MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 73 The ghost is not scattered

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Those who have been on the battlefield are okay, have seen the real tears, have not responded to the bloodshed, but local officials have seen the continuation of the style Very shocked. There have been few meetings that have made them feel that they should be a gentle person, but today they find that only moderate is like a person.

Of course, there is still a question to ask, after all, the continuation has always given people a sense of integrity.

At the moment, there is a light energy tablet for each meeting in front of the conference table. The tablet shows the documents that introduce the undead army, and some problems that have been extended. These are the things that everyone wants to discuss today.

"The file mentioned that the undead army of our Flying Wolf Division could not reach the Tarot Star, and summoning our local undead is feasible." A quite young local official said, "One thing I can't figure out, I hope the general can answer. Where are the undead when they are not summoned?"

"In the underground, they have a unique 'survival' space. This is the current situation of Huaxiaxing. As for the situation on the Tarot Star, if Mrs. Hers is convenient, I would like to ask Mrs. He to answer it. It should be more specific. Some." Continue to look at the mother of the emperor.

"Okay, let me talk about it," said Mrs. Her. "Our people of Tarot will be sent to the Fukudani areas after death. Every Futayuan has a well-being, and the nature of the water is special. I can dissolve the body naturally. When I first died, I should understand the same as most people present. I thought that if I died, nothing would be there. But in fact not. I woke up again in Futayuan, it is now Spiritual state. There are many undead like me, we can't leave Futayuan completely, but at night we can be active in Futayuan, just go back before dawn."

"Where are you going?" asked the emperor.

"Back to the bottom."

"Isn't that all the people who have died before are currently in the form of spirituality in Futayuan?" asked an officer.

“Not so,” said Mrs. Her. “Every day there will be new undead, and the old undead will disappear. There is a blessing tree on Fota, no matter when it is dazzling. It **** away every day. Undead. At the beginning, we didn't know what it was used as the absorption standard. Later it was found to be based on the color of the spirit. After death, the colors of the spirits are different, and there will be new changes every day. The Fuling tree will take away those. The same color as its spirit."

"It sounds like you are choosing the undead that can go to reincarnation." Le Yao said.

"Continue the general, where did the undead come from?" asked Marshal Heming. Apparently he asked the ex-husband of Jiang Xinduo, because there was only one undead in addition to Mrs. Her.

"It is also Futayuan." Continued.

"Emperor, should we go to Futayuan to have a look?" said the emperor, "I am still open to the eye now."

Quinta Di Si said for a moment: "Mihe, you have to prepare. Everyone, go with the Ben to the nearest Fota."

As a king, there are still situations on his own site that he did not know at all. It is still such a big situation, which is still very unexpected for Quinta. So about ten minutes later, Quinta Emperor took the emperor and called Shang Xuan and Le Yao along the side and got on the plane together. Others are naturally sitting on the aircraft arranged by the Mihe Explorer and coming to Futayuan, north of Xingdu.

Fota is under the cliff. When the cliff is watching at night, there are countless small **** of light floating from below, like a firefly that only slowly flies. Of course, this can only be seen by people who have opened their eyes, and ordinary people cannot find them at all.

"Mrs. He, can you usually float on this?" Le Yao did not see the undead on the cliff. He has never been here before, and he is very curious. It seems that there is a vaginal order that is completely different from Huaxia Star.

"It doesn't float up, we can only float to half the height. At this height, it seems that there is an invisible barrier that will be blocked." Mrs. He said, "So I heard the call today and I also saw the passage. It’s a shock. Look at it.” Mrs. Her pointed to the white light under the cliff: “That is the Fuling Tree.”

"So big!" Le Yao looked at the huge white tree below, and was shocked. This tree rarely says that it is six or seven hundred meters high. The largest diameter of the trunk is said to have a twenty-six meters. Moreover, the tree body is actually growing on the top of Fulingtan. Its roots are below the surface of the pool. It is also a dazzling white light, which illuminates the surroundings.

"Why are everyone around this tree?" asked the emperor.

“Because everyone says that Fuling Tree can provide aura, let the undead become the same color as it is, and then re-open the next life journey.”

"Imperial monarch, may I ask if I want to go down and find out?" Someone asked in a video conference.

"No, don't bother them to be quiet." Quinta said, for a moment, "Since they have confirmed their existence, everyone will go back first. There are questions to continue.

