MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 77 The in-laws are coming.

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The couple's outfit is very worn out, and the owner can also see that he was injured before he was born. But Le Yao still saw at a glance that these two are his father-in-law!

The continuation of the eyebrows is exactly the same as that of the continued dad. The shape of the ear is like a mother, and it is impossible to admit mistakes.

Le Yao continued to squat, then licking the old couple, and then the body suddenly became stiff.

He just screamed so loudly, don't leave a bad impression on his father-in-law!

Le Yao hurriedly took a few steps to the side of the crab, and then stepped back two steps. He stood next to the continued squatting and took advantage of the continuation of the arm. He didn’t care about the three seven twenty-one, and smiled and said: "Uncle and aunt are good. ""

Continued dad continued mother: "..."

I haven't even thought that I can still see my parents after more than 20 years, so I stunned for a while, and then I heard the voice of Le Yao. He took Le Yao forward and took a few steps. He looked at the opposite parents with a good look: "Dad, Mom, I am continuing."

Continued Dad continued to go to the mother when he was younger, but he was too early, so he always remembered the appearance of his parents, and he had kept photos of the photos he had taken together. At this time, he did not feel strange.

Ms. Xiang Xing looked at the face as if her husband had carved out of a mold. She seemed to want to cry, but suddenly she remembered that she had no tears. She floated to the front and continued to lift her hand and gently put it on the face: "Are you really continuing?"

Continued to say: "Yes." He looked at his father who had never been open: "Dad."

Continued nod and nodded: "Good son, you are all grown up."

Continued to press down the damp heat in the eyelids, laughing and saying: "Well, I am getting married." His hand slowly squats on the neck of Le Yao, naturally revealing the possessive desire for Le Yao: "He called Le Yao, is your daughter-in-law. Le Yao, called parents, what is the uncle and aunt?"

Le Yao said that I am not too embarrassed to be too familiar! Hurry and smile to change: "Dad, Mom."

The couple laughed and screamed.

Xiang Xing looked at Le Yao, and said that the child looks so good, that is, the temper is not very good. But is it actually pregnant? The stomach has obviously bulged, and it seems that it has been at least four or five months.

Le Yao was stared at his stomach and looked somewhat uncomfortable. He said, "Don't stand up and say, Mom and Dad, sit down and talk."

Because Ji Fengyu often talks about it, Le Yao has already got the coffee table and sofa that the undead can use in the hall. At this moment, he is facing the sofa used in the sun. Le Yao saw the two people drifting over to sit down, and quickly went to get two cones to come over, and then quietly sat next to the squatting, and suddenly compared with the violent Yao before.

When Yan Jie and Ming Shu saw it, they quietly retired and left the space to this house. No, it is a family of seven.

"What is this?" Xiang Xing asked Le Yao curiously.

"It's a fruity smell. You smell it, look like it doesn't like it. If you don't like it, there is something else." Le Yao said, pushing the cone incense forward.

"Thank you." Xiang Xing began to see the smoke when he came out and did not think it could be smelled. After all, he could not smell it after death. I know that I just smelled a sweet fruit when I just took two noses!

“How did this happen?” The Weiwei is also very curious. It's just a spice, but it smells very satisfying, just like eating real fruit.

"It’s done by Le Yao. He has a lot of special abilities.” Xu said, “It’s also what he did when you invited me here. I tried several times but didn’t succeed.” Continued to say hold Le Yao’s hand, the thumb is lightly ticked in the hands of Le Yao, and the gratitude is self-evident. If it wasn't for Le Yao, he might have missed the opportunity to see him again with his parents.

Before meeting Le Yao, he never thought that one day he would see his parents again, let alone in this unique way. But no matter what, I see it now stronger than anything else. Although the blanks of more than 20 years can not be filled in a short while, the blood relatives are blood relatives. They don't need too much words, and they will soon realize the closeness that will be there.

The only sad thing is that you can't hug or touch, so the emotions that are suppressed in your heart have a feeling of sorrow that cannot be completely vented.

Fortunately, it is not the kind of person who is impatient.

Continued to ask at this time: "Dad, Mom, have you been in Qingze Middle School before?"

Xiang Xing said: "Yes. After the earthquake, our spirits have been unable to stay away there. Later, one night we saw you appear in the woods not far from the school. But we can't hear you anyway, no matter how you call you, Then our body was found and taken away by the rescue team. I remember that you were too young at that time, so Ming Shan did not let you see our body, you always thought that we were still there, every day. I am waiting there every day. And we continue to stay, just want to spend more time with you."

The result was missed the opportunity to go to Futayuan.

They were imprisoned near Qingze Middle School and could not leave too far. But they did not regret it, just thinking about the day when the son came and they could still see it. And it turns out that their choice is correct. In the years when they passed away, their son did go to Qingze Middle School every year. Until then it may be because school is busy, this is not going to go.

I did not expect to meet like this.

Xiang Xing’s eyes were sad because she could not watch her children grow up. But her mouth was with a gratifying smile, because her son was so good, even if she had left her parents' wings so early, she could still grow so well.

They saw that he was wearing a military uniform. If he was young, he would have the rank of a general, which is not something that ordinary people can do.

The sequel is also full of pride, he is doing a gentle shot on the continued shoulder: "Son, you are much better than Dad."

Continued, the tears that have been controlled in the eyelids suddenly slipped down. He slammed his head and seemed to want to say something, but he could not say anything.

Le Yao’s heart was like a pain, and he continued to ask: “I’m right, my husband, you’ve been summoned in the town, where the location has been fixed?”

