MTL - The Global Reshuffle of Space-Chapter 382 garbage disposal worker

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  Chapter 382 Garbage Disposal Worker

  Dedicated to finding a job, Mo Xiaoyue and Mo Fangzhou walk in front of the big screen on the first floor every day, and there are trading areas on the first and sixth floors.

  Hard work pays off, Mo Xiaoyue finally finds a job that is considered the most tiring in the eyes of others after wandering around for a month.

  The garbage disposal worker of the research institute.

  When this type of work came out, no one rushed to sign up.

   Mo Xiaoyue, who didn't know what to do, was the first to rush forward to grab the name, and was hired immediately.

  Others shook their heads and sighed when they saw that she was hired.

   "A pretty little girl, how do you do that kind of work."

   The salary of garbage disposal workers looks high, but even big men can't do it.

  Because of garbage disposal, it has to be sent to a special disposal site outside the dungeon.

  During the cold wave, it was freezing outside and no one wanted to do that job.

   People who are careful and often appear in this hall have discovered a rule early.

  The garbage disposal workers of the research institute recruit people every six months, and they are very punctual.

  A man wearing a hat in the corner pulled down the brim of his hat. He has been paying attention to the recruitment in the hall for a long time.

  Many of the news, it can be said that it is extremely scary to think about it carefully, but he suffers from no way to disclose it, so he can only work hard in his heart.

  At first, she wanted to step forward to stop Mo Xiaoyue from signing up, but she was a step too late.

  He could tell that this girl was weak and weak on the surface, but she was self-loving but fierce in her bones.

  Anyone who dares to take advantage of her will be punished on the spot, and some people will make various problems.

   All of this was seen by him, but it was all covered under his nose.

  In this world, many people are bent over by reality. He wants to use his weak strength to protect this pungent girl.

  Mo Fangzhou heard the words of others, his eyes moved slightly, but he didn't go forward to ask, because he also found a job in a research institute by coincidence.

  The planting of medicinal materials belongs to the planting area under the research institute.

  The place where Mo Xiaoyue works is far away. Although he was a little worried about the safety of his little granddaughter, he endured it.

  Because of work reasons, it would be inconvenient for them to live on the fifth floor.

  Mo Xiaoyue cannot go back to her residence because of her special work.

  Only Mofangzhou is a plantation field that you can enter directly, and you can go back to the place to live after get off work, but the place to live is also provided by the research institute.

  Mo Xiaoyue returned the house and only got back one month's points. She glanced at the staff inside.

  The man seemed to have eyes on the top of his head, and he did not lift his head up.

   "If there is anything you don't understand, please read the rental contract clearly, next one."

  Mo Xiaoyue has seen how enthusiastic she was when she was renting a house, and how bad she is now.

   As for the half-month points she lost, it was clearly stipulated in the contract that if it is less than one month, it will be counted as one month.

   "It's really dark enough!"

   Who told her not to pay attention at the time, and lost 5,000 points in vain, so she could only consider herself unlucky.

   "Hehe, many people in your situation will encounter it, and most of them are people who don't pay attention for the first time.

   Suffer two more losses, it is good to have experience.

  Mo Xiaoyue, take care! "

  Every time Rao Yaming sees Mo Xiaoyue's eyes, he will think of his classmate Xiao Yueling, but their appearances are too different.

   They are basically two different people, they just have similar eyes.

  It's a pity that I can't see her again, and many classmates and teachers in the class, they all disappeared in the first \'BM\' virus.

  He just lost his job and came to the lobby on the first floor to look for work. When he saw Mo Xiaoyue, he couldn't help but chat with her a little longer.

   "Take care, Rao Yaming!"

  Mo Xiaoyue did not expect to meet a classmate here, and it seems that his life is not very good.

  The youthful and sunny boy is long gone, his thin body is obviously malnourished, and he has gray hair at a young age.

   This was the first classmate she met. She didn't dare to go up to recognize each other, let alone ask how the classmates and teachers in the class were doing.

  At that time, none of the students in their class were from poor families, and they were also the best in the school.

  It's a pity that it was a mutation, but it made people fall to this point.

  If possible, she hopes that Rao Yaming can live in Nanshan Base, where the living conditions are much better than here.

   Less than two months after coming to the dungeon, I met two acquaintances.

   A large city with a population of tens of millions may sound like a vast sea of ​​people, but the world is still so small.

  Rao Yaming nodded, watching the back of leaving, he really hoped that nothing had happened.

  They are still the abused Quacking one, and Sima, who is the most arrogant in the class but likes to cling to Xiao Yueling, unfortunately they are gone.

  Rao Yaming took a deep breath, regained his energy and stared at the information on the big screen.

  He has a heavy burden on his shoulders, his mother and sister are sick, and he has become the main force in the family.

  Rao Yaming also hated and complained, but in order to keep his family alive, he had to face the reality of beatings.

  He doesn't know when this kind of life will be his head, and he is overwhelmed every day.

  He hates the dark life in the dungeon. In summer, he would rather go out with a team to find food than stay in this cave.

   Live like a blind mouse.

  He wants to live in the sun!


  Mo Xiaoyue and Mo Fangzhou passed through the checkpoints and came to the lobby on the floor of the research institute.

  Floor 28!

  Among the people who came here together, only three were older, and two of them had weathered faces and dark complexion.

  That face already explained their identities, Mo Xiaoyue looked at her grandfather and those two, and was taken away by a person in blue overalls.

  Before coming to the institute, the grandfather and grandson had just experienced the pain when the drug expired.

   Fortunately, the medicine taken this time has been improved, and the duration will be doubled.

  People who come to work in the institute all carry their luggage, but those things have to go through layers of inspection.

  They were not allowed to wear any accessories, and even their personal optical brains were confiscated and kept in a centralized manner.

  Mo Xiaoyue hung a sign around her neck, with only a simple name on it, not even a photo.

   On the back is a mung bean-sized chip, which is very inconspicuous but very important.

   This is the only proof that she is here.

  All the companions in the hall were taken away, only Mo Xiaoyue stood alone in the empty hall.

  The bulletproof gate was closed tightly, and in the nearly 300-square-meter hall, apart from the armed robot at the gate, there was no second living person to be found.

  Mo Xiaoyue kept her eyes on her nose, her nose and her heart, her face remained calm, but she took advantage of the crowds when she first came in, and took note of the layout of the hall.

   "Mo Xiaoyue, come with me!" An emotionless voice sounded.

  Mo Xiaoyue shook her shoulders in response to the situation, but she was full of complaints in her heart. At this time, she already understood that this job is not easy.

  When I was on the first floor, there must be a reason why so many people didn't fight for this spot.

  Listen to this voice, like a dead man!

  Thinking of Mo Xiaoyue here, a chill rises from the bottom of her feet.

  She won't be so unlucky, she really has to deal with dead people all day long!

  (end of this chapter)

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