MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 91 The lady is born.

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The light has been shining on Le Yao’s abdomen, like some kind of healing energy. President Liu asked continued: "What is the head of the bunny?"

Continued to say: "Peace, what?"

Dean Liu did not answer immediately, but said to his assistant: "Xiao Chen, you will check Mr. Xiaole again to see if the children's membranes are showing signs of recovery."

It was because the fetal membrane was found to be broken and it was no longer possible to carry out routine miscarriage. However, this light seems to be repairing.

Dr. Chen quickly re-scanned Le Yao’s abdomen. Originally, he was worried that there would be a plaque, and the inspection would not be affected. The result was more clear than ever.

"The dean, the membrane has not been repaired, and one of the children has signs of hypoxia." Dr. Chen said, "What should I do now?"

“Get ready for surgery right now!” said President Liu. “Adjust the temperature of the smart incubator to suit the children's temperature. After a while, the children will send them in for the first time.”

"Liu, Liu Dean, will it be too, too... is it early?" Le Yao feels a stomachache, and it hurts like there is something to cut his whole person from the inside. He woke up when the light of the peace sign came to him, but he had been hurting before, so he didn't talk, but he was really scared at this moment. The children are too young, and the single-child child is still not able to develop well for more than five months, let alone three of them. The three children get nutrition by himself, is it the same as one-on-one?

"You can rest assured that we will do our best." After the president Liu said, he told the anesthesiologist and nurse to prepare for the preoperative work.

Le Yao had to turn his head to continue.

Continued to hold Le Yao’s hand, he bent down and saw his forehead against Le Yao’s forehead: “Don’t be afraid, you and the children will be fine, I promise you.”

Le Yao wanted to nod, but a sleepy attack made him fall into the dark.

Continued 尧 feeling that the heart was pulled out of a gap. He used all his strength to pull Le Yao’s hand out of his palm and eventually turned it into a sentence: “Liu Dean, you must ensure that they are safe.”

"You want to go out?" Liu Yuanchang suddenly understood the meaning of continued.

"If there is a problem, report it in time." Continued, the person has gone outside.

On the other side of Wandeqing, he found that he had evacuated Huaxia Star after he rescued Le Yao, while the Sarna Stars sent more than half of the troops to Vodap Star. Obviously this group is also very clear, if this time again defeated, it will not ease in the next ten or eight years. So this time, even if they can't take Huaxia Star, they will definitely try hard to win the pit.

People still in Vodap Star need support.

On the one hand, the brother who killed the enemy, and on the other hand, the wife and the child, continued to know how to get out of the operating room. But when it came out, a weird feeling forced him to stop at the door, and then he scratched his fingers under the strange eyes of the guards and drew a strange rune on the operating room door.

This is a civilization that is drawn by blood, but it looks strange but not a bit of evil spirits, but full of sacred glory.

Continued to look at the rune, but he quickly regained his emotions. He said to the pro-healthy and his party: "Be sure to keep your hands on the ground and ask questions!"

Guard: "Yes!"

This day is destined to be calm. The silver mech once again brought the tall man to the combat zone. And Le Yao's stomach was cut at this moment, wrapped in the membrane, but an adult slapped child was exposed.

These children have a touch of golden light!

All the doctors, including Dean Liu, were shocked, but they suddenly remembered that Le Yao had a peculiar ability. Therefore, they were temporarily put aside and took the children out first.

They are so small, they are so small that people feel bad, and the heaviest boss is only six hundred grams. The doctors used the greatest patience and gentleness of this life to take them out of Le Yao's body, and cleaned up the nose and mouth foreign objects for them, and sent them to the incubator.

They still have no strength to cry, and their eyes are tightly closed. Their little fists were even like a longan when they were squatting.

The doctor adjusted the light for them, and the smart incubator collected their biological data diligently.

At the same time, continued to reach the battlefield, which is the first sentinel to be attacked. Not only is it not here, but most of the orc soldiers who are still alive are rushing to Vodapé. Originally it was because of the arrest of Le Yao as a hostage, so dare to be so arrogant, now that Le Yao was saved, this group has shifted the focus of the attack.

"They should be ironhearted to take a place this time. Tang deputy has folded a lot of people." Yan Jie said suddenly what he remembered, and asked to continue: "To the continued brother, Mr. Xiaole how is it now?