Continued said: "No, I have tried to change to Qingze Middle School."

Le Yao Wei Wei, turned his head and looked at his continued father: "Did Mom and Dad, have you not heard his call before?"

Xiang Xing said: "Yes. But we didn't hear that it was him, and I didn't dare to come. I said that he only summoned one person at a time. We have never encountered this situation, so I don't know if it will be separated. I didn't move. Fortunately, you think of using a bear. When we look at the bear, we know that it is definitely someone who knows how to continue, so it comes."

Xiang Xing took out a small rattan bear at this time. The bear was very small, and it was held in one hand. Le Yao didn’t find it before. Now I just remembered that he actually habitually printed the bear to save resources, and then forgot the above. Writing the size makes the bear very small.

"It’s Le Yao’s thoughts.” continued, and spoke gently on the face of Le Yao.

"I just think that my parents must be there, so I want to try all kinds of methods. What if it is? This is not the case!" Le Yao said with a smile. "It’s really good to see you. ""

"When did you get married?" continued Dad.

"March this year." continued, "I went to the Stars to handle things, just register with him, and then took him to Huaxia."

"March?! Is the child already so big? Continued, you shouldn't be..." It won't be given to people before registration... This is not the whole word, but her expression means Can be very obvious.

"No, no, don't misunderstand." Le Yao quickly waved his hand. "This is mainly because of more, not because of a long time..." Halo, what the **** is he talking about!

"He has three in his stomach, so he looks very big." Continued to laugh.

"Three?!" The old couple suddenly became shocked.

"Yeah." Le Yao smiled slyly. "Husband, if you talk to your parents first, I will go and give them the place to live."

At first glance, I know that Le Yao is embarrassed, but he did not stop him. He said, "Go, hard work."

Le Yao quickly smirked away from the living room.

When he arrived in the study, he was very angry. Not only did he get a new small villa to burn, but he also ordered some clothes and shoes on the Internet. Although I have to pay for it at night, he doesn't care so much. After receiving it, he will directly burn it into the new Yin House. It can be said that he is very thoughtful.

He even bought some nice hair accessories when he saw the hair accessories on the homepage of the online store, because the beautiful mother-in-law is long hair.

When he was busy with the work, it was almost in the middle of the night. He went downstairs to the living room to find the continuation, and found that Xu was still chatting with his parents. It seems that there are really endless words, and this topic seems to be mostly around and also.

"He has a good temper. When you saw it, it should be trying to summon dozens of times without success. So I am anxious." Continued smirk and said, "You will know when you have a long time. Le Yao is particularly caring and cooking." Also very good."

"That seems to be perfect," said Xiang Xing.

"There is no, there are still shortcomings." Continued smirk said, "The handwork is not very good, the velvet inside the stitched doll is squeezed out."

"What are the shortcomings?" Xiang Xing said, "If he likes it, I will teach him later."

"Well, it’s too late, let the son go back to sleep first. Since it has already arrived, there will be a lot of time in the future." Continued to see Le Yao come over and laughed and said, "This time the wife has children, but Don't let them sleep too late."

"Right right, the son, you are going to accompany Le Yao, we will talk again tomorrow night." Xiang Xing said, "We are near here, and we are not going anywhere."

"Alright, let's go, parents, let's go to the yard, Leyao should help you get a place to live." At that time, when his parents came, they went directly to the living room, so they should not see a ghost house in the yard. It is estimated that they also have no concept of a sinister house.

Sure enough, the two couples heard that their daughter-in-law might have given them a place to live, and I couldn’t understand it for a while. What do they want to live when they are dead? ! Didn't you have a drill in the night? I can see it in the yard, but there are really villas! And it's still that kind of translucent, the one that looks different from the ordinary house, there is more than one!

Le Yao pointed to the right hand and said: "Dad, Mom, that building is there. I have a few friends who live there." After the call, "You are not in Fengyu?"

Ji Fengyu "Hey!" drifted over: "Come on!"

Continued to laugh, said: "Wind brother, this is my parents, I will live opposite you later."

Ji Fengyu said with a smile: "Uncle and aunt are good. I am Ji Fengyu, Xuan and Le Yao's friends. You can find me if you have any questions in the future."

Le Yao said: "Fengyu, take my parents into the villa and turn around. By the way, look at what is missing."

The Bei Lili family of three went to the Jiang family with the old man, so no one was there, and Ji Fengyu took the old couple into the house and turned around.

There is really something in the villa, bed, wardrobe, shoe, and new clothes and slippers! Both Wei Wei and Xiang Xing are watching. The house is ready for them at first glance, but this is too fast, right? ! How did you do it?

At this time, I heard Leslie said: "General, there is a mall express, has been checked, no danger."

Continued to ask Le Yao: "What to buy?"

Le Yao said: "Rattan, there are other things that are used by hand. If you are afraid of your mother being bored, you can pass the time."

Xiang Xing suddenly moved: "Good boy, you have a heart. But I can't do it now..."

Le Yao said: "Yes."

At this time, the smart drop box has already landed in the continuation yard. Continue to open it with a password, which really has a bunch of handmade items. He took all the things out, and Le Yao first drew a big circle on the ground, wrote the delivery address, and put everything in the circle and burned it.

Xiang Xing looked at the new materials and was burned by a fire. Don't mention how much meat hurts. I don't know if it hurts for less than a minute, and everything appears in front of her! In another form!

A couple of people picked up a rattan, and then looked at their Le Yao with a smile, suddenly dumbfounded!

What is this goddess daughter-in-law!

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