The undead here seems to be fairly comfortable and there is no need to break their calm. In fact, Quintati felt that it was a bit sloppy to take Fudanyuan’s decision directly with a group of officials. Although most of the officials present should have no intentions, who can guarantee the thoughts of a small group of people? Will they not want to have an undead army? If they want to have it, they won’t start here?

No one knows that compared to Aldridge’s claim to wash away Le Yao’s mark, Quinta’s anger is that Aldridge dares to say that “the ability of Le Yao to use the 12th Army is really a pity” The words come. What about the 12th Army, and what about the 17th Army? They are all for the emperor's family and for the Tarot Empire. The ability of Le Yao's ability to shine in the same army is the same, what is "pity"!

Mihe followed the Quinta emperor for twenty years. When Quinta emperor frowned, he could guess the thoughts of Quinta, and said, "Joe, we go back to the Great Hall."

Smart special help said: "Follow."

Several aircraft flew up from the cliff and flew to the palace.

At the Great Moon Hall, all the officials were seated in their original positions and continued to talk about the undead. Continued said: "The four years of the Flying Wolf Division's undead army has been on the battlefield and never left. At present I can't let them out of their immediate state, but give them the treatment and respect they deserve. I don't think there is anything. problem."

The financial official said: "Give them the respect they deserve. Of course, this is fine. But the generals mentioned in the document that they have not been discovered for four years, which means they are not Need extra expenses. For example, fragrant food, clothing, and even accommodation, is it necessary?"

Continued said: "This is a matter of the dignity of the soldiers. Of course it is necessary. We can live without wearing military uniforms. We can live from six dishes per meal to one dish. But we are not just living, aren't they?"

Marshal Conchie frowned: "After death, life is different, how can a dead person compare with a living person?"

Continued said: "Why not? Can you guarantee that you will not die in the future? Please think about it."

The face of Marshal Conchi was dark.

The atmosphere became a bit stiff, and the emperor got up at this time and said: "The emperor is too late. Xiaole Yao is in a special situation. I will first find him a place to let him rest. He is sitting for so long. it is good."

Quinta Di also found out that this Le Yao did not know how long it took to yawn after returning from Futayuan. I didn’t know how to play a few, but because of the special occasion, I couldn’t sleep and groggy, I nodded. : "Go."

Continued to owe the body: "Thank you for the emperor."

After talking about him, he took off his coat and put it on Le Yao, and patted it on Le Yao’s shoulder.

Le Yao was spirited when he spoke after the emperor. When he received the attention of everyone, he felt the scalp numb, his cheeks hot, and he quickly left with the footsteps of God.

Out of the Great Moon Hall, it is quite comfortable. Le Yao took a long sigh of relief and patted his forehead.

When the emperor saw it, he smiled and said, "Is this embarrassed?"

Le Yao smiled and smiled: "Oh, actually there is no..." After a brief cough, he quickly shifted the topic: "Is it right for Mrs. Her, will you stay here tonight? If you stay, I can get a bedroom." Delivered to your side."

Mrs. He hadn’t talked enough to her son, and he followed it out. He said awkwardly: “Dwelling hall?”

Le Yao said: "Yes. After the emperor, can you use a 3d printer here to borrow me?"

The inside of the palace is naturally what is there. Although the utilization rate of the 3d printer is not high, it is occasionally used. The emperor said: "Yes, you come with me."

The Quinta emperor and the empress have a great love. There is only one emperor, and the two usually live in the Xinghua Hall. The emperor took Le Yao to a small print room in Xinghua Temple, and then pointed to the 3D printer with Le Yao: "That is."

Leyao has never used this model, but the things here are very smart, and he doesn't take long to understand the usage. He found the template of the palace, and then studied the design with Mrs. He and the Empress. The Empress's assistants also participated in it, and finally came up with a similar dormitory to live with Mrs. Her.

He burned the bed in the position designated by the emperor. After a while, Mrs. Her sat on the sun lounge chair she used to like.

When Mrs. Hers saw that her spiritual body could sit down instead of penetrating the past, she felt that she could not do anything magically: "Xiaole Yao, you are really amazing, is this OK?"

Le Yao said with a smile: "Okay." Then he took a cone of incense and ignited it: "You will taste this taste again. If you don't like it, I will give you another one."

