MTL - The Global Reshuffle of Space-Chapter 356 rainy night attack

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  After receiving the order, Quan Ruize built an integrated house next to the rice field, and personally led twenty people to guard here day and night.

  Because the temperature rose to more than 50 degrees, people's work and rest turned black and white again.

  The trading market is also open at night, and the gates of the three areas are open all day, but the checks on people entering and leaving are stricter.

  In the morning of the end of July, black clouds swept across the sky, and the wind blew against the greenhouses in the field.

  The black clouds galloped back and forth at an extremely fast speed like a galloping horse. Lightning flashed and thundered in the dark clouds in the distance. Everyone in the base was worried about the crops in the field.

  The crops in the field are about to mature, and people are most afraid of being hit by hail. Once the weather changes, the crops in the field will be destroyed.

   "Please God bless, don't let us suffer another disaster.

  The crops in the field are about to be harvested. If there is any suffering, let it go, okay? "

   Kneel down to Yushan and beg God, his family only has one mu of land, and the whole family lives on the little harvest in the field.

  If something goes wrong, the whole family will starve to death.

  Although the base will distribute relief food, how can the tens of thousands of people in the whole base be relieved? If you have food in your hands, you don’t need to ask others.

   "God, please let us go!

   Babe please! "

  Xiang Beibei followed Xiang Yushan and knelt down. The seven-year-old child has experienced three years of suffering and already knows a lot about adults.

  She also understands the importance of food to the family, because the family conditions are not good, Xiang Beibei is taught to read by Xiang Dongyang at home.

  She cannot enter the school at the base like some of her peers.

  The whole family depended on the harvest of an acre of land to survive, and they couldn't get any extra food to exchange for points, so they naturally lost their eligibility to go to school.

   Fortunately, Xiang Dongyang is a man of knowledge, he can teach his daughter how to read and do farming by himself.

  The only thing that cannot be taught is martial arts. The school opened at the base is a teaching method that integrates culture, skills, and martial arts.

  If a family can have a child go to school, the whole family is envied. It represents not only the identity, but also the future of the child.

   "Dad, get up quickly!

   What's the matter with kneeling on the ground!

  Beibei also got up. "

  Xiang Dongyang doesn't believe in God. The current environment has deteriorated because of human beings' excessive demands over the years.

  Breaking the balance of nature is what happened to their generation.

  The hardest thing is Xiang Beibei's generation, who have to suffer and suffer with adults at the age of flowers.

  As an adult, I have enjoyed everything that should be enjoyed, but what about children!

   At an ignorant age, I was forced to grow up, and I had to go to the fields and do housework with the adults.

  Xiang Dongyang only hated himself for being incapable, not even being able to send his daughter to school.

   Others knelt down to the old man and begged God, and some older people followed suit.

  Suddenly, a large group of people knelt outside, begging God to let them go.

  At this time, neither the patrol nor the **** came forward to stop...

  If it weren't for the clothes on her body, some people would also want to follow suit.

  Human beings are too small in front of nature, unable to resist sudden changes.

  The strange black clouds that lasted into the evening, without hail or thunder, made some people more determined, and was the reason for their begging.

  The night was dark and the wind was high, the wind was howling, and the greenhouse made an unbearable creaking sound in the wind.

  The torrential rain poured down and hit the greenhouse with a loud sound, as if the whole world played a symphony.

   In the middle of the night, several black shadows melted into the night and moved quickly in the base.

"Da da da…"


   Fierce gunshots and explosions woke up the sleeping people, but no one dared to go out to check.

  They moved all the heavy things in the house behind the door, hoping to block the noise from outside.

  Hearing the gunshots, many people think of what kind of environment they are living in now.

  Nanshan base has always been a peaceful and stable place, the noise and suffering outside are too far away from the people here.

  They once thought that it was still a time of peace, but the environment was getting worse.

  As long as you carry it over, who would have thought that there would be gun battles and explosions in the base.

  The guard at the gate of the station fell in a pool of blood, and sounded the alarm at the last moment...

  The black shadow target clearly went straight to the inner area, and the soldiers who rushed out to intercept were unilaterally chopped melons and vegetables.

  Li Kun personally led the team into the rain and fog of the night, and the moving red dot became the target of their attack.


  Xiao Xingzhou opened his tiger eyes suddenly, jumped up from the bed, opened the drawer, took out guns and ammunition, and pinned it to his waist. When he went out, he took off the Tang knife hanging on the wall and held it in his hand.

  The four bodyguard robots at home started at the same time, and Bu Kun next door also responded quickly at the same time.

  He stuffed Xiao Kai into the wardrobe and hid it, took out the two big hammers he used to from the kang cabinet, and quietly went out to meet Xiao Xingzhou.

  After two people, four bodyguards and two dogs quickly occupied the six windows in the yard, a contest between light and darkness officially kicked off...

  Four black shadows climbed up from the foot of the mountain nimbly, and the dark hands that had been set up at this time lost their blocking effect on the black shadows.

   Four black shadows squatted under the window outside. For some unknown purpose, they didn't throw grenades directly in.

  A black pipe was put into the window, and a puff of smoke came out noiselessly.

   Xiao Xingzhou, who smelled a peculiar smell in the air, took out a detoxification pill from his pocket and swallowed it, and then gave Bu Kun and Xiao Hei Xiao Bai another one.

  Both of them wisely kept silent, the little black and little white dog wagged its tail, and its shiny dog ​​eyes showed a fierce light of hatred.

  Five minutes later, Sombra started to remove the mullions from the window frame, and the window mullions containing iron bars were easily removed by Sombra.

  Xiao Xingzhou's eyes flickered slightly. The gun battle in the base had been fierce. He didn't know why these people would take his home as one of the targets.

   These people are not ordinary characters at first glance, and they are definitely not actions that ordinary people in the base can do.

  Xiao Xingzhou fixed his eyes on the black figure coming in from the window, and the raised knife silently landed on the intruder's neck.

  The knife fell and the neck was broken...

  Tear off the headless body and throw it on the ground to wait for the next intruder.

  The slight plop did not attract the attention of the shadows outside, because they believed too much in their drugs.

   Soi Ying, who has never missed a hand, doesn't know how he died.

   Bu Kun saw that Xiao Xingzhou was as convenient as cutting watermelons with one knife, and wished to replace it.

   Perhaps the smell of blood was too strong, which aroused the vigilance of the last black shadow.


  A round of random gunfire, Xiao Xingzhou, who was stuck to the wall, held his breath, hating the people outside.

   Several vegetable boxes in the yard were broken, and the melons and fruits he planted for his granddaughter were also affected.

  Xiao Xingzhou vowed to capture this person alive and ask who was behind the scenes, otherwise it would be difficult to dispel his anger.

  The melons and fruits he carefully waited for every day, just to wait for his little granddaughter to come back to give her a bite, were broken by these **** things.

Read The Duke's Passion