MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 99 I'm not human

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The incident was sudden, and no one thought that Lefeishan would dare to do this. All around are the guards of Quinta and the Flying Wolf soldiers. Lefeishan is undoubtedly not planning to leave a way back.

"Le Fashan, do you think you fled to get there?" Continued to see the traces of Quinta's neck being pulled out, and for a moment it was too hard to push too tight, only asked quietly.

"How do you know if you don't try it? And I won't escape, and the result will not be better than now." If it is just a derailment in marriage, it is better to say that at most, the dismissal. But now he is exposed to the whitewashing of the prisoner by his relationship with Wan Chengze. He only has a dead end.

Le Feishan did not look at Quinta, but only kept on staring. His Xuan Jinsi can instantly remove the human head, and he believes that Quinta will not move as long as it is not stupid.

Quinta is still calm, not showing a half panic. However, this time has been betrayed one after another, and his mood is really not good. He leaned his head slightly and pressed the fire and said: "Le Fashan, you are now ready to stop, I can still leave you a life. But you must insist on this, then don't blame me!"

Le Feishan did not think about turning back when he did it. His wrist moved slightly, and Quinta's neck suddenly overflowed with blood beads: "My life is enough for me to leave myself. It will not bother you. As for now, continue to keep you going! Let your people take Wande Celebrate and send me to Tianyu. Remember, don’t play tricks!”

Continued to hesitate, Quintadi knows the power of Xuan Jinsi, and said: "Go and continue the general."

Continued to read the story of Le Feishan, turned and took off the aircraft, shouted: "Come to come, bring Wandeqing and Lotte Jade!"

Someone immediately executed the order.

The Emperor’s guards came here. Their people have learned through the video of the emperor's communicator that the emperor is controlled by Lefe Mountain. They were trusting to continue to work on the aircraft, and they thought that this would happen. So now I’m going to talk about it, don’t mention any dissatisfaction with the renewal, and think about the relationship between the future and Lefe Mountain. It is inevitable that there is some doubt.

"Continue the teacher, how can you let the emperor stay alone on the aircraft!" The captain of the Imperial Guards did not want to say.

"Otherwise? Do you want me to resist? Or do you really want to let Le Feishan want the life of the emperor?"

The Emperor's guards were personally chosen by the emperor. Although the level is not particularly high, they have many special rights. Even the high-ranking officials will be more polite with them. However, I will not eat this one.

Soon someone brought Wan Deqing and Lotte Jade. Lotte Jade catches Wandeqing as if he is holding a straw. The two were thrown at the side of Lefei Mountain. Lotte Jade saw Lefe Mountain, and "Wow!"

Le Feishan was noisy and screamed: "Cry what cry! Shut up!"

Lotte Jade was so scared that the cry became a sob.

Le Feishan smiled coldly at this moment: "Continue, I have to trouble you to send my grandchildren too. I haven't seen them enough yet."

Continued to squint: "What are you talking about?"

Le Feishan said: "Bring my grandchildren over. Also, take care of your people. If we have any mistakes, don't blame me for not measuring."

Continued to silence for a moment, suddenly smiled: "Well, you wait."

Yan Jie turned his head and whispered: "Continue, are you not?"

Le Feishan obviously wants to take the three children as hostages. Can it really be sent out? !

Le Yao was shocked after learning: "What do you say? You have to send the children to Lefeishan?"

Continued nodded: "I assure you that I must protect their safety."

Le Yao shouted: "No! The children are still so small, and they haven't even had the ability to protect themselves. How can I let them be hostages? Is Lefei Mountain tired? How dare he!"

This is the first time Le Yao has spoken in this violent tone, and it is still in the continuation. The people in the house were not the same, and Yan Jie was shocked.

Continued and comfortably grasped the shoulder of Zha Le Yao, and then regardless of whether the emperor would see it, the left hand palm gently touched up, and then unfolded to reveal the above-mentioned 阎王法印, printed on the incubator.

Clearly no oil and no ink, but successfully left a faint golden mark on the incubator.

Le Yao knows that with this thing his children will be innocent, but he is still very angry.

He never seemed to be so angry, he felt the whole head swelled and hurt, as if something was desperately arching into his mind and rushing to his limbs. He seems to be blasting, this feeling is particularly strange, but it seems to have happened. He can't control it completely.

Then he did everything, including things he didn't expect. He hugged the incubator: "No, it doesn't work! Whoever dares to beat my child's idea, I will kill who! Let me be a hostage, but let my children go, don't even think about it!"

After he finished, he left the children directly. His gaze became awkward, like a female wolf guarding the cub.

