MTL - The Global Reshuffle of Space-Chapter 422 long-lost home

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  Chapter 422 Long-lost home

   "Hehe, it's worth it!"

   "What's the value, why are you looking at a group of animals silly! Take care of the deputy team!"

  Li Jing, who appeared out of nowhere, leaned against the door and hugged her chest to watch Guan Ming.

   "Hehe, why didn't the deputy base chief go to Xiao Yueling's house?"

   Li Jing shrugged, with that narrow-minded third child around, if he got the chance to go, he might steal his limelight.

  A guy who pays more attention to **** than brother!

   "Haha, you've been disgusted!

  Who would have thought that we went crazy and searched all over the country but couldn't find anyone, and even came back without telling anyone, and brought back so many survivors.

   Even the missing parents have been found, isn't life amazing! "

  Guan Ming couldn't see the situation, he must have been disgusted by their base chief!

   Men, they all look alike!

   "He is indeed a very remarkable person. It is true that being famous is not as good as seeing others. Who would have thought that he is a sweet-looking girl.

   It really meets the aesthetics of my old man. "

  Li Jing still remembers that the old man wanted their three brothers to marry wives and start a family, but it took many years but none of them succeeded. The old man was so angry that he scolded every time.

  Who would have thought that the person they least favored would be the first to find the girl they like.

  Unfortunately, no one can see through what didn't happen.

   "Haha, you must not be fooled by her appearance."

  Guan Ming shook his head with a smile. When they first met Xiao Yueling, no one paid much attention to her. They only thought that she joined the Special Forces through Likun's relationship.

   As a result, everyone was completely slapped in the face.

  Li Jing has already seen Xiao Yueling's moves, how dare she underestimate her.

   "I'm here to claim a bear too."

  Li Jing is not interested in poultry, let alone let him raise a person who can't even cook rice, let him raise poultry, it is better to let him eat it.

   After Guan Ming helped him complete the claim procedures, he hurriedly sent the things home.

   Li Jing suddenly felt like a loner, and went to the kitchen alone to watch, and everything about city patrol and office work was forgotten.

   Nanshan base lacks him alone, and he will not stop moving forward. He should also rest.

   Have food and drink, let’s play with the little bear again, life should not be too pleasant.

  In order to show off how leisurely Li Jing lives, on a whim, he recorded Wang Dashao wielding a big shovel and frying twice-cooked pork.

   "Boss Li, did you see that we eat the famous twice-cooked pork at noon, it is oily and bright red, and a piece is as big as your face.

  Authentic fat and thin pork belly, a big fat pig weighing more than 500 catties, you must have never seen it, let alone eaten it.

  Not to mention how fragrant the natural ingredients are, the whole kitchen smells like meat, but unfortunately you can’t see it, let alone eat it. "

  Li Jing regretfully saved the video, if only he could really crave the fat-loving boss Li.

  When you meet, you must show it to Boss Li, so that he can't even smell it.


  The news of Xiao Yueling's return quickly spread in the inner area, and people who were close to her would naturally come to her door to show concern.

  The fastest person to come to the door was Min Xinghe from the 855th regiment. He has been staying in the three-dimensional planting field, and he was the first to find out if there was any movement in the Xiao family.

  Min Xinghe heard the howling that hadn't appeared for a long time, and rushed to Xiao's house excitedly.

   After a few years, people have gotten used to the temperature of minus 40 to 50 degrees, and there are not a few people who are active outside.

  Some people who are familiar with the Xiao family, when they heard the echoing howls, they naturally recognized something.

   Xiao Hei, whose hair was all messed up, was facing the wall in the cold courtyard, thinking about his past, and whining from time to time.

  White wolves were led into the dog house by Xiaobai, and the two little wolf cubs became Xiaokai's new favorites. The two old men were busy building a wooden couch for the wolves.

   Xiao's father and Xiao's mother returned to their long-lost home, looked around the house up and down, and the two were emotional.

   "Ling'er is more capable than the two of us, why didn't we think about remodeling the cave like this before!

   Otherwise, how much trouble could have been saved for her! "

  Gu Molan's eyes were red, thinking of her daughter suffering so much, she couldn't forgive their selfishness in the end.

   "Don't cry, if you let Linger see it, you'll think I'm bullying you."

  When Xiao Yuanhang thought that his daughter would ignore him in anger, his head got dizzy, and he hurried to coax his wife.

  Besides the old man, the baby girl is the oldest in the family, and both husband and wife have to listen to her arrangements.

  The two people who felt that they owed their daughter a lot were willing to listen, as long as their daughter was happy, they were willing to do anything.

   "Fuck you, if it weren't for you, why would I cry!

  Let me tell you, don't interfere with Linger's affairs..."

  Gu Molan held her husband's hand, preventing him from interfering with her daughter's affairs.

   This guy is dishonest looking at the room, and his eyes are always on the two people downstairs.

   "That's my daughter, why not let me..."

   Xiao Yuanhang, who retorted, was gagged, but took advantage of the situation and closed the door, continuing the couple's exploration.

   "Papa Papa~"

  Xiao Yueling, who heard the loud knock on the backyard door, smiled and got up to open the door. Of course, the Director of the Lida Base who never left her was indispensable.

   "Instructor, can you stop following me all the time, you are already home, so you can't find something to do by yourself.

  Go and see, is there enough firewood at home? "

   "Don't follow closely, lest you disappear again.

  Also, I have already arranged things at home.

  It’s been so long since you’ve been back, don’t you have a word you want to say to me? "Li Kun put his hands on his chest, expressing his intentions.

   "What are you talking about, you haven't eaten, and your body hasn't recovered!"

  Xiao Yueling scrutinized the person in front of her seriously, her eyes fell on the face that had changed the most.

   "Instructor, you have turned white a lot, and you look a little handsome."

   "Hehe~, it's so difficult to say what's in your heart.

  However, I am still very happy to hear you say that, and I look forward to more beautiful words from you. "

   Not being able to hear what he wanted, Li Kun felt a little disappointed.

  But he was still very happy to be able to say his handsome words from Xiao Yueling's mouth.

   This shows that he is not working hard alone!

   "The door is about to be smashed!"

  Xiao Yueling blushed and took a few quick steps to get rid of this sticky man.

  Why didn't she realize before that the instructor is such a shameless person!

  As soon as the door was pushed open, a man covered in snow came in and hugged Xiao Yueling lightly with open arms.

   "Sister, it's really you who came back, but you worried us to death.

  Why have I been there for three years without sending a message to my family! "

   "Hehe, long time no see, Brother Min! Please sit in the room." Xiao Yueling smiled and stretched out her hand.

  The head of the Lida base squeezed forward, sandwiched between the two, and looked at Min Xinghe with a half-smile.

   "Major Min, welcome if you are far away, please!"

  Min Xinghe moved his eyes back and forth between the two, suddenly realized, and raised his hands in salute.

   "Hello, base manager!"

  Min Xinghe, who originally wanted to talk to Xiao Yueling, was taken into the living room by his brothers, the head of the Lida base, which made him a little flattered.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion