MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 97 Uninvited

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Yang Hengtian and Yan Jie are doing relatively confidential work, so when they are alone, they have more time to talk about things. If there is a problem, they will directly find the docking. In addition, Yan Jie repeatedly warned that Yang Hengtian was not allowed to talk outside, so there was not much to know about the things between them.

But now it is different. After Yang Hengtian’s "propaganda", the entire Flying Wolf Master knows that Yang Hengtian is chasing Yan Jie.

This is a fall filled with "love" and "violence."

It’s very hot, and the autumn tiger seems to run through the fall, but it doesn’t affect the enthusiasm that someone pursues. Even if Yan Jie often fry, Yang Hengtian can also achieve peace and stability, and give Yan Jie cool and warm in time.

"It's better to gamble on Yanjie, can this kid still hold a few days?" Tang Yan said with a smirk.

"Tang deputy, Tang Ge, I have not provoked you before?!" Yan Jie died. After playing Yang Hengtian's "mark", he can become a focus everywhere. It’s just a matter of relationship. If you are familiar with it, you have to say "Congratulations" twice. Congratulations on a hammer? !

"Hey, you didn't provoke me." Tang said, "But I am bored."

Quinta and the emperor are coming, so all of them are coming to meet. This time is really a bit boring.

Le Yao smiled and looked at the children in the incubator and immediately said, "I also want to gamble."

Continued to turn around and looked at Le Yao, laughing and not talking.

Tang Wei said: "Leyao, you are the object of being banned from participating. Betting on this kind of thing, you should not join in the fun. Can you figure out when Yanjie will surrender?"

Le Yao said: "The result can only be calculated, but it can't be counted."

Yan Jie heard more and more speechless. This is not another way to say that he will surrender in the end!

Because the team is divided into two, one side is a flying wolf teacher, and the other is the expedition team, so Yan Jie and Yang Hengtian are not together, but Yan Jie is still a bit embarrassed. He couldn't help but look at Yang Hengtian, and he just saw Yang Hengtian watching him!

Yang Hengtian discovered that Yan Jie looked at him and squinted at Yan Jie. However, they thought that no third person saw it, but suddenly there was a burst of "Oh oh!" around the next second.

"The eyebrows are sentimental, Lang has love, Lang is interested." Someone in the team said.

"Yangong, you are finished, you are blushing." Another person followed.

"I didn't have it! The emperor is here soon, are you quiet, okay?" Yan Jie said that he would never look at Yang Hengtian again, as if he had seen him before.

"Is it tired?" Continued to ask Le Yao.

"What do you say?" Le Yao squinted and continued to glance. Last night was the night of his first night of sports after he was discharged from the hospital, which was particularly expensive. If it wasn't for the special situation, he didn't want to go out of the house today. "You will pick the time." He couldn't help but say that he continued. Obviously he refused at first, and later he did not know how to stop it.

It’s hard to have a dim sum in the continuation of the shackles.

The cable did not wait for a long time, and the spacecraft arrived at the station with a huge roar. The emperor and the emperor also took the military uniform of Tarot Star and walked side by side from the spacecraft.

Together with them are Ming Shu and Le Feishan.

Le Yao whispered to continue: "How did he come?"

He naturally refers to Le Feishan instead of Ming Shu.

Continued and slowly shook his head.

It stands to reason that if it is because of Lotte Jade, it is also unlikely, because when they revealed the news, the emperor and the emperor had already set off. Davis’s family could not report directly to the first time, and the emperor’s emperor Already set off, it is even more impossible to go back and take Lefe Mountain. And if the emperor really knows, the military uniform on Le Feishan has long been smashed down, and he can wear it.


"What are you laughing at?" Le Yao asked to continue.

"Nothing," continued.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and it’s not good to see Le Feishan’s temperament. The whole person has lost a big circle. It seems that this time was tortured by the ex-husband of Jiang Xinduo.

Jiang Xin is crazy, ** Yang can let go of Le Feishan? I also know that it is impossible.

Le Yao stood subconsciously next to the incubator, next to the children. Continued to see his movements, shook his hand: "Reassured, nothing will happen."

Le Yao nodded, and then walked a few steps forward with the continued.

"Welcome to Emperor Emperor to visit the Flying Wolf Division." continued, "You are both hard working."

"This is hard work, or you guys have worked hard. Now it's in the autumn, it's still so hot." Quinta and the emperor also wore a cooling sunscreen before the spaceship, but still clearly felt the local Sultry.

"Let's find a cool place. Xiaole Yao is still a lot of rest." The emperor said.

There is no such thing as a confinement here, but it is better to have more rest for those who have just given birth, which is the same everywhere, let alone Le Yao, which is premature for some reasons.

The emperor came closer and looked at the children in the incubator: "The tiger father has no words in the dog. It is true that a few little guys are small, but they look very good." The emperor turned slightly behind him. Head: "Le General, look at your grandsons, how good."

Le Feishan glanced forward and said, "It's your blessing."

Le Yao’s heart snorted, but although he did not show impatience on the face, he did not have the kindness that the child should have when he saw his father. After all, it’s not really embarrassing, and the post-add relationship is not good, nothing.

Continued to look down on Le Feishan smiled, but this smile did not reach the bottom of my eyes. He is on one side: "The emperor, the emperor, please here."

The emperor asked Le Yao: "What did the doctor say? Is the body recovering well?"

Le Yao said with a smile: "Thank you for your concern after the emperor. I am okay. In fact, the children are good."

The emperor also laughed: "Yes. Go. Find a place. I have to take a good look at these little guys. I haven't seen oga triplets for years."

The emperor said at this time: "Well, my wife and Xiaole Yao are looking for a place to rest. I will let the generals take me to see the generals everywhere."

The emperor said: "Alright, let's leave it."

Le Yao nodded.

There are not so many rules after the emperor's emperor. When they come, they come with their own smart mobile homes. The residences don't need to be controlled by the people who fly the wolves. Just give them a space to find a house. Not far from the place where the squatting stays, there are several houses for foreign guests, which can be removed at any time. The continuation of the squatting makes people empty the land.

After the emperor put the mobile house on the top, it took about fifteen minutes for the house to fully unfold. During this time, the emperor took Le Yao on the side.

The guards kept standing at a certain distance, and Le Yao whispered, "Is the emperor, how come my father came?"

The emperor said: "I am the general of the music and I applied to the emperor to say that I want to see you. Why didn't he tell you in advance?"

Le Yao did not hide and squatted, saying: "No. We don't usually get in touch."

The emperor had somehow heard about Le Feishan and Le Yao, and it was not so good to be exposed to Jiang Xindu before, so I guessed a little.

"Now, Mrs. Le seems to have rarely come out. I heard that it is not very good. I live in the hospital. I haven’t been home for a few days. Plus, Lotte Jade is gone, so your father may be lonely." Said, "And how can you be unhappy when you are a grandfather? You see how cute these three little guys are, I like them."

"You like that is the blessing of the children. But my father, even if it is. If I have some special abilities, he will not notice me at all." Le Yao killed him and did not believe that Lefeishan would be because I want to see him and the children. He still feels more likely to say that he is going to hide from Yang or to hang him.

"Oh, don't say this." The emperor looked at the small radish heads in the incubator. "Right, what are their names? Which is the boss?"

"This is the boss, called 'end of life', he has a small birthmark on his hand. This second child, called 'Continue Wei', the third child is a girl, called 'Sheng Li'. The names are quite ordinary, but more suitable for them. ”

"They are all alha."


"Regenerate an oga later." The emperor smiled and said, "My family is five years old this year. Maybe we can make a kiss. The emperor and my mother both praise you for your good character. You must be wrong with the children of the general. ”

"You are embarrassed to praise me like this. But I didn't expect an oga in the three children." At first, there were two boys and one girl. He thought that maybe the girl was an oga, but she didn't expect to give birth. Members are all a.

The emperor smiled and said nothing. Although oga is more rare, in fact, most families still want to have alha, because oga always has to marry. Obviously, Le Yao does not care about these, it is the child likes it.

Le Yao didn't mean to say that he didn't want it anymore. These three are enough for him to raise. And although all three are alha to make him somewhat surprised, but this is also very good, at least there will be no problem of estrus, more worry.

At this time, the emperor and the emperor's residence finally succeeded in landing and stretching, and Le Yao entered the super-luxury intelligent mobile room together with the emperor.

At the same time, the people who took the emperor and the expedition team were transferred to the canteen not far away. The emperor saw a large sea of ​​flowers, and the flowers were almost as long as adults, and they were all pure white. They looked a bit like clouds. The emperor asked him with a single finger: "What flower is that? It can be a big one."

"Yunsijin. It is a kind of people in Leyao." continued said, "At the beginning, there were all kinds of weeds. Later, the undead dormitory was built here. Le Yao felt that there would always be people who could not see it. I will use flowers to enclose it. This way, when someone comes over, they will not step on it, and they will look good."

"This little Le Yao has always been a lot of ideas." The emperor laughed and said, "It’s rare for both of you to understand the subordinates. I heard that when you came back last time, you brought a lot of books back. The library was built here. What?"

"Yes. Because there is no research on how to send things like tablets and book readers to the underworld and fully guarantee their functions, so they are all paper books."

“The idea is very good.” The emperor nodded. “Right, where is the Wande celebration?”

“Closed...” Continued to look at Le Feishan. “Not far from the training ground. Are you going to see it?”

"Well, let's go." The emperor said to go to the training ground.

Le Fei said with a blank expression, it seems that he did not feel anxious because he wanted to see Wan Deqing. After seeing it again, he said to the emperor: "It’s not only the celebration, but also the people of Wandeqing who found it in the first two days."

"Wan Deqing's wife?"

"Yes." continued to say to look at Le Feishan again, and I saw that this person was a little stretched, and the eyes flashed a little in a panic.

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