MTL - The God of Sky & Earth-Chapter 2459 :Proud of you!

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Looking at this scene, even Yan Mingtian, Ye Yi and others opened their mouths and couldn't close them for a long time!

"No! Krypton is right! After all, man cannot break through Krypton by himself, but fortunately he left a fortune to my son!"

In the violent air flow, the eerie voice surged in the space fluctuations, and the strength of the dragon's half-step Yuantian peak had completely burst out!

The evil spirit spread across the sky, as if from the millennium ice pond, so Su Yi could not help but tremble, the whole body, internal organs and blood meridians were almost scraped away.

Immediately, Long Cang's hoarse and dark voice passed into the ears of everyone.

"I am your son, what are you doing! What are you doing!"

"Hey, Chilong is back, Chilong is back! I want to kill Su Yi, I want to kill Su Yi!" Yun Lingfeng once again immersed himself in the world of himself.

The two voices fell, and the indifferent dragon cymbal lifted up into the sky, the painful roar passed from the throat, the killing intentions fluctuated, and the heavens and the earth fell into darkness.

"For your father's way to become a god, give your life! The glorious road of the Temple will be more dazzling because of your blood!"


Each of the two dragons in each hand swept out of the black gold cold and hit the bodies of the dragon and Yun Lingfeng respectively. The giant black dragon's air instantly swallowed the spirit and blood of the two people as if they were ants.

In the howling wind, the two youths dried up instantly and turned into a ball of dark smoke and splattered into the air.


Two pieces of broken clothes fluttered in the wind, and then two black beams of light floated from the clothes, the blood veins lingered, revealing the essence of life!

"Come on! Help me become a god! Let me take the last step of becoming a god!" Long Yan shook his dark hands, stretched out his hands, and grabbed the two black essence soul beads, his eyes were extremely fanatical.


The moment he touched the soul bead, heaven and earth instantly fell into a bottomless black hole.

There is only a faint golden dragon pattern shining in the sky, and the eerie cold is getting stronger and stronger!

"not good!"

At this moment, Su Yi and Duanmu sisters took the lead to break free of the huge coercion that came out of the retreat from Long Yan, and then everyone broke free, like a drowning person roaring around the sky!

"Fuck! This guy has devoured his son's demon body and is going to become a god!"

"Stop him! Don't make him a god! Otherwise everything will be late!"

"Su Yi, the Lord of the Palace, let's go up! Dragons become gods, and Tianman will become a ruin in the end!"


In a hurry, Su Yi's eyes turned, and Duanmu Xiaoman and Duanmu Qingtian beside him stepped on their feet, doing their best to get away!

"Bang, bang!"

For a moment, the flames extinguished the sky, Ye Yi, including everyone in Yutian Palace, shattered the bleak cold air and headed towards the dragon in the distance!

Seeing that Long Ling has devoured a Soul of the Essence Yuan, everyone's heart has already mentioned his throat, and at this moment, Su Yi and Duanmu sisters have approached Long Ling infinitely!

"Tianfeng Jianyi!"

"Shenxue Shenxue, the ice star moves!"

"Wan Fa Tian Xing Jue, Wan Gu San Jian!"

Three powerful air waves rose into the sky in an instant, and instantly broke the dense and thick cold air, and three light rays rushed in front of Long Yu!


Seeing everyone's shock coming, Long Ling was digesting the first Soul of Yuanyuan, and the moment he was refined by Yun Lingfeng was still in his hands.

Evil charm stared at Su Yi and others, Long Yan smiled.

He laughed so wildly and wildly.

With a smile, Long Ling waved his right hand gently, and the huge black dragon with golden veins spread his blood.

The huge shock wave was mixed with the evil gas, and the dark space cracks emerged instantly, and the edge space was crushed!

The sky is so dazzling, the huge black dragon with golden pattern spreads out the sky, and instantly dangles the whole world.

Above the void, the huge dragon head scarlet dazzles, the diffuse shock wave and the surging power of the four claws instantly make everyone in the scene burst backwards!


Su Yi, Duanmu's radiant energy light waves disappeared instantaneously, and the immense golden dragon breath carried the cold energy and destroyed everything!


No one knows what he has experienced, his body is uncontrolled, and his blade-like body is deformed and twisted in the tornado storm.

Just listening to hundreds of heavy sound explosions, Yan Mingtian, Ye Yi, Gu Yue and others all fell down on the ground, and numerous pits spread out, shocking!

At this moment, Su Yi had also been hit on the ground, and the space cracks like spider webs spread.

Su Yi, who stood up with trembling, cracked the whole body of golden light into dense cracks!


A large swath of blood poured into the sky, Su Yi was holding the star in shock, kneeling on the ground, without blood, extremely miserable!

"Su Yi!"

On the other side, Duanmu Xiaoman and Duanmu Qingtian both face the same pain. The difference between them and Long Yan in half a step Yuantian is still the difference between Yunni!

Holding on to the trembling Su Yi, Duanmu Xiaoman fluctuated and said softly, "Are you okay?", Her eyes full of concern.

Su Yi shook his head slowly, peered into his heart, and the mysterious veins were nearly broken.

If it weren't for the current enemy, Su Yi really wanted to find a place to heal his wounds.

Gently pressing his hand on Duanmu Xiaoman, Su Yi knew that Yan Mingtian and others had more serious injuries than himself.

He has Jinlong's body protection, and even a mixed Yuan monster body. King Kong's body is so serious, but these people don't have a strong body behind them. They don't need to look back to know how bad everyone is injured.

"How are you doing?" Su Yi asked Duanmu Xiaoman, watching as Long Ling refined the first Soul of the Soul in the storm, his eyes filled with dignity.

Duanmu Xiaoman's body Bingling has also fallen to the ground. Duanmu Qingtian, who was struggling to climb up, said softly, "Although this guy has not yet reached Yuantian, he is definitely better than me that year! It should have something to do with the seductive magic tricks he practiced! "

"What's the secret method?" Duanmu Xiaoman coughed, and the blood surged.

Suddenly, Su Yi raised an eyebrow and whispered, "That is the Supreme Martial Code of the demon outside the region. It should be a deal between the mad and the dragon!"

Hearing that it was an extra-terrestrial object, Duanmu Xiaoman's heart surged into a stormy sea, and at the same time, Su Yi beside him was once again condensed by the red golden soul ring!

"Ayi! You!"

Duanmu Xiaoman screamed in horror, instantly realizing that Su Yi was burning the blood of the emperor bird again!

Not to mention the imperfect blood burning of emperor sparrow cannot be recovered, two consecutive burnings are a huge test for the body!

With his eyes blurred, Duanmu Xiaoman looked at Su Yi's thin back and was rendered by the divine fire, and burst into tears.

Hundreds of strong men also stood up behind them. They had no fighting power and could only watch Su Yi move towards Longyu!