MTL - The God of Sky & Earth-Chapter 2500 : Refining aeolian stone!

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"Ru Niang!"

Yun Yiyi looked at Ru Niang, her expression was slightly unnatural.

Ru Niang inspected Yunyi's clothes from top to bottom. She looked tense, okay?

Yun Yiyi coughed, and Liu Ru stopped and said softly, "The fat guy over there said you saw the Yunshi demon emperor?"

Eyes paused for a moment, and after a little wetness, Yun Yiyi nodded by default.

"So it's true that he is our new aunt?"

"Aunt Grandma?" Yun Yiyi looked at Su Yi, who was standing with Su Xiaoshuai, and flushed.

Suddenly, there were hundreds of big demon present, and the demon was full of vigor. They shouted at Su Yi together: "Good aunt!"

The roar is so powerful and powerful!

Su Yi, who was speaking to Su Xiaoshuai, opened his eyes wide, surprised, turned his head, and Yun Yiyi's cheeks were already flushed.

"You! What's the barking!" Yun Yan Yijiao yelled.

Liu Ru pulled Layun's clothing and whispered softly: "We can't let you be the master of the magical demon star domain. You have been drawn half of the love and lust. I have already said to the elders! They also agreed Be alone! "

"You were only half drawn?" Su Yi looked at Yun Yiyi in surprise.

Standing in the distance, I do n’t know how to be at home, and said quietly, "You can rest assured, my father and mother are still my little children! You have what you have to do, I will never stop you! I will not interfere with you The decision. "

Su Yi nodded slowly, looking at the embarrassing crowd, "The Phantom Star Realm is very kind to me, and I will make a return in the future! But I have other important things, and some things should not be forced to be good!"

Speaking, Su Yi quickly pulled Su Xiaoshuai back, and at this moment a vast air of speed came from the sky.

"Master! Master! Is the demon shock over?"

It was the long-awaited mad sword, and the whole process was quiet. Seeing that Su Yi and Su Xiaoshuai had not yet returned, they rushed to the magic demon emperor.

"I should go!" Su Yi glanced away from Yun Yiyi.

Yun Yiyi glanced at the mad sword in the sky and said immediately: "Anyway, you are also a demon emperor. In the future, the magic demon emperor will always wait for you!"

The big demon's eyes trembled at the scene, but this was the first time that Yun Yiyi said something to an outsider.

"This little brother, do you look down on our Phantom Star?"

"We all said the same thing. Are you still here?"

"Aunt! We never called anyone else an aunt!"

Suddenly, hundreds of big monsters talked loudly, in order to give Yun Yiyi a shot, and also wanted to see what the boy was.

"Back down!"

Yun Yan Yi Jiao sang, and everyone suddenly felt astonished. According to Yun Yan Yi's spleen, if anyone dare to give up his face like this, he would have already dumped him eight pieces!

"Da da!"

Immediately, Yun Yiyi walked to Su Yi, his eyes flickered and said softly, "You have helped me so much, I don't know what your name is yet?"

"Su Yi ..." Yun Yiyi muttered a few words.

Looking up, Yun Yiyi took a deep breath and smiled suddenly, "Demon Master, don't get caught by me, otherwise I will get on you!"

Suddenly, Su Yi's heart swelled, this demon Nizi restored her charming character, and switched between innocence and demon evil at will, only Yun Yunyi could do it.

Going out of the imperial capital, Yun Yiyi looked at the back, and her voice was soft and loud.

"Su Yi! See you in a month!"


Several people walked side by side, crossing a few bright arcs in the sky, Feng Jian sword is still a bit embarrassing.

How to solve a monster shock, this adult Su Yi picked up a wife? Or is it the Venerable Lord of the Clouds that dumped the stars?

Shaking his head, Feng Kuang casts an envious and admiring look at Su Yi.

"Boss, regret it?" Su Xiaoshuai said quietly.

Su Yi raised an eyebrow and looked at Su Xiaoshui fiercely. "If there is such a thing in the future, please let me know in advance? If you are so lonely, let's talk for yourself!"

Su Xiaoshuai laughed, then shrugged helplessly, his eyes narrowed backwards.

"I'm afraid that Yun Yunyi will not escape in the future!"

Several people returned to the Sword King Sword Domain. Su Yi sat in the training room, crossed his legs to adjust his interest rate, and took out Fengzhen Tianshi.


Suddenly, the indoor roaring thunder and thunder, the violent space storm turned into ripples, and then the horrible energy beams of lasers emerged. Under the amazing power, Su Yi arranged the mixed Proterozoic clock.

Looking up at Blue Crystal Bimonthly, Su Yi couldn't help but twitch his eyes.


Immediately afterwards, the space was full of light, and the two energies of fire and blue made the energy of heaven and earth fluctuate rapidly!

"Sure enough, there is a sense!"

Su Yi looked at the fire town Tianshi and the water town Tianshi, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.


Xuan'ao's fingerprints coagulated in front of him, and the flowing light was rippling. Su Yi gradually closed his eyes and began to refining Fengzhen Tianshi!

Masters Conference after January.

When the Masters Conference was still a week away, Wen Fuye again came to the Sword King Star Domain.

Seeing Wen Manye again, Su Xiaoshuai and others were very respectful. Wen Manye asked coldly when Su Yishu went to.

Su Xiaoshuai answered truthfully.

"Did this guy really get it?" Wen Fuye Youyou said.

Su Xiaoshui smirked and said softly: "Little aunt, you didn't go to take the wind town of Tianshi, because you are not in Yun's clothing?"

Listening to Su Xiaoshuai's name as Auntie, Wen Fuye said lightly, "How did he get it?"


Su Xiaoshuai shook his head and looked proud, "Let the boss speak to you!"

Time passed, and it was only four days before the Masters Conference, and Su Yi had been closed for a full 26 days.


At night, the majestic wind energy converges out of thin air, the space is white and bright, and the breath of sharpness and slainness sweeps the world instantly.

"this is!"

All of a sudden, everyone's complexion changed, and they rushed to the cultivation room, their eyes were surprised, the coercion came like a tide!

The sky was violently windy, and under the wind, Tianwei was rolling.

At this time, from the sharp breath of Xiao Ge killing a figure, a figure stood up in the air, and his body was surrounded by golden mans.

Waving away, a white light turns into a galloping hurricane tornado, permeating the world!

"Boss, did you succeed?" Su Xiaoshuai was pleasantly surprised.

The hurricane flashed, the violent wind attributed its vitality, and the space ripple was shattered directly, and the cracks were amazing!

"So strong!"

Looking at Su Yi's horrific combat power, Wen Fuye couldn't help moving!

At this moment, Su Yi is surrounded by three kinds of gods, and the galaxy behind him is even more dense. Even if he fights with himself, he will have to spend a lot of trouble!

In the void, the light behind Su Yi flickered, looking at his surroundings with satisfaction, Lan Mang flashed and appeared out of nowhere in front of everyone.

"Master Yaohuang!"

Su Tianzhang and Ling Lanyin took Feng Kuang Yi Jian and others to bow their heads towards Su Yi, and Wen Fuye, on one side, couldn't help moving his eyes.

"Master Yaohuang?"

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