"I was preparing for surgery when I came out." There was no expression on the face of Xuan, but the bottom of my eyes was full of coldness. He still doesn't know that the children have been born at this time, but because he needs to continue to observe, Liu did not say anything to him.

"Damn Wandeqing. He must have asked Mr. Xiaole to help him control the undead army. Speaking of this, they know that Mr. Xiaole was rescued from you and rushed to Vodape, and you don’t feel a bit like strange?"

"There is a spy on the Great Moon Hall." Otherwise, it is impossible to be so clever. The Sarna orcs just know that the sun is the strongest when they run to attack them. The odds are the biggest. It is even more impossible to catch Le Yao and know that Le Yao was rescued. After that, he quickly retired from Huaxia. Obviously these people already know that Le Yao has special abilities and knows that the undead is afraid of the sun. They may even know that "the undead army can't leave the Chinese star", so they will rush to Vodapé Star for the first time to avoid the night undead attack. They must have thought that the undead army could not get there.

"No wonder. What do we do now? We have to wait for about thirty-five minutes to reach the Vodafisi No. 4 pit, but we can't guarantee the safety here if we support it in the past. We detected Sarna Star. There are still two teams of people in this position.” Yan Jie pointed to a certain place on the stereoscopic interstellar map of light energy. “They only need less than three hours to reach Huaxia. If we leave here, they are sure. Will kill the first time."

"There is only one way." Continued said, "Yan Jie, do you still remember the dolls that Le Yao took when he went to the stars? You sent people to print similar ones. The more the better, the more I sent them to me. Come."

"Doll? But Mr. Xiaole is now... I will go!" Yan Jie suddenly thought that this is not a picture of him in front of him! The painting seems to be more powerful than Le Yao!

The sky will soon be dark, and if anyone dares to come, the undead brothers will certainly not be polite! Even if you can't leave Huaxia Star to fight in the Stars, you can be taken away by your body.

As for Vodapé Star, it is also possible to let the supporting brothers bring the undead dolls! The enemy wants to tune the tiger away from the mountain, but obviously their head does not mean to go!

Yan Jie did not carefully design the image of the doll like Le Yao. He just found the template to print, so the fifty dolls that were played all look the same. The big head, small body, he put the doll in the bag rudely, and went to find the continuation, and continued to draw the amulet on the first time after getting the doll.

Every character that Le Yao painted has been remembered very clearly, and he can draw faster than Le Yao when painting. He painted the amulet directly on the doll and summoned the corresponding undead.

A moment later, the 50 undead soldiers headed by Shen Weilin were attached to the big-headed doll. Continued to tell Yan Jie: "Take them, call all the armored soldiers to go through the sea-curving door, and support Tang."

Yan Jie said: "All take away? Then what do you do?!"

Continued, cold and cold swept Yan Jie a look.

Yan Jie didn't dare to ask again, and rushed out when he hugged the doll. He also said that it is not good, there is a strange feeling, it seems that after the return of the hospital from the hospital, it is a bit different from the original. Specifically, it is not the same, he can't say it, but it is, weird, and this kind of strange seems to have nothing to do with Le Yao, it is very confusing.

If it is not because the character is too skillful, Yan Jie must doubt whether someone is eating a bear, a leopard, and a daring. However, he also knows that this is impossible.

At this time, the sky outside was completely darkened. I continued to stand in the corpse and I didn’t know what I was thinking.

His left palm suddenly burst into heat, as if there was a burning fire. When he looked up, he had the rune he had painted in front of the operating room.

This rune is not at all eye-catching, and I am familiar with it, but I can’t remember how I saw it before today.

Leslie’s voice suddenly rang in the communicator, with an obvious urgency in the tone: “General, the lady is born!”

Continued and slammed back to God: "What are you talking about?"

Leslie said: "The wife was born, two alpha boys and an alpha girl were placed in the incubator. But I don't know why, there are now many undead outside the hospital."

Continued to ask: "Le Yao? How about Le Yao?"

Leslie said: "It's good, but the anesthetic effect hasn't passed, so my wife is still asleep. Are you going to see it?"

Continue to squat and ask no more, when you get on the plane, you will fly to the hospital!

When I saw it at the place, as Really said, there were many undead people outside the hospital. Saying "a lot" is polite, and it should be said that tens of thousands of undead are outside the hospital, and they are actually squatting!