MTL - The God of Sky & Earth-Chapter 2535 : Extreme Showdown!

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"Su Yi! I have worked hard for this plan for decades! You ruined it!"

Fa Yehu stared, listened to Su Yi's words and burst into desperation, and immediately yelled: "And this Tuzhen Tianshi was hard to find! Why! Why even take this!"


Fa Ye's face gradually became stubborn, the earthy yellow energy rushed to the world, and the endless sonic boom sounded instantly through the sky.

"Everything has a life! Everything that is not yours is too demanding, after all, it is self-error!" Su Yi said coldly, his eyebrows calm, and he could not see the sorrow and joy and anger.

"Fart!" Faye sighed, his body stepped forward, his eyes condensed, "You know how to fart! Of course you can! All this is easy for you, but I have learned business for many years!"


Behind him, everyone's eyes began to freeze, anger, disappointment, and contempt.

"I say Ye you seek anything for nothing, but now you have been exposed. What face is here to fight?"

"Yeah! Yeah leaves without a fight!"

"Faye, do you want to make Su Yi Supreme angry, and read that you have enforced justice for all beings for years, don't end up in disgrace!"

The sentiment was angered, and almost all domain owners began to scold Faye.

For them, if they were not under pressure, how could they succumb to Faye.

With two sides and three swords, Fa Ye, who has always shown his face with impartial law enforcement, completely lost popular support after Su Yi came out.


Looking back, Fa Ye's complexion gradually became cloudy, the corners of the evil charm rose, and a trace of blood flowed from the white teeth.

"Vulgar vulgars! You flocks of bugs! Real people will follow, and follow the flow! These inferior bills should let Taikoo kill you all!"


Immediately, Faye laughed and raised his head, and the mysterious Yinjue between his hands began to rise. Suddenly, a black pattern emerged in front of the master of Wanwan.

Thousands of black lines were controlled by Fahye, and I saw that Fahye Tiger's pupil contracted, and a thunderous voice resounded throughout the body. Immediately, the black light swelled along with the earthy yellow light.

"Su Yi, the power of Xuanyuan Qiange plus the magic trick and the energy of thousands of ants, how can you help me?"

As Faye's domineering voices came out, a horrible dark energy breathe quickly.

In just a short time, the huge force of devouring in the void spread out!


Numerous domain masters screamed at once, the black smoke and dust seemed to grow on the body, and the light visible to the naked eye came out along the black smoke in front of them.

Like a vortex of devour, everyone's energy began to converge on Faye!

"No! This guy is building everyone's strength!"

Suddenly, Su Xiaoshuai shouted, the sound of the waves was trembling, and the sound of terror came out with the endless flame impact, ready to intercept Faye!

Behind him, Yun Yiyi, Su Tianque and Ling Lanyin's eyes gathered on Su Yi.

Su Yi's gaze was glared, looking coldly at the French leaf in a chuckle, and he shot straight into the sky undisguisedly.

"Faye, it is against your destiny to go against the rules! Today, you will kill them!"

Suddenly, Su Yi stared at Faye and only heard a cold female voice from Yuankong, Su Yi and Faye looked at the same time.

"Faye! You are wicked! I am ruining your love today!"


Faye roared, his eyes contracted, and the strange fingerprints reached into the air. I saw Wen Fuye's seven soul silks in his hands were crushed with great power!


Qiqing Liuyusi was destroyed, Faye's heart was frustrated, the killing eyes were instantly dissipated, and a big **** mist sprayed from his mouth!

At the same time, all the vitality and light of the surging black silk are removed, and the large-scale domain owner has a pale face and a withering description.

"I ... I will kill you!" Faye growled.

Faye, who has captured most of the vitality of the landlords, stood up tremblingly, looking around for a week, his eyes were extremely fierce.

Suddenly, Faye screamed, and Wenfu, who was near Wuyu, flashed an arc through the sky like nine ghosts.

"Sister!" Wen Fuye screamed.

The speed of Faye is incredible.

Upon hearing Wen Fuye's words, Su Yi's eyes moved, and he immediately noticed the figure that day and night thought around Wu Yu.

"Mother ..." Su Yi's lips moved lightly.



Su Yi glanced at his eyes, and the Yuanyuan Supreme Gong Qiquan was fully operated. The killing intentions of his eyes increased sharply. With one foot empty, the tiger's body fluttered towards Faye like a crushing air!

The holy light shone every time, and the horrible light like the next day was laid out in front of Su Yi.

Just a blink of an eye, Su Yi has come to Wen Fu.

"Yi'er!" Wenfu moistened his eyes and watched his son cry like springs.


Su Yi pushed her hands sideways, slamming into the palm with Faye at once.

The terrible light wave centered on Su Yi, and instantly flew away all the domain masters present.

"Moving my mother, I killed you!"

Su Yi's sacred light flickered, a powerful energy came out, and he fought with Faye again in a volley, his shape changed, like a ghostly lightning, totally unpredictable!

In the radiant light, everyone else had gathered together.

Wen Fuye has helped Wen Fu, Wen Fuye has taken back her emotions and desires.

On the Void, Su Yi's Supreme Master practiced to the full, the stars of the whole body were surging, the fingerprints were constantly flying, the space was continuously bursting, and every inch was broken!

Just listening to a horrible and extremely overbearing momentum trembled, and then Tianwei was rolling and the void was shaking!


The knocked-off Faye was instantly struck by several soul avatars, and the avatars stood up at the same time, his eyes flashing at Su Yi.

"Why are you so strong!"

Su Yi's gaze was low, and he was overbearing and surging. He looked at Faye coldly as if he controlled everything in the world.

"It's not your order, you can't force it!" Su Yi said lightly.

Immediately, Su Yi rushed out again with a sacred light. At this moment, Su Yi stepped upon thousands of stars, and the surrounding rays of light continued to cross the heaven and earth, as if the gods came into the world.

"The way to the source, die!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge vortex of starlight swirled around Faye Suyi's body, and the world was about to collapse.

"Is this an ancient disaster?" Su Xiaoshuai growled.

Many domain owners and countless strong men in the sky, one by one, looked up at Su Yi's outbreak of terror on the sky, all of them kept wondering and staring!

Everyone knows that the situation of Faye has gone!

After all, this ultimate duel will end with Su Yi's victory!

In front of Su Yi stepped on the stars, and behind him the beast's light surpassed all around the whirlpool. Numerous terrible winds made Su Yi as a holy light!


Listening only to a deep sound boom, Su Yi glanced at his feet, and a long line of starlight emerged from the void!

"It's not so easy to kill me!" Faye Lihe drank.