MTL - The Global Reshuffle of Space-Chapter 396 Crying Papa Xiao

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   After struggling to the death for more than three years, he couldn't bear it anymore, but he regretted not being able to see his father and daughter, those two faces that he thought about day and night.

  Xiao Yuanhang greedily looked at the person in front of him, imagining what his precious daughter would look like when she grew up.

  He really wanted to reach out and touch those eyes, and murmured.

   "Linger, father and mother are sorry for you.

  We have not fulfilled our responsibilities as parents, we are too selfish.

   Both your mother and I regret it! "

  Tears welled up in the man's eyes again. Since the couple was arrested, they have regretted countless times.

   I have been dying until now, just wanting to see my precious daughter again.

  He got his wish, but his wife was still in a coma.

   "Dad, it's okay!

  I don't blame you guys, you see I'm fine now!

  I can accept anything as long as you and mom can come back.

  I only have one request, no matter where you go in the future, you have to take me with you. "

  Xiao Yueling raised her hands, choking with sobs.

   "Dad, I miss you and Mom so much!


   Xiao Yueling, who finally met, could no longer control the tears in his eyes, and lay down beside the bed crying bitterly...

  Grievance, fear, injustice, hate...

   These negative emotions almost overwhelmed her!

   "Ling'er, Dad is sorry for you, it's Dad's fault!"

  Xiao Yuanhang really wanted to hold his daughter in his arms, but he couldn't move. He was sweating profusely and burst into tears.

  In this life, he owes too much to his father and daughter.

  For that so-called ideal, they suffered too much grievance.

   "Dad, I'm sorry!" Xiao Yuanhang choked up his belated apology to the old man.

  Xiao Xingzhou burst into tears, angry and resentful towards Xiao Yuanhang, but he couldn't take his anger out on him.

   "You are most sorry for Linger!

  After the catastrophe, she alone provoked all the family affairs.

  After receiving news of your accident, she dropped out of school in Kyoto and returned home at the age of sixteen.

  Sixteen years old!

  She endured all the pain and pain in silence, working at home regardless of black and white.

  In order to save you, I don't hesitate to risk myself and work as a garbage collector in the research institute.

  Have you thought about her feelings!

  In the past few years, I have been so busy that I haven't given her a birthday. The child is almost twenty years old.

  Hang’er, for my ideal, I sacrificed my family’s life back then.

  You pay for your freedom and even your life for your ideal.

   None of us can see clearly. "

  Xiao Xingzhou wiped away the tears from his eyes, moved two chairs over, and helped his crying little granddaughter to the chairs.

   "Linger, don't cry!

   They'll be fine soon, and we can go home anytime. "

   Xiao Yueling, who had cried bitterly, lost the heavy shackles on her body, and felt much more relaxed.

  It was then that I remembered that I hadn't told my dad where they were, otherwise he would have to worry again.

   "Dad, don't be afraid!

  We have already left the research institute, and we are now located more than a hundred miles away in the suburbs of Beijing.

   Remember that package you and Mom didn’t send, no, the one with the gold bead in it.

   That is a Dragon Ball space, we are in the space now. "

   Seeing that his daughter was not crying, Xiao Yuanhang had just stopped crying when he heard another bombing news, and almost jumped up in shock.

   "Hahaha, God really did not fail me!

  It's worth it, it's worth it!

Ha ha ha ha…"

  Xiao Yuanhang's almost crazy laughter echoed in the room, and Xiao Xingzhou quickly hit his dumb acupoint.

   Laughing any longer, the wounds all over his body had to burst open again.

   Xiao Yuanhang, unable to make a sound, looked at his daughter with aggrieved eyes, tears streaming down his face...

   "Grandpa, Dad has hot eyes!"

   "Haha, you are worthless, shame on you!"

   Xiao Xingzhou stroked those eyes with his big hands, making him fall asleep.

  The irresponsible son wakes up and needs to get him some tasty and nutritious liquid food.

   As for the daughter-in-law, it will take a while to wake up.

  During this period of time, the two of them were hanging on the life-saving pills, so there was no need to worry about starving to death.

  As long as he wakes up, Xiao Xingzhou has the confidence to restore his son and daughter-in-law to a healthy body and let them stand up again.

  The medical skills and experience accumulated by several members of the Xiao family are wealth that the world will never imagine.

  The grandpa and grandson went out to prepare fresh ingredients in a happy mood, feeling that every grass around them was smiling at them.

  Xiao Yueling was jumping and chasing the bees in the grass, and flew up with joy, Xiao Hei followed suit and howled, attracting the poultry to shine on each other.

  On the sea in the distance, Hai Yi Hai Er leads a group of fish to jump happily...

  In the vibrant space, even the leaves are alive.

  Xiao Xingzhou, who was in a good mood, smiled from ear to ear, and stepped lightly on the grass blades.

   It's rare for the old man to show off his profound skills in a good mood, and it's been a long time since he saw his little granddaughter so happy.

   It's great that the family is back together again!


  A small fishing boat was parked on the sea, Xiao Xingzhou and Xiao Yueling were sitting beside the boat fishing, while Xiao Hei, who liked to join in the fun, ran back and forth on the boat.

  Hai Yi Hai Er drove a group of chubby fish over, and the two intercepted the retreat of the fish school.

  A plump bluefin tuna wanted to escape, but Haier slapped it back and yelled at it again.

  The bluefin tuna miraculously took the initiative to bite the hook, and the eyes were full of grievances.

   This scene made the grandpa and grandson stunned. They looked at each other and laughed out loud.

   "Hahaha, Hai Yi Hai Er is good, you can eat any fish in the sea."


  Two dolphin spirits happily circled the fishing boat, making Xiao Hei chasing them and barking wildly.

  When Xiao Hei passed by Xiao Yueling, she deliberately kicked him off the boat.

   "Go down! Xiao Hei!"

   Xiao Hei, who was kicked into the sea, scratched his limbs in a panic, and his sturdy body quickly adapted to the buoyancy of the sea.

  After mastering the swimming skills, they chased after the sea, and the three miraculously played together.

  The grandpa and grandson on the fishing boat were busy picking up the fishing rod, but no one noticed the three mature ones.

  The tuna dragged onto the boat was mixed and round, and it was estimated to weigh more than 600 catties.

  Xiao Xingzhou did bloodletting himself, taking out the fattest fish belly and the tender part of the belly.

   "Ling'er, put the rest of the meat in."

   Needless to say, Xiao Xingzhou, Xiao Yueling has already put his hands on the fish, and if he wants to keep the tuna fresh, he must use a stone cave.

  Xiao Yueling drove the boat to the shore, saw Xiao Hei, who was out of sight, and said.

   "Grandpa, you go back first.

   I rinse the boat and come back. "

   "Just come back in time for dinner."

  Xiao Xingzhou nodded and left. The little granddaughter never had to worry about cooking at home.

  With her cooking skills, no matter how good the ingredients are, they are wasted. Don't think he doesn't know.

  Twice, Xiao Xingzhou could smell the smell of the space kitchen.

  The pot was burned black inside and out, and Xiao Xingzhou felt a little uncomfortable being the pot.

  No way, the girl is good in everything, but she doesn't know how to cook, so there is no one else.

   Fortunately, there are three nanny robots at home, otherwise I would really worry that she would have nothing to eat when she was out alone.

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