengyu. The place he walked through automatically opened a straight passage.

Some spirits have long had no feelings about being passed through, but some spirits don't particularly like this. If you catch up, you need to see who is so bold and dare to go through them. Just after drifting to the front, they all stopped suddenly like a collision with the entity. They stared blankly at this guy who was not quite the same as any human being seen in the sun.

Since the beginning, it has been different from others. The intuition of others can no longer sense the existence of the spirit, but he can. And this ability seems to have a new upgrade tonight.

"Husband? You, can you see them?" Le Yao asked in surprise. He clearly remembered to refuse to open his eyes before coming out tonight. But from the current performance of the continued, he can really see.

"There is a shadow of illusion, which is not accurate, but it is different from before." Continued and said: "Wind brother?"

"Ah?" Ji Fengyu turned his head in vain. He was busy looking down at things, but he didn't notice anyone coming. "When did you come over?"

“Just.” Le Yao said, “Can you do it? Don’t you have to call someone to help?”

"People will count first, you give me a few radio speakers."... Ji Fengyu did not finish talking, suddenly stopped. He discovered that it seemed to calm down around, and it was just as loud as the vegetable market.

All the undead are watching Sui and Le Yao. To be precise, it should be watching continuation. Their expressions are weird.

Bei Hongli also found an abnormality on their side, and they all drifted toward the restaurant. All the undead unconsciously surrounded Xu and Le Yao in the middle.

If this is a small courage, in such a scene, one hundred percent has to be scared, but Le Yao is quite calm, and the continued continuation is no fear.

Le Yao asked Ji Fengyu: "What are you doing? Why do you see him like this?"

Ji Fengyu said: "I don't know, I feel that your head is a bit strange today."

Le Yao said: "Strange? What is weird? Does he mean that you can see you?"

Song and Wei asked: "Continue the teacher can see us?"

Wang Feixia said: "Open the eyes? Isn't it normal?"

Le Yao said: "Not open."

Wang Feixia: "???"

Continued, I saw this group of undead for a while and said, "Nothing, everyone should be busy with what to do. I will come here to maintain order when I need it."

Ji Fengyu and Song and a few people nodded suspiciously, did not say anything.

Afterwards, he took Le Yao and went out from the undead group. The magic is that the original noisy vegetable market did not re-enact after they left. Thousands of undead three or five are divided into small piles and small piles, and they know what Sasso is saying there.

"Hey, have you just been scared?!"

"There is a ah! I have felt that the hair has to be erected as soon as I walked past me!"

"Do you have hair?"

"The metaphor does not understand?! Metaphor!"

"You..." one of the one-eyed old man said slowly, "Do you think that the person just looks a little like..."

"Hey! Old ghost, don't you kill you? Dare to mention his name!"

The old ghost silently closed his mouth, but his eyes looked at him in the direction of continued 尧 and Le Yao.

Continued and Le Yao were seen a lot, but did not pay special attention to such a group of undead. The two returned to the side of the aircraft, and continued to take a silver metal tube out of his pocket. This metal tube is as big as the adult's thumb. It is held in the palm of your hand for three seconds, and the end of the tube emits silver light. This light went straight into the sky and was very noticeable at night.

After a short time, Shen Weilin floated with a group of undead soldiers. They wore the same uniform and went to the same row.

"The head!" Even the greetings are extremely powerful.

"Tonight, I went to Ji Fengyu and they turned around. If there is any need to help, take the handle." Continued said, "According to the law. Remember, in China, we are a system of flying wolves, the same in the underworld."



The ten night-time squads brought by Shen Weilin, a total of 500 people, were scattered around the Lexilai hotel, restaurant, and inn to help the field.

Le Yao looked at the group and slowly lined up the team, admiringly watching Continued: "Husband is too powerful!"

Continued to slow down the neck of Yan Leyao: "There are more and more things to do in the future, do you feel hard?"

Le Yao said: "No, if it is sneaky, it will definitely feel very hard. Now you support me so much, where is it still hard? One day is very comfortable! But I have a problem, I am really curious, how can you suddenly See them? Have you done anything recently?"

Continued to say: "...that is, try to enter the situation without me according to the method you said, and the other did not do anything."

Le Yao grabbed his head: "It's weird, why do you suddenly see it? Do you want to ask President Liu if they can?"

Continued said: "No. If they can, they have already reported it for the first time."

Le Yao thought it was right, and he did not say more about it. He noticed that the hotel has always been very good. Although there are many undead, but everyone seems to be very qualified, they will not stay in place for a long time. Although he is not afraid of the undead, he is pregnant after all, so it is not appropriate to stay in the vicinity of the undead for too long. After that, he will order the night to be temporarily responsible for the “death” of the undead in the restaurant.

The pro-guardian also had to contact Shen Weilin every night, and he was responsible for doing it.

After Yao Yao got on the aircraft, he found the spare paper in the bag, and gave Ji Fengyu a few small broadcast speakers to burn it, and then returned to the living area.

On the way, he landed on the forum and wanted to see if there was any new information. He found out that he was kicked out of the forum. His account has no way to log in again. So he went to the Star Tower account again, thinking about asking someone to ask what happened. As a result, he saw more than 2,900 messages on his old blog, and @他的了了了 more than 7,000! This number has not had so many reviews and @! since registration!

What are you doing? !

Someone actually took pictures and speeches he sent to the Star Tower online!

No smoke-free fire on earth: Is it true? Le San Shao, you are saying something, ah, ah, ah, you have to die!

Wang Xiaowang: Don't you dare not come out?