What he took out was a fruity cone, which he liked most on weekdays.

When Mrs. He smelled it, she felt familiar and a little strange. I am familiar with it because she used to like the taste of this fruit. It was strange because it has not been smelled for a long time!

Mrs. Hers took a few deep breaths to stop: "God, I can smell it!" She looked at her son excitedly: "I couldn't smell it before, but I can smell it now."

The emperor asked: "Xiaole Yao, are you right?" I have read the report sent by the general to the emperor."

Le Yao said: "Yes, the emperor, this is incense. I will write down the practice for a while, the taste can be blended according to Mrs. Her. The other can also make some other food for Mrs. Her, but need to first respect the incense."

The emperor asked: "How do you respect it? Is this all respectable?"

Le Yao said: "Yes, so respectfully." He took the incense and ignited it and held it high above his head. The demonstration was put aside: "If you have any food to give to Mrs. Her, I will use the method I just used." Just fine. It can be done during the day and night. But if it is regular food, please enjoy the food after eating the food."

The empress felt that it was too strange, but he tasted the food he had just given to his mother. It was like white water, and nothing tasted!

Mrs. He saw the expression of her son and was busy asking: "Is there really no smell?"

The emperor nodded fiercely, and the joy brought by the new things suddenly made him a little excited: "Really mother." After he finished laughing at Le Yao: "You are too good for Xiaole Yao, no wonder. The general is so hurting you."

Le Yao grabbed his head: "That is when you didn't see him bullying me. When he was angry, he was not ordinary."

"Hey, is he so big and still bullying you?" Mrs. He followed and laughed.

"Bulk. When I first started, I had to stew a fish. He told me that the fish had more than 600,000 fish. I was scared that I didn't dare to start. Then I realized that it was only a few hundred."

"I really can't see it, and the generals will do the same." The emperor said, "But it is. They are all like this. People are serious before, and they can't be guilty. In private, they are actually more than anyone else."

Le Yao stunned: "Is the emperor the same?"

The emperor laughed and said nothing.

Le Yao suddenly thought of a scene of quiet communication with the emperor in the Great Moon Hall. It’s almost twenty years since I got married, and it’s really good to think about it. But then again, if the emperor is a person who is not reliable, to continue to lick that temper, I am afraid to turn the sky early, right?

Continued 尧 is indeed respectful to Quinta, so it will not be private when the Undead Army is discovered. And Quinta is not stupid, and whoever is loyal to him is still in his heart.

When the meeting was dissolved, Quinta Di also left the sequel to talk about it for a while, so that Le Yao was already in the middle of the night when he saw the continuation.

"Is there anything special happening in the empress?" Just got on the plane and continued to ask Le Yao.

“No.” Le Yao said, “The emperor is very good. It’s that you are not there. I am a bit unconcerned and sleepy.”

"Then sleep now." Continued to say that he had smashed the person into his arms.

"No hurry. I want to ask, what is the undead of the sick suit? What are you calling?" Le Yao always wanted to ask, but did not find the right time, he felt that he could It is.

"Well, if I call, I will follow the method you usually do." Continued, "He is the ex-husband of Jiang Xinduo, and he is there, even if we can't find Lotte Jade in the end, Lefeishan and Jiangjia are not. It will be better."

"..." You are really poisonous! Le Yao looked at it with a sigh of relief: "Yes, where is he going now?"

"Of course, I am going to Lejia. He will be there before dawn, I will arrange a good job for him." Continued and smiled and said.

Le Yao is even more curious, but I don’t know that Lefei Mountain is very hot.

When I went to Futayuan, the ex-husband of Jiang Xinduo had disappeared, and I didn’t go back to the Great Moon Hall. But after leaving the Great Moon Hall on Lefei Mountain, this person, oh no! It is this undead that he has appeared again! Not only did he appear, but he also looked like a bodyguard!

Marshal Davis and Comic Concord hated the Lefei Mountain because of Aldrich’s affairs. This next time there is a “bodyguard” who is still swearing at the side of Lefei Mountain. Derrick, can they not come? ! From the Da Yue Hall to the apron, the two did not give Le Feishan a good eye.

Then I finally got on the plane in Lefei Mountain, thinking that it was free. As soon as I got home, the ex-husband of Jiang Xindu appeared again!