Everyone, including the empress, was shocked by the change of Le Yao, and only continued, I noticed that Le Yao said "Dare to dare."

Has anyone ever played the idea of ​​their children? Or is it that the person that Le Yao refers to is the idea?

However, I still have to wait until I think about the answer. Le Yao, who went outside the door, was suddenly stopped.

"Don't go!" The captain of the Imperial Guards is in front of Le Yao. "Continue the lady, you can understand the nervous child, but now the emperor is still in your father's hands, do you have to defect?"

"What do you say?" I don't know which word is stimulating to Le Yao. His eyes are red when he looks at the opposite person. "You have the courage to say it again!"

"Leave the child!"

"Looking for death!" Le Yao stared at the people in front of him.

Suddenly there was a strong wind blowing around, which was the most intense time of the sun in the day, but the sky was gradually darkening.

This strange change made everyone stunned, and even the other Lefeishan who waited for the children to notice the changes outside the window.

"What happened?" Le Feishan asked Wan Deqing.

"I don't know." Wan Deqing also felt that this was a bit strange. The sky was dark and dark, but now it is clear during the day. There are no clouds in the sky. This darkness is not because the dark clouds gather, but the sun suddenly converges.

"Dad, Dad, don't wait, let's go straight?" Lotte said in a panic.

"Le Fashan." The sound of continued cymbals sounded from the communicator of Lefeishan. "The last chance, put the emperor, I will let you take them away. If you don't know what to do..."

"Hey! Hey!" A thunder was hit by the aircraft that was taken by Lefei Mountain.

"Is it seen? My ancestors were angry." continued, "I count three numbers, one, two... oh, stubborn!"

Originally, I could barely see things around. If the words continued, the sky would be completely dark. Everyone’s ears seemed to have strange whispers. They seemed to be laughing and crying. I can't see anything, but it seems like there are people everywhere.

Le Feishan felt something slamming his neck! Not only his neck, but his wrists and ankles. He couldn't move, and only the "squeaky" sound of a hard-boiled throat proved that he was still alive!

Even a few days of imprisonment can make Lotte Jade out of the shadows of his heart, and he will be nervous when he arrives in the dark. At this time, he reached out and saw the strange movements, and the courage was scared.

"Dad, Dad? Wandeqing!" Lotte Jade felt that someone was holding himself, and quickly touched it, but touched a hand bone. The bones of the hand bones are distinct, they are sticky and greasy, and they still have a little temperature. It seems that they have just been stripped of the flesh and blood. He suddenly "ah ah ah ah!!!" screamed and fainted.

"Continue the general?" Only the voice of Quinta is still calm, but this calm has already said that it is not true that some points are true, and some points are strong.

"Sorry, I have kept you waiting." The continued voice rang in the aircraft.

The surroundings are still very dark, but Quintati feels that the **** on his neck is suddenly loose. He had a stiff body and didn't know what to say.

He just once wondered if he was dreaming.

The lights in the aircraft lit up at this moment, and he saw the continued rubbing on his opposite side, and his side was fainted by Le Feishan and Lotte Jade, and... a peeled, whole body was blood The Wandeqing.

Continue to wipe off the last trace of blood on the hand: "They will dispose of them three, you still have to appease the emperor. I am going to find Le Yao and the children."

Quinta Di said: "Wait!"

Continue to turn around.

Quintati stood up from the aircraft: "Continue the general, who are you?"

Continued to laugh, said: "I am not a human."

Quinta Di frowns: "This is not funny!"

Continued said: "I didn't laugh. My wife and I are not human, our three children are not."

Quinta Di: "..."

Continued to use the more casual than the saying that eating and drinking, after talking about the explosive facts, went to Le Yao. After Yao Lei’s captain of the guard’s team, he took the children back home and continued to take a look at him.

I always feel that Le Yao seems to think of something.

Le Yao is sitting on the sofa, and the temperament of the whole person is somewhat different. He used to be optimistic and cheerful, and at this time it looked a bit difficult to get close.

He didn't know what he was thinking. The incubator is at his hand. His hand was on top, but his eyes were not on his head.

The three children are moving around, no matter how hard, the boss is urinating, and the intelligent voice prompts the boss to change the urine. However, the bell rang for a long time. Le Yao returned to God and blinked. After that, he took the little diaper and silently and slowly changed it to the boss.

He watched the incubator recombine, and the sky outside began to return to normal.

It seems that nothing has happened, but just now, he suddenly remembered something.

"When did you come out?" Le Yao heard the sound of opening the door and asked the strange question without looking back.

Read The Duke's Passion