The shed owner is resting today: Will you not see it? After all, it has not been updated for three months.

The voice of the other shore: It is not really not true or not! Continued how the king will smash the sand sculpture like slag! Refuse!

Half-Bow Bird: Refuse +1, Le San is not worthy of the sequel!

Le Yao squatted in a row of messages, saw several troubles, and finally closed the tower.

Continued to see it, ask him: "Why don't you return?"

Le Yao said: "How come back? No matter what is going back, it will be a bunch of problems. If it affects emotions, it is not good for children."

Continued said: "There is more to go back, how can my wife and children be wronged? Just on the website of Huaxiaxing, there is no traffic, Yan Jie told me two days ago how to drain. Leslie, give me And the lady recorded a video." Continued to finish the Le Yao's neck: "Happy."

Le Yao: "Ah?"

But see the continued communicator has been automatically unlocked and floated. The camera is aimed at Xuan and Le Yao, and Leslie said: "Begin."

Continued to the camera and said: "Hello friends of the Star Tower, everyone, I am continuing, this is my wife Le Yao. Thank you for your attention to our family of five. We are doing very well now and will always be good in the future. Go on. Hey!"

Continued to take a kiss on Le Yao's face.

Le Yao: "!!!"

Continued: "Lesley, stop recording. Send this part to the lady's star tower home page."

Leslie: "Follow the general."

Le Yao: "???"

"No, do you really want Leslie to send this?! So, won't this be said by the leader?" Le Yao was a little anxious. "And I haven't seen what I was recorded."

"Then you look at it first," continued.

“Is it really going to be sent?” Le Yao’s observation was ok, except that when he heard “a family of five”, he slammed his eyes and looked at the continuation. But is this really not too arrogant? !

"Send. They don't know how strong my wife is."

So Lesley sent the video to Le Yao's Star Tower account, with the words: Thank you for your support of our family of five.

Then there was no accident, this video bombed the whole star network into popcorn! It’s smashing, it’s blooming!

Silent night: five or five? ? ?

Work hard up: lying! Five!

Flying fish: five! ! !

The strongest in history A: Is the five serious? !

The thinnest A sister in the world: Le San is not pregnant with three little kings? I am going to be too powerful if it is true!

Sinking: It’s hard not to be out in these three months. Is it really busy at home to “plant the land”?

Little Lulu: Le three less! You have a bile video, you have the courage to come out and say clearly! Are there really triplets? !

Daddy bears: triplets! It’s so cute to think about it! I hope it's true!

I am a B: Hahahahaha, this time, what is the hit and the purple bubble, what is the stupidity? Also p map, p you lick an egg map? Get a small broken forum to not let the tourists speak, but also dare to marry the old man, a group of frogs at the bottom of the well!

Yesterday, I can't finish it: Pointing @星怜=一击中中 @紫泡泡666=紫泡泡, look at these two "national colors".

Le Yao: "..."

Le Yao saw that everyone's attention was successfully renewed. I wanted to wash and sleep, but suddenly I saw someone pointing to the white star and the purple bubble and went to see who the purple bubble is. This man did not let Leslie flesh. Who knows to go in and find that this person is actually a good friend relationship with Lotte Jade, but I don’t know why, the new news here is all about the music, or the name of the surname.

Purple Bubble 666: Lotte Jade, you are a shameless thing! You obviously saw the continued king, but what did you say when I asked you? You said, "You haven’t seen it online, it’s like that!" If you misunderstand me, you will still block me! Dirty water makes people splash on me, right? Also always said that Le Yao is bad, I think you are worse than Le Yao! @玉之心

Purple Bubble 666: You don't think I don't know that you liked to continue the king! Continued, Wang Hao, Le Yao, you are not afraid to show it, hypocritical and disgusting things! @玉之心

Le Yao said with some regrets: "It's a pity, I have nothing to reveal the evidence of Lotte Jade's hypocrisy, or simply take this opportunity to plant a big head."

Continued: "Who said no? Leslie."

Leslie didn't need to continue to say what he said, so he sent a video anonymously to the purple bubble.

When the purple bubble received the video file, I still felt strange. After reading it, I felt that it was really sleepy on the spot and someone gave the pillow! So he sent another new message.

Purple Bubble 666: Come and come, everyone will take a look at this hypocritical thing @玉之心/Video.

It is the individual who has curiosity. This has a video, and he looks at it. They found that Le Yao was brushing the stone against the big sun. Then there is a holographic image of a mother and child not far from the opposite side. The mother said, "Le Yao, what are you doing? How do you still let you do rough work there? Will it be too hard?"

Le Yao said with a disdain, he said, "I don't want to do anything about you. Do you want me to see Lotte Jade moving to my house? I saw it. It's nothing, just one." I live in a bad house, he wants to grab it for many years. Anyway, I don't plan to go back anymore, he loves to smash it."

Lotte jade bite his teeth and said weakly: "I'm sorry, my house is really not convenient. Then Dad agreed to let me move to this house. I moved over. We all know that you are working hard there, so I’m in a bad mood. Otherwise, do you talk to the teacher, and divorce him? Or do you ask Dad, maybe Dad can agree to let you come back?”

Le Yao "hehe": "Province province! I am very good with my teacher! When I saw the performance of the stocks, I turned into a second-hand goods? You have a bag! Turn off!"

This video is not long, but there are a lot of things that can be thought-provoking inside, so it didn't take long after the release, "Lotte Jade" and "Jade Heart" were pushed to the hot search.

When my brother just got married, he moved into his brother's bedroom, and then advised his brother to divorce? What is the heart of this younger brother?

Read The Duke